the daily stirrer

The Daily Stirrer, September 2019

The Stirrers
One of the reasons the founding old Gits decided to publish The Daily Stirrer was because they detected a convergence of perspective in the political arena and the news media. A package of opinions, that perpetual economic growth was achieveable through borrowing, that immigration was good for the economy, higher taxation circulated through benefits equals economic growth, multiculturalism worlds, science is infallible and so on were being imposed on the population. Our aim was to promote freethinking and diversity of opinion.

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The Daily Stirrer is constantly looking at the news and trying to dig out the stiory behind the story. With latest news that does not make mainstream media and controversial reporting and opinion, we are loking forward to bringing you inside information on the disintegration of the European Union, the replacement of the Petrodollar as global reserve currency, the continuing decay of the USA (unless Trump can neutralise the authoritarian warmongers of the deep state, and we don't think he can) and the ongoing problems caused by the flood of illegal immigrants from the third world to Europe and North America. We certainly do live in Interesting Times.

Daily Stirrer, September 2019

Editor's note: The Daily Stirrer believs in the universal right of free speech, this does not mean we necessarily agree with the views expressed by our contributors.

We're back after a few days break during which the news was dominated by stories everybody is bored to distraction with (or if the are not they ought to be).Through this crazy summer weseriously thought of retiring The Daily Stirrer. It started back in 2005 as a satirical news blog, something to keep three oldish farts occupied and has become a site for news you will not see in mainstream media. But sometimes real life gets in the way of fun. Ian, the editor and webmaster, is still preoccupied with his wife's health problems but a couple of new volunteers have offered their help and so we will keep going: Xavier Conolly

Migrant who made 11-year-old pregnant twice sentenced to only three years

An adult migrant has been sentenced by a Swedish court to a mere three years prison time for repeatedly raping an 11-year-old girl and twice making her pregnant. In addition to the three-year prison sentence, the Swedish court also ruled that the migrant would be deported but would be able to return to Sweden after 10 years.

The man, whose ethnic origin, birth nation and religious background have not been releassed by the authorities, is reportedly in his twenties, and embarked on an abusive sexual relationship with the child im the summer of 2018, repeatedly raping her throughout the summer months after convincing her it was normal for girls of her age to have sex with adults, according to Nyheter Idag.

It wasn’t July of 2019, that the migrant was finally arrested by police although his illegal relationship with the girl had been reported almost a year earlier. In September 2019 Swedish prosecutors finally charged the man with four counts of rape. The court found him guilty of three.

During the time she was being raped, the child victim fell pregnant twice. Swedish media has not been able to determine whether any of the pregnancies were taken to term. However, SVT did report that medical evidence that the rapist was the father on both occasions.

Despite the rapist denying having known the girl’s age, the Blekinge District Court found the migrant guilty and sentenced him to three years in prison. Only two will be served. The court also ordered the migrant rapist to pay damages of 22,000 euros and expelled him from Sweden for ten years.

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Parliament’s Problem With Brexit

Constitutional historian David Starkey dissmissed Supreme Court ruling as 2wrong."

The verdict of the Supreme Court, that Boris Johnson's suspension of parliament, NOT for the purpose of stopping pro EU factions from preventing the UK having a no strings break from the EU as a (long overdue) result of the 2016 referendum, and it's result which surprised the elites and the citizens of our recently renamed capital city Wankeristan, has divided the country even more deeply than the brexit vote itself.

Answers given to this question posed on reveal that above all, the pro EU side, while totally opposed to referenda which do not return the result they want, are quite happy with judges who overreach their judicial authority and usurp the lawmaking powers of parliament to their unelected selves, so long as their verdict is the one Remain supporters want.

What does it say about Boris Johnson when 11 senior judges unanimously call his prorogue unlawful and he still says they are wrong?


What does it say about the judiciary when 11 Supreme Court Justices ignore the law because they are determined to stitch up Boris Johnson. Article 9 of the Bill Of Rights (1689) clearly states that “That the freedom of speech and debates or proceedings in Parliament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Parliament;”

The Supreme Court Justices, showing that they are corrupt rather than stupid although they may well be both, chose to pretend they believed proroguation was not part of the normal proceedings of parliament. In fact it is a routine process that must be performed in order that one parliamentary session can be ended and another one begun.

Mark Gallaway

You are incorrect. They determined in this case that no reason was given and no reasonable reason could be given for suspending Parliament for five weeks. They are saying the the PM does not have the right to suspend Parliament for no reason or for a length of time not consistent with the reasoning for the suspension.

If this had not been up held the Government could close Parliament indefinitely. That clearly should not be allowed.

I also notice that you are calling these judges corrupt with any evidence.


I have plenty of evidence that the Supreme Justices are corrupt and repeatedly find in favour of certain interest groups, and that the Supreme Court is a politcal device created by Tony Blair to rule on constutional matters he could never hope to get past parliament, and that its members are not the most senior judges in the land but most of it is not relevant to this question, is far too long to summarise meaningfully in a comment and is being fully covered by online news and commentary sites like Unherd and Spiked.

The point people are missing here is that these court cases need not have happened had the combined opposition parties tabled a no confidence motion and brought down the government or supported one of the governments attempts to call an early election. Instead the opposition decided to put their political interests ahead of the national interest and leave us without an effective government rather than face the prospect of losing an election..

The opposition’s problem is while there is no majority in parliament for Leave means Leave, there is also no majority for Leave With Theresa May’s Deal or Remain, and the as long as parliament will not allow Leave With No Deal, the EU will not agree to renegotiate May’s withdrawal agreement.

Most of the comments on the Quora question above and the Supreme Court ruling on the proroguation of parliament (including my own I have to admit,) went with the respondant's wider position on Brexit, but it is interesting to note that of the answers from people who claimed legal expertise, none mentioned this rather important fact:

via The eleven justices all made a single judgment; there was no dissenting opinion, which is odd considering that equally senior judges including the Lord Chief Justice, the President of the Queen's Bench Division and the Master of the Rolls already made a decision which was precisely the opposite of that of the Supreme Court decided.

Now clearly those Remain supporters who claimed that legally the Supreme Court judges are the most senior legal authorities in the land have far less knowledge of the judicial hierarchy than one would expect from legal professionals. Perhaps the fact that the Supreme Court is not an ancient and venerable institution but a recent politically innovation created at the behest of the traitor and war criminal Tony Blair and packed with New Labour political appointees (probably for the purpose of protecting Blair and his cronies from justice should their war crimes and acts of treason ever be prosecuted,) has something to do with it.

It is widely suggested that the whole of the judiciary has a pro - EU bias, ans the Supreme Court Justices are not the first to allow their political prejuduces to overrule their duty of impartiality.

The judge in the Robin Tilbrook case, in which the plaintiff argued that Theresa May had overreached her authority in agreeing an extension to Article 50 without putting it to parliament and therefore the UK had legally left the EU on March 19, 2019, in the words of Tlbrook's case, " wilfully deliberately knowingly and intentionally failed to declare his 'conflicts of interest'" - which by the way mainstream media failed to inform the people about!

The MSM could not report honestly about the judge's conflict of interest, because they would then have to explain what the case was about. What scant coverage it was given presented Tilbrook, a legal professional, as an obsessive nutcase driven by hatred of the European Union The Establishment are desperate to suppress any mention of the Tilbrook case, which is why there were been a total news blackout about it. If the Tilbrook case was generally known about, then there would be inexorable public pressure for Robin Tilbrook to at least be given a fair hearing. Any fair, impartial court would almost certainly find in Robin Tilbrook's favour - and we would immediately be out of the EU. Hence the total news blackout.

Judge LJ Hickinbottom ruled Tilbrook’s claim ‘Totally Without Merit’. Hickinbottom is a Fellow of the European Legal Institute and therefore sworn to promote EU law throughout the ‘Community’ as well as the recipent of many lucrative commissions by virtue of holding that position. Biased, much?

The EU is of course a lawers' wet dream, the giant bureaucracy produced swathes of new laws every week, most so arcane only an army of lawyers could interptret them in any meaningful way. The practice of Law mis certainly the fastest growing industry in the EU and given the collapse of manufacturing and agriculture due to the burden of bureaucratic law placed on producers might sooon be the largest industry.

EU Brexit organiser & former Chief Phlegm Guy Verhofshit rants about Empires again.

‘World order based on empires’: EU’s Verhofstadt ridiculed online for bizarre ‘Vote Leave’ rhetoric Guy Verhofstadt
EU Brexit coordinator Guy Verhofstadt’s rant that tomorrow’s world order is “based on empires” has been met with mockery on social media, and with accusations that such rhetoric is ironically out of the ‘Brexiteers’ playbook.’

Belgian MEP Verhofstadt, who was a guest speaker at the Liberal Democrats Party conference in Bournemouth on Saturday, told the audience that the world order is no longer about nation states, but about empires, like the European Union. His words received a rapturous response from the pro-EU party delegates.

The world order of tomorrow is not a world order based on nation states or countries. It is a world order that is based on empires.

Verhofstadt claims that countries like China, India and the US have more characteristics of empires than nation states, because of the size of their populations and their influence on the world, and because of this, the EU has to respond.

However, the MEP’s remarks have been met with amusement and bemusement in equal measure, and with accusations that his rhetoric is that of “a madman.”

Brexiteers on Twitter have been quick to highlight the irony of Verhofstadt’s sentiments. They are astounded that the case for an EU empire has been warmly received by Remain supporters, who have consistently ridiculed Brexiteers for “harking back to Empire days.”

Greenteeth on Europe
Europe extended
EU’s Top Eurofederalist admits EU wants an empire
Top German Politician Warns EU Determination To Punish Britain Will Harm Europe
Don’t Pannick, Captain Johnson, Don’t Pannick

19 September 2019

UK Given 12 Days To Agree Brexit Deal Amid Chaotic Court Scenes Over Parliament Prorogation

The debate over Boris Johnson's bid to negotiate a Brexit deal within deadlines agreed by his predecessor is going on amid amid a fierce legal battle in the UK Supreme Court that entered a third day on Wednesday. The case is in esssence a bid by the Labour and Liberal Deomcrat parties to usurp power without having to face an election which Labour would surely lose, while political minnows The Liberal Democrats would fall well short of a majority.

Legal challenges to the government argued Johnson suspended the Parliament to silence the MPs over the EU exit, while the prime minister had earlier referred to the move as one scheduled to pave the way for the Queen to deliver a speech on the country’s legal course for the upcoming year. He stressed the prorogation had been given royal consent, with Mr Rees-Mogg, who travelled to Balmoral for the Queen's approval, hitting back it was "nonsense" to suggest she had been misled over the decision.

One has to believe Rees - Mogg, the Monarch has her own team of legal advisers who would would have told herr to withhold the Royal Assent from anything of dodgy legality.

The defence in the Supreme Court on behalf of the UK government is arguing the decision to prorogue Parliament was a political matter and is not in the courts’s jurisdiction.

Earlier in September, Boris Johnson suspended MPs’ work for five weeks (a period which included what would have been a four week break for party conferences, with the parliamentarians not scheduled to return until 14 October after the combined opposition, having voted down government proposals to effect Brexit, twice ducked the opportunity to force an election and voted down government motions to hold an election election, as the debate in the country around a no-deal exit from the EU became exceptionally heated, totally polarising the nation.

Despite having rejected the opportunity to put the dispute to the electorate, MPs voted en masse for a bill that forces the prime minister to delay Brexit until the end of January if there is no agreed trade deal with the EU.

MORE on Brexit
Just When You Thought Brexit Could not be A Bigger Cock Up
Anarchy In The UK And Elsewhere

18 September 2019

Boris' cheap political stunt turns out to be a Labour stunt to discredit him

Labour supporting bloggers and talking heads are making a big thing of the confrontation between Boris Johnson and "a distressed parent who feels his sick child has been endangered because of Conservative's neglect of the NHS The man accuse Johnmson of only visiting the hospital as a political stunt.

In fact Omar Salem, the man who attacked Johnson during the visit is a former employee of millionaire lawyer, Labour shadow cabinet member, and White Van Man hating hypocrite Emily Thornberry, it has emerged.

Salem is a Labour activist who lives in the rather expensive suburb of South Woodford. He is a Managing Associate in Financial Regulation law at Linklaters, a "magic circle" law firm.

So far from being a stunt by Boris Johnson, the whole episode was a stunt by far left extremists.

Far left Labour activist Omar Salem confronts Boris Johnson = Labour propagandists suggested Salem was the concerned parent of a sick child rather a politically motivated trouble - maker

RELATED POSTS: Corbyn's elitist Lbour Party Jew hating Labour hypocrites racist future Labour's love of Islam the left are about hate and hypocrisy Labour Haemorrhages Support As Party Slumps in Polls UK Far Left Labour Party Splits Over Anti-Semitism and Brexit

17 September 2019

Italian Political Crisis Threatens As Former Prime Minister Quits New Democrat / Five Star Coalition

If, after reading our report of how the EU and Italian establishment stitched up the hugely popular leader of League when he called for elections after the collapse of his ruling coalition, and instead, with the backing of the Brussels bureaucracy, installed an unelected coalition to govern and revrse moost of Salvini's reforms, you had bet against appointed overnment coalition of two politically incompatible parties, you would now he confident of picking up your winnings sooner ratherr than later. coalition between the Five Star Movement and Italy's Democratic Party would swiftly fall apart might have been on to something.

Tuesday morning after former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi officially quit the Democratic Party to start his own political group. Though Renzi has said he will back PM Giuseppe Conte, investors are clearly worried about the prospects for more political instability.

Former Italian leader Matteo Renzi plunged Italy into political chaos again?

Renzi, who was seen as a centrist reformer when he was elected in 2014, left office in 2016 amid a wave of dysfunction. But since his time in office, the party has shifted further to the left, with many left-recruits loyal to current party leader, Nicolas Zingaretti. Some have long suspected that Renzi might leave the Democrats to start his own more-centrist party.

According to reports in Italian media, about 30 Democratic Party lawmakers might declare their loyalty to Renzi, but he has promised to continue to support the Conte government...for now at least.

There may be more trouble in store for Italy's Brussels puppet government however, as well as a likely split in the Democratic Party rumours are rife in Rome that a significant number of Movement Five Star assembly members are ready to defect to League, feeling that the leaders of the party have betrayed its Eurosceptic principles and sold out to the EU rather than adhering to the founding principle of reclaiming Italian sovereignty from the wannabe pan - European empire of unelected bureaucrats.


16 September 2019

Russia Warns Attack On Saudi Oil Plant Will Hit Fuel Prices

World's largest oil refinery ablaze after Houthi rebels drone strike (picture: Screen grab from Sky News video )

Following the drone attack by Yemeni rebels on two major Saudi Arabian oil processing plants, The Kremlin responded to early reports that the Saudi's had asked Russia for help in fighting the fires by denying any such approach had been made and warning that the loss of production from the stricken plant will destabilise oil prices worldwide. This follows statements by the European Union and the UK condemning the Houthi drone attacks on Saudi Arabia's oil facilities carried out on Saturday (14 September, 2019).

While President Trump made belligerent noises, blaming Iran for the attacks and threatening retribution, an approach guaranteed to provoke the rebels' Shia Muslim supporters in the government of Iran, Russian President Vladimir Putin has simply asked to b kept up to date on developments in the wake of two drone attacks on the major Saudi energy facilities. Russia believes such incidents will not contribute to the stabilisation of the global energy market, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said. It is safe to assume Russia's leaders see the incident as an opportunity to benefit from higher crude oil prices.

"The drone attacks on Saudi Arabia's oil infrastructure are an alarming event for the oil markets...Of course, such turbulence does not contribute to the stabilisation of the energy market," Peskov said.

According to Peskov, the Saudi side has not appealed to Russia for assistance in the wake of the attacks, and probably has the necessary capacity to deal with the disruption on their own. "We don't know whether they need help, but it's unlikely. They have all the necessary capabilities themselves," he said.

Peskov said the Kremlin "strongly condemned" Saturday's incident, if it could be confirmed that the Saudi Aramco facilities were attacked by drones. (He would say that, wouldn't he?)

EU, UK, France Condemn Attacks

Earlier on Sunday morning, the European Union's foreign policy office issued a statement condemning the drone attacks, which, the statemeant read, posed a "real threat" of escalation of the Saudi - Yemeni conflict into full scale war between two regional powers, Saudi Arabia and Iran, and adding that "at a time when tensions in the region are running high, this attack undermines ongoing work at de-escalation and dialogue." Brussels stands in solidarity with Saudi authorities and the Saudi people, the statement noted.

"Following yesterday’s attack by drones on two ARAMCO oil facilities in Saudi Arabia, it is important to clearly establish the facts and determine responsibility for this deplorable attack. ???? EU repeats its call for maximum restraint and de-escalation ??"

We have reported many times on the merciless bombing of the impoverished Shia Muslim state of Yemen. The conflict started when rebels tried to depose the Saudi - friendly regime and spawned a huge humanitarian crisis which was barely reported in mainstream media, as Saudi air strikes targeted roads, water supplies, sewage systems, hospitals and ports.

Yemen's brutal civil war slips into its fourth year
Saudi Arabia Condemns UN Report On Yemen War Crimes
Saudi coalition attacks Yemen’s lifeline port of Hodeidah
US Aiding Massive Genocide in Yemen at Behest of Saudi Arabia

Libya, Syria, Yemen: Sectarian conflict threatens entire Middle East Libya, Syria, Yemen: Sectarian conflict threatens entire Middle East It’s Time to End The West’s Role in ‘Worst Humanitarian Crisis on the Planet’

13 September 2019

Climate change: Electrical industry's 'dirty secret' boosts warming


It's the most powerful greenhouse gas known to humanity, and emissions have risen rapidly in recent years, the BBC has learned.

Sulphur hexafluoride, or SF6, is widely used in the electrical industry to prevent short circuits and accidents.

But leaks of the little-known gas in the UK and the rest of the EU in 2017 were the equivalent of putting an extra 1.3 million cars on the road.

Levels are rising as an unintended consequence of the green energy boom. Cheap and non-flammable, SF6 is a colourless, odourless, synthetic gas. It makes a hugely effective insulating material for medium and high-voltage electrical installations. It is widely used across the industry, from large power stations to wind turbines to electrical sub-stations in towns and cities. It prevents electrical accidents and fires.

So why are we using more of this powerful warming gas? The way we make electricity around the world is changing rapidly. Where once large coal-fired power stations brought energy to millions, the drive to combat climate change means they are now being replaced by mixed sources of power including wind, solar and gas.

This has resulted in many more connections to the electricity grid, and a rise in the number of electrical switches and circuit breakers that are needed to prevent serious accidents. Collectively, these safety devices are called switchgear. The vast majority use SF6 gas to quench arcs and stop short circuits.

Lovely thing, irony, isn'it?

Zuckerberg Admits Facebook Interfered In Irish Abortion Vote
After three years of Facebook campaigning for the impeachment and firing of Trump because of alleged cooperation with the government of Russia in the 2016 US election, the Social Media giant’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg has at last admitted what many of us suspected all along, that it is Facebook, rather that hostile governments which interferes in the political processes of democratic nations.

Macron Threatens G20 On Climate Then Backs Off
France's boy president and current climate scaremonger in chief and leading European federalist Emmanuel Macron arrived in Japan for the G-20 summit full of sound and fury, which like the stuff of Macbeth's soliloquy in Shakespeare's play turned out to signify nothing.France's boy president and current climate scaremonger in chief and leading European federalist Emmanuel Macron arrived in Japan for the G-20 summit full of sound and fury, which like the stuff of Macbeth's soliloquy in Shakespeare's play turned out to signify nothing.

War and Politics Behind Mass Displacement in Africa, Not Climate Change – UCL
A report from a new study conducted by University College London’s may cause a stir in the climate scaremongering industry. The report challenges the academic establishment's standard narrative of mass displacement in Africa being principally responsible for the creation of refugees in Africa and casts doubt on a number of other assumptions about global problems.

Hurricane Harvey Climate Catastrophe Man Made?As we reported last week the Hurricane Harvey disaster which has hit the U.S. states of Texas and Louisiana has shown characteristics never before observed in any hurricane or tropical storm since records began. Meteorological depressions (because that is what hurricanes, typhoons and other intense storms are,) move and once over land quickly weaken as air pressures become normalised. Harvey has stayed in the same area, dumping massive amounts of rain on the heavily populated coastal strip and causing $$$billionsworth of damage through flooding and high winds.

Trump Announces US To Quit The Paris Climate Accord
Fulfilling another campaign pledge, US President Donald Trump yesterday announced the U.S. would withdraw from the Paris climate pact and that he will work to renegotiate the international agreement in a way that treats American workers better. “So we are getting out, but we will start to negotiate and we will see if we can …

German Scientist Confims Climate Change Ia A Politically Motivated Scam
Even as the inbred idiot Prince Charles was babbling to a hand picked audience about the skid marks in his underpants being caused by Climate Change, a somewhat more scientifically literate person, Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert, a retired geologist and data computation expert, has confirmed what those of us dubbed 'climate deniers' have been telling you for years ...

German Scientist Confims Climate Change Ia A Politically Motivated Scam
Even as the inbred idiot Prince Charles was babbling to a hand picked audience about the skid marks in his underpants being caused by Climate Change, a somewhat more scientifically literate person, Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert, a retired geologist and data computation expert, has confirmed what those of us dubbed ‘climate deniers’ have been telling …

Obama’s Climate Change Hypocrisy – The Arrogance Of The New Patricians
It is customary for US Presidents, when they leave office either having served two terms, been defeated in an election, or of their own volition, to fade quietly into the background. This is largely good manners, for an ex President to appear to be trying to intervene on political issues and influence events or public …

Big Business Joins Climate Change Scaremongers
The Paris summit on climate change approasches, which means the tree hugging fascist tendency are turning up the volume to eleven again. Trouble is they cannot produce a shed of evidence to back up their wild claims of imminent catastrophe because global warming only exists in their mathematical models, in the real world it is not happening/

Confusion Reigns As Paris Climate Conference Draws Near
The carbon dioxide driven climate change scam is back on the agenda as yet another monstrously expensive and fossil fulel gobbling jolly for politicians, scientists, freeloaders and general wankers gather to eat, drink, talk a lot and do nothing about a problem that exists in mathematical models but not in the real world.

Volkswagen Emissions Scandal - Is It The Tip Of The Iceberg?
The real problem here is that, driven by the hysterical warnings of self interested pseudo-scientists, politicians have set unachievable targets for reducing emissions while demanding that national economies keep growing.

Climate Denial Finally Pays Off
This blog has always been sceptical of the scientific case for climate change. And we admit that NO we are not climate scientists, NO we have not published research papers in ‘peer reviewed’ science journals. Of the three main contributors (all retired or semi retired) one is an engineer who still lectures in engineering and …

Nobel Laureate Smashes the Global Warming Hoax VIDEO
Nobel laureate Ivar Giaever's speech at the Nobel Laureates meeting 1st July 2015. Ivar points out the mistakes which Obama makes in his speeches about global warming, and shares other not-well known facts about the state of the climate.

12 September 2019

Parents slam Oxford school for serving vegetarian-only lunches

Pupils at a new school are only allowed to eat vegetarian lunches and are banned from bringing in their own food. The veggie policies at The Swan School in Summertown, Oxford, have been criticised by parents, one of whom said her daughter ‘came home hungry’ after the academy opened on Monday.

The Oxford state school has a completely vegetarian canteen and pupils have no alternative but to eat the hot meal on offer, although there are a couple of meat or fish options available for snacks during break time.

ANOTHER Mum who did not want to be named told tabloid paper The Sun: ‘The only thing about this school is the vegetarian food – my daughter came home today very hungry. I’ve heard that a lot of children were very hungry as well – there should be option at dinner time [to] eat meat, I’ve never known a school to be like this.’

Options on the Swan School’s menu include lentil lasagne, minted pea and feta frittata and Quorn sausage and potato bake. Headteacher Kay Wood said the main reason to serve vegetarian meals is to serve better quality for the same money, reduce carbon footprint and allow students of all faiths to sit together

Parents were made aware of the vegetarian policy prior to admission and the menu is believed to be a first for an Oxford state school.

She stressed the decision to provide vegetarian meals ‘isn’t a judgement of people who eat meat or an attempt to make our students vegetarian.’

Ms Wood added: ‘Packed lunches are not banned because the students might bring in meat – we don’t allow them because we want all the children and staff to eat together and engage at lunchtime. Which suggests to us they are as dead set against individualism as they are against healthy lunches for teenagers. Authoritarian wankers.

But Veggie fascism is not confined to Britain. In France, a new law has just been passed requiring all schools to offer at least one fully vegetarian lunch day per week. But how long to we think it will stay at one per week? Until Monsieur Macron next thinks a bit more virtue signalling with help prop up his abysmal poll ratings?


MORE on Education from The Daily Stirrer
Food fascists war on meat
Mandatory meat free diet
Food, health fasscism
Orthorexia: The New Eating Disorder – healthy eating is now a mental illness
Everything They told You Is Bad For You Is Good For You
Omnivore, Herbivore Or What?

11 September 2019

Google stole the 2018 midterm elections FOR Democrats by targeting select voters with “Go Vote” icon

Natural News: If you needed any more proof that Google is a) a monopoly; b) is far too big; and c) is collecting way too much data on users (mostly without our permission), this story ought to provide it.

In recent months you may have read about research conducted by psychologist Robert Epstein regarding the influence that the search and tech behemoth has amassed over political information — news and otherwise — since 2016.

Epstein is doing ground-breaking research into the field of how tech giants are using their control of information flows to influence election outcomes. In particular, as The National Sentinel reported in March, Epstein believes that Google manipulated searches, news feeds, and other data to the point that it cost at least three Republicans their seats:

The scientist and AIBRT analyzed Google searches that were linked to a trio of highly competitive congressional races in southern California that were won by Democrats. In doing so, the team discovered that Google’s “clear democrat bias” likely flipped those seats away from GOP candidates.

The study noted that at least 35,455 undecided voters within those three California districts were very like persuaded to vote for the Democratic candidate because of Google’s intentionally biased search results.

Breitbart News reported separately that Epstein’s research discovered that in the days leading up to the 2018 midterms, he managed to preserve “more than 47,000 election-related searches on Google, Bing, and Yahoo, along with the nearly 400,000 web pages to which the search results linked,” he said.

Analysis of the data proved there was a clear pro-Democrat bias in election-related searches related to those three races on Google — the world’s leading search engine and news content delivery platform, by far — than similar searches on Bing and Yahoo.

“As Epstein’s previous studies have shown, this can have a huge impact on the decisions of undecided voters, who often assume that their search results are unbiased,” Breitbart News reported (and why wouldn’t they?). “Epstein has called this the Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME).”

Death of Democracy

10 September 2019

9 September 2019

Negative Interest Rates - Final Nail In The Coffin Of Neoliberalism?

Negative interest rates, in plain terms a situation in which we pay bankers for holding our money, are the latest ruse of politicians and economists to make uis start spending our investments and savings, thus kickstarting the global economy thy have screwed up.
Negative Interest Rates - Final Nail In The Coffin Of Neoliberalism?

8 September 2019

div id="190908-yellow-vests">

Yellow Vests Week 43: Tensions Escalate Again As France’s Protests Continue

For the Yellow Vests movement in France, September 7th was billed as a come back from the summer break when there has been a lull in activity. France traditionally comes to a near standstill in August each year as the French head off on their annual vacation, and the protest movement was no exception.

Unpopular French President Emmanuel Macron tried to take political advantage of this distraction to advance one of his many unpopular policies, pension reform plans that will create a single national pension system with higher contributions for individual taxpayers and lower ones for business, thus stoking up the potential for an escalation of protests to the levels witnessed earlier in the year.

Former investment banker Macron is not trusted on the pension issue by 70 percent of the population according to polls and his plan is seen as a ruse to lift the retirement age to 64 from 62 and a continuation of broader policies to tax workers more to pay for the welfare state while cutting taxes for business and wealthy individuals in the name of economic stimulation and competitiveness in the world economy.

The vehicle fuel taxes that triggered the fist protests last year were ostensibly "green" but in effect they served the same purpose of relieving the tax burden on business and shifting it onto the general population.

The notion that business comes before environmental concerns reinforced by word going into the Newsdump Weekend that pesticide use in France will be allowed within distances ranging between 15 and 30 feet of schools and homes. Environmental activists and the EELV environmentalist party expressing their opposition to the plans. Such policies have destroyed Marcon's credibility as they contradict his pretence to be heading a 'green' government, having made grandiose but unachievable promises to phase out petroleum and diesel vehicles and make France a net zero emissions economy by 2040.

Thousands took to the streets of France to protest today, not in the huge numbers at the height of the movement in the early months, but significantly up on recent weeks.

Demonstrations took place in Paris, Bordeaux, Montpellier and Rouen as part of Yellow Vests' "Act 43" rally. In some cities, particularly Montpellier, the protests turned violent with clashes between the participants and riot police. Violence was also reported in Rouen.

"The demonstrators threw projectiles on the police as protests continued into the night. Summations were made and there was the use of tear gas in response to the throwing of projectiles, the protesters were rejected and returned outside the perimeter," the sub-prefect of permanence, Jean-Éric Winckler, said as quoted by AFP.

The first blockages Yellow Vests began early in the morning on Saturday, November 17, 2018 in Seine-Maritime.

Yellow Vests protestors in Rouen (picture: )

In Montpellier, between 1,500 and 3,000 people took part in the rally, with clashes also reported near the city's station. According to AFP, some of the protesters fired projectiles, prompting the police to use tear gas.

Protestors in Montpellier use umbrellas as makeshift shields (Picture: Daily Mail )

Some incidents and clashes were also reported in Lille, where more than 600 protesters took part in the rally (according to a police source), while the Yellow Vests say the number of demonstrators there stood at 1,500.

Meanwhile, during a rally in Paris, an emblematic figure of the Yellow Vests movement, Éric Drouet, was fined twice "for organizing an undeclared event" and was ordered to leave the perimeter.


Macron admits Yellow Vest chaos COULD be his fault — ‘I made MISTAKES’

Macron Moves Against yellow Vests, Bans Protests In Neighborhoods With “Ultra” Radicals

7 September 2019

New Discoveries Undermine Global Warming Narrative

Picture: Armstrong economics

I have long been sceptical about the climate change / Anthropogenic Global warming narrative. The way it sprang up just as the general population were rejecting the cold war model of geopolitics was too convenient, it seemed, to someone whose social history studies had covered the way political establishments create bogeymen and use fear to control populations. And though I only reached a very mundane level of study in the natural sciences during my formal education, I learned enough to understand a lot of the claims made by the Global Warming lobby only made sense in terms of the science of research grant phishing. Still, the sciencetits saw Global Warming as a nice little earner and the politicians sense it was a way to tighten their grip on power, justify punitive taxes on essential goods and keep the increasingly unruly population in line and so fiction became fact. God to see there are still some honest scientists out there, willing to challenge the narrative.

New Discoveries Undermine Global Warming Narrative by Martin Armstrong

RELATED POSTS: Climate lies
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1 September 2019

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EU Competition Commissioner: "Google And Facebook Are Sucking Up Data From Every Corner"

This blog has always been a strong critic of the way Silicon Valley tech giants have been allowed by governments, in return for their collaboration in mass surveillance projects, to gain control of the internet and then to abuse that position.

Below is the full transcript of speech delivered by Margrethe Vestager pictured below), the European Union Antitrust Chief, held at the Business Forum of the German Ambassadors’ Conference, Berlin, 27 August 2019:

Ladies and gentlemen,

It’s a great pleasure, and an honour, to be here with you today. I want to thank Heiko Maas for those kind words, and for inviting me to join you.

I’m especially glad to have the chance to meet with you, who represent Germany’s 230 diplomatic missions around the world, as well as German industry. Because all of us here have an important role to play, to prepare Europe’s economy for the challenges of the future.

And in our working day, or just reading the news headlines, we are very often confronted with the scale of those challenges. Today’s threats to the system of global trade rules pose a serious risk to growth here in Europe, and throughout the world. Brexit remains a major source of uncertainty. We need to make enormous changes to the way we power the world’s economy, to avoid climate change running out of control. And all this is happening at a time when digitisation is transforming our markets – and Europe’s future depends on being, not just an industrial powerhouse, but a digital leader.

Europe’s advantages

Indeed all these challenges can seem daunting. But it is important to remember that Europe has already proved its capacity to take on big challenges. After all, we built the European Union on the ashes of two world wars. And we have just travelled through the biggest financial and economic crisis since the Great Depression.

And we have a good starting point to also face those challenges ahead of us.

Our Single Market gives the best European companies the room they need to grow and succeed. And by keeping that market open for competition, we support the drive for improvement that makes Europe a world leader in innovation. In fact, in the World Economic Forum’s latest Global Competitiveness Report, Germany came on top as the world’s most innovative economy, ahead of the United States and Switzerland.

Our international influence gives us the opportunity to shape the world around us in a way that helps to secure our future. As the biggest trading partner for some 80 countries, including the US and China, we have a powerful voice in international trade. And we can use that voice, not just to defend the system of global trade rules, but to make sure those rules provide a level playing field for European business.

Our improving public finances are making it possible for us to invest in the future of Europe – in research and innovation, in skills, in infrastructure.

And – no less importantly – our commitment to the values that built our Europe, to values like freedom and fairness and democracy, gives us the solid foundation we need to shape the digital world. So that digitisation supports people’s freedom and opportunities, instead of undermining them.

Platforms and competition

This is why, in recent years, we’ve been looking very closely at digital platforms. Because those platforms often provide the infrastructure that allows the digital world to work. And that can give them enormous power to affect our lives.

Take Google. Its main platform – the Google search engine – dominates the market for web searches in every country in the single market.

And that’s not the only area where Google is powerful. Some 80% of the world’s smartphones and tablets use Google’s Android operating system, which dominates the market for operating systems that other phone makers can use.

And Google is also an advertising broker in online search advertising. Any company with a search box on its website can turn to Google to find ads that are linked to the things those users search for. And Google dominated this market, too, with more than 70% of the European market between 2006 and 2016.

All these markets are vital to our digital economy. In all of these markets, Google used its power to undermine competition, and keep out innovation.

Tackling self-preferencing

And dealing with these markets has also brought us face to face with the most fundamental questions which digitisation raises.

For instance, many platform businesses act as both player and referee – they run a platform, and also compete with other companies that rely on that platform. There’s an obvious conflict of interest here, an obvious temptation to adjust the way the platform works, to favour their own services ahead of others.

That’s what Google did, when it used the power of its search engine to favour its own comparison shopping service. By doing that, it harmed competition and consumers – which is why we fined the company nearly two and a half billion euros, for breaking the competition rules. And we’re looking right now at whether the same thing may have happened with other parts of Google’s business – like the job search business known as Google for Jobs.

But this is about more than the competition rules. There’s also a broader issue for our societies, of whether we think it’s right for companies like Google and others to have such control over the success or failure of other companies, and be free to use that power in any way they like. If we don’t, then we may find that we need regulation, to make sure that these platforms use their power in a way that’s fair and doesn’t discriminate.

And in the end, the best way to protect our interests – as consumers and as citizens – may be a combination of competition policy and regulation.

The role of data

That also goes for the way that we deal with another fundamental issue in the digital world – the way platforms collect and use data.

Platforms like Google or Facebook collect data from consumers – not just the posts we like on Facebook or the searches we make on Google, but much more unexpected things. Like the Onavo VPN app, which users downloaded to hide their browsing from prying eyes – but which also sent information to Facebook about the apps they used, and the websites they visited.

And those platforms also collect large amounts of data from their business customers, through services like Google Analytics, which track how visitors use their site – but at the same time, those trackers pass data to Google.

So these companies are a bit like one of those robot vacuum cleaners, working their way into every corner of the digital world, and sucking up data. Except, of course, that what they’re collecting isn’t rubbish – it can be a vital way for these companies to outdo their rivals.

The way that these companies collect and use data can undermine competition – and if it does, then we may need to take action, to enforce the competition rules. But once again, we shouldn’t assume that we can deal with all the challenges that digital technology creates for our way of life, just by thinking about how it affects competition. The way companies collect data, the way they use it, the decisions they make about who they share it with – these are all things that can affect competition; but as our world becomes more digital, they’re also choices about how our society works. And making sure that these choices don’t do us harm will have to be a team effort.

International cooperation

Because we do have the power to shape digitisation, in a way that meets the needs of Europe’s economy, and our society. But to do that, we need to work together. And that also means using our influence to build an international environment that helps us reach our goals.

For instance, Europe’s governments need fair international tax rules, so that digitisation doesn’t allow companies to avoid paying their fair share of tax.

The OECD is leading work to reach an international agreement on taxing digital companies. But we need to help to keep the pressure up, to reach a quick conclusion. That’s why Ursula von der Leyen has made very clear that if there’s no global solution by the end of 2020, the EU should be willing to act alone.


There’s no doubt that Europe has the influence that we need to help us reach our goals. The real issue is whether we can use that influence effectively, to get the best results for Europeans.

That’s why Ursula von der Leyen, in her Political Guidelines, has committed to a coordinated approach to Europe’s external action. And it’s also why Europeans need to work together, at national as well as European level. Because our strength as a Union is multiplied many times over, when we make use of the influence of both Europe and its nations.

In other words, we do have the power to make a difference. We do have the power to make sure that digitisation works for Europe’s people, not against them.

There’s just one condition. We need to work together.

Thank you.

* * * thanks to Sara Carter for putting this into the public domain MORE ON BIG TECH
Facebook privacy piracy
Faceboiok fake news
Facebook index
Google surveillance society
Google privacy issues
Google omnibus
Google Spends Just $20 Million A Year To Control The U.S. Government
Facebook Takes Another Hit After Report Zuckerberg Knew Of “Questionable” Privacy Practices
Facebook takes a step towards control of news

Google and YouTube are the most evil monopolies

August 2019

31 August 2019

Eco Nuts Are Back, Threatening To Shut Down Heathrow

All planes grounded after Planes at Heathrow grounded by a previous (unconnected) drone incident (Picture: )

Yesterday's story featured a bunch of eco - hypocrites, rock band The 1975, whose latest album features eco - wunderkind Greta Thunberg reading a plea for us all to adopy zero emissions lifestyles to save the planet and who will shortly be jetting off on a world tour to promote their message (and album sales of course.)

Today we report on the eco - psychopathes of Extinction Rebellion and their insane plan to shut down Heathrow Airport by flying drones into the approach and take off flight paths of aircraft using the world's busiest airport.

The eco-warriors have grown more ambitious but no more intelligent since their attempt to shut down London by blocking main roads in and out of the city centre anatagonised people rather than gaining support for their movement. This time they’re calling themselves ‘drone activists’ and are planning to ground flights at Britain’s Heathrow throughout September.A drone activist group calling itself Heathrow Pause and described as a splinter of environmental group Extinction Rebellion has warned that on September 13 its members will be flying drones around Heathrow, forcing the grounding of flights as part of a protest at the planned expansion of the airport.

These protests cause a dilemma for many people, because while almost everyone wants to save the world, many of us believe the problems are not carbon dioxide emissions but population explosion and the toxic shite dumped in the environment by manufacturing processes and the kind of careless consumption promoted by governments, economists and scientists for decades as a means to maintain 'growth.'

So apart from barking up the wrong tree on cause, the eco - nutters seem to target the wrong people with their brainless stunts. People have to travel on business and move goods around the globe, people want to go on holiday, and many actually want to come back from holiday before theor money runs out.

And who wouldn't choose a week on the beach over protecting some small, unknown glacier in Iceland.

Perhaps activists need to take this into account when planning their public relations campaign. At the moment the environmentalists seem to believe that they can annoy the public into changing their behaviour with a series of seriously. Last time I checked that was called bullying and was a favourite tactic of fascist and communist groups that deal in authoritarianism.

The extremists targeting Heathrow say a legal loophole will allow them to fly drones near the airport without breaking the law. They will be flying toy drones at head height within restricted airspace which they believe will force all air traffic to be stopped without violating air safety regulations.

Some members claim they have discussed the plans with police in advance. This could cause hard liners to question their commitment, as telling the authorities in advance where, when and how you intend to disrupt air traffic give the cops chance to round up the would be perpetrators, charge them with conspiracy and bang them up on remand.This news blog would wholly approve of such action. Anything that gets a bunch of crusties who stink of patchouli oil off te streets and out of our nostrils improves the environment.

This latest plan to force us to care about climate catastrophe tells us as much about the intelligence of eco warriors as their belief that pissing off people who hope to persuade to share your point of view is not usually the best way to boost support for a cause.

The activists justify their protest action by insisting they are raising awareness of climate change, but is there anyone in Britain for example that is not aware of the scaremongering or prophecies of doom over climate change that have been thrown about for the past twenty years? Or for that matter that all the prophecies of disaster have failed to deliver, the polar ice caps still exists, the Himalayan glaciers still exist, polar bear numbers are increasing, sea levels are rising no faster than they have since the end of the last ice age and we still get snow in winter, despite all the warning of the scaremongers. And most people in Britain, apart from crusties, university brainwashed liberals and Jeremy Corbyn supporters are aware of that.


Zuckerberg Admits Facebook Interfered In Irish Abortion Vote
After three years of Facebook campaigning for the impeachment and firing of Trump because of alleged cooperation with the government of Russia in the 2016 US election, the Social Media giant’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg has at last admitted what many of us suspected all along, that it is Facebook, rather that hostile governments which interferes in the political processes of democratic nations.

Macron Threatens G20 On Climate Then Backs Off
France's boy president and current climate scaremonger in chief and leading European federalist Emmanuel Macron arrived in Japan for the G-20 summit full of sound and fury, which like the stuff of Macbeth's soliloquy in Shakespeare's play turned out to signify nothing.France's boy president and current climate scaremonger in chief and leading European federalist Emmanuel Macron arrived in Japan for the G-20 summit full of sound and fury, which like the stuff of Macbeth's soliloquy in Shakespeare's play turned out to signify nothing.

War and Politics Behind Mass Displacement in Africa, Not Climate Change – UCL
A report from a new study conducted by University College London’s may cause a stir in the climate scaremongering industry. The report challenges the academic establishment's standard narrative of mass displacement in Africa being principally responsible for the creation of refugees in Africa and casts doubt on a number of other assumptions about global problems.

Hurricane Harvey Climate Catastrophe Man Made?As we reported last week the Hurricane Harvey disaster which has hit the U.S. states of Texas and Louisiana has shown characteristics never before observed in any hurricane or tropical storm since records began. Meteorological depressions (because that is what hurricanes, typhoons and other intense storms are,) move and once over land quickly weaken as air pressures become normalised. Harvey has stayed in the same area, dumping massive amounts of rain on the heavily populated coastal strip and causing $$$billionsworth of damage through flooding and high winds.

Trump Announces US To Quit The Paris Climate Accord
Fulfilling another campaign pledge, US President Donald Trump yesterday announced the U.S. would withdraw from the Paris climate pact and that he will work to renegotiate the international agreement in a way that treats American workers better. “So we are getting out, but we will start to negotiate and we will see if we can …

German Scientist Confims Climate Change Ia A Politically Motivated Scam
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German Scientist Confims Climate Change Ia A Politically Motivated Scam
Even as the inbred idiot Prince Charles was babbling to a hand picked audience about the skid marks in his underpants being caused by Climate Change, a somewhat more scientifically literate person, Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert, a retired geologist and data computation expert, has confirmed what those of us dubbed ‘climate deniers’ have been telling …

Obama’s Climate Change Hypocrisy – The Arrogance Of The New Patricians
It is customary for US Presidents, when they leave office either having served two terms, been defeated in an election, or of their own volition, to fade quietly into the background. This is largely good manners, for an ex President to appear to be trying to intervene on political issues and influence events or public …

Big Business Joins Climate Change Scaremongers
The Paris summit on climate change approasches, which means the tree hugging fascist tendency are turning up the volume to eleven again. Trouble is they cannot produce a shed of evidence to back up their wild claims of imminent catastrophe because global warming only exists in their mathematical models, in the real world it is not happening/

Confusion Reigns As Paris Climate Conference Draws Near
The carbon dioxide driven climate change scam is back on the agenda as yet another monstrously expensive and fossil fulel gobbling jolly for politicians, scientists, freeloaders and general wankers gather to eat, drink, talk a lot and do nothing about a problem that exists in mathematical models but not in the real world.

Volkswagen Emissions Scandal - Is It The Tip Of The Iceberg?
The real problem here is that, driven by the hysterical warnings of self interested pseudo-scientists, politicians have set unachievable targets for reducing emissions while demanding that national economies keep growing.

Climate Denial Finally Pays Off
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Nobel Laureate Smashes the Global Warming Hoax VIDEO
Nobel laureate Ivar Giaever's speech at the Nobel Laureates meeting 1st July 2015. Ivar points out the mistakes which Obama makes in his speeches about global warming, and shares other not-well known facts about the state of the climate.

30 August 2019

While Eco Loons Worship Fairies, Reality Exposes Real Cause Of Amazonian Fires


While Pippi Longstocking lokalike and eco - activist wunderkind Greta Thurnberg is schlepping her climate change schtick round New York, preaching her net zero carbon emissions gospel after crossing the Atlantic in a 'zero emissions' superyacht made of carbon fibre, a material which in its manufacture produces shitloads more carbon emissions than my or your car or even my brother's V8 Range Rover will in their entire useful lives,) back home the Extinction Rebellion wankers have been getting their knickers in a twist about some fires (allegedly wildfires until it was reported they are started deliberately and are not destroying the rainforest, but areas of former forest now cleared for cultivation.

The farmers, many of whom are engaged in the production of organic food for vegans in the west while others are growing seed crops for making 'clean, green, biodiesel to power cars and industry, are carrying on the ancient practice of burning last year's stubble to clear the ground of pests, fungi and other things not conducive to high yields, but the univerrsity brainwashed millennials of the 'woke' left, the Liberal virtue signallers and the pig-tailed Thunberg alomg with her vast horde of worshippers are unaware of this and seemingly don't want to know. How is it possible that about half the Western white population have the intellectual capacity of lobotomized lobsters?

Listen to their current endless whining about the forest fires in Brazil and the Left’s shameless lies about drought and rising temperatures and you might end up beliebing that climate change has caused them.

However the cause of these fires is most cetrainly not climate change, though it is the work of humans as described above. The fires are being set by Brazilians and are an annual occurrence. The reason there’s been such an upturn in the amount of fires is because the demand from consumers on the virtue signalling west for organic food keeeps rising. Similar deforestation is occurring in Africa, Indonesia, the Malay Peninsula, Thailand Myanmar and India.

In 2017 Brazil exported US$872 million worth of organic food to the West.

The problem for Brazilian farmers is that in growing organic food they are unable to use a wide range of pesticides and other safe products that keep diseases and pests at bay. This leads to them being unable to grow enough produce on their plots of land to make an acceptable living. For example, on a hundred acres of land with the use of pesticides a farmer can produce X tonnage of produce. But on the same hundred acres of land with organic farming—minus the use of pesticides—the amount of crops produced fall dramatically.

This means that the farmer who has switched from regular farming to organic farming needs to put more land to the plough to make ends meet, and he has to switch because the Big Food cartel buyers in the West won’t buy his product unless it’s organic and fair trade and all that leftie bullshit that makes lefties feel good about themselves but does not benefit the small farmers of the world one iota. In Brazil the only way the farmers can increase the land they can cultivate, unless they are lucky enough to own tranches of virging rainforest which they can clear legally by bribing a local official, or by more intensive cultivation which means getting rid of crop destroying fungi, the egg staches of leaf eating insects and the nests of small furry animals without using fungicides, herbicides or poisons which would cost them their organic producer status.

It must also be said that a lot of the current fires in Brazil also result from the demand in the West for bio-fuel (sic). Across the 3rd World governments and corporate food producers are clearing forests and woodland in order to meet demand for this most wasteful of fuels.

It’s just another instance where the Western Liberal idiots believe they are improving the climate and environment and the lot of the third world's poor but in actual fact are doing enormous damage to them both and helping globalist governments and global corporations increase their power and the level of control they exercise over peoople's lives, while indulging in orgies of virtue signalling. Stupid is as stupid does.

The intellectual idiots in the West, the opinion makers who have led the outraged screeching about the fires across Brazil are actually responsible for most of them being started in the first place. Scientific and economic theories about food prouction and distribution have favoured corporate business over independent farmers and family run small and middle sized enerprises in the food processing and distribution industry.

Would the Liberal halfwits in the West face up to this and admit they, with their whack Cultural Marxist ideas, are responsible for crerating much of the mess the world is in. To put it bluntly, there's not a fucking chance of these paskudniaks ever taking responsibility for anything.

facekless corporations Black Hat Biotech Globalisation of serfdom

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27 August 2019

Amazon Fires: Macron's Bid To Take Over Brazil Met With Classic Put Down

France's SuperMacron in planet saving mode at G7 (Picture: AP/Christope Ena

The weekend just gone has seen news dominated by one of the biggest faker news stories ever, the Amazon rainforest wildfires and the alleged threat they post to the future of humanity, a story I featured yesterday on my home page at minds. Much of the news coverage has focused on the intervention of France's boy president Emanuel Macron who, in a manner typical of all attention seeking arrested adolescents has thrust himself into the middle of the story and tried to pretend he is in control.

SuperMacron demanded that Brazil allow France and the NATO countries to send military personnel into Brazil to tackle the fires, thus saving Brazil, the Amazonian rain forest and the planet. Brtazil's President Bolsonaro, not dubbed "The Brazilian Trump" without reason responded with the classic put down contained in the headline for today's first linked article. Brazil to France on Amazon Fire: ‘Colonialist’ Macron Couldn’t Even Save Notre Dame

Climate lies composite
New World Order
France catalogue of posts
Paris In Chaos As ‘Armageddon’ Protestors Riot

France Spirals Into Chaos As Rebellion Against Incompetent Macron Government Gathers Momentum

19 August 2019

Pepper Spray Sales In Sweden Have "Exploded" After Spate Of Rape Attacks

Translated as literally as possible (with help from DeepL translator from a report in Swedish newspaper Expressen. No translation software is perfect and though my Swedish is rusty I get the sense of what is written and can improve the application's clunky grammar. You may notice that the Expressen report is rather coy about the ethiic and religious background of the perpetrators in most of these attacks, that is because the paper would face legal santions in Sweden for reporting the facts. I am not so coy but chose not to interfere too much with the original content - Ian Thorpe.

Following the summer's attention-grabbing spate of rapes and sexual assaults, the sales of pepper spray for self defence have increased dramatically. The Kjell & Company retail chain believes that it will sell 90 percent more sprays in August than in June. One of the manufacturers, Plegium, has announced that sales this summer have "exploded".

Sweden has been shaken this summer by a series of violent rapes. The most notable of these have taken place in the University city of Uppsala, where two completed rapes and two attempted rapes took place between 3 and 7 August. After the incidents, police called on the city's women to avoid parks and alleys.

The sexual offences have provoked reaction from political reactions from political figures, most notably Christian Democrats Party leader Ebba Busch Thor, who herself is from Uppsala. "As insecurity grows, it is nothing but a welfare failure," the KD leader wrote on Instagram.

Ebba Busch Thor - Swedish Christian Democrats leaderEbba Busch Thor - Swedish Christian Democrats leader - Picture Christian Carlsson - Wordpress

Between March and July 2019, a suspected serial rapist attacked women in Rågsved in Stockholm. Two of the assaults ended with complete rape - and the events created terror among women in the area.

Other examples of the summer's rape epidemic are the case of a teenage boy in Fagersta who was raped and detained by several masked men in June, the woman in central Stockholm who was raped outside her house in August, the assault on a 20-year-old woman in a park in Hällefors the same month, and so on.

Uppsala student Carolina Tuula, 23, bought a spray after the notable rape case in the city earlier in August. When asked did she feel safer with the spray she replied:

"Both yes and no, you never know. It can be difficult to get it fast enough, but you can't go around worrying all the time. I wouldn't say that I feel so much safer, but it does feel a little better to have a tool anyway."

Carolina says she will soon be returning to Uppsala. The unrest in the student city has made her feel more afraid than at home in Gothenburg.

"I bought a spray for my girlfriend, because she will also move to Uppsala.

"- I wouldn't say that I feel so much safer, but it feels a little better to have a defence weapon, anyway," she says.

Carolina Tuula is not alone in worrying about assaults. Several retailers and manufacturers of self-defense spray tell Expressen that they have noted an explosive increase in sales.

The Bodyguard website reports that in July, it saw a 21 percent increase in sales compared to the previous year - despite the fact that more retailers are stocking self defence equipment since the market has grown.

Magnus Larsson is the chief forensic scientist in the chemistry and technology section of the National Forensic Center, which is branch of the police. He says that there is a risk people will buy an illegal spray - especially if the product is purchased abroad where the legislation may look different.

Examples of sprays that are illegal in Sweden are pepper spray and tear gas, but people should be aware that certain specific substances tht may be found in sprays are illegal in Sweden. Isopropyl alcohol and menthol are common ingredients. Then there are also colored sprays, whose purpose is to label the attacker. There are also smelly variants, says Magnus Larsson at the National Forensic Center.

According to Magnus Larsson, all of these eight substances have a tear-like effect.

13 August 2019

Court Documents Expose Jeffrey Epstein's Perverted Escapades With 'Over 100 Young Girls'

On 9th August, as news was breaking of the death by suicide of billionaire financier and alleged paedophile pimp and procurer to the rich and famous, Jeffrey Epstein who reportedly hanged himself in his Manhattan prison cell, where he was awaiting trial on charges involving sex trafficking, paedophilia and controlling prostitutes. Due to the suspected involvement of many prominent figures in politics, law, business and media in Epstein's unsavoury activities, suspicions of foul play and conspiracy theiries about who might have paid big money to ensure he could never talk have gone wild on the internet since his death. His accusers, from among the many his associates recruited to the squad of undert - bae prostitues her ran, have publicly expressed frustration his crimes will now never be fully examined in a court of law.

They may be somewhat premature in that assumption however, only a few hours before Epstein's death a huge quantity of court documents, including sworn depositions, police incident reports, photographs, receipts, flight logs and more, many of which named names, was unsealed. Sources in the legal system believe these contain enough evidence to support prosecutions of many of Epstein's associates.

The bulk of the evidence relates to the case of Virginia Giuffre, whose testimony alleges she was recruited while working as an attendant at the spa at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, where her father was a maintenance worker, by Epstein’s longtime companion, British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell. The daughter of disgraced media mogul Robert Maxwell whose own death in mysterious circumstances prevented many crimes being subjected to public scrutiny, . Giuffre alleges Ghislaine recruited her for Epstein's coterie of young girls at the age of 16, purportedly to work as the hedge-fund manager’s masseuse – the job being a cover for sexual abuse by Epstein, Maxwell and an entire retinue of the pair’s elite contacts and friends. Here are a few of the most shocking revelations.

Giuffre was recruited, she claims, as she was sitting outside the locker room, reading a book on massage therapy. Maxwell approached her and said she knew someone looking for a traveling masseuse.

“If the guy likes you, then, you know, it will work out for you. You’ll travel. You’ll make good money. You’ll be educated,” Maxwell allegedly said.

According to Ayla Altman The Associated Press reviewed hundreds of pages of police reports , FBI records and court documents that show Epstein relied on an entire staff of associates to arrange massages that led to sex acts.

Giuffre took the job, and was quickly trained by Maxwell on how to give erotic massages – before long she was providing them to Epstein at his mansion in Palm Beach, Florida. He then began flying her around on his private Gulfstream jet to perform sexual services on his friends and acquaintances.

Included in the files of evidence is Epstein’s ‘black book’, which is said to contain several sections titled ‘Massage’, alongside a geographical designation with names of females and corresponding telephone numbers, some which belonged to underage girls with no training in massage therapy.

This incongruity results from the word ‘massage’ being code for ‘sex’, Giuffre alleges.

“My whole life revolved around just pleasing these men…[Epstein and Maxwell's entire lives revolved around sex. They call massages sex. They call modeling sex,” she said in a 2016 deposition.

Juan Alessi, manager of Epstein’s Palm Beach home 1990 – 2001, testified that he occasionally found sex toys – including strap-on dildos - in Maxwell’s bathroom in the mansion after alleged massage sessions. He would put gloves on, rinse the instruments and place them in a closet.

In all, Alessi calculates that over a decade-long period “over 100” different female ‘massage therapists’ visited the financier and Maxwell.

Epstein's butler, Alfredo Rodriguez describes himself as a “human ATM machine” tasked with paying out Epstein’s alleged victims. Young girls would arrive via cab and he was “told to pay them cash” after they finished servicing Epstein and his friends, then call for cabs to collect them. On some occasions, the girls received ‘tips’ in the form of iPods and jewelry.

These accounts are partially corroborated by documents included in the court filings, such as the testimony of Rinaldo Rizzo, the house manager for Eva Dubin, one of Maxwell’s close friends, who states a 15-year-old Swedish girl who’d visited Epstein’s private island told him – while weeping and “shaking uncontrollably” - Maxwell had taken her passport and "asked her for sex," and she’d been threatened by Epstein and Maxwell.

Another girl described being approached by Maxwell on the campus of her university, Palm Beach Atlantic College, and offered a job as an assistant to Epstein, which she accepted. She answered phones at Epstein’s home during her first day on the job, but on the second was instructed to massage Epstein in a sexual way. He explained to her he “needed to have three orgasms a day…It was biological, like eating.”

Those Giuffre alleges she was forced to have sex with at Epstein’s demand include “a well-known businessman”, a “world-renowned scientist”, a “respected liberal politician”, a “foreign head of state” and Prince Andrew, Queen Elizabeth II’s third child.

His name appears a total of 56 times in the documents – Giuffre claims Maxwell acted as the Prince’s ‘madame’, forcing her to have sex with him in the bathtub at Maxwell’s London apartment.

The Prince is just one of many elite Britons named in Epstein’s aforementioned ‘black book,’ in fact the register is effectively a who’s who of British society, with contacts including former Prime Minister Tony Blair, Rolling Stones lead singer Mick Jagger, broadcaster David Frost, celebrity chef Lloyd Grossman, supermodel Naomi Campbell and numerous Lords and Ladies. There is no suggestion any of these luminaries availed themselves of Epstein’s alleged ‘massage’ services, however.

Giuffre’s legal team argue many “disturbing” items seized after Epstein's arrest in June corroborate their client’s allegations that Maxwell and Epstein kept her and “dozens of underage girls” in sexual servitude, Maxwell testified she was not with Epstein when a collection of books on sexual slavery, including SM 101: A Realistic Introduction, SlaveCraft: Roadmaps for Erotic Servitude – Principles, Skills and Tools, and with Miss Abernathy: A Workbook for Erotic Slaves and Their Owners were ordered, but prosecutors maintain that there is evidence which contradicts her denials.

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New World Order's children
Epstein: Screaming Was Heard From Financier’s Prison Cell Before He Was Found Dead
You Don’t Have To Be A Conspiracy Theorist For The ‘Suicide’ Of Jeffrey Epstein To Stretch Your Credulity

12 August 2019

Macron nightmare as production plummets in France in threat to euro

the daily stirrer

Emmanuel Macron’s latest plan to boost the ailing French economy and reduce the budget deficit suffered a huge setback, as the latest industrial output figures revealed industrial production plummeted in the second quarter of 2019.

Industrial production in France plummeted in June, which threatens the eurozone’s hopes of recovering from its recent slowdown. Month on month, industrial production fell 2.3 percent, according to French statistical body Insee. Manufacturing, the largest component of industrial output, fell a huge 2.2. percent in June alone, compared to the previous month.

This news is the last thing the struggling president needs as Yellow Vests protests, now in their 38th week, continue to disrupt national life.

This was an even bigger drop in industrial production than that experienced by Germany for the same period and is a further indication that the Eurozone is headed for a deep recession.

ING chief economist Carsten Brzeski commented: “The combination of high inventories and few orders at hand does not bode well for industrial production in the months ahead.

“We would characterise today’s industrial production report as devastating, with no silver lining.

“Today’s data also shows that we should prepare for contraction in the German economy in the second quarter, unless exports bring an unexpected surprise on Friday.”

The German Government has remained relatively calm over its sinking economy, with the economy ministry only saying: “Industry remains in an economic downturn”.

Economists and politicians have long been aware of the Eurozone's weakness, this is why EU leasders and globaliiticians have been so despoerate toi thwart Brexit. If Britain leaves without a deal as now seems likely, the EU economy will collapse, the EU will fail and globalism will be dead.

Brexit articles

11 August 2019

You Don't Have To Be A Conspiracy Theorist To Find The Death Of Paedo Jeffrey Epstein Too Convenient

We contributors to this site often get called conspiracy theorists, when in fact we are not posting conspiracy theories by merely questioning the narratives promoted by western governments and mainstream media when those narratives simply do not make sense. The most recent example has been the sago of billionaire Jeffrey Epstein's rearrest on charges relating to allegations of sex with minors, solicit]ng minors for prostitution, trafficking minors for sex purposes and being a general arsehole.
Epstein has never been clear of such allegations since his first arrest in 2008, when in a complete travesty of justice he served a short sentence in a Florida USA jail for sex with a minor to escape far more serious federal charges. Many people have been concerned about the plea bargain that kept Epstein out of a very long stretch in a US Federal prison and saw an FBI investigation into his wider activities as a procurer and pimp to the rich and famous of under age girls. Hiss associates included Hollywood A listers, music industry and showbusiness stars, prominent business people and lawyers, politicians and at least one former US President and his (allegedly lesbian) wife.
The Epstein scandal re - emerged in 2016, when his name and his infamous parties on a private island in the Caribbean and flights on the 'Lolita Express', the private jet used to fly his guests to and from the venue, came up in connection with a presidential candidate whose name was NOT Trump. The scandal has simmered on the back burner since then, overshadowed by the crazy and now completely discredited story of Trump's collaboration with the Russian state to steal the election from Hillary Clinton and other efforts to remove him from office based on entirely unsubstantiated allegations and in some cases people simply deciding he should not be president because they don't like him.
The death of the disgraced financier, pedophile and alleged blackmailer, who has been imprisoned and on suicide watch since his arrrest in June this year came just a day after a batch of court documents were unsealed, leading to speculation he may have been “suicided” to stop his case from going to trial.
Discussione with other bloggers of the Jeffrey Epstein have usually centred not on b"Is he innocent or guilty but "When will he be found dead in his cell?" Nobody was willing to bet the case would ever get to court, there were too many names in Epstein's Little Black Book who simply could not afford to be publicly associated with his activities. And it wasn't just the old cynics I associate with. It was quite impossible to find anybody who believed the Epstein case would be resolved with a public trial. The whole thing was quite uncanny. One name which came up again and again was that of the former US president whose name, it is now known, appeared many times on flight logs of the Lolita Express. Let's be honest: has there been a death of a high-profile prisoner whose expiration has been so unsurprising?
A suggestion last week that Epstein would never trial because too many rich and influential people would have their names dragged through the mud and their sexual peccadillos exposed to the world during the provceedings would have been subjected to ridicule by the usual suspects, the media pundits who would have us believe the government is our friend and would never do anything that is not in our best interests, that Russia is The Great Satan of Revelations and that Syria's President Assad is a monster whose idea of fun is to gas his own people and that the child raping, sex slave taking, journalist baking head amputators of ISIS were the right people to liberate the midle east from tyranny, and called a right wing nut job and a "conspiracy theorist." Well now who are looking like naive, stupid, left wing nut jobs? Most so called conspiracy theories are nothing of the kind. To qualify as a conspiracy theory, a speculation must contain a claim that the proposer has evidence that, for example, the moon landings ere filmed in a redundant sound stage at Universal Studios and that Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins were played by The Three Stooges . The author must then go on cite what he or she (but usually he,) believes is evidence of this. There is not much point questioning the moon landing, but questioning the supposed chain of events surounding the death of President Kennedy, the World Trade Centre atrocity or the Las Vegas Shooting to cite three examples, should be seen as a good thing, because in each of those cases there were parts of the narrative that simply did not make sense. Likewise why would Bashar Al Assad launch gas attacks against his own people when no only was he, with the help of his Russian and Iranian allies, winning the war but also, because whatever he may be he is not a stupid man, he must have known such actions would alienate many leaders sympathetic to his cause and would give the western coalition an excuse to launch direct attacks on his regime's strongholds. Such questioning of government narratives is a good thing because it encourages discussion. When it comes to conspiracy theories, there are three types of people apart from the media hacks who are paid to prop up the establishment propaganda. First there are the xself appointed 'voices of reason' who are quite determined to convince us the government and the global corporations are on our side, there is nothing untoward going on and we are told everything there is to know about every controversial issue. Believe that and you probably also believe in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy. T oices of reason are themselves no slouches at pushing conspiracy theories, look back at how they were happy to believe the 'proof' of the Trump campaign's collaboration with Russian agents in 2016 was beyond reasonable doubt, when that 'proof' was nothing more that a few unsubstantiated allegations from some very dodgy individuals in the pay of Trump's opponents, or the way they were absolutely sure the attempted hit on former Russian agent Sergei Skripal was the work of hit men sent by the Russian government, when the main evidence consisted of a photoshopped picture of two vaguely foreign looking guys window shopping in a street that might have been in Britain. The voices of reason confine themselves to spreading conspiracy theories about "official enemies" like Russia and Iran or personas non grata such as Nigel Farage or Tommy Robinsion. The deadliest conspiracy theory so far this century was the story spread in 2003 that Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein had at his disposal Weapons of Mass Destruction with which he could launch deadly attacks on the west within forty five minutes. This narrative, fabricated for the purpose of justifying war on Iraq was propagated through mainstream print and broadcast news media and repeated by those who routinely scoff at conspiracy theorists and label them "cranks." I was told in a comment from somebody who claimed to be a research fellow at one of our top universities on one of my early blogs that only an idiot would disbelieve the threat of Saddam's WMDs and soon people would see what a gullible clown I am.Seventeen years later we are still looking for Saddam's secret weapons. The same people have since then become quick to blame Russia for just about everything bad that happens, regardless of the lack of hard evidence. The second category are those who seem to believe everything – or at least almost everything – is a conspiracy. The world is run by a kabal of shape shifting reptillians called The Illuminati, the Freemasons and the Elders of Zion are trying to create a New World Order, the aforementioned Moon landings were a Stanley Kubric movie. Every terrorist attack is a "false-flag". and every mass shooting in the USA is the work of government agents The third category, the majority most of us will hope, accept that while not everything is a conspiracy, it's actually quite daft to think conspiracies never occur, especially when people involved are very wealthy and powerful and in some cases criminally insane and the stakes are extremely high. Did anyone really think, deep down, given who, who and what the people he had dirt on were and the extremely serious nature of the charges he faced that Epstein's case would ever get to court? Be honest. I'd reckon about 90 percent, even though they might not publicly admit it, would have been willing to bet a substantial portion of their life savings that he wouldn't. Speaking as the grandson of a bookie, I have to say I grandad would not have taken any bets on it. Here's something from Twitter that sums it up perfectly:
Abi Wilkinson ? @AbiWilks

"I'm not a conspiracy theorist" is such a weird assertion when you think about it, the idea there's a binary between believing all conspiracies and flat out rejecting the very concept of conspiracy in all circumstances"

You really don't have to be paranoid or a habitual tin-foil hat wearer to smell a rat in this one. And questioning a narrative that does not make sense does not make one a conspiracy theorist. Let's review some ofg the questions raised by the official version of events.

It was reported Epstein tried to kill himself about three weeks ago although therewas some speculation as to how he managed to inflict the injuries he received on himself, so if it was a sucide bid, why was he taken off suicide watch six days later? Who made that seemingly baffling decision? If he was still on suicide watch and a source cited in the New York Times was wrong, why wasn't his death prevented? If the authorities knew, as they would have, that the first alleged suicide bid was as Epstein himself claimed, the result of an attack by another prisoner, why was Epstein not given special protection? Once he was a known sex offender, how did he get away with doing the same things as he had once served time for for so long? Who was protecting him and how far would they be prepared to go to ensure what he knew never became public. These are only a few of the many questions that need to be answered. What is particularly interesting is the kind of people demanding answers. It's not just the "usual" suspects who are routinely labeled cranks by the gatekeepers. New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has called Epstein's death "way too convenient." "How many other millionaires and billionaires were part of the illegal activities that he was engaged in?" he asked. Even the UK establishment's propaganda agency, The BBC website has as its heading of a news story today "Jeffrey Epstein: Questions raised over financier's death." The FBI is reported to be investigating the case, which in view of their failure to prosecute any member of Hillary Clinton's campaign team over breches of national security which came to light in 2016 does not fill one with confidence. Perhaps Epstein did after all, kill himself – prisoners facing the prospect of 45 years in jail are quite likely to be depressed; moreover the sociopathic billionaire might even have relished evading justice and depriving his accusers of their days in court. But until more evidence of his suicide such as CCTV video, comes to light, it is reasonable to think that some other explanation for his sudden death.

9 August 2019

Brussels face a shock revolt? IDS reveals bombshell talks with furious EU members

Former Conservative leader and a prominent supporter of Brexit since the referendum was announced, Iain Duncan Smith, now a memer of Boris johnson's negotiating team in Brussels, claimed that the supposed unified front displayed by the EU27 according to mainstream media, is not solid, with many member states unhappy at the authoritarian way the unelected bureaucrats run the EU. IDS as he is known, claimed after meeetings with repesentatives of other EU members in Brussels that he EU will falter as soon as Britain ditches the bloc at the end of October.

Speaking on the BBC’s HardTalk, the senior Conservative, who managed Boris Johnson’s leadership campaign, said his clandestine talks with EU member-states revealed a growing frustration with Brussels refusal to contuct Brexit negotiations with the UK properly and the bureaucrats determination to punish the UK for trying to leave. He predicted a shock revolt of European member-states against the leadership in Brussels, once the EU economies start to crumble as Britin's contributions dry up and Germany tightens the purse strings.

On becoming Prime Minister last month, Boris Johnson immediately prioritised preparations for a no deal Brexit, insisting the UK must leave by the October 31 deadline, with no deal if the EU continues to set impossible conditions before it will negotiate. HardTalk’s host Stephen Sackur claimed that Britain would “have to go back to the EU and ask for a free trade agreement” if they left without a deal. Sackur then suggested that Brussels would not back down “unless they get what they want - the backstop in Ireland and the £39bn of financial obligations”.

Mr Smith fired back at this: “In that case, we won’t do a free trade with them and guess who is damaged from that? The EU. They are disproportionately damaged by that.”

The Tory MP said that a recently retired German MEP Otto Henkel was one of the few figures in the EU who was brave enough to blame the EU for the Brexit deadlock. This is not quite true, as Matteo Salvini, the de fact leader of Italy, and former finance mionister of Greece, yanis Varoufakis have both said similar things.

The Brexiteer politician also revealed that his talks with EU member-states had made him aware of a growing sense of dissatisfaction against Brussels’ hardline position.

He told the BBC: “It is wholly in the interest of the EU to immediately strike a basic trade deal with us after we leave without a deal.

“I’ve spoken with Barnier on multiple occasions and I know where they are."

Duncan Smith is correct, while Remain supporting scaremongers say that trade deals take years to negotiate, that only applies to EU trade deals where one side must take into account the interests of all its members, bipartisan trade deals can often be concluded in a matter of months.


7 August 2019

German economic crisis: industrial output plunges to ‘disaster’ level -other economic data revised down

This news site and our sister publication Original Boggart Blog have spent three years arguing logically and reasonably against the emotionally overwrought ravings of people who supported 'Remain' in the 2016 EU referendum and cannot accept they lost. Brexit will be a catastrophe, they scream, people will starve, we wil have no medicines or toilet rolls, no food or water or beer or anything, toilets will explode and spew boiling sewage and blood into our homes, aircraft will fall out of the sky, clocks will run backwards and our nostrils will be assailed by wet dog smelss because no nation of a mere 60 million people can survive outside the EU.

And those of us stubborn enough to pick up the gauntlet have pointed out that Canada (30 millonish) Australia (20someting million, New Zealand (more sheep than people,) and the 85% of the world's nations that are not EU members seem to do OK. And then we have backed up our assertions with evendence that since the referendum was won by Leave predictions of economic collapse for britain have failed to materialise, while for most EU nations, stagnation is turning into recession. The latest evidence for this is another news item showing the mighty German economy, on which the EU has always depended and will depend even more once the UK leaves, is running into trouble.

Yesterday (6 August 2019) it was announced that industrial production in Germany dropped by a greater degree than expected in June, showing a 1.5% month on month decrease, thus compounding fears that Europe’s biggest economy is facing an imminent recession.

Output fell 5.2 per cent year on year from June 2018, the German national statistics office revealed on. According to Reuters, analysts had estimated output would fall 0.4 per cent during the month compared with May. Production, excluding energy and construction, was down 1.8 per cent.

These figures from Destatis come only a day after the same source revealed that factory orders, driven by an increase in demand from countries outside the eurozone, were higher than expected. While those figures offered a glimmer of hope among a plethora of bad news for EU economies and particularly for Europe’s economic powerhouse, business analysts pointed out that new orders have dropped by an average of 0.7 per cent every month throughout this year.

June’s decline in output “kills off any hopes that the strong orders data published yesterday marked the beginning of a recovery”, said Andrew Kenningham, chief Europe economist at Capital Economics. “Business surveys uniformly point to a further contraction in July, so things look set to get worse rather than better.”

Other economic data published this week included revised down figures for services that showed the sector in Germany had grown at a slower rate in July than had been earlier thought, prompting fears that the eurozone’s biggest economy is heading into a recession.

Concerns that the industrial output drop exacerbates long - standing fears over German economy first appeared on The Financial Times website. That such concerns are being expressed by serious economics writers in a heavyweight publication like The Financial Times exposes the level of scaremongering based on fake news that hasd been used in the Brexit debate by those determined to overturn the resuly and deny the democratically expressed will of the people.

Germany slips into economic meltdown as US-China trade war escalates
Germany looks to be headed for economic meltdown (as this publication has predicted since early in the year,) due to the trade war between the US and China [...] Sebastian Dullien of the Institute for Macroeconomics and Business Cycle Research claimed the German Chancellor is burying her head in the sand regarding how Trump’s tariffs will impact German exports ...

Germany: Economy crisis a growth stalls – car production crashes
Germany’s federal Government today reduced its growth forecast for the EU’s largest economy today after for the second time in two months as plunging car production figures sent shockwaves through the Eurozone. The German economy, already technically in recession, has been propping up the economically stagnant EU for years. After Brexit of course ...

Europe's Bank Crisis Arrives In Germany: €29 Billion Bremen Landesbank On The Verge Of Failure
... yesterday we observed a surprising development involving Deutsche Bank, namely the bank's decision to quietly liquidate some of its shipping loans. Reuters reported, "Deutsche Bank is looking to sell at least $1 billion of shipping loans [a market sector] whose lenders face closer scrutiny from the European Central Bank.

Europe Prepares To Join The Currency War Things seemed to be going to plan for the European Unon's single currecncy, The Euro, which was the biggest single step in the plan to merge the twenty eight member states into a single political entity. Ties to the German economic powerhouse the poorer nations of southern Europe could not manage their finances efficiently and soon became dependent on bailouts from the European Central Bank with were made with attached conditions suggested by Germany. It seemed that as long as the German economy prospered the 'European project,' (referred to, a tad unkindly perhaps, by this news site among others as Greater Germany,) would stay on track.

Germany admits hard Brexit will cause havoc in EU financial markets - 'Common sense MUST prevail'
Germany, the EU's most powerful economy, has urged Prime Minister Theresa May and the EU’s chief negotiator, the pompous French clown Michel Barnier to do all in their power to avoid a hard Brexit due to risks of French instransigence disrupting the financial sector. This would be catastrophic for the EU’s financial markets, though the leading German economists say the prospect is becoming “more likely every day”.

German website Handelsblatt commented: “If both sides remain stubborn, this can jeopardise the stability of the financial markets.

6 August 2019

Transgender bullying is scaring respectable old organisations into silence

For years Katie Alcock had helped that pillar of middle class Britain, The Guide movemeny run Brownie and Girl Guide groups in her hometown, Lancaster. Then suddenly she was fired. The reason given in a statement by Girlguiding (the trendy new name for the modern, gender - fluid Girl Guides was that Dr. Alcock,who in her day job in a lecturer and researcher in developmental psychology at Lancaster University, was she had violated its policies on equality and diversity.

Her offence was to suggest that science is correct and fashionable virtue signalling wrong, that people born male who simply say they must be accepted as real women because they feel female inside, should not automatically be welcomed by a female-only organisation and, for instance, share tents or bathrooms with adolescent girls. Remember, these biologically male women need not have surgically reconfigured genitals, we are required to accept that chicks-with-dicks are not likely to behave any differently in communal showers that girls who are born girls.

In any other context, Alcock’s views would be seen as plain old fashioned common sense. But when it comes to transgenderism, common sense has been thrown out of the window. Read her account of the incident HERE

Organisations like Girlguiding must now have policies safeguarding the rights of transgendered girls in interactions with real girls. We all know adolescent girls can be absolute bitches and capable of being unspeakably cruel if, for example, the new girl has to get her dick out while on a camping trip, and that those whose male anatomy gives them the potential to be a threat to those girls cannot be trusted in one on one situations (adolescent boys are notirious for misreading signals, cn we reasonably expect adolescent chicks-with-dicks to behave differently. In a sane world, Girlguiding would stand squarely behind Alcock.

So why, when the interests of transgender people are invoked, does Girlguiding operate a different standard? Why not organise joint camping trips with the scouts and arrange acommodation so boys and girls share tents and shower facilities in the name of diversity?

Girlguiding is not alone in this insanity however. Universities, local councils, the BBC, and charities are among organisations where women and who question badly thought out, scientifically incorrect, politically correct policies intended to promote transgender equality fear to express their opinions because to question the extreme left line would be career suicide.

A common concern is that measures intended to protect people born male who now identify as women or vice versa will have consequences for services and opportunities previously reserved for people born with biologically female bodies. Because there is no getting away from the science, women and men are physically different. We have already seen evidence of this unfairness to biological women in sport, where transgenderd weight lifters with typically male upper body strength (and typically male wedding tackle,) have anihilated the competition in womens' events.

The question of toilets comes up with depressing frequency in this debate too. Many organisations are introducing “gender neutral” bathrooms, or designating women’s toilets as “gender neutral” to spare transgender people the awkward choice of risking ridicule by use the facility that aligns with their physical sex or their professed gender or a kneee in the bollocks by using the womens' facilities.

It is all being done in the name of transgender 'rights. 'But what about women who aren’t happy sharing such private spaces with biological males? Or who worry that opening facilities and services formerly reserved for women to male-born transwomen (who are not surgically altered or even receiving hormone therapy is unfair on women who, according to feminist orthodoxy, have faced a lifetime of social and economic sexism? What about their rights. Where is the fairness in stripping a group of their right to the privacy of gender - segregated facilities in order to grant a small but completely unreasonable minority the privileges they demand.

There has already been a case in Britain of a convict who in his male persona was a convicted rapist, successfully convincing the authorities that he 'felt he was a woman' to obtain a transfer to a women only prison, where within a few months he was arrested and sent for trial on several counts of rape and sexual assault against female inmates.

And then there is Canadian the case of Jessica Yaniv, who has sued several beauty therapists to financial ruin because they refused to give her a bikini line was on her female cock and big, hairy ball sack.

These and other incidents show that when men claim they 'feel they are woman in the wrong body,' and demand to be accepted as a woman they might judt have an ulterior motive and may very well posde a threat to biological women of a kind that fer left feminists have spent decades demonizing straight men for.

RELATED POSTS: Oxford Academics Turn On Gay BLT Propagandists For Pushing Unscientific Claims Equality Institute: Don’t Say ‘Pregnant Women’ as ‘People of All Genders Can Fall Pregnant’ Far-Left Group Successfully ‘Bullies’ Newspapers Over Migrant, Transgender Stories>/a> Sex Ed: Pupils To Be Taught Boys Can Have Periods Too Oxford University transgenger row Transgendered Ladies First

Scientists, Funded By Bill Gates, To Begin Spraying Particles Into The Sky To Dim The Sun

A few years ago many people in the USA started to notice the condensation trails left by high flying jets were behaving rather stragely, and hanging around far to long for mere water droplets. There were the usual leaks, speculations - some rather whacky, some very coherent - and theories around the idea that warmageddonist scientists, with the approval of gullible politicians, were spraying chemicals in the upper atmosphere as part of a crazy bid to stop global warming by blocking the sun. For a while 'Chemtrails' became the tin foil hats equivalent of the global warming scare. Geoenginering, the efforts to control the climate is called, and if true it would have been just one of many atempts by scientists, starting after world War Two, to control the weather. Inevitably the people who wrote or made podcasts and vlogs about it were called conspiracy theorists, anti - science nots and right wing crackpots. This was the style of response when I wrote asking why people thought it was unlikely governments would sanction such activity in view of the well documented experiments in weather control carried out in the past. Now at last, thanks to the God complex of the world's most insane science fanboy, the man whose company made 'not-fit-for-purpose' acceptable quality in the market, a certain Mr. William Franklin Gates, climate control is out of the closet. And like so many other 'conspiracy theories' it turns out not to have been a theory at all, but a conspiracy to increase the wealth and power of the elites and the level of control they exercise over the less rich and powerful majority. The one time 'Chemtrails' conspiracy theory is now being debated in the science faculties of great universities and the
national assemblies of great nations, peer-reviewed scientific papers reporting the results of experiments (presumably the expwriments that created the Chemtrails our science worshipping friends could not see,) and now a Harvard University trial project funded by the ultimate science worshipper Bill Gates (who is no doubt being handsomely rewarded by the US government for his generosity,) will attempt to replicate the climate-cooling effect of volcanic eruptions with a solar geoengineering experiment. The university announced earlythis month that it has convened an external advisory panel to examine the potential ethical, environmental and geopolitical impacts of this geoengineering project, which has been developed by the university’s researchers. According to Nature Magazine, Louise Bedsworth, executive director of the California Strategic Growth Council, a state agency that promotes sustainability and economic prosperity, has been appointed to lead the Harvard advisory panel, the university revealed on 29 July. The other members include Earth-science researchers and specialists in environmental and climate law and policy. What was once a crazy conspiracy theory only believed by tin - foil hat wearers will soon be a reality - with unknown consequences for human communities all around the world. According to information released by Harvard researchers, the exercise is known as the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx), and will involve spraying calcium carbonate particles high above the earth to mimic the effects of volcanic ash blocking out the sun to produce a cooling effect. The experiment was announced in Nature magazine in December 2018, one of few publications to subject to critical scrutiny this unprecedented step toward geoengineering the planet. The Harvard team hope to be the first in the world advance the techniques of solar geoengineering from experimental to real world application by changing the composition of the stratosphere with a project called the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx). The first phase — a US$3-million test involving two flights of a steerable balloons 20 kilometres above the southwest United States — could launch in 2019. Once in place, the experiment would release small plumes of calcium carbonate, each of around 100 grams, roughly equivalent to the amount found in an average bottle of off-the-shelf antacid. The balloon would then turn around to observe how the particles disperse. Details of the experiment released so far have caused concern among environmental groups, who, according to Nature, say such efforts are a dangerous distraction from addressing the only permanent solution to climate change: reducing greenhouse-gas emissions. The idea of injecting particles into the atmosphere to cool the earth also seems downright futile considering that scientists are trying to mimic—volcanic eruptions. The second largest volcanic eruption of the 20th century, Mount Pinatubo, in the Philippines in 1991 injected 20 million tons of sulfur dioxide aerosols into the stratosphere. Scientists from the USGS estimated that this 20 million tons only lowered the temperature of the planet by about 1°F (0.5°C) and this only lasted a year because the particles eventually fell to back to Earth. It seems that just as the climate science lobby amplified the Carbon Dioxide driven Anthropogenic Global Warming scare by ignoring basic arithmetic this buch of research grant phishing intellectual idiots from Harvard are hoping to solve a problem that does not exist by ignoring basic common sense. The Harvard team, led by scientists Frank Keutsch and David Keith, has been working on the SCoPEx project for several years (their work would have inclued preliminary experimentds ewe assumem) but they haven’t always been in total agreement. In fact, as Nature reported, Keutsch—who is not a climate scientist—previously thought the idea to be “totally insane.” But he’s since changed his mind. As Nature reports: When he saw Keith talk about the SCoPEx idea at a conference after starting at Harvard in 2015, he says his initial reaction was that the idea was “totally insane”. Then he decided it was time to engage. “I asked myself, an atmospheric chemist, what can I do?” He joined forces with Keith and Anderson, and has since taken the lead on the experimental work. Adding to the questionable nature of this experiment is the fact that it is largely funded by none other than Microsoft co-founder, Bill Gates. Gates is no stranger to funding controversial experiments as he’s publicly funded many of them including one that would implant devices into babies to automatically give them vaccines. Gates keeps a low profile these days, but is still one of the most ethiclly challenged and megalomaniacal of all Silicon Valley billionaires. The Harvard team’s experiment probably sounds like something from a dystopian science fiction novel but the reality is that climate control it has long been on the agenda of governments in both eastern and western blocs, and has been considered by think tanks from around the world. In November 2018, a study published in Environmental Research Letters, proposed spraying particulates into the upper atmosphere to curb global warming. What’s more, that study cited then-CIA director John Brennan when he addressed the Council on Foreign Relations in 2016, detailing a similar process of spraying chemical particulates in the atmosphere to cool the planet. And some folks thought it was just a crazy conspiracy theory? At the meeting, Brennan addressed political instability and transnational threats to global security at a meeting with the Council on Foreign Relations. During his talk on threats to US interests and how the largely CIA-created ISIL threat is impacting the world, Brennan brought up the topic of geoengineering. Another example is the array of technologies—often referred to collectively as geoengineering—that potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change. One that has gained my personal attention is stratospheric aerosol injection, or SAI, a method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun’s heat, in much the same way that volcanic eruptions do. Brennan went on to echo the calls from some scientists who have called for aerial spraying. An SAI program could limit global temperature increases, reducing some risks associated with higher temperatures and providing the world economy additional time to transition from fossil fuels. The process is also relatively inexpensive—the National Research Council estimates that a fully deployed SAI program would cost about $10 billion yearly. Watch him say all of this in the video below starting at the 12:05 marker.
The extent to which Brennan talked about stratospheric aerosol injection shows that plans were well advaced, thus he and the CIA must have been considering the idea for some time. Although we are hearing more and more talk about geoengineering, it has been around for a very long time and not just in the realm of conspiracy theories. In fact, scientists have already suggested that it could be going on right now, unintentionally. Researchers with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are suggesting contrails from airplanes may be inadvertently geoengineering the skies. No one involved in this project is claiming to be an expert on climate change or the effects of geoengineering on agriculture, fisheries, health and so on, as usual scientists are showing their willingness to conduct experimentsd, the possible consequences of which are completely unknown, on the whole of the human race. What is clear as always when venturing into the unknown is that there is still much to be debated and learned before humans deliberately begin altering Earth’s climate. Aside from doing nothing to curb carbon emissions, if we are so quick to jump on this method, it could set off a chain reaction that could prove to be far more catastrophic than the worst case predictions of the doom - mongering warmageddonists.

Zuckerberg Admits Facebook Interfered In Irish Abortion Vote
After three years of Facebook campaigning for the impeachment and firing of Trump because of alleged cooperation with the government of Russia in the 2016 US election, the Social Media giant’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg has at last admitted what many of us suspected all along, that it is Facebook, rather that hostile governments which interferes in the political processes of democratic nations.

Macron Threatens G20 On Climate Then Backs Off
France's boy president and current climate scaremonger in chief and leading European federalist Emmanuel Macron arrived in Japan for the G-20 summit full of sound and fury, which like the stuff of Macbeth's soliloquy in Shakespeare's play turned out to signify nothing.France's boy president and current climate scaremonger in chief and leading European federalist Emmanuel Macron arrived in Japan for the G-20 summit full of sound and fury, which like the stuff of Macbeth's soliloquy in Shakespeare's play turned out to signify nothing.

War and Politics Behind Mass Displacement in Africa, Not Climate Change – UCL
A report from a new study conducted by University College London’s may cause a stir in the climate scaremongering industry. The report challenges the academic establishment's standard narrative of mass displacement in Africa being principally responsible for the creation of refugees in Africa and casts doubt on a number of other assumptions about global problems.

Hurricane Harvey Climate Catastrophe Man Made?As we reported last week the Hurricane Harvey disaster which has hit the U.S. states of Texas and Louisiana has shown characteristics never before observed in any hurricane or tropical storm since records began. Meteorological depressions (because that is what hurricanes, typhoons and other intense storms are,) move and once over land quickly weaken as air pressures become normalised. Harvey has stayed in the same area, dumping massive amounts of rain on the heavily populated coastal strip and causing $$$billionsworth of damage through flooding and high winds.

Trump Announces US To Quit The Paris Climate Accord
Fulfilling another campaign pledge, US President Donald Trump yesterday announced the U.S. would withdraw from the Paris climate pact and that he will work to renegotiate the international agreement in a way that treats American workers better. “So we are getting out, but we will start to negotiate and we will see if we can …

German Scientist Confims Climate Change Ia A Politically Motivated Scam
Even as the inbred idiot Prince Charles was babbling to a hand picked audience about the skid marks in his underpants being caused by Climate Change, a somewhat more scientifically literate person, Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert, a retired geologist and data computation expert, has confirmed what those of us dubbed 'climate deniers' have been telling you for years ...

German Scientist Confims Climate Change Ia A Politically Motivated Scam
Even as the inbred idiot Prince Charles was babbling to a hand picked audience about the skid marks in his underpants being caused by Climate Change, a somewhat more scientifically literate person, Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert, a retired geologist and data computation expert, has confirmed what those of us dubbed ‘climate deniers’ have been telling …

Obama’s Climate Change Hypocrisy – The Arrogance Of The New Patricians
It is customary for US Presidents, when they leave office either having served two terms, been defeated in an election, or of their own volition, to fade quietly into the background. This is largely good manners, for an ex President to appear to be trying to intervene on political issues and influence events or public …

Big Business Joins Climate Change Scaremongers
The Paris summit on climate change approasches, which means the tree hugging fascist tendency are turning up the volume to eleven again. Trouble is they cannot produce a shed of evidence to back up their wild claims of imminent catastrophe because global warming only exists in their mathematical models, in the real world it is not happening/

Confusion Reigns As Paris Climate Conference Draws Near
The carbon dioxide driven climate change scam is back on the agenda as yet another monstrously expensive and fossil fulel gobbling jolly for politicians, scientists, freeloaders and general wankers gather to eat, drink, talk a lot and do nothing about a problem that exists in mathematical models but not in the real world.

Volkswagen Emissions Scandal - Is It The Tip Of The Iceberg?
The real problem here is that, driven by the hysterical warnings of self interested pseudo-scientists, politicians have set unachievable targets for reducing emissions while demanding that national economies keep growing.

Climate Denial Finally Pays Off
This blog has always been sceptical of the scientific case for climate change. And we admit that NO we are not climate scientists, NO we have not published research papers in ‘peer reviewed’ science journals. Of the three main contributors (all retired or semi retired) one is an engineer who still lectures in engineering and …

Nobel Laureate Smashes the Global Warming Hoax VIDEO
Nobel laureate Ivar Giaever's speech at the Nobel Laureates meeting 1st July 2015. Ivar points out the mistakes which Obama makes in his speeches about global warming, and shares other not-well known facts about the state of the climate.

5 August 2019

Germany slips into economic meltdown as US-China trade war escalates

Germany looks to be headed for economic meltdown (as this publication has predicted since early in the year,) due to the trade war between the US and China, with economists urging Chancellor Angela Merkel to give the go ahead to a money printing programme to save the nation.

Sebastian Dullien of the Institute for Macroeconomics and Business Cycle Research claimed the German Chancellor is burying her head in the sand regarding the impact of the China / US trade war on Germany's economy or how Trump's tariffs will impact German exports, which he claims has already had a detrimental effect on Berlin.

Talking about the economic situation in Berlin, the main financial contributor to the EU, he said: “The German economy is currently hanging by a thread”.

Referring to the tit-for-tat tariff squabble between Xi Jinping and Donald Trump, he added: “We have a development that we have never had in the earlier upswings, namely that actually the industrial cycle has already fallen - this comes mainly from the weak export demand - but at the same time the domestic economy is still running.”

He added: “The global trade disputes already hit Germany today. Although we do not yet have any significant punitive tariffs on German products, the trade war between the US and China is also affecting the German industry.

“And the reason here is that a lot of the industrial companies in China and the Asian suppliers are using German machinery and equipment.

“And for them the trade war is a massive burden and secondly, they are not sure if they can continue to produce, they have put their orders on hold or cancelled them.

“And that is one of the reasons why, for example, German machinery and plant engineering is not doing well in Germany at all.”

He declined to answer a question on whether President Trump would achieve the balanced trade end result he was seeking with China or whetherr the current imbalance would continue.

MORE on The Trade War

3 August 2019

Nottingham City Council Child Care Was A Playground For Paedophiles

'Hundreds of children were sexually abused by predatory foster carers and residential home staff who were allowed to thrive, an inquiry has found. Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County councils exposed vulnerable children to repeated rapes and physical abuse, a report pubished by The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse said. The report also noted that sexualised behaviour by staff was "tolerated or overlooked," and adults outside the professional care system were easily able to gain access to vulnerable young people.

The report also said the council had received about 350 complaints dating back to the 1960s, adding this was the biggest number of allegations of child sexual abuse for any of its investigations so far and added the "true scale is likely to be higher". The investigation reveals the abuse of children in the Nottingham care system has many parallels with cases in Rotherham, Rochdale, Birmingham and elsewhere

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) said the abuse went on "for more than five decades" and repeated failures to learn from mistakes exposed more young people to harm.

It single out the Beechwood Community Home in Mapperley, and reported staff there were "threatening and violent", with sexualised behaviour towards children "tolerated or overlooked by managers and supervisors, allowing abusers to thrive".

Beechwood was not the only care home where abuse went on. Children at many Nottinghamshire City and County council's care homes as well as some placed with fostert parents were subjected to serious abuse, including repeated rapes, sexual assaults and voyeurism . One girl who was abused while in foster care was later placed in a children's home, where she was regularly visited by her abuser.

The inquiry found in one home inspected in the early 1990s "all children resident over a 12-month period were found to have been exposed to harmful sexual behaviour." From the late 1970s to this year, 16 residential staff and 10 foster carers were convicted of sexual abuse of children in their care.

The IICSA panel heard 15 days of evidence from 115 witnesses at public hearings in London and Nottingham in October 2018.'

Claire Blake, a witness who has waived her right to anonymity, was abused at Beechwood in the late 1980s and early 1990s. She told the panel: "I'm still suffering now and I'm 42. I didn't even have respect for myself, never mind anyone else, I just existed."

She said seeing the council "finally start acknowledging" abuse was a positive step, but added: "I think the people that were in charge need to be held accountable.

"They knew, and they hid it, and I think people need to be held responsible."

BBC documentary Image: copyright Nottingham Post/BPM Media
Another witness who was abused while in the care of Nottingham council Caroline Nolan said she "withdrew within myself" because of the abuse.

"As I got older, I had very bad anger issues," she added.

David Robinson, another who suffered in a Nottingham care home, said the report showed "things should have been addressed decades ago, at the time when children were being abused".

"I'm astonished to find out that people who were put in a position of trust abused that trust, and were being paid for it," he said.

John Mann, MP for Bassetlaw, commented that the report showed "even today those who've survived child abuse in the past have not been treated properly or fairly", and called for authorities across the country to improve.

The IICSA reported that some foster carers were allowed to continue fostering vulnerable children even when they were "known perpetrators", including some who "then went on to abuse children again".

It said there was "too much willingness on the part of council staff to take the side of the foster carers and to disbelieve the child".

The IICSA found only two disciplinary actions were taken when allegations of sexual abuse were made at Beechwood, both of which "were inadequate".

County councillors looking after the oversight of children "did not question the scale of sexual abuse or what action was being taken", which the inquiry said was a "serious failure of scrutiny and governance".

John Mann, MP for Bassetlaw, said the report showed that "even today those who've survived child abuse in the past have not been treated properly or fairly", and called for authorities across the country to improve.

"I'm astonished to find out that people who were put in a position of trust abused that trust, and were being paid for it," he said.

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