The Daily Stirrer is constantly looking at the news and trying to dig out the stiory behind the story. With latest news that does not make mainstream media and controversial reporting and opinion, we are loking forward to bringing you inside information on the disintegration of the European Union, the replacement of the Petrodollar as global reserve currency, the continuing decay of the USA (unless Trump can neutralise the authoritarian warmongers of the deep state, and we don't think he can) and the ongoing problems caused by the flood of illegal immigrants from the third world to Europe and North America. We certainly do live in Interesting Times.
Daily Stirrer, January 2020
Editor's note: The Daily Stirrer believs in the universal right of free speech, this does not mean we necessarily agree with the views expressed by our contributors.
January 2020
Afer EU Engineered Hiatus Italy Heading For New Elections?
After a few difficult days for a news site, with news dominatre by the Trump impeachment, little Greta Thunberg at Davos, BREXI and the Labour leadership election the ongoing comic soap opear that is Italian politics has come to our rescue.
What happens next in Italy has a key role in the grand dreams of The Davosocracy and European Union federalist, led by newly sworn in EU Commission president Ursula von Leyen, French President Emmanuel Macron and floundering German chancellor Angela Merkel. The grand plan is of course to first buil;d a case, unsing fear of climate catastrophe to ovrcome dissent, to establish a global government, so if Italy's populist party Lega defeats the EU brokered coalition of PD (Democratic Party) and Five Star Movement, and carries out bhis threat to lead Italy out of the EU in the wake of Brexit, with Poland preparing to start exit proceedings, Netherlands, Denmak and spain wavering and France headinf for civil war as Macron sets his government against the people the whole plan will fall apart. So politically Italy at this moment is vitally important to the future of the world.
And given that the annual mutual masturbation session of those wannabe Galactic Imperalists (with Greta Thunberg pitching for the role of Emperor Palpatine,) took place in Davos last week and the self - righteous posturings of the private jet owners club have significantly beein ignored by China, Russia, India and other emergent economic powers.
Since the collapse of the populist government of Lega and Five Star in August when Lega’s Matteo Salvini, the de facto leader of Italy tried to force a new election that he would have won in a walk, the situation in Rome has been tense, to say the least.
Faced with an anti EU party and its leader dominating a large population member state, the EU showed its respect for democracy, as it has when previously denying the right of democratically elected governments in Spain, Belgium, Greece and Portugal to govern the people who elected them, by brokering a deal between the pro - Brussels Democrats and Eurosceptic Five Star, an arrangement which involved ousting Five Star leader Luigi di Maio and persuading the party managers to sell out voters who had voted for a left of centre, Eurosceptic party.
Five Star betrayed Salvini to stay in power but by cutting a deal with Brussels betrayed voters because Five Star’s main platform was its commitment to opposing the further surrender of Italian national sovereignty to Brussels and the European Union.
He betrayed the traditional centre left in Italy, voters who had abandoned the Democrats because PD had taken for their support for granted as they joind the globalist rush towards a federal European superstate over the past few decades.
In the same way as the US Democrats took the votes of blue collar workers in the 'rust belt' for granted and The Labour Party in the U.K. took the working class vote for granted, believing such voters were too stupid and ignorant to realise the parties they traditionally supported had abandoned them and fallen into the hands of left wing intellectuals, PD left hard working Italians who were content to make ends meen between paydays behind in their pursuit of the Cultural Marxist ambitions of the academic and managerial classes.
Speaking for the abandoned people was Five Star’s appeal that took them as high as 35% in polling ahead of the March 2018 election. President Sergio Mattarella dissolved parliament early that year to forestall an even bigger rise in the polls of both populist parties, Five Star and Lega.
When Five Star betrayed Salvini last year most pundits predicted the new government wouldn’t last as Five Star assembly members defected to Salvini's nationalists. It happened exactly as predicted, Five Star’s polling numbers plummeted, Lega gained strength and the coalition was hijacked by Italy’s old political establishment, now happy to be back in control.
Unfortunately for them they are not in control. As more Five Star members quit the coalition has lost its majority, and latest polls suggest Lega could win an overall majority in an election, but failing that, with other right wing parties Forza Italia and Brothers of Italy could form a secure Eurosceptic government.
Italy, Tecnè poll:
LEGA-ID: 32%
PD-S&D: 20%
M5S-NI: 15%
FdI-ECR: 11%
FI-EPP: 8%
Di Maio is now in the same position that another reformer turned toady was in after he betrayed his country in 2015, Greece’s Alexis Tsipras whose Syriza party was forced into a coalition with a pro - EU party by Brussels. Tsipras then had absolutely disastrous austerity policies forced on him as Brussels protected the big European Banks and disregarded the wellbeing of the Greek people, many of whom were plunged into penury.
To remind everyone, Tsipras is now out of a job and one of the most hated people in Greece. So complete was his sell out of the Greek people, he ushered back into power a center-right government in July.
Today Di Maio is no longer head of Five Star. The party is in turmoil. He’s staying on as Foreign Minister because he’s sold out his country and his party. His job is complete and when Salvini returns to power without him Five Star, like Spain's Podemos which also betrayed its supporters when leaders made a deal with a pro - Brussels party will sink into irrelevance.
It is flirting with the dreaded 16% Chasm which, once breached is a sign the public has moved on.
In regional elections held in October, Salvini’s center-right coalition scored a crushing victory in former leftist stronghold, Umbria. Another stronghold of the left Emilia Romagna holds elections to its regional government today, with Five Star polling around 5%. not enough to winn a single seat in the regional government, the other groupings, left and right are neck and neck. The question is will the same surprise surge as carried the 2016 US election for Trump and the EU Referendum for the Brexit campaign snatch Italy from the clutches of globalism.
If Salvini can win there the pressure will mount on Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte to dissolve the government. But Conte, recently caught in a hot mic moment promising German Hausfrau - Fuhrer Angela Merkel he’ll deliver Italy, lock, stock and barrel into the hands of the Brussels bureaucratic dictatorship, will try to cling to power for as long as he can.
Will voter in Italy continue to vent their rage and frustration on tone-deaf elites as they have recently in Britain, Spain and in German regional elections or will they let tradition rule them.? If December’s British vote was a gague of the level of disillusionment with the ruling elite's globalist policies in Europe, and throughout the developed world, Italy could face another General Election by the end of February, with the likely outcome being the election of a government committed to Quitaly.
This is why Italy’s political opera - bouffé is no longer a side show but the Pyramid Stage act in the collapse of the European Union festival.
WEF Davos 2020: Trump slams climate 'prophets of doom'
Climate protestors at Davos (Picture: Getty via Deutsche Welle)
Despite climate topping the agenda at this year's World Economic Forum, prominent climate change skeptic Donald Trump was one of the first speakers. He and the darling of Social Justice Warriors, Swedish munchkin Greta Thunberg laid out competing visions: Trump spoke of economic progress, Thunberg extolled the hippy - dippy dream of abandoning civilisation and going back to a planet friendly, hunter - gatherer lifestyle.
President Donald Trump dismissed the concerns of environmental activists as "pessimism," and said the world must ignore prohets of doom, in an impressive speech made political and business leaders at the sta the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, but with the US domestic audience very much in mind. Climate change and global warming are topping the agenda at this year's annual meeting in the Swiss ski resort of Davos, with activists at odds with businesses and governments about how to tackle the issue. We can only conclude from the importance attached to climate change that the global banking cartel have developed a way to make money out of it. Here are a main points of Trump's speech: The US leader dubbed climate activists "prophets of doom" and rejected their warnings, saying: "Fear and doubt is not a good thought process."
Despite concerns about emissions, Trump praised the US as one of the world's largest producers of natural gas.
He announced that the US would be joining the WEF's 1 trillion trees initiative.
When asked about his stance on climate change by reporters ahead of his speech, he said: "I'm a big believer in the environment. The environment is very important to me." Much of Trump's speech focused on praising his administration's domestic economic policies, saying that by rolling back regulations, prosperity "would come thundering back at record speed."
"A nation's highest duty is to its own citizens," he said. "Only when governments put their citizens first, will they be invested in their national futures."
Following Trump's speech, Swedish teen climate activist Greta Thunberg, recently exposed as a front for much older though no less immature far left activists when it was revealed her father operates her online activities, writing and posting items in her name. Greta predictably criticized world leaders and business executives for failing to meet their climate.
What makes me sure this whole phenomenon is a carefully managed Public Relations campaign is that nobody is asking: "Hey kid, you haven't even reached school leaving age yet, you are certainly not old enough to vote, who the fuck elected you to speak for the people of the world?"
Addressing the audience of business leaders Thunberg said, as she has many times before "Unlike you, my generation will not give up without a fight. The facts are clear but they are still too uncomfortable for you to address."
"Our house is still on fire. Your inaction is fueling the flames by the hour. And we are telling you to act as if you loved your children above all else," Thunberg said, repeating comments from her WEF appearance last year.
At a panel just before Trump arrived, Thunberg emphasized that moderate changes will not be enough to slow the impact of climate change. So if she gets her way, millions will starve and billions will be plunged into poverty as the industrial economies are shut down in order to achieve zero Carbon Dioxide emissions.
RELATED POSTS:Is Hatred Of Greta Thunberg Justified?
As the backlash against the Greta Thunberg cult gathers momentum a lot of lefties are asking why the little Climate Warriorette is so hated by so many people. As usual with the left, they are asking the wrong question. Just as they asked, “Why can’t you believe the scientists, when in fact not only is it always legitimate (and scientific,) to question and challenge scientific theory, so it is perfectly rational and logical to challenge the Cult of Saint Greta ....
War and Politics Behind Mass Displacement in Africa, Not Climate Change – UCL
A report from a new study conducted by University College London’s may cause a stir in the climate scaremongering industry. The report challenges the academic establishment's standard narrative of mass displacement in Africa being principally responsible for the creation of refugees in Africa and casts doubt on a number of other assumptions about global problems.
Hurricane Harvey Climate Catastrophe Man Made?As we reported last week the Hurricane Harvey disaster which has hit the U.S. states of Texas and Louisiana has shown characteristics never before observed in any hurricane or tropical storm since records began. Meteorological depressions (because that is what hurricanes, typhoons and other intense storms are,) move and once over land quickly weaken as air pressures become normalised. Harvey has stayed in the same area, dumping massive amounts of rain on the heavily populated coastal strip and causing $$$billionsworth of damage through flooding and high winds.
Trump Announces US To Quit The Paris Climate Accord
Fulfilling another campaign pledge, US President Donald Trump yesterday announced the U.S. would withdraw from the Paris climate pact and that he will work to renegotiate the international agreement in a way that treats American workers better. “So we are getting out, but we will start to negotiate and we will see if we can …
German Scientist Confims Climate Change Ia A Politically Motivated Scam
Even as the inbred idiot Prince Charles was babbling to a hand picked audience about the skid marks in his underpants being caused by Climate Change, a somewhat more scientifically literate person, Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert, a retired geologist and data computation expert, has confirmed what those of us dubbed 'climate deniers' have been telling you for years ...
German Scientist Confims Climate Change Ia A Politically Motivated Scam
Even as the inbred idiot Prince Charles was babbling to a hand picked audience about the skid marks in his underpants being caused by Climate Change, a somewhat more scientifically literate person, Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert, a retired geologist and data computation expert, has confirmed what those of us dubbed ‘climate deniers’ have been telling …
It is customary for US Presidents, when they leave office either having served two terms, been defeated in an election, or of their own volition, to fade quietly into the background. This is largely good manners, for an ex President to appear to be trying to intervene on political issues and influence events or public …
Big Business Joins Climate Change Scaremongers
The Paris summit on climate change approasches, which means the tree hugging fascist tendency are turning up the volume to eleven again. Trouble is they cannot produce a shed of evidence to back up their wild claims of imminent catastrophe because global warming only exists in their mathematical models, in the real world it is not happening/
Confusion Reigns As Paris Climate Conference Draws Near
The carbon dioxide driven climate change scam is back on the agenda as yet another monstrously expensive and fossil fulel gobbling jolly for politicians, scientists, freeloaders and general wankers gather to eat, drink, talk a lot and do nothing about a problem that exists in mathematical models but not in the real world.
Minister In Spain's Socialist Government Claims Country Needs ‘Millions and Millions’ of Migrants
The Minister for Social Security, Inclusion, and Migration in Spain's socialist interim government, has said the country, which already has phenomenally high unemployment, requires millions of new migrants from third world nations, similar to the hundreds of thousands of illiterate, unskilled professional benefits claimants who have flooded the country in recent years, to combat the forecasted demographic decline in the near future.
Escriva claimed the demographic projections for Spain are so bad that the country will require “eight or nine million people just to keep our working population at the same level”, and noted that other countries should be “prepared to integrate” large migrant populations, France Info reports.
“The demographic trajectories are there. It will happen, we will not escape it,” Escriva said during a meeting of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris on Thursday.
“We must be prepared to integrate into our societies, if we want to maintain our comfort levels, a certain number of additional migrants and our population will be more mixed,” he said and added: “We have to prepare societies for this. Explain to them why it is good for them, for their children, and for generations to come."
He's talking bollocks of course, mass immigration is a sacred cow policy for socialists throughout the European Union, but the EU's 'open doors' policy, imposed on member states by Brussels is responsible for the social and economic problems being experienced by many EU member states.
European Commissioner for Migration Ylva Johansson, who also attended the meeting, went on to state that European Union citizens are worried that we cannot manage migration, that we cannot control it”.
“We must show that we control immigration,” she said and added that the EU could do more to deal with illegal immigrants. Johansson went on to state: “Those who have the right to stay, they are welcome, we must welcome them.”
While many establishment politicians, particularly on the left, have idiotically championed mass migration as a way to boost the economies of European countries by paying out more benefits to unemployable people, serious economic studies such as a 2016 report from the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) claimed mass migration was harmful to long term economic growth.
A University of Basel study released in 2018 agreed, concluding that in the short term mass migration can benefit the economy but in the long term migrants are a net loss for the state, rather than a contributor.
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Not Qualified To Press A Button
Janice Woodward spent 75 minutes trapped with her granddaughter in a lift at her local ASDA store at Portland, Dorset, after health and safety rules stopped staff pushing a button to rescue them according to ...
We Were Right Again - Immigrants Are Keeping British People Out Of Jobs
A British worker is “displaced” from the jobs market for every four immigrants from nations outside the EU, the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) has revealed. The new report, published yesterday is the first official admission of the impact immigration has on British workers and the economy It showed migrants have been keeping resident workers out of jobs for many years. Jobseekers have long been aware that when they ...
New EU bureaucratic control freakery destroys British Jobs
British Workers To Lose Jobs Under New Rules
Almost 30,000 young British workers will lose their jobs because of new European Union employment rules due to take force this week, Europe watcher report. Open Europe, a consultancy firm specialising in European regulatory compliance said the Agency Workers’ Directive (AWD) could put 28,000 young workers’ contracts at risk by making the temporary staff, employed on short term contracts, too expensive to ...
Creating Wealth
Politicians talk about encouraging entrepreneurs to create wealth,provide jobs and revitalise zombie economies. But entrepreneurs do not create wealh, they move money and goods around. Only the banks and the finance industry can create the wealth that drives the economy. Bankers do this by using asset values as collaterlal for loans. Learn how the system works and how it failed ....
As Coalition ministers strive to find ways of cutting Britain's crippling public sector deficit, Labour councils are still creating 'non - jobs', positions crreated to appease politically correct prejudices, service the vanity of executives and elected officials and buy votes from minoroties. We look at the nature of some non jobs taxpayers are funding ...
Quitaly Back On As Salvini Prepares To Take On The EU
While the bureaucraps of Brussels were still congratuating themselves on forcing Matteo Salvini’s Lega party out of Italy’s governernment, mainstream media barely bothered to cover the news that Lega won the state elections in Umbria towards the end of October 2019. Thus the story that should have had Europhiles like Emmanuel Macron and Guy Verhofshit crapping themselves was barely noticed.
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Police Failed To Act Against Muslim Grooming Gang Due To Fears Over "Community Tensions"
A new report based on the evidence of former Grester Manchester Police Detective Constable Maggie Oliver acknowledges that the force failed to stop dozens of girls being groomed and sexually exploited by a network of Pakistani men despite being fully aware of what was happening due to fears over creating “community tensions.” The report notes that the instruction to avoid prosecuting came "right from the top," which can only mean from the Director of Public Prosecutions at the them, Sir Kier Starmer, who is currently a leading contender to take over leadership of the Labour Party when Jeremy Corbyn steps down.
Our sister publication Boggart Blog reported earlier in the week on the results of the inquiry into the failures of police and local authority care workers which led to Ms. Oliver being hounded out of the police force, and eventually to The BBC making the drama documentary Three Girls which featured the case of a trio of girls, all under age when the sexual abuse began, who were firs groomed then raped, pimped out, gang raped, beaten and mentally abused by member of one of the gangs operating in Rochdale, Greater Manchester.
The report, authored by Malcolm Newsam and Gary Ridgeway and published earlier this week reveals that Greater Manchester Police “failed to take appropriate action more than 15 years ago, despite getting details of nearly 100 “persons of interest” who were using fast food shops and taxi company offices as a base from which to organose the grooming, rape and abuse of children in care between the ages of 11 and 17” and despite the fact that the culprits were operating “in plain sight,” and after many reports of criminal activity by members of the public, including parents of some of the children involved.
It is noted that all the victims were “young white females” aged 11-17 while all the perpetrators were “almost exclusively Pakistania or Bangladeshi adult males, many of whom are associated via the Asian restaurant trade,” according to the report. It is not racist to point out the common ethic origin of the perpetrators, or the fact that they are equally predominantly Muslim. However is is wrong to suggest such sexual proclivities are shared by all Muslims. Islam tends to flourish in regions where tribal identity rather than national identity is a cultural factor, thus when people from such societies migrate they tend to take aspects of those tribal cultures with them. And as a Conservative member of the British parliament who is a Muslim woman of Pakistani origin said this week, Pakistan is one of the worst places in the world to be a woman. Pakistani women who are not of the wealthy elite have no staus in society and are considered the property of their husband or father.Unattached women are considered whores while the freedom enjoyed by European and American women leads Pakistani men to regard them with hatred and contempt.
The police operation in Manchester identified 57 girls who had been exploited, including one who died after being injected with heroin by her abuser, but the case was shut down in 2005 and “very few” offenders were brought to justice. The report's authors agree unequivocally this is just the tip of the iceberg and there are hundreds, maybe thousands of cases that have never boon recored. In some cases victims or their families were afraid to report the crimes, in others the police did not take the complaints seriously, often dismissing the complainants as racist.
“The report includes shocking stories of how children told their carers of the abuse and pleaded to be removed from harm,” Fox News reported.
“One child is said to have begged her carers to get her away from Manchester as she was too involved with Asian men and that one “made her do things she didn’t want to.”
Another spoke of how she was taken to apartments with friends and was given vodka and cocaine and made to allow numerous men to “do whatever they wanted us to do.” The report states that the children were not protected by the appropriate agencies.”
One of the reasons why police failed to take adequate action was due to concerns over “sensitive community issues” because the men involved were “predominantly adult Asian men from local minority ethnic communities in the area.”
A separate unrelated case involving Kurdish people had also been dropped to avoid “creating community tensions.” Senior police officers are reported to have said such factors “clearly had to be considered by the gold command group.”
It was also revealed that police were even ordered to try to find culprits who were white to hide the fact that the grooming gang issue was a problem in the Pakistani Muslim community. Police were even ordered to try to find culprits who were white to cover up the fact that the grooming gang issue was a Muslim/Pakistani problem.
In an editorial for Spiked, Brendan O'Neil observes:
“This week feminists shed more tears over a few rude headlines about Meghan Markle than they did over the sexual abuse of 57 working-class girls by Pakistani gangs in Manchester.”
Keighley MP Anne Cryer on Asian paedophile rings
Child abuse gangs Rotherham
Child abuse gangs nastional problem
Child abuse gangs Rochdale
Is Greta Thunberg Great? Umm, Maybe Not
Don't you get sick of hearing people blethering about how great Greta Thunberg is, how she has raised awareness off the climate emergency and what wonderful speeches she makes and what wonderful articles she writes.
Such scaremongering might convince gullible millennials, power seeking politicians politicians ready to jump on any bandwagon, and virtue signalling media luvvies, but ordinary punters have realised they've heard all this shite before - several times. And yet snow is not a thing of the past, polar bears are not extinct, global temperatures are not soaring and the 50 million refugees who were displaced from their homes in low lying lands by 2015 must be huddled under Harry Potter's cloak of invisibility because nobody has seen them.
Nothing is great about Greta, she is very obviously a puppet being used by a group of people whose political aganda has nothing to do with saving the planet and a lot to do with enslaving the planet. The popular names for these people include globalists, international socialists and cultural Marxists, and their aim is to cause the collapse of the global economy so it can be replaced with their vision of a socialist utopia, a world run by a hierarchy of bureaucratic committees, a world where there is no such thing as democracy or individual freedom.
They though the doomsday scenario predicted by the Anthropogenic Global Warming hoax would be enough to scare people into submission to the extent that we would surrender individual and national sovereignty to technocrats. Unfortunately the predictions of catastrophe failed to be realised, snow is not a thing of the past, low lying nations have not been inundated by rising sea levels, temperature are not soaring globally and the predicted 50 million refugees displaced by climate change before 2015 are obviously hiding under Harry Potter’s cloak of invisibility, because nobody has seen any of them. On top of that the “climate science” we had been told was unquestionable, when subjected to scrutiny failed at the level of basic arithmetic. These supposedly infallible “experts” did not know how to calculate a simple average.
Naturally the credibility of the environment lobby collapsed, and seeing their bid for global power evaporating faster than a raindrop in the Sahara, the cultural Marxists resorted to emotional blackmail, using a physically immature - Greta (17) looks several years younger than my 13 year old granddaughter and reportedly has problems relating to emotional development as well.
Using Greta to front the latest push in the climate catastrophe scam is very like the scam employed by left wing media in a bid to bully Europeans into demanding the borders be opened to let in hundreds of thousands of economic migrants incorrectly described as refugees. They carefully posed the corpse of a small child on a Mediterranean beach and claimed this was a fate shared by many “refugee” children trying to get to Europe “to seek a better life.”
It turned out the kid was the child of a criminal who had taken his son along for a joyride on one of his people trafficking runs.
The Greta Thunberg hoax will be similarly exposed, in fact the process has already begun. The girl’s father (an actor) and other far left activists involved with her campaign have been revealed as being responsible for the highly articulate posts this otherwise taciturn and anti - social child is alleged to have written and posted online.
Sorry Greta fans, but you will have to prepare for disappointment. Carbon Dioxide is not causing environmental problems, burgeoning human population and an economic model base on infinite growth of consumption are.
RELATED POSTS:Climate change lies
Climate refugees
Is Hatred Of Greta Thunberg Justified
Greta Thunberg Slams Australia for Coal Industry, Expands List of Climate Demands
Little Greta Thunberg, who was elected by nobody but apparently now speaks for us all on matters relating to climate change,
The Swedish climate change hustler who is making a fortune for her handlers from donations to her campaign, again castigated Australia for continuing to mine and export coal despite her previous complaints, adding a call for an end worldwide to the actibity to her list of climate demands to be delivered at the upcoming World Economic Forum in Davos. Obviously this backward child hasn't the slightest idea how disatrous for national economies and the livelihoods of industrial workers such an action would be.
And yet political leaders and captains of industry listen to her as if she is some kind of prophet rather than a child who is being manipulated by far left extremists who have a very nasty political agenda.
Thunberg also called on German industrial giant Siemens AG to abandon its plan to provide equipment to a massive new coal mining venture in Queensland, Australia.
Adani mining, the name of the new operation, is a business owned by India’s Adani Power which the Australian government approved last year. Siemens won a contract to provide part of the signalling system for the railway lines necessary for moving the coal out of the plant and to the coast, a move Thunberg has objected to, and that followers of the quasi religious cult forming around her.
Thunberg has already issued a long list of demands for consideration by The World Economic Forum, which convenes in Davos, Switzerland, every January, warning she will admonish world leaders for providing subsidies to the oil and gas industry, which is responsible, in part, for advancing civilization by providing abundant and affordable energy.
The World Economic Forum website posted a commentary written by Thunberg and other youth activists and published in the Guardian.
Here is an extract, showing the astounding naivete of Thunberg and her followers:
We demand that at this year’s Forum, participants from all companies, banks, institutions and governments immediately halt all investments in fossil fuel exploration and extraction, immediately end all fossil fuel subsidies and immediately and completely divest from fossil fuels.
We don’t want these things done by 2050, 2030 or even 2021, we want this done now – as in right now.
The world of finance has a responsibility to the planet, the people and all other species living on it. In fact, it ought to be in every company and stakeholder’s interest to make sure the planet they live on will thrive. But history has not shown the corporate world’s willingness to hold themselves accountable. So it falls on us, the children, to do that. We call upon the world’s leaders to stop investing in the fossil fuel economy that is at the very heart of this planetary crisis. Instead, they should invest their money in existing sustainable technologies, research and in restoring nature. Short-term profit should not trump long-term stability of life.
But despite Thunberg’s and others’ claims, experts say that not only are fossil fuels responsible for improving human conditions around the globe but activists’ call for ending subsidies to oil and gas corporations will do little to help the environment.
The Library for Economics and Liberty wrote about the idea that fossil fuels harm not help humanity:
No one exposes its sheer absurdity better than Alex Epstein in The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels. You cannot have modern civilization without abundant energy. And despite decades of government favoritism, alternative fuels have yet to deliver. As global wealth has skyrocketed, energy use has risen 80%, thanks almost entirely to increased production of fossil fuels:
“From the 1970s to the present, fossil fuels have overwhelmingly been the fuel of choice, particularly for developing countries. In the United States between 1980 and 2012, the consumption of oil increased 8.7 percent, the consumption of natural gas increased 28.3 percent, and the consumption of coal increased 12.6 percent. During that time period, the world overall increased fossil fuel usage far more than we did. Today the world uses 39 percent more oil, 107 percent more coal, and 131 percent more natural gas than it did in 1980.”And the ScienceDaily website took on the subsidies debate:
Removing fossil subsidies would only slightly slow the growth of CO2 emissions, with the result that by 2030 they would only be 1-5% lower than if subsidies had been maintained, regardless of whether oil prices are low or high. This equates to 0.5-2 gigatonnes (Gt/year) of CO2 by 2030, significantly less than the voluntary climate pledges made under the Paris climate agreement, which add up to 4-8 Gt/year and are themselves not enough to limit warming to 2°C.
“The reason for this small overall effect is two-fold,” says IIASA researcher Jessica Jewell, lead author on the paper. “First, these subsidies generally apply only to oil, gas, and electricity. That means that in some cases the removal of subsidies causes a switch to more emissions-intensive coal. Second, while these subsidies add up to substantial sums of money, the rate per unit of energy is not high enough to have a big effect on global energy demand, which would decrease by only 1-7% after subsidies are removed.”
In addition, subsidy removal would not boost renewable energy use significantly, the team found. This is because it is generally cheaper to reduce energy demand than to substitute subsidized fuels with renewables.
The White House announced that President Donald Trump will attend the forum, which touts its purpose is to “shape the global, regional and industry agendas at the beginning of each year.” In their last confrontation Thunberg, having spoken with her usual anger and disregard for reason as she parroted hippy nonsence written for her by extremists, concluded by trying to stare down Trump. The Donald, a man not short on ego, was predictably unmoved.
Where are the Climate Change refugees
Climate lies omnibus
Globalism Report Hyped by Climate Alarmists Warned of Million of Deaths, Nuclear War, Sunken Major Cities by 2020
A Rant Against Renewed Climate Change Scaremongering
Scaremongering IPCC Pushes Climate Hysteria with New Doomsday Report
Greenhouse Gas Facts - Not For The Thunberg Cult
LABOUR’S SHAME: Brown’s Government ‘Urged’ Police Not To Investigate Muslim Grooming Gangs
LABOUR’S SHAME: Brown’s Government ‘Urged’ Police Not To Investigate Muslim Grooming Gangs
The Former North West Chief Prosecutor alleged that the Home Office, under Gordon Brown’s Labour Government, ordered police to ignore grooming gang claims in 2008. Nazir Afzal, told the BBC that in 2008 the Home Office sent a circular email to all police forces calling on them to not investigate the sexual exploitation of young girls in towns and cities across the UK ... Continue reading
Macron Digs In Against The General Strike, But Could It Finish Him?
As the French braces itself for the latest wave of protests and strikes across the country, as attitudes harden against President Emmanuel Macron's pension and retirement system reforms. Karel Vereycken, vice-president of France's Solidarity and Progress Party, has given his version what's behind the recent wave of strikes and why Macron's efforts to calm the situation down are backfiring ...Coninue reading.Europe unglues
The Facts Lady, Just The Facebook Approved Facts
"The facts lady, just the facts;" it was the catchphrase of Joe Friday, the lead character in Dragnet, a 1950s TV series I loved to watch when I was about eight or nine years old. Since them I have beome worldly and cynical and learned that facts are untrustworthy, slippery things, harder to get a firm grip on than an eel. And that was before the internet came along and threw mud in my, and everybody else's eyes.
Now we are told that the facts are whatever te powers that be say they are. One of the leading arbiters of "the new truth" is social media giant Facebook, a for profit corporation that has been busy setting itself up as the official censor to the New World Order.
Facebook underlined its refusal to fact-check political ads or limit advertisers'ability to target voters with advertising material they are likely to be susceptible to, much to the chagrin of political organisations whose spokespersons talk of “media literacy” yet desperately want the information people can see policed and only material favourable to their own cause to be made visible.
The social media network announced this week that it will continue to allow political ads to target users based on specific attributes (“microtargeting”) and exempt these ads from fact-checking, two controversial practices that have been the subject of much wailing and gnashing of teeth as the 2020 US presidential election approaches.
Facebook briefly entertained the notion of limiting microtargeting according to insiders,but explained in a blog post on Thursday that talking with political campaigns, NGOs, and other groups that use the technique had convinced the company that it was a necessary technique in ensuring people get the appropriate information. Instead, Facebook opted for “expanded transparency,” allowing users to learn about what ads are targeting them and why. A feature allowing users to see fewer political ads will be introduced in the summer, Facebook promised.
Facebook watchers went apeshit. The US Federal Election Commission’s Ellen Weintraub accused Facebook of “hurting democracy” and placing its profit margins above “protect[ing] the democracies that have nurtured its existence.”
“These so-called ’transparency’ solutions are neither transparent nor solutions,” she sniffed, hinting that the platform’s intransigence might persuade Congress to take away the Section 230 exemptions that allow it to avoid publisher's liability for content users post. Microtargeting, Weintraub warned in the Washington Post recently, “may be undermining the united character of our United States.”
Others suggested somewhat hysterically Facebook puts users’ lives at risk by giving politicians to pay for the ability to lie to their constituents without fear of being called to account. They may be right, Facebook is known to have hooked up with with NATO-backed pro-war think tank Atlantic Council in 2018 and since then has been deplatforming dissident voices at a rapid clip, many on mere suspicion of being linked to foreign "manipulators," the platform's users would be wise to take his words to heart.
MORE on FacebookIran refuses to release black box data from crashed aircraft fuelling suspicion
As we reported late last nigh (Ian has become a nocturnal creature,), the Boeing 737, a different model the 737 MAX which has been involved in two recent air disasters, a variation of the plane which has an excellent safety record, crashed over Tehran just minutes after takeoff, killing all 176 people onboard.
The aircraft's operator, Ukraine International Airlines, released a statement that the plane involved was in excellent condition and had undergone necessary maintenance just days before the crash, according to a report in RT.
Evgeny Dykhne, the company’s president, told reporters in Kiev the aircraft was "one of the best." The flight, bound for Ukrainian capital Kiev, plunged from the sky just minutes after departing Imam Khomeini International Airport, according to Iran's state-run IRNA news agency.
"I heard a massive explosion and all the houses started to shake. There was fire everywhere," Din Mohammad Qassemi, an Iranian who lives near the crash site, told the AP. "At first I thought (the Americans) have hit here with missiles and went in the basement as a shelter," Qassemi added. "After a while, I went out and saw a plane has crashed over there. Body parts were lying around everywhere."
Overnight, the rumor mill pointed to mechanical errors, which caused Boeing's shares, already under pressure from the 737 MAX fallout, to slide.
The crash happened shortly after the plane departed Tehran's main airport on Wednesday morning UIA flight director Ihor Sosnovsky even ruled out pilot error as a potential cause of the crash, explaining that the ill-fated flight was manned by a "reinforced crew," including Captain Volodymyr Yaponenko, Pilot Instructor Oleksiy Naumkin and First Officer Serhiy Khomenko.
All of this makes the decision of Iran's civil aviation department to withold release of the black box flight recorder data somewhat suspect. Was the plane accidentally struck by one of the Iranian missile fired at US bases in Iraq? The timing sure seems suspicious, given that the plane crashed over Iran during the same timeframe that the country was lobbing missiles at American bases in Iraq. On the other hand Tehran is in northern Iran, not the most likely place to launch missiles at the sites targeted.
if the plane just happened to crash over Iran just as the country was firing off missiles, well, that certainly would be one hell of a coincidence, wouldn't it?
Fars News: Iranian Missiles Strike American Base North Of BaghdadMiddle east catalogue Iran Bombing: Trump Says US Not Seeking To Start A War
Fars News: Iranian Missiles Strike American Base North Of Baghdad
Following the ritual exchange of threats over the past few days, following the assassination in a targeted airsrike of Iran's top soldier, General Qasem Soleimani, we are picking up unconfirmed reports that at least 5 Iranian missiles missiles have struck a US base, Taji camp, situated about 17 miles north of Baghdad. US troops are known to be billeted at the camp.
If this is an Iranian attack, as seems likely, the timing, at the end of the four days of mourning for General Suleimani. The drone strike which killed the General and several more Iranian military personnel is reported to have been ordered by President Trump himself while Suleimani was attending a meeting in Baghdad.
Thanks to our friend Amna Ibezil for traslating the Urdu / Farsi language tweets for us.
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US Bombers Ordered To Indian Ocean Base As Pentagon Denies Iraq Withdrawal
As more than 3,000 US troops are readying to deploy to the Middle East this week following the killing of the IRGC's Quds Force General Qasem Soleimani, the Pentagon will additionally send major military hardware in the form of an additional B-52 strike force.
After a weekend of threat and counter - threat following the assassination of Iran's top soldier, a US defense official confirmed today (Monday) the Pentagon has dispatched six B-52 bombers to the major US military base at Deigo Garcia in the Chagos Islands.
Currently, American B-52 Stratofortress bombers are stationed at a US airbase in Qatar, after a strike group was previously ordered there by US Central Command (CENTCOM) last May over increasing tension with Iran.
For that prior deployment, the Trump administration said it had been sending a "message to Iran".
Meanwhile, Iranian state media channels on Monday began "answering" US threats, broadcasting military "shows of force" against the United States to its population.
President Trump's decision to kill Iranian General and revolutionary icon Qasem Suleimani - an attack that caused maony of Trump's critics t warn the action could start WWIII - might have given the US exactly the cover it needs to pull out of Iraq, once and for all.
In a letter from Marine Corps Brig. Gen. William H. Seely III, obtained by AFP whose authenticity has since been confirmed by both US and Iraqi defense officials, the US Army informed Iraq that it is "preparing for onward movement" out of respect for Iraq's "sovereign decision to order our departure." Troops will be re-positioned within the country as they prepare for withdrawal.
Iraqi lawmakers voted on Sunday to expel foreign troops from the country. Interim Iraqi prime minister, Adil Abdul Mahdi, stressed during the emergency session, that while the US government notified the Iraqi military of the planned strike on Soleimani, his government denied Washington permission to continue with the operation.
ON Monday, Mahdi, the caretaker prime minister who said in November he would resign, told US Ambassador Matthew H. Tueller that the US and Iraq needed to cooperate "to implement the withdrawal of foreign forces in accordance with the decision of the Iraqi parliament," according to a statement from the PM's office that was cited by the Washington Post.
Though the Iraq war 'officially' ended in 2011, thousands of coalition troops are still based in the country, mainly because of the attempt by ISIS Islamic extremists to establish a new caliphate in territory seized from Iraq and Syria. Ending the US troop presence in Iraq has been a longtime goal of non-interventionists like Ron Paul and his son, Rand, but support for withdrawal from US allies in Europe has been patchy because of fears that without a strong allied presence in the region ISIS could regroup and organise terrorist attacks on European population centres.
That said, even without troops in Iraq, the US will still have plenty of capacity to bully Iran, and other other regional powers from its bases in the middle east.
Iran Bombing: Trump Says US Not Seeking To Start A War
Why Would Iran Attack Tankers In The Gulf – They Have Nothing To Gain? Middle east catalogue
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Daily Stirrer
Iran Bombing: Trump Says US Not Seeking To Start A War
The assassination of a popular Iranian general in Baghdad could turn out to be the game-changer in the midle east after years of increasing tensions between between the deep state in Washington and the Ayatollahs in Tehran. Until now, mainly due to the looming presence of Iran's allies Russia and China hostilities have been confined to the proxy war, occasional terrorist outrages such as the attacks on shipping in the gulf and a lot of over the top rhetoric. The Trump administration has however escalated the situation with with Iran to what is perhaps a point of no return on Friday by ordering a targeted air strike on a convoy leaving Baghdad airport, ostensibly a response to what The White House claims was an organised attack on the US embassy in Iraq by armed militiamen, but looked far more like a planned assassination of Qassem Soleimani, the commander of Iran’s Quds Force. (No linked sources here sorry, the information is all from TV news bulletins or internet news feeds not available to non subscribed users - editor) The Iranian general and some say 2nd most powerful man in the country was blown up along with 11 other people, including a senior commander of an Iraqi militia backed by Tehran, when their motorcade was hit by US guided missiles.A a destroyed vehicle on fire following a US strike on Baghdad international airport road in which top Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani was killed. ©Iraqi military via AFP
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Lawless Libya
December 2019
After U.S. Strike On Iraqi Forces Will Its Troops Have To Leave
On Friday 27 December a volley of 30 107mm Katyusha rockets hit the K1 base near Kirkuk, Iraq where Iraqi and U.S. troops are stationed. One U.S. mercenary/contractor died, two Iraqi and four U.S. soldiers were wounded. Instead of hunting down the real perpetrators, and there are plenty of suspects, - ISIS remnants, disgruntled locals, Kurds who want to regain control over Kirkuk - The Powers That Be in Washington decided that the Kata'ib Hizbullah militia group was responsible for attack.
Kata'ib Hizbullah (KH) is a Shia group with links to Iran. Part of the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) which were founded and trained by Iran to stop and defeat the salafists of Islamic State (ISIS), a fundamentalist jihadi organisation when it occupied nearly a third of Iraq and Syria. KH, like all PMU units is now under command and control of the Iraqi Ministry of Defense.
As a reprisal for the death of one of its contractors and the injury of several enlisted soldiers, the U.S. air force attacked five camps where Kata'ib Hizbullah and other Iraqi forces were stationed:
In response to repeated Kata'ib Hizbollah (KH) attacks on Iraqi bases that host Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR) coalition forces, U.S. forces have conducted precision defensive strikes against five KH facilities in Iraq and Syria that will degrade KH's ability to conduct future attacks against OIR coalition forces.The five targets include three KH locations in Iraq and two in Syria. These locations included weapon storage facilities and command and control locations that KH uses to plan and execute attacks on OIR coalition forces.All of the KH positions that were hit were in the western Anbar desert, 450 kilometer away from Kirkuk. KH has bases on both sides of the Iraqi-Syrian border where it is engaged in fighting the still active ISIS. The results of the air strikes were devastating.
Iraquis were outraged and on New Year’s Eve a mob attacked the U.S. Embassy compound in Baghdad. The Embasssy is well fortified and the compound's defences were not breached but the attack has exposed a deepening divide between the United States and Iraq over Iran’s involvement there, as a force to counter any moves by ISIS to regroup after it's defeat by Iranian, Syrian and Kurdish forces backed by Russian air cover. The Pentagon has recently taken a more belligerent stance on countering counter Iranian influence across the Middle east, although the Iranians claim their actions are meant to curb the advance of Saudi Arabian interests, after the war in Yemen showed the Saudi salafist regime have no qualms about using overwhelming military poower to subdue weaker nations..
“The game has changed,” Defense Secretary Mark Esper said Thursday, telling reporters that violent acts by Iran-backed Shiite militias in Iraq - including a rocket attack on December 27th that killed one American - will be met with U.S. military force.
The U.S. had retaliated by launching air strikes that killed 25 fighters of an Iran-back militia and now has assassinated a top Iranian government official. This problem is not going to go away quickly
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Lawless Libya
Virtue Signalling Swedish Government Plans To Destroy National Economy Within A Decade
Swedish Social Democrat government, supported by the Centre Party and the Liberals, have revealed a plan that will be the Chistmas delight of left wing bansturbators everywhere. They plan to outlaw the sale new cars with internal combustion engines in the next ten years.
The ignorant lefties refer of course to vehicles that are powered by fossil fuels, which only goes to show that "the science is settled brigade know less about science than the average housebrick. For some years now it has been known that the official narrative of trillions of quadrillions of microscopic, prehistoric sea creatures congregating in certain places, dying and fermenting on the seabedThe proposed ban has been met with positive comments from green groups but others, such as those who actually work in the car industry, are highly critical of the proposal, Swedish broadcaster Sveriges Radio reports.
BIL Sweden, an industry organisation for the manufacturers of cars, trucks ad buses, said the ban could prove incredibly costly for vehicle manufacturers and potentially for consumers as well.
Jessica Alenius, Vice President of BIL Sweden, said that she did not think the ban was a good way to proceed, saying that the government should offer incentives instead — such as lower taxes, parking fees, and congestion taxes for those using electric cars.
Johan Andersson, CEO of the Swedish Petroleum & Biofuels Institute, was also critical, saying Swedish lawmakers should not deviate too much from laws in other countries, and adding that a ban could impact the competitiveness of Swedish industry.
“We must create the conditions for Swedish industry and the Swedish business community to be competitive in a global market. Doing things that go completely out of line with our world is a bad socio-economic decision,” he said.
Sweden, the home of climate alarmist teen activist Greta Thunberg, is well-known as a hub for environmental activism.
The Swedish Greens, in particular, have made several controversial policy proposals in recent years, including demands that the European Union take in so-called “climate refugees”.
A similar proposal was made earlier in the month by the Green Party in Germany, which proposed granting German passports to all “climate refugees” — a number that could total up to 140 million people by 2050, according to some estimates.
German Green Party Urges Allowing 140 Million "Climate Refugees" To Migrate To West
The virtue signalling of lefties gets more and more insane. First they want to shut down all indistry, transport and commercial activity in the developed nations "to achieve carbon neutrality," then having exported all the work to south east Asia, they want to import all the people from south east Asia to the developed nations so they can say, "See how good and caring we are, all you horrible conservatives."
What they haven't worked out is that just because one is sceptical of the very dodgy science on which the climate change scare is built, that does not necessarily make one a conservative. Trying to the the Socialists and Greens that, however, is like trying to convince a doorstep evangelist there is no God.
The Green Party in Germany is currently putting forward as a matter of policy that up to 140 million “climate refugees” should be allowed to migrate to the west and given citizenship. The question of where we would put 140 million, mostly uneducated and at best semi - literate people and what we would do with them is of course deflected. And the case that the 50 million climate refugees that were predicted to descend on the west, having been displaced by rising sea levels are apparently all hiding under Harry Potter's Cloak of Invisibility is ignored.
Political leaders like Claudia Roth are claiming without any solid evidence to back them up, that island states in the Pacific could “completely disappear” and that entire population groups should be allowed to re-locate to the west as a result. In fact sea levels have been rising very slowly for 20m000 years, at the last glacial maximum (the height of the ice age,) sea levels were 450 - 500 feet lower than they are now. The is no empirical evidence to suggest sea levels are rising any faster than they have in the past 400 years (when records began.)
But there is an agenda in operation here and it has little to do with climate conditions.
“Citizenship in the receiving country can be an option,” for people existentially threatened by global warming, said Roth. AHA, so that's it, the old Cultural Marxist plan to flood the developed nations with illiterates who are dependent on government handouts, give them the right to vote and then tell them if any but a socialist government is elected, those handouts will be stoppeed to reduce government debt.
In their proposal, the party cites the World Bank’s estimate that there could be as many as 140 million “climate refugees” flooding into the west from Africa, South Asia, and South America by the year 2050. Other parties in Germany were scathing in expressing their opposition to the plan, the nationalist AfD pasrty commmented that creating the idea of “climate refugees” would increase migratory pressure worldwide.
Germany should “not function as Noah’s ark for the whole world,” remarked FDP general secretary Linda Teuteberg.
The proposal will not be well received by German voters, many of whom have expressed their opposition to mass immigration by voting in large numbers for the AfD party which is both Eurosceptic and opposed to mass immigration, especially by Muslim migranys who, rather than assimilating to German cultural values, insist Germany should assimilate to theirs.
According to the German government’s own statistics, which have not been widely reported by mainstream media, violent crime in Germany rose by 10 per cent between 2015 and 2016, when the country began it's 'open doors' immigration policy accepting all migrants who turned up at their borders. Most arrivals weere young unattached males with little education. More than 90 per cent of the rise in violent and sex crime was attributable to young male “refugees.”
Germany also suffered a mass molestation of women in Cologne on New Year’s Eve 2015, attacks almost exclusively carried out by migrant men.
Given the establishment and the left's increasingly desperate effort to push the “climate emergency,” as an axcuse for continuing mass migration as public resistance threatents to halt the progress of their agenda, primarily by using the Swedish muppet Greta Thunberg as a poster child, look out for global warming hysteria to be the next excuse as to why the west needs to absorb tens of millions more migrants. It is no more valid that "the economy needs millions more office cleaners, sandwich stuffers and Uber drivers," or "immigration culturally enriched our communities."
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France: Strikes Against Emmanuel Macron Enter Third Week
Though the situation for those needing to use public transport in France has improved slightly in the past week on nationwide strikes in protest at the government’s proposed reforms to labour law and retirement pensions entered their week. Official spokespeople claim there has been progress in negotiations with unions, but there is little observable evidence to support this.
However, the crisis hitting France, one of the world’s biggest economies at the height of the holiday season is far from over.
Anti-government protesters maintained the pressure on President Emmanuel Macron with a new march through Paris in yesterday afternoon. Some workers are determined to to maintain the general strike throughout the holiday period and into the New Year.
SNCF, the state owned rail system said about 60 per cent of trains were at a standstill, down from 90 per cent earlier in the strike but enough to disrupt life in the nation. Provincial cities have suffered fewer problems but in Paris tourists and commuters alike are still struggling to move around the French capital, due to buses and the subway system as well as local train servuces being hit by the industrial action.
The centrist Macron, a former investment banker, wants to raise the retirement age to 64 and says the current pension system costs too much; unions say the pension reform is part of Macron’s plans to dismantle hard-won worker rights, and want to preserve a system that allows some workers to leave as early as their fifties.
Many protestors are angry that while Macron says the nation cannot afford to pay pensions the president is still inviting uneducated, unskilled, uncivilised, unemployable third world migrants to the country where they are fed, housed, educated and cared for at the expense of French taxpayers.
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Europe catalogue
Amsterdam Gridlocked Again As Dutch Farmers Protest EU Green Laws
The protests against EU globalism and the unofficial appointment of Swedish baby troll Greta Thunberg as head of European environment policy continue to grow and become more disruptive. Last weeken it was France that bore the brunt of citizens anger, today it was Amsterdam and The Netherlands.
In a protest similar to previous ones in Germany and Netherlands, Amsterdam was gridlocked with throusands of farm tractors being driven slowly to disrupt traffic flow in the Dutch capital in a zero-notice strike following the Dutch government voting to pass new, highly unpopular green legislation that will damage the already struggling agricultural and construction sectors.
While the protest was peaceful and good humoured, with Dutch Newspaper De Telegraaf reporting that farmers gave out hot coffee to the police officers on duty in the cold weather, armoured vehicles manned by the Dutch government’s military police were seen deployed at likely flashpoints as the tractors got closer to the parliament buildings. Protests in France against green laws that will be ruinous for farmers and transport businesses have frequenntly become violent.
The protest clearly took the police by surprise, and its planning took place in secret, with organisers reportedly referring to it as a “surprise attack” on Amsterdam.
The “surprise attack” came in response to the government passing an EU law enforcing with draconian penalties strict limits on nitrogen emissions, with similar laws being passed by the democratically elected governments of all European Union member states in response to the diktats of unelected bureaucrats in Brussels on green policies. Farmer’s groups dispute the way emissions are measured and claim their work is not as damaging as governments claim, and regardless, as their protest banners state without farming there can be no food.
The smooth - face pen pushers in their luxurious offices haven't thought that one through have they?
Particularly supportive of the farmers case is Anti - EU politician Geert Wilders, who while notorious for his opposition to the Islamification of the Netherlands and Europe, is a populist and stands with voters against the European Union. He called the farmers “heroes” Wednesday and said he supported them against the anti-nitrogen “frenzy” that would destroy their livelihoods.
As the government of Poland has today stated its desire to leave the EU it can only be a matter od time before this cultural Marxist attempt to merge the free and democratic member states into a Soviet style federation crumbles.
Climate Change Chrismas PuddingEU democracy and integration Europe unglues Europe catalogue
Labour Leadership Contest: Bring On The Clowns
The wiser heads in what was the Labour shadow cabinet before the election advised after the crushing defeat by Boris Johnson's Conssrvatives that he party must shake off its elitist London intellectuals and get back in touch with the working clas core vote. It was wise and good advice, which ensured of course that Labour Party managers were going to ignore it.
And it hasn't taken long for the loony lefties to regroup and resume their journey into the political wilderness.
Current front runners to take over the leadereship when (or if) Jeremy Corbun steps down are millionaire lawyer Lady Nugee and millionaire lawyer "Sir" Kier Starmer. Coincidentally both are "human rights lawyers" i.e. not proper lawyers.
Lady Nugee, who prefers to be known as Emily Thornberry, likes to claim her father was a civil servant. He was, but he was not a clerk in some local benefits office or something similar, he was Assistant General Secretary of the United Nations. And Lady Nugee has the audacity to claim she's from an ordinary, working class background.
Thornberry has announced today that she will bid to become the next leader of the Labour party.
The shadow foreign secretary used her leadership bid to criticise Jeremy Corbyn, as she called out his decision to back Boris Johnson's "Brexit election" and took aim at the lack of his team's "deep political insight".
"Sir" Kier Starmer (how did he get to be Sir? you might well ask -. Good Question.) Starmer, who claims his dear old Dad worked in a factory,) served as Director of Public Prosecutions under the last Labour government It is traditional to honour DPPs when they leave office, but this award seems particularly inappropriate as he prevented the police and courts upholding the law impartially and is largely responsible for politicising the justice system. Starmer was in post for 5 years, and did enormous damage particularly in the area of denying women legal protection from abuse. As DPP, he was utterly useless. because he spent his time in the post advancing left wing political agendas. It is his fault that the complainants evidence in r#pe cases is substantially discounted by jurors. It was his decision that most of the charges at the first trial of serial rapisr John Warboys were dropped, thus he escaped the 'campaign of r#pe' higher sentence which was given when he came to trial again with a Conservative government in office. It was actually Boris Johnson's girlfriend Carrie Symmonds who undid Starmer's bid to legalise rape with her successful campaign to overturn Warboys parole and get further convictions.
It's unlikely Starmer will be chosen by the loony lefties of Momentum a Labour leader so incompetent that women will have to rely on a Conservative MP's girlfriend to protect them.
During Starmer's time as Director of Public Prosecutions, not only did he intervene to prevent police and local authorities taking action against gangs of mostly migrant men involved in the grooming and abuse of vulnerable under - age girls, (read more HERE, HERE, and HERE,) citing the need to avoid causing inter - racial tensions, he also ignored there increasingly desperate calls by campaigners for prosecutions for female genital mutilation. He sat on his hands, called for more information, set up committees and working groupsand did nothing. It is estimated that in each of his years in office 20,000 girls were abused and mutilated in this way. A recent report suggests that 170,000 women and girls in the UK are now affected.
In the absence of criminal justice sanctions, Starmer didn’t even encourage Social Services and Police to use child protection legislation to protect girls. Nor did he call for mandatory reporting to Social Services by the health personnel who witness the injuries and deal with the resulting medical complications arising from repeated gang rape or botched female circumcision. Pregnancy and childbirth complications caused by FGM have a particularly brutal effect on the victim as the vaginal is stitched to make it tighter so that intercourse will be painful for women. In some cases doctors have been asked by husbands to restitch women’s genitals after childbirth – surely evidence of conspiracy to commit an assault and a clear indicator of physical risk. No action has been taken in such cases even though medical and witness evidence made an irrefutable case .
Starmer has said that FGM is difficult to prosecute because it takes place in “secret” and there are few complaints and that in grooming cases evidence is not reliable. However, this is true for many forms of child abuse and domestic and sexual violence - and there have been many successful prosecutions of such crimes, based on careful investigation undertaken on the basis of reasonable suspicion or genuine risk. In such cases, even if prosecution has proved to be impossible, the intelligence gathered has been used to safeguard children.
In 2012 journalists filmed doctors agreeing to carry out abortions at the request of men of certain alien cultures, for no other reason than that the foetus was female. Gender selection abortion has always been ilegal under UK law. Starmer justfied the decision of the Crown Prosecution Service to take no action against the doctors, judging it not to be in the “public interest” ( Labour's avoid irritating migrants at all costs policy again?). Lord Macdonald, a former Director of Public Prosecutions, described the decision as “very dubious,” by which he means politically motivated rather than based in law.
The CPS said the key reason for the decision was that the doctors would still be investigated by the General Medical Council. But Lord Ken Macdonald said this amounted to letting them “avoid criminal action” because of their professional status — undermining the basic principle that “everyone is equal under the law”. In other words Starmer was, and is, guilty beyond reasonable doubt of aiding and abetting the commission of crimes.
There has been a public outcry about the failure to prosecute FGM and sexist abortion, but so far little has been said about the Crown Prosecution Service’s other great failure – namely that it has not prosecuted adult men who have illegally married and had sexual relations with so called ‘child brides’ – nor parents who have colluded in this practice, in effect trafficking or pimping their under-age daughters. I predict this will be one of the next great public ‘scandals’.
Keir Starner has been in a position to publicise and take action against all these issues, but he has not done so. In truth, he has failed to protect women and girls from sexist violence and abuse, We must assume that his decisions guided by his desire to safeguard the migrant vote for Labour, as in their last electoral strongholds, the suburbs of London and the other large cities, they rely on the migrant vote to hold many parliamentary seats.
One thing is certain, with clowns like these as serious contenders for the leadership, Labour's showing at the next election is only coing to be worse and more catastrophic than the most recent one.
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News From PC Canada: Two Men Fired For Saying Eskimo
Poor old Canada, the USA's northern neighbour, ruled by Trudeau the tyrant of Toronto (yeah I know it isn't the seat of government but it alliterates, OK) who seems to be running the country in a way he hopes will atone for his student antics when his favourite party trick was to black up and portray "comedy nigger" characters. Trudeau. from whom we expect an announcement very soon that he now identifies as a black, Irish, one - legged, lesbian, dyslexic dwarf single parent so that everybody in the nation (except for normal people) will feel included, is leading an administration that gets crazier by the day in its efforts to be politically correct.
We read today of a case in which two Canadian men Two Canadian men were fired from their jobs after one of them was heard using the term ‘Eskimo’ in a private conversation.
The two men were boarding a flight from Labrador to Newfoundland when Dave Beck said the word “Eskimo.”
His friend Thomas Scott responded by asking, “Can you smell him?”
The conversation was overheard by by Inuit Nation member and former Labrador MP Peter Penashue and other passengers.
Beck and Scott, who worked primarily as plasterers and painters, had been working on a hotel renovation project overseen by Kankote Enterprises.
“In spite of several years on the job, and being the only two Kankote employees at the remote Churchill falls, both men were fired and had their names dragged through mud – reducing future job prospects,” reports National File.
There's only one possible response to that really:
When a man rows old, & his balls grow cold
And the end of his knob turns blue,
It bends in the middle like a one string fiddle
He can tell you a tale or two.
So buy me a beer and lend me an ear
And a tragic tale I'll tell
Of Dead-eye Dick and Mexican Pete,
And a girl called Eskimo Nell.
There are many versions of this bawdy poem online, you can read a similar one to the version I know HERE although you may notice mine scans properly and uses true rhymes.
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Amsterdam Gridlocked Again As Dutch Farmers Protest EU Green Laws
The protests against EU globalism and the unofficial appointment of Swedish baby troll Greta Thunberg as head of European environment policy continue to grow and become more disruptive. Last weeken it was France that bore the brunt of citizens anger, today it was Amsterdam and The Netherlands.
In a protest similar to previous ones in Germany and Netherlands, Amsterdam was gridlocked with throusands of farm tractors being driven slowly to disrupt traffic flow in the Dutch capital in a zero-notice strike following the Dutch government voting to pass new, highly unpopular green legislation that will damage the already struggling agricultural and construction sectors.
While the protest was peaceful and good humoured, with Dutch Newspaper De Telegraaf reporting that farmers gave out hot coffee to the police officers on duty in the cold weather, armoured vehicles manned by the Dutch government’s military police were seen deployed at likely flashpoints as the tractors got closer to the parliament buildings. Protests in France against green laws that will be ruinous for farmers and transport businesses have frequenntly become violent.
The protest clearly took the police by surprise, and its planning took place in secret, with organisers reportedly referring to it as a “surprise attack” on Amsterdam.
The “surprise attack” came in response to the government passing an EU law enforcing with draconian penalties strict limits on nitrogen emissions, with similar laws being passed by the democratically elected governments of all European Union member states in response to the diktats of unelected bureaucrats in Brussels on green policies. Farmer’s groups dispute the way emissions are measured and claim their work is not as damaging as governments claim, and regardless, as their protest banners state without farming there can be no food.
The smooth - face pen pushers in their luxurious offices haven't thought that one through have they?
Particularly supportive of the farmers case is Anti - EU politician Geert Wilders, who while notorious for his opposition to the Islamification of the Netherlands and Europe, is a populist and stands with voters against the European Union. He called the farmers “heroes” Wednesday and said he supported them against the anti-nitrogen “frenzy” that would destroy their livelihoods.
As the government of Poland has today stated its desire to leave the EU it can only be a matter od time before this cultural Marxist attempt to merge the free and democratic member states into a Soviet style federation crumbles.
Climate Change Chrismas PuddingEU democracy and integration Europe unglues Europe catalogue
Labour Leadership Contest: Bring On The Clowns
The wiser heads in what was the Labour shadow cabinet before the election advised after the crushing defeat by Boris Johnson's Conssrvatives that he party must shake off its elitist London intellectuals and get back in touch with the working clas core vote. It was wise and good advice, which ensured of course that Labour Party managers were going to ignore it.
And it hasn't taken long for the loony lefties to regroup and resume their journey into the political wilderness.
Current front runners to take over the leadereship when (or if) Jeremy Corbun steps down are millionaire lawyer Lady Nugee and millionaire lawyer "Sir" Kier Starmer. Coincidentally both are "human rights lawyers" i.e. not proper lawyers.
Lady Nugee, who prefers to be known as Emily Thornberry, likes to claim her father was a civil servant. He was, but he was not a clerk in some local benefits office or something similar, he was Assistant General Secretary of the United Nations. And Lady Nugee has the audacity to claim she's from an ordinary, working class background.
Thornberry has announced today that she will bid to become the next leader of the Labour party.
The shadow foreign secretary used her leadership bid to criticise Jeremy Corbyn, as she called out his decision to back Boris Johnson's "Brexit election" and took aim at the lack of his team's "deep political insight".
"Sir" Kier Starmer (how did he get to be Sir? you might well ask -. Good Question.) Starmer, who claims his dear old Dad worked in a factory,) served as Director of Public Prosecutions under the last Labour government It is traditional to honour DPPs when they leave office, but this award seems particularly inappropriate as he prevented the police and courts upholding the law impartially and is largely responsible for politicising the justice system. Starmer was in post for 5 years, and did enormous damage particularly in the area of denying women legal protection from abuse. As DPP, he was utterly useless. because he spent his time in the post advancing left wing political agendas. It is his fault that the complainants evidence in r#pe cases is substantially discounted by jurors. It was his decision that most of the charges at the first trial of serial rapisr John Warboys were dropped, thus he escaped the 'campaign of r#pe' higher sentence which was given when he came to trial again with a Conservative government in office. It was actually Boris Johnson's girlfriend Carrie Symmonds who undid Starmer's bid to legalise rape with her successful campaign to overturn Warboys parole and get further convictions.
It's unlikely Starmer will be chosen by the loony lefties of Momentum a Labour leader so incompetent that women will have to rely on a Conservative MP's girlfriend to protect them.
During Starmer's time as Director of Public Prosecutions, not only did he intervene to prevent police and local authorities taking action against gangs of mostly migrant men involved in the grooming and abuse of vulnerable under - age girls, (read more HERE, HERE, and HERE,) citing the need to avoid causing inter - racial tensions, he also ignored there increasingly desperate calls by campaigners for prosecutions for female genital mutilation. He sat on his hands, called for more information, set up committees and working groupsand did nothing. It is estimated that in each of his years in office 20,000 girls were abused and mutilated in this way. A recent report suggests that 170,000 women and girls in the UK are now affected.
In the absence of criminal justice sanctions, Starmer didn’t even encourage Social Services and Police to use child protection legislation to protect girls. Nor did he call for mandatory reporting to Social Services by the health personnel who witness the injuries and deal with the resulting medical complications arising from repeated gang rape or botched female circumcision. Pregnancy and childbirth complications caused by FGM have a particularly brutal effect on the victim as the vaginal is stitched to make it tighter so that intercourse will be painful for women. In some cases doctors have been asked by husbands to restitch women’s genitals after childbirth – surely evidence of conspiracy to commit an assault and a clear indicator of physical risk. No action has been taken in such cases even though medical and witness evidence made an irrefutable case .
Starmer has said that FGM is difficult to prosecute because it takes place in “secret” and there are few complaints and that in grooming cases evidence is not reliable. However, this is true for many forms of child abuse and domestic and sexual violence - and there have been many successful prosecutions of such crimes, based on careful investigation undertaken on the basis of reasonable suspicion or genuine risk. In such cases, even if prosecution has proved to be impossible, the intelligence gathered has been used to safeguard children.
In 2012 journalists filmed doctors agreeing to carry out abortions at the request of men of certain alien cultures, for no other reason than that the foetus was female. Gender selection abortion has always been ilegal under UK law. Starmer justfied the decision of the Crown Prosecution Service to take no action against the doctors, judging it not to be in the “public interest” ( Labour's avoid irritating migrants at all costs policy again?). Lord Macdonald, a former Director of Public Prosecutions, described the decision as “very dubious,” by which he means politically motivated rather than based in law.
The CPS said the key reason for the decision was that the doctors would still be investigated by the General Medical Council. But Lord Ken Macdonald said this amounted to letting them “avoid criminal action” because of their professional status — undermining the basic principle that “everyone is equal under the law”. In other words Starmer was, and is, guilty beyond reasonable doubt of aiding and abetting the commission of crimes.
There has been a public outcry about the failure to prosecute FGM and sexist abortion, but so far little has been said about the Crown Prosecution Service’s other great failure – namely that it has not prosecuted adult men who have illegally married and had sexual relations with so called ‘child brides’ – nor parents who have colluded in this practice, in effect trafficking or pimping their under-age daughters. I predict this will be one of the next great public ‘scandals’.
Keir Starner has been in a position to publicise and take action against all these issues, but he has not done so. In truth, he has failed to protect women and girls from sexist violence and abuse, We must assume that his decisions guided by his desire to safeguard the migrant vote for Labour, as in their last electoral strongholds, the suburbs of London and the other large cities, they rely on the migrant vote to hold many parliamentary seats.
One thing is certain, with clowns like these as serious contenders for the leadership, Labour's showing at the next election is only coing to be worse and more catastrophic than the most recent one.
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Labour planned to privatise 40% of NHS as Hypocrite Corbyn accuses Johnson of selling off the health service
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News From PC Canada: Two Men Fired For Saying Eskimo
Poor old Canada, the USA's northern neighbour, ruled by Trudeau the tyrant of Toronto (yeah I know it isn't the seat of government but it alliterates, OK) who seems to be running the country in a way he hopes will atone for his student antics when his favourite party trick was to black up and portray "comedy nigger" characters. Trudeau. from whom we expect an announcement very soon that he now identifies as a black, Irish, one - legged, lesbian, dyslexic dwarf single parent so that everybody in the nation (except for normal people) will feel included, is leading an administration that gets crazier by the day in its efforts to be politically correct.
We read today of a case in which two Canadian men Two Canadian men were fired from their jobs after one of them was heard using the term ‘Eskimo’ in a private conversation.
The two men were boarding a flight from Labrador to Newfoundland when Dave Beck said the word “Eskimo.”
His friend Thomas Scott responded by asking, “Can you smell him?”
The conversation was overheard by by Inuit Nation member and former Labrador MP Peter Penashue and other passengers.
Beck and Scott, who worked primarily as plasterers and painters, had been working on a hotel renovation project overseen by Kankote Enterprises.
“In spite of several years on the job, and being the only two Kankote employees at the remote Churchill falls, both men were fired and had their names dragged through mud – reducing future job prospects,” reports National File.
There's only one possible response to that really:
When a man rows old, & his balls grow cold
And the end of his knob turns blue,
It bends in the middle like a one string fiddle
He can tell you a tale or two.
So buy me a beer and lend me an ear
And a tragic tale I'll tell
Of Dead-eye Dick and Mexican Pete,
And a girl called Eskimo Nell.
There are many versions of this bawdy poem online, you can read a similar one to the version I know HERE although you may notice mine scans properly and uses true rhymes.
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Election 2019: Stupid Labour Leaders And Supporters Just Don't Get It
Facing life as a single man for the first time in 45 years is still filling my time, thanks to my friends we are keeping The Daily Stirrer going. Today, as we, Labour haers all, wallow in schadenfreude after the crushing defeat that elitist party suffered in the election, we'll have to rely on outside help in the form of a brilliant article from Shirelle Jacobs in the Telegraph and an equally brillian comment from Katherine Viners - Payczech (that sounds like a made up name, but whoever she is, congratualtions to the lady for her insight and pespicacity. But the best summing up of the reasons for Labour's failure are summed up in a comment made by a working class, former Labour voter in one of the old steel towns in the west midlands.There is no way back for the pig-headed, pulverised Labour Party
by Sherelle Jacobs, 15 December 2019
In the harsh light of this brilliant new dawn, the Labour Party has never looked more ugly. Jeremy Corbyn is writhing defiance made flesh. Despite leading his party into the worst defeat since 1935, he growled in his final speech that his manifesto policies had “huge popular support”.
His frontbench henchmen are out in force on the BBC, whining nasally about the difficulties of “cutting through the noise of Brexit” and conspiracy theorising the power of “the Murdoch Press”. Meanwhile Momentum is squirming stupidly like a snake that has been drained of its venom. Its leader Laura Parker can only grudgingly hiss on the airwaves about the need for a “period of reflection”.
Labour seems to have already convinced itself that this rout is a blip; that the heartlands has “lent its vote” to the Brexit cause temporarily, and will inevitably gravitate back to the Left. The BBC, meanwhile, appears convinced that the witless masses have succumbed to American-imported populism, and the subliminal witchcraft of the phrase “Let’s get Brexit done”. This is metrollectual nonsense. The working-class has deserted the Labour Party en masse because it does not – and crucially, cannot – speak for them.
To understand this important point, you need to go back to the beginning. When it formed in 1900, Labour was not a socialist uprising, but a practical trade union movement. It had no dogma, doctrines or draconian teachings. It simply believed that workers should have a mechanism for negotiating a better deal from their employers. That is the working-class way – resourceful, aspirational, and unafraid of a barney with the Establishment if necessary.
Sadly, a strain of middle-class fanatical socialism that is alien to the British working class infiltrated Labour within a generation ... READ FULL ARTICLE in The Sunday Telegraph
and from the comment thread
Katherine Viners-Peyczech 15 Dec 2019 5:32PM
Sherelle, you've given one of the more incisive dissections of the cadaver that is neo-Labourism that I've read in recent years.
I interact with fewer and fewer of the contemporary left, as I find their cloying pretensions to decency and thoughtfulness to be anything but.
They are incorrigible and impervious to the feedback of those they presume to speak for and "protect."
My mixed-race daughter recently tore into one of their ilk - a boilerplate Guardian reader - for insisting on using the gag-inducing term 'people-of-colour' and proclaiming she faces racial discrimination on a daily basis - and get this - denies it due to a psychological alliance with the oppressor group (read 'white people.').
They do the same with the working-class. No matter how effusively we speak to our own life experiences and political convictions, the more they entrench in their conviction that we do so in contradiction to their perception of things because we lack their intelligence, wisdom, and foresight.
Damn them, and their corrupt, corrupting creed! They've hijacked the culture, and the next task must be to wrest it back.
Left wing politics, hate and hypocrisyElitist Labour out of the closet
Labour Haemorrhages Support As Party Slumps in Polls
So What Makes A Leftie Abandon Labour And Support The Conservatives?
It's a triumph of the radical Left that only the Dalai Lama is now allowed to speak "the truth"
Working class Voters Back Conservatives, Reject Labour, the party of lawyers, academics, media luvvies and virtue signalling millionaires
In Thursday's election Labour, the people's part so long as hose people are millionaires, media luvvies, human rights lawyers or academics, suffered its worst election defeat since 1935, with the left-wing party losing 24 seats to Boris Johnson’s Conservatives as a result of working - class voters abandoning the perty that they feel has abandoned them in favour of minorities. left wing intellectuals and the professional and managerial class. Politically correct values are luxuries people in the lower income groups can't afford, yet it is those groups who suffer most as a result of Labour's vanity projects and virtue sigbnalling.
The Red Wall is a term used to describe the industrial areas of Britain's midlands and north. Red is Labour's campaign colour and on a political map if every constituency was colured for the party that held it, there was previously after each election a solid red band from coast to coast, covering Lancashire, east, west and south Yorkshire, and extending down to Warwicshire and Leicestershire. This was the Labour heartland, a densely populated area with many constituencies peopulated by industrial workers and their families. The breadwinners worked in coal mines, steel plants, engineeering and manufacturing. The regions, like the Rust Belt in the United States, were where the working class dominated politics and typically voted Labour as the inhabitants of the US rust belt states voted Democrat.
Until the Brexit referendum in 2016 it was considered an established truth that the Red wall, like the ice wall in Game of Thrones, was impregnable.
Since the beginning of the New Labour era, however, when leaders and later Prime Minister Tony blair famously said his party was the very relaxed about people getting stinking rich, Labour has increasingly turned its back on its working-class roots and pivoted towards a leadership focused on a London brand of left wing, progrssive, intellectual elitism and politically correct politics. And because society has become unvbalanced by the deification of science and the cult of celebrity, the Conservatives under David Cameron alllowed themselves to be dragged along the same trajectory.
***************SWhen Corbyn backed a second referendum on the EU in July 2019, it left five million Labour Leavers politically homeless.
This was a mistake, some Labour MPs will admit, with the party’s chairman, Ian Lavery, telling the BBC: “What we are seeing in the Labour heartlands is people very aggrieved at the fact the party basically has taken a stance on Brexit the way they have.”
“Ignore democracy, and, to be quite honest, the consequences will come back and bite you up the backside,” Mr Lavery added.
Before dawn, senior Labour shadow minister John McDonnell admitted that they lost votes primarily because of Brexit — and to Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party, not the Tories.
However, whether Labour gave their votes to the Brexit Party or Conservatives, the working-class backlash translated to a Tory win in 24 seats of the Red Wall.
The Telegraph broke down the Conservative victories, noting that some seats had gone from Labour red to Tory blue for the first time in a century. Some of new Tory seats had been held by Labour since before the Second World War, including Rother Valley which had been left-wing since 1918 — 101 years. The constituencies of Don Valley and Leigh had both been Labour for 97 years and Wakefield for 87 years before turning Conservative last night. In total, some nine constituencies that had been red since the war have gone blue.Climate change hoax COLLAPSES as new science finds human activity has virtually zero impact on global temperatures
We have previously highlighted this report from Finland which exposes the great flaw in "the science" of global warming. The link at the end of this extract takes you to a much more complete account of the research project which, not for the first time debunks the fake science on which the politically - motivate climate change scare.
The climate change hoax has collapsed. A devastating series of research papers has just been published, revealing that human activity can account for no more than a .01°C rise in global temperatures, meaning that all the human activity targeted by radical climate change alarmists — combustion engines, airplane flights, diesel tractors — has virtually no measurable impact on the temperature of the planet.
Finnish scientists spearheaded the research, releasing a paper entitled, “No Experimental Evidence for the Significant Anthropogenic Climate Change.”
The paper explains that IPCC analysis of global temperatures suffers from a glaring error — namely, failure to account for “influences of low cloud cover” and how it impacts global temperatures. Natural variations in low cloud cover, which are strongly influenced by cosmic radiation’s ability to penetrate Earth’s atmosphere due to variations in the strength of our planet’s magnetosphere, account for nearly all changes in global temperature, the researchers explain ... READ ALL >>>
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France’s General Strike Holds Past Le Weekend
France is never far from the news these days for alt_news sites like this one. As we watch the European Union unravel as a result of policies imposed on member states aimed at turn 28 (soon to be 27) member states into a single, federal bureaucratic dictatorship run by a committee of faceless civil servants in Brussels, there is a mobid fascination in seeing hoe the three most rabidly federalist and politically correct members, Germany, France and Sweden fall apart as a result of governments' embracing EU globalist politicies ahead of addressing the needs of their own nations.
Paris was once again at a near standstill on Monday as the general strike called by unionists and activist groups to protest against the reforms to the pension system planned by the government of President Macron, which unions and economists say would leave pensioned in poverty, closed communter line trains, buses and subways for a fifth day.
Macron, a deeply unpopular president from the beginning of his term of office, faces one of the toughest weeks yet of his presidency, that has already seen France rocked by terrorist attacks and life disrupted by the "Yellow Vests" protests against high taxes and EU immigration policies. Now his government's planned redesign of the complex French pension system is in danger as prolonged civil unrest could force withdrawal of the policy.Macron and his advisers failed to foresee the problems likely to result from combining 42 different retirement plans into one capable of delivering a more equitable, financially sustainable system. Unions claiim the move s an attack on the French way of life even though the government does not plan to change the current retirement age of 62 at this time.
With people living longer it is inevitable the retirement age must rose at some point.
The SNCF national rail network warned travelers to stay home or use “alternative means of locomotion” to get around Monday instead of thronging platforms in hopes of getting the few available trains running. Mysteriously, they cited safety concerns as justification for their advice rather than admitting few trains would be running.
Because of the lack of trains and other forms of public transport, he national road authority reported more than 600 kilometers (360 miles) of traffic jams at morning rush hour around the Paris region – up from 150 kilometers (90 miles) on an average day.
Traffic problems were worse on Monday than when the strike started last week, because many French employees managed to work from home for a couple of days or take time off. But businesses cannot continue to run on that basis for long if the strike continues.
Gabriella Micuci, an office worker from the Paris suburb of Le Bourget, walked several kilometers in cold rain before reaching a station on one of the two Metro (subway) lines that are automated and don’t need drivers. Other commuters used bikes or electric scooters.
“I left home earlier than usual, I thought I was going to be able to catch an early train but not at all,” Micuci told The Associated Press. “It´s a real catastrophe, people are becoming even more violent, they are pushing you.”
Encouraged by the biggest nationwide protests in decades, unions plan renewed protests on Tuesday and hope to keep up the pressure on Macron’s government to withdraw the retirement reforms.
Macron summoned Prime Minister Edouard Philippe and other top officials to a summit meeting on Sunday night to create a strategy for dealing with the crisis.
The prime minister will reveal the government’s plan on Wednesday, but this is only expected to urge people to defer retirement.
The reform is central to Macron’s vision of transforming the French economy though considering his open doors immigartion policy which has seen unskilled, illiterate migrants flood into the country, what he plans to transform it into is unclear, a fairy princess maybe?. Government ministers insist the current system is unfair and financially unsustainable, while unions say the reform undercuts worker rights and will force people to work longer for less. Macron's main political opponent, Eurosceptic Marine Le Pen, and her Rassemblement National party point out that the immigration policy is unfair and financially unsustainable.
Seeking to head off public anger, Macron asked veteran politician Jean-Paul Delevoye to hold months of meetings with workers, employers and others to come up with recommendations for France’s new retirement plan. Delevoye is presenting his conclusions to unions on Monday. A similar exercise of colsultations at grass roots level with Yellow Vest protestors only served to deepen the division between the ruling elite and the people.
RELATED POSTS:General Strike brings France To Standstill As Nation Protests Macron Policies
Today, in response to calls by unions and activist groups for a nationwide strike, public workers across the country stayed home on Thursday, immobilizing public transit across the country as the first general strike in more than 20 years began.
The main reason for the walkout was President Emmanuel Macron’s pension reforms (not unlike how a planned – then scrapped – gas tax hike sparked the gilets jaunes)...
France's boy president and current climate scaremonger in chief and leading European federalist Emmanuel Macron arrived in Japan for the G-20 summit full of sound and fury, which like the stuff of Macbeth's soliloquy in Shakespeare's play turned out to signify nothing.France's boy president and current climate scaremonger in chief and leading European federalist Emmanuel Macron arrived in Japan for the G-20 summit full of sound and fury, which like the stuff of Macbeth's soliloquy in Shakespeare's play turned out to signify nothing.
Residents Of Paris Suburb With Migrant Ghetto Feel ‘Abandoned’ as Crime Surges
In the areas where [ migrants ] have congregated, usually places with a surfeit of run down municipal housing the lawless behaviour in the migrant communities is causing problems for French people. Despite promises from government to increase police presence, residents of the 18th arrondissement of Paris say they feel abandoned as crime rises in the area.
bYellow Vest Violence Erupts Again, 23rd Straight week Of Protests
Clashes between Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vest) protesters and French riot police on Sturday (20 April,)during the 23rd straight week of protests across France. Police arrested 137 protesters Euro News reports.
Macron Isolated After More High Profile Resignations. Pressure Mounts On French President
On top of the Yellow Vests debacle, which is now destabilising France as the anti - government protests continue, a string of resignations from the tottering government of President Emmanuel Macron has prompted Gérard Larcher, leader of the French Senate to warn Macron that his authoritarian tendencies were partly to blame for the civil unrest crisis and political instability that have weakened his presidency.
The idealistic hope that mass protests and civil disobedience could trigger real social change met with some success in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries but looked to have died after the USA’s 1960s civil rights movement and anti – war protests. The recent mass demonstrations of Frane’s gilets jaunes (yellow vests) movement in 2018, a movement … Continue reading
France: Yellow Vests Rampage After Founder Arrested
5 January, 2019 Violence has erupted across France once again, days after French authorities arrested a key organizer of the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vest) movement. After today’s protests began peacefully the Paris police once again used riot busting tactics, attacking the yellow vested demonstraters with teargas and batons as protesters began to get noisy during the so-called ‘Act VIII” … Continue reading
France’s yellow vest revolt against Macron will cause huge headache in 2019
Germany and France furious after UK joins EU nations to BLOCK bid to dominate technology industry
BRITAIN has teamed up with the Netherlands, Belgium and Spain to block electrical and electronic engineering giants Alstom and Siemens from creating a mega Franco-German corporation to dominate European tech industry. Siemens and Alstom agreed last year to merge certain operations, creating a company with £13.5million (€15billion euros) in revenue and a workforce of 62,000. … Continue reading
Yellow Vests block Major Roads, Cause Transport Chaos In France
More Woe For France’s Macron,Now Gilets Jaunes Joined By Gilets Bleus
Elderly Swedish citizens kicked out of their apartments to make room for Muslim invaders
from Summit NewsDozens of elderly native Swedish tenants were forced to leave their apartment homes in an area of Stockholm after the block was closed, only to be re-opened immediately and occupied by Muslim migrants to replace the former tenants.
Residents at Dianagården were told they would have to leave because the toilets in the facility were 5cm too small to comply with regulations. However, soon after the 48 apartments were emptied, they were filled with newly arrived migrants.
“It was later revealed that politicians planned that immigrants would instead move into the premises,” reports Fria Tider.
In 2015, Sweden accepted more refugees per capita than any other country, and despite worsening problems with sexual assaults, grenade attacks and violent crime, the inflow shows no sign of being seriously restricted.
A recent opinion poll found that the anti-mass Muslim migration Sweden Democrats are now the most popular party in Sweden. The Sweden Democrats would get 24.2% of the votes if an election was held today, beating the ruling Social Democrats.
Back in October, Leif Östling, former CEO of trucking company Scania, warned that Sweden is heading towards civil war due to uncontrolled mass immigration.
“We’ve taken in far too many people from outside. And we have. Those who come from the Middle East and Africa live in a society that we left almost a hundred years ago,” he said.
Sadly the Swedish goverrnment consists of such pathetical, emotionally needy, virtue signalling, leftie, intestinal parasites, they give in to every demand made by Muslim community leaders in migrant communities, even if this means inflicting total injustices on Swedish people. So much for their socialist bullshit, as George Orwell wrote in Animal Farm, "all the animals are equal,but some are more equal than others.
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Labour planned to privatise 40% of NHS as Corbyn takes aim at Johnson
Corbyn's scaremongering preaches to the converted (Picture: Google)
One quickly tires of Labour Party candidates and their Jew - hating supporters claiming, every time an election is in the offinge, the "The Wicked Conservatiovs plan to sell the NHS to private enterprise. They've been at it again throughout the current election cycle, and of course there is no more truth in the claims than there ever was before. But the lefties forget, as they glefully point at any conservatives whose heads appears over the parapet, "Witches, burn them," that the Labour government, between 1997 and 2010 under the traitor and war criminal Tony Blair privatised much of the NHS. (Our local super-hospital where my wife was recently murdered by bureaucratic institutionalised incompetence was built by one of Blair's Private Public Finance initiatives and is now owned by a subsidiary of HSBC, making it, perhaps, an NHSBC hospital.)
So those leftie claims that the "evil conservatives" planned to sell off our 'precious NHS' qyickly start to look rather empty. And that is before we have considered the detail of Labour's plans for the NHS.
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn made the repeated accusation that Boris Johnson's government, if re-elected with a majority in parliament, will see the NHS to American healthcare companies as part of a free trade deal informally discussed between Johnson and US President Donald Trump. Corbyn and his Stalinist bagman John McDonnell, along with other party figures and left leaning joursnlists in mainstream media continue to repeat this in spite of both men offering assurances that the NHS was not “for sale” and the document Corbyn and his cronies claimed revealled a secret deal containing no evidence that any such deal had been discussed.
Corbyn’s attempts to expose his imaginary Anglo - American conspiracy by producing a 451-page document “proving the NHS is for sale” during a press conference on November 27 were debunked when it was revealed that the NHS was only mentioned four times, with US officials only once asking about the UK position on our 'health insurance’ system”. The other times the UK Health Servive was mentioned were all in the context of allowing US pharmaceutical companies access to the NHS for their products.
****Despite this, the stunt has caused quite a storm, but it can be revealed how Labour were actually the first to float the idea of privatising health services in the UK.
Tony Blair took office in 1997, with the promise of removing “internal markets” in the NHS – the idea that Health Authorities ceased to run their hospitals, but “purchased” care from their own or other authorities hospitals.
However, during his second term, Mr Blair announced his administrations intention to strengthen links with the private sector as part of his plan to "modernise" the NHS. Driving Labour's planned reforms were factors including the rising costs of medical technology and medicines, the desire to increase standards and "patient choice", an ageing population, and a desire to control government expenditure.
It was these plans, now more than ten years old, that Corbyn referred to in his docdgy dossier on plans to sell the NHS.
Picture: Daily Expres
Corbyn's stunt caused a storm in an eggcup on social media as the usual suspects jumped on the bandwagon to accuse Boris and his party of planning to sell the NHS, but it is widely known that Labour were actually the first to float the idea of privatising health services in the UK, although Margaret Thatcher's conservative government in the 1980s introduced the idea of an internal market (whatever that means') to the NHS and also encouraged the outsourceing of certain services such as janitorial duties and waste disposal.
A Labour government under Tony Blair took office in 1997, and quickly introduced the concept of PFI, Private Finance Initiativs (also termed Private - Public partnerships,) the idea that Health Authorities ceased to own their hospitals, but hired them from private companies as a managed facility. Many left wing commentators were horrified and dismissed the idea as a 'licence to print money' for the private half of the partnerhip.
In 2006, Blair welcomed 11 private healthcare providers, including private health insurance firm Bupa, into this “NHS family,” in a bid to drive up the quality of services provided. Blair made his and Labour's intentions clear in 2006 when he said “By 2008 we could have as much as 40 perrcent of acute operations done in the private sector being done under the NHS banner.”
The network's spokesman, Mark Smith, admitted the changing healthcare market meant the independent sector was increasingly looking to the NHS for business. He said some companies had "specific targets for a large number of patients to be NHS patients in the future because undoubtedly things are changing. Wherever people are treated – in a traditional hospital, an independent hospital, a new treatment centre or in the community – it is the protection afforded to them of tax-funded healthcare, according to need and not ability to pay, which makes them NHS patients.
Nice try at wrigging out of Labour's committment to privatising the NHS but between 2004 and 2014, demand for NHS services increased rapidly and hospital admissions increased by 32 percent, outpatient attendances by 17 percent, primary care consultations by 25 percent and community care activity by 14 percent. The only way the massive, clumsy, centralised bureaucracy that runs service could cope was by outsourcing more work. Research carried out on behalf of the GMB trade union, which represents many NHS workers, shows 15billion of health service contracts have been handed to private companies since 2015. And yet the service is still failing to cope with increased demand.
So far in 2019 £3.3billion, or 63 percent, of contracts have been given to organisations in the private sector. So though Labour Party spokespersons have not admitted as much in public, these figures prove that their manifesto committments to increase spending on health must include further outsourcing of work to the private sector. Far too much of what the organisation does has already been handed to the private sector for the position to be reversed. So Blair's plan to put more work out to the private sector, carried on by the Conservative . Liberal Democrat coalition from 2010 and by the Conservatives from 2015 is still in place. And it has to be said that the NHS, in permanent crisis now, would have collapsed without it.
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General Strike brings France To Standstill As Nation Protests Macron Policies
France has been closer to social breakdown than the political establishment in the EU and their mainstream media sock puppets will ever admit since the the gilets jaunes demonstrations at their height nearly torched Paris and other cities. It would be a mistake to think, as television news bulletins and large circulation newspapers have suggested that support fot the protest movement has dwindled or the national mood is any less angry. Last month we reported on protests promted by new, over - zealous restrictions on agriculture imposed by the EU, as thousands of French farmers drove their tractors into Paris and other cities and blocked the main highways. Today, in responce to calls by unions and activist groups for a nationwide strike, public workers across the country stayed home on Thursday, immobilizing public transit across the country as the first general strike in more than 20 years began. The main reason for the walkout was President Emmanuel Macron's pension reforms (not unlike how a planned - then scrapped - gas tax hike sparked the giles jaunes). On the fist day of the strike, which is planned to last through the weekend, parts of Paris resembled ghost towns during the morning rush hours. Roads were empty, and train stations were deserted, according to the Times. The biggest industrial action of Macron's tenure is, so far, outweighting by a huge margin the Yellow Vests protests in scale: 50% of French teachers are reported to be off work, nine out of ten trains have been cancelled today and eleven of the fourteen lines in the Paris Metro are closed. A total of 245 separate demonstrations have been announced across France as students, police officers and firefighters, healthcare workers and others joining the action. Striking ground staff at Air France forced numerous flight cancellations, leaving thousands of travelers stranded. Air France cancelled 30% of its domestic flights and 10% of international short- and medium-haul flights on Thursday, RT reports. Millions of workers are staying home. In Paris, some commuters and shoppers resorted to bikes, skateboards or walking in the bitter cold as buses and underground trains failed to run. Some joked that the strike had made Paris into a much more 'eco-friendly' city. This way of looking at the situation must have appealed to thousands of Extinction Rebellion activists and other environmentalist groups who took the opportunity to link their the climate action agenda to the protests. The strike is expected to continue until Monday as the unions and Macron butt heads over the controversial pension reform proposals. Paris police are deploying 6,000 riot police to do battle with demonstrators who have decided to take their yellow vests out of the closet and back into action. Many of the French capital's most popular tourist spots were forced to shut their doors because of the strikes. The Eiffel Tower and the Orsay museum did not open on Thursday, while the large parts of The Louvre, the Pompidou Center and other museums were mostly closed with only the most popular exhibits accessible. Outside the busy Gare du Nord railway station taxis lined up with their green lights on, struggling to find customers in the deserted streets. Of more immediate concern for Macron and his beleagured government is the fact that dozens of gilet jaunes protesters are blocking the nations major fuel terminals in the south and near the city of Orleans, leaving more than 200 petrol stations without fuel on Thursday, while another 400 report they will run out on Friday. If that action persists the country could be at a standstill by the end of next week. These blockades show the protesters have a coherent strategy which could bring the country to its knees and force Macron out of office or at least into a humiliating climb down. No matter how many times political leaders wax lyrical about the wonders of clean, green, sustainable energy, society still needs oil, in spite what the Swedeish Baby Troll Greta Thunberg and her supporters wish for. RELATED POSTS: Climate Lies omnibusEnergy and green dreams
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Germany sliding into 'dangerous' anti-Europe hysteria warns top economist
Isobel Schnable - worried about anti EU mood in Germany
As Germany's economy continues to stutter one of the country’s top economists has warned the country is desending into “anti-Europe hysteria” amid growing criticism in the country of the European Central Bank (ECB) and surging support for the Eurosceptic, anti - immigration AfD Party.
Marcel Fratzscher said the entire European Union would be damaged by the backlash against the ECB’s austerity policies and the cost to Germany of propping up the single currency. Mr Fratscher is chief of the German Institute for Economic Research in Berlin and has also been an executive of the Eurozone’s central bank. He told UK financial newspaper The Financial Times: “Germany is sliding into a dangerous anti-Europe, anti-ECB mood, which threatens to damage the ECB’s credibility, the Euro an ultimately all of Europe.”
The warning comes less than two weeks after Chancellor Merkel's ruling coalition suuffered heavy defeats intwo regional elections and Germany’s newly appointed ECB board member Isabel Schnabel called on her fellow economists to tone down their scathing analysis of the ECB's performance. Ms Schnabel, an economics professor at the University of Bonn, predicted a crisis for the Euro if Germans did not take a step back to reflect on their country's direction. Unfortunately for EU fans in Germany, voters have had years to reflect on the direction in which Merkel is leading the country and have decided they do not like it.
In an attempt to appeal to other German economists Schnable tweeted: “Dear fellow German economists, if you are wondering what you can do for Europe: Please help to dispel the harmful & wrong narratives about the ECB's monetary policy, floating around in political and media circles. These threaten the euro more than many other things.”
This is rather spurious as nobody takes any notice of economists because they are always wrong. And the voters are in no mood to listen.
Unfortunately, the majority of Germans are opposed to further political and economic integration of EU member states, the country is politically polarised and with left and right more opposed to the idea of working with each other to bring down the government than they are to allowing Merkel's centrist coalition to blunder on with the country politically paralyzed, it seems things can only get worse. In another blow to The Chancellor, her main coalition partner, the Social Democrats (SDP) this week lurched to the left by electing a far left candidate as its leader.
EuropeEurope Unglues
December 2019
Salvini Accuses Leftist Govt of Giving Away Italian Sovereignty to EU
Italian Prime Minister Guiseppe Conte, aonter European leader prepared to betray his country
Matteo Salvini leader of the hugely popular Populist League (Lega) party, which, despite having a democratic mandate, was excluded from the government of Italy by a stitch up enigineered by the Euronazi EU Commission in Brussels, has accused Giuseppe Conte the Italian prime minister apponted by the EU, of handing over Italian sovereignty to the European Union bureaucrats without parliamentary approval with changes to an EU bailout fund.
Changes the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), a fund that gives emergency loans to countries and banks, has been criticized by Salvini and his colleagues in League, who argue that the new system could force Italy to restructure its massive debt in a way that would have the subsequent negative effect of preventing the heavily indebted nation from leavthe Euro single currency, according to a report from Reuters. We should remember that it was the EU's forcing Italy to join the single currency system that is responsible for most of Italy's current economic woes.
On Friday (29 Nov,) Salvini said that the reform was a danger for Italian sovereignty and that, as was the case with the creation of the single currency system, the beneficiary would be Germany, which has banks in crisis, such as Deutschebank which recently laid off a large section of its workforce after losing billions of euros this year. The future of Deutschebank is still in doubt as the bank was forced by the EU to buy €€€billions of negative performing bonds from the EU's basket case economies to fund previous bail outs.
Salvini, who along with his party becomes more popular with Italian voters as a result of every EU power grab, went as far as to address Italian President Sergio Mattarella directly, stating that if Prime Minister Conte signs the treaty to go ahead with the reform “it would sanction a sale of unbalanced national sovereignty.”
We expect the collapse of the Brussels appointed, pro Brussels government in Rome imminently.
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