The Daily Stirrer, December 2013
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Tuesday 31 December 2013
Wind farms handed £5 million to switch off turbines as thousands of homes left without power
It's the last day of 2013, let 2014 be the day the majority of voters wake up to the fact that the majority of politicians, business people, public servants and academics running our countrie are a bunch of self interested, elitist, crrooks, liars and cocksuckers.
We have told you for years electricity generation by wind farms is a scam, the goal being to load YOUR energy bill with stealth taxes (green levies) and shovel the money raised into the pockets of bankers and big business (after appropritate kickbacks to the politicians who define energy policy, the scientists who dream up the junk science to justify them and the government officials who circumvent building and planning reulations to fast track their construction.
Although we have offered more than enough proof of what we say already, here's more:
‘Wind farm companies were paid almost £5 million to switch off their turbines while storms lashed the UK over the festive period and tens of thousands of homes were left without power, according to figures published today.
The ‘constraint payments’, which ultimately come from household bills, were payable when the National Grid was unable to cope with the extra power produced during the recent bout of stormy weather or usage was low.
More than £4.8 million has been paid out to wind farm companies since December 15, according to figures compiled from official data, almost as much as was handed over in the whole of 2012.’
Read more on wind farms being locked down due to high winds
Climate Crisis?
Wind Turbine Scam
Wind Turbine Truth
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Monday 30 December, 2013
The Daily Stirrer's economic expert Phil T Looker has warned continuously of the dire state of finances and yet many left wing shit-for-brains thinkers still believe that a return to power for Labour, putting Big Fat Bollocks, the architech of Labour's financial disaster back in charge of government finances to preside over a return to Krugmanomics, a financial policy that holds it does not matter how much government overspends by, they can always borrow more from The Chinese (and we are supposed to think this cunt is clever?) will solve our financial problems instantly.
Added to that of course, while Ed Miliband might have seen sense, most Labour activists still think opening the borders and allowing unrestricted immigration is a great idea because "immigrants bring so much benefit to the economy," and you realise that no matter how big a disaster The Coalition government has been, the fuckwit ideologues of Labour have the potential to be a million times worse.
For anyone who does not see the sense of what I say, here's a bit of economic readity from The Guardian, the result of Labour's cutting interest base rates to near zero, ostensibly to stimulate the economy, realy to allow the global bankers to borrow money from the government at 0.5% per cent and lend it straight back at 3.5% by purchasing the bonds government must sell every month to finance Labour's legacy.
‘More than a million homeowners will be at risk of defaulting on their mortgages and losing their properties in the wake of even a small rise in interest rates, a bombshell analysis reveals. Borrowers who have failed to pay down their mortgages when interest rates have been at record low levels now face being overwhelmed by “perilous levels of debt” when the inevitable hike comes.
Gillian Guy, chief executive of Citizens Advice, warned of a “financial ticking timebomb”: “The rising cost of energy, food and travel has been absorbing any spare income people may have. This means that in some cases there is little or nothing left to cope with larger mortgage repayments.”‘
Read more:
Mortgage Rise Consequences - The Guardian
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Western Society On The Eve Of Self Destruction.
An embed article from a disenchanted and alienated American blogger who feels somewhat betrayed by his country'd political leaders. The writer makes many important point that apply to most people in the developed world no matter where we live as economic collapse, social decay, unemployment and corruption in poliytics and business go unchecked.
Western Society On The Eve Of Self Destruction.
Saturday 28 December, 2013
Ukraine Is being bullied Into The EU
As if the embarrassment suffered by Americans wasn’t enough when he traveled to Syria for a photo-op with terrorists and kidnappers, promising guns and a military strike to insurgents in the Middle East. As if the humiliation wasn’t palpable in Egypt where US Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham traveled to Cairo to try and spring the deposed Islamist dictator Mohammed Morsi from prison.
Yes, the New World Order shill McCain topped himself once again, doing his best impression of Al Sharpton in Kiev when he attempted to stir up the street mobs for Washington’s political ends – evening threatening the Ukrainian government that they will face crippling sanctions from the USA if they sign a new trade agreement with Russia and do not submit to the almighty European Union.
In reality US sanctions should be less threatening to Ukranians than the prospect of living in another Spain or Greece, a debtor nation ever in hock to Germany and the global banks, whose people are enslaved by their government's debts.
John McCain, who I have always though looks disturbingly like the myopic cartoon character Mr. Magoo, is probably further detached from reality than most American politicians. On top of the usual delusional psychosis, in his case there is a big shovelful of senescence thrown into the mix.
American's like John McCain, living in the bubble of unreality that is the Washington political village, have not heard Uncle Sam in bankrupt, living on handouts from the Chinese and other emerging economies and will soon be reduced to living in a carboard box and swiging a bottle of Sneaky Pete (3). They haven't heard Russia is on the up and up and Vladimir Putin, not barack Inssein Obama, is calling the shots these days.
More on Ukraine being bullied into the EU
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Saturday 21 December, 2013
New Nation Slides Into Civil War Thanks To Western Meddling
by Arthur Foxake
It's another "We told you so" moment for The Daily Stirrer as mainsteam media finally starts to report the war in South Sudan. In fact we reported this war would certainly escalate as long ago as 2011 when newly independent South Sudan, having elicited support from the meddlers in Washington to break away from the Sudanese government in Khartoum, within a matter of weeks was experiencing tribal and sectarian conflicts.
South Sudan you see was never reallyv a cohesive nation. The only things that united the various factions in this hotch potch political entity were hatred of the Arab dominated government in Khartoum and hatred of other groups within South Sudan.
Unfortunately western meddling has led to the stakes being raised dangerously. With US troops now on the ground in 17 African nations, Russia and China are busy buying influence on the African continent too by backing the groups fighting those supported by Washington.
Here's how The Guardian reports the latest situation:
US aircraft came under fire on Saturday on a mission to evacuate Americans from spiralling conflict in South Sudan and four US military service members were wounded.
Nearly a week of fighting threatens to drag the world's newest country into an ethnic civil war just two years after it won independence from Sudan with strong support from successive US administrations.
The US aircraft came under fire while approaching the evacuation site, the military's Africa Command said in a statement.
"The aircraft diverted to an airfield outside the country and aborted the mission," it said.
Hundreds of people have been killed in the fighting that pits loyalists of President Salva Kiir, of the Dinka ethnic group, against those of his former vice president Riek Machar, a Nuer who was sacked in July and is accused by the government of trying to seize power.
Fighting that spread from the capital, Juba, has now reached vital oilfields and the government said a senior army commander had defected to Machar in the oil-producing Unity State.
So it seems somebody is supplying one side or the other in South Sudan with some fairly sophisticated weaponry.
Clones: Science Makes War On Nature
by Ed Butt
Daily Stirrer contributors have never for one moment thought there is any danger to humans from eating meat of milk produced by cloned animals. We do however have ethical concerns about turning animals into mere food producing machines. To scientists of course, a bizarre sub species that believe "Because we can" is always sufficient justification for doing anything, ethics is a toitally alien concept.
For years there have been concerns about the way animals are treated in food production and the urge of the mad scientits to totally replace natural reproduction in agriculture with a process that must be carried in a laboratary shows one again these intellectual idiots, lacking humanity themselves, are determined to dehumanise us all. There is absolutely nothing to be gained from cloning over natural reproduction.
The science lobby is populated with pathologicl liars, driven by OCD levels of control freakery there is nothing they will not do to advance their world domination ambitions. "By cloning," they claim, "we will all be able to enjoy the finest meat at present only available to the privileged few." To back this up they cite Japanese Kobe beef, beloved of arrogant rich bastards around the world.
Being OCD freaks scientists are stupid when it comes to anything outside their narrow speciality. The don't even know that Kobe beef and other specialised breeds created for the gourmet table are so highly bred they need special feed (veey expensive) and special, carefully controlled indoor environments. And all this whacks up the costs. Whereas your ordinary domestic cattle can get most of their nutrition from grass and spend much of their lives outside. So ordinary people will not be able to afford Kobe beef and when domestic cattle have been exterminated we will have to eat greay goo grown in a petri dish rather than a lovely juicy steak reader on the rich pastures of Shropshire, Devon or Yorkshire.
And as usual the fuckwith politicians, a sub species more completely detached from reality than scientists, are backing these insance schemes to replace natural farm animals with clones.
from The Daily Mail
"Meat and milk from the offspring of clone farm animals should be allowed on to supermarket shelves without labels," EU have announced this week.
The proposals, which would keep families in the dark about what they are eating, were outlined today in a move that was condemned by consumer groups.
The idea of cloning animals for food may seem bizarre and akin to science fiction, however it is possible that beef and milk from the offspring of clones is already being imported here from the USA and other countries.
It is outrageous that we are even thinking of allowing products from clones to be sold without clear labelling. We have a right to know what we are eating and how the animals used in its production are being treated. And we need to remind these burueaucratic twunts that they exist to serve us, not corporate accountants.
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20 December, 2013
Takes From The Poor, Gives To The Rich, Stupid Bitch ...
from The Independent

George Osborne reacts to being told he must talk to a working class person as Ed Balls gets ready to oppress a few small business owners
Take from the poor, but not the rich, that is the government's idea of fairness and let's be honest before all those pathetic lefties start screaming "But it will be so much better when Labour re back in power," that is exactly what was happening when Tony Blair, Gordon Broon and their Miserable Men and Women were in power, plus of course on top of the congential idiocy and obessive self interest common to all politicians, Labour had the additional handicap of numbering Big Fat Ed Bollocks in their front line team:
A headline in The Independant today read: Tax authorities accused of 'siding' with big business over small firms and individuals. The story was about how thouse public spirited members of civil service unions who are always fucking us up because they hate capitalism, are so overawed by corporate executives they go easy on the blatant tax evasion of multinationals and instead ruthlessly pursue plumbers, electricians, appliance repairers, market stallholders and other small businesses, often spending more on investigating these people than they could ever hope to recover.
Here's an extract from the story:
‘Britain’s tax authorities are accused by Parliament today of not being “on the side” of individuals and small firms who pay their fair share of money to the Government.
In a highly critical report, Westminster’s spending watchdog claims officials are “holding back” from using legal sanctions to recover money from large companies which use aggressive schemes to minimise their tax bills.
As a result the public at large is being forced to shoulder more of the burden of paying for public services while it has become “easier” for companies to avoid paying their way. The Public Accounts Committee said that despite countless pledges to crack down on tax avoidance, HMRC actually collected less tax in real terms last year than it did in 2011-12. At the same time the “tax gap” between what HMRC estimated it was owed last year and what it actually collected rose by £1bn to £35bn.’
Read more at The Independent website
As if you needed any more evidence that the government and opposition parties and the civil setvice are owned by bankers and you should vote UKIP, Respect, Green, Monster Raving Loony or local eccentric this surely be it. Fling the shits out of power.
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19 December, 2013
Italian government feels fury of disaffected as ‘Pitchfork’ protesters march on Rome
We've always been told that the british are the only nationality who do not appreciate the benefits of living under the neo - Nazi bureaucratic Dictatorship of the EUSSR in brussels. We have been lied to - as usual. The truth is the elites and the tax eaters everywhere love the EU because it means bigger government, more power and higher taxes to fund their expensive tastes in cars, booze, drugs and prostitutes. The ordinary people everywhere hate it because it means higher taxes, less freedom and more government meddling in business and private life.
from The Daily Telegraph
Italian government feels fury of disaffected as 'Pitchfork' protesters march on Rome
‘Italy’s anti-government, anti-austerity Pitchfork Movement staged a protest rally in Rome on Wednesday, its supporters expressing fury towards what they regard as a corrupt, discredited and venal political class.
Thousands of people, many of them waving the Italian flag, gathered in Piazza del Popolo, one of the city’s most beautiful squares, which has as its centre-piece a massive ancient Egyptian obelisk.
Amid a heavy security presence, with squads of riot police on standby, members of the grass-roots movement sang the national anthem and held up banners describing Italian politicians, including the coalition government of Enrico Letta, as “parasites”, “thieves” and “criminals”.
“Italy is rising up”, read one placard, while another said: “They don’t let us work, they don’t let us study, because an ignorant population is easier to govern.”
Gospel of Polyamory' touted as an alternative to traditional marriage by ABC news
When the same sex marriage row was raging many intelligent voices raised in support of the status quo warned that one same sex marriage campaign was won, with the aid of elitist prevert politicians who again betrayed the people who voted for them, and mainstream media creeps, the 'rights' brigade would start screaming for legalisation of other unorthodox relationships. It hasn't taken long ...
18 December, 2013
The Short Concentration, Heavy Medication Generation
‘What came first: the disorder, the cure, or the marketing ploy aimed at selling them?
“You’re talking about a product that’s having a major impact on brain chemistry. Parents are very susceptible to this type of stuff.” –Roger Griggs, pharma exec who now objects to ad campaigns
In the case of medicating a generation of children who were said to be “unusually hyperactive,” the answer to that question is addressed by an in-depth investigation by the New York Times on Monday showing that the meteoric rise of diagnoses of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (A.D.H.D.)—a trend that spawned a pharmaceutical gold rush over the last twenty years—was, in fact, fueled by an industry-led marketing campaign that targeted struggling children, worried parents, and an army of doctors willing to diagnose and prescribe.
And what’s worse? The deep-pocketed, pill-pushers are now looking to expand their market. Doctors and psychotherapists are already incentivised (paid) to diagnose conditions such as ADHD, depression and Aspergers Syndrome and prescribe totally unneccessary medication.
The NYT reports:
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The rise of A.D.H.D. diagnoses and prescriptions for stimulants over the years coincided with a remarkably successful two-decade campaign by pharmaceutical companies to publicize the syndrome and promote the pills to doctors, educators and parents. With the children’s market booming, the industry is now employing similar marketing techniques as it focuses on adult A.D.H.D., which could become even more profitable.
Dr. Keith Conners, a psychologist and professor emeritus at Duke University—who called the rising rates “a national disaster of dangerous proportions”—points out that though A.D.H.D is likely to occur in only 5 percent of the population, recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that the diagnosis had been made in 15 percent of high school-age children, and that the number of children on medication for the disorder soared from 600,000 in 1990 to 3.5 million today.
“The numbers make it look like an epidemic. Well, it’s not. It’s preposterous,” he told the Times in an interview. “This is a concoction to justify the giving out of medication at unprecedented and unjustifiable levels.”
Read full article at Common Dreams
>h3>Monday 16 December, 2013
Web of ‘green’ politicians, corporate leaders and 'experts' who pocket billions from gren taxes exposed
"Other industries would stand accused of damning conflicts of interest but when it comes to global warming, anything goes…"
The Daily Stirrer contributors were saying long before we started publishing our thoughts on the internet that Anthropogenic Global Warming was a scam based on junk science, cooked up for the sole purpose of imposing punitive taxes on the most essential products we have to buy and thus handing more wealth and power to the corporate and banking giants that control our world and own the nonentities who nominally lead us.
The Mail on Sunday is not my favourite news organ but occasionally it gets things more or less right. Yesterday the paper revealed a complex web of political and financial interests that has created dozens of eco-millionaires and enriched many more who were already millionaires and billionaires by shovelling into their bottomless coffers money taken from the green levies (stealth taxes) imposed on household energy bills.
After a three-month investigation The Mail shows that some of the most outspoken campaigners for green causes, the Watermelons (green on the outside, red on the inside - h/t James Delingpole for that) who demand that consumers pay the colossal price of shifting to renewable energy are also making loadsamoney from their heartfelt concern for the planet.
Four members of the UK Government's Climate Change Committee, the official watchdog that dictates green energy policy, are, or have until recently, held sinecures with companies that benefit from the committee decisions. Conflict of interest? Of course not, we are asked to believe; these people are scientists and thus incapable of greed, self interest or any form of malfeasance. Dunno about you but I feel sure those genetic modification creeps have at last perfected flying pigs.
A new type of financial vehicle, green investment funds, which have been set up by bankers to fund the expansion of windfarm energy, are in practice a means of accessing green levies paid by hard-up domestic consumers and handing the proceeds of the theft to investors, bankers and financiers.
Read full exposé:
The fatcat ecocrats exposed: Web of 'green' politicians, tycoons and power brokers who help each other benefit from billions raised on your bills
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Sunday 15 December, 2013
More Damining Expert Opinion Identifies GM Foods As Cancer Cause
by Ed Butt
In an astonishing letter to The Independent newspaper (one of mainstream media's most sycophantic supporters of Genrtically Modified foods) a doctor, Robert Rowen identified Russian research that showed the introduction of enetically modified organisms in the human food chain was responsible for a sharp increase in cancers. Here's a sample:
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I've said for years that one of the biggest unreported causes of cancer is GMO food. Cancer cases have risen dramatically since agriculture companies started using GMO. Now there's more proof that GMO not only causes cancer, but it can even kill.Russian research found many years ago that GMO potatoes can cause cancer. Why wasn't the world informed? Because the biotech industry waged a massive court battle to keep the information suppressed. These reports vindicated the pioneering work of whistle blower Dr. Arpad Pusztai. Dr. Pusztai informed the world of his research indicting GMO foods years ago but was ...
Read more at The Tap
More on Dr. Arpad Pusztai and GM Foods
Arpad Pusztai lost his job for telling the truth
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Saturday 14 December, 2013
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Connecticut governor signs first GMO labeling law in US
by Ian R Thorpe
The governor of US east coast state Connecticut held a ceremony to sign a state bill requiring the clear labelling of all foods containing genetically modified (GM) organisms outside an organic restaurant in the city of Fairfield on Wednesday 11 December (2013) to commemorate the passing by the state legislature of what could be the first law requiring GMO labeling in the United States. In June this year Connecticut voters supported the bill which requires that all foods intended for human consumption must be clearly labeled if they contain genetically-modified produce.
The issue is not closed yet however, the Connecticut bill requires at least four more Northeastern states with a combined population of no fewer than 20 million to approve similar acts before it can be enforced as law. So far supporters of a GMO labeling scheme have sufficient support to carry a similar vote in one adjacent state, but winning over the others may turn out to be a long slog.
Maine voters have already elected to pass a similar bill, but in a region that includes the big government lovers of Massachusetts, along with New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont there is a lot of work to be done.
The GM labelling lobby are prepared for the challenge. Tara Cook-Littman, director of GMO Free Connecticut, praised the efforts of the GM Free Connecticut campaign in working towards new laws.
“As the catalyst for GMO labeling in the United States, Connecticut residents should feel proud,” she told reporters. “We are hopeful that legislators throughout the Northeast will follow the lead of Governor Malloy and all our legislative champions by passing laws that give consumers transparency in labeling. It is a great honor for all of us to stand with Governor Malloy as he signs the first in the nation GMO labeling law,” she said.
More than 60 nations around the world have now approved mandatory labeling of GMO foods, and polling suggests that the vast majority of Americans are in favour of doing the same. So far, in fact, almost half of all US states have introduces bill that, if approved, would either require labeling of GMO foods or prohibit them altogether. Meanwhile, UK Prime Minister and Corporate slave David Cameron is working with Corporate interests like Monsanto and the E U Euronazis in Brussels to find sneaky ways of getting this shite into the British diet.
So What Can We Do To Help Those People Make Up Their Minds That GMO Poions Must Be Rejected? This Might Help ...
GM Animal Feeds Killing Farm Animals And Causing Birth Defects
Much loved by Britain's Prime Minister, The Secretary of State for the Environment and the Scientific Dictatorship lobby, GMOs are proving lethal to farm animals. Wy would they be any different for humans? Many believe they are the prime cause of a collapse in health in the USA.
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What have pigs to do with humans, you might well ask. Well there's this. To My Fellow human Beings I Say, "OINK everyone."
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Wednesday 11 December, 2013
China-Japan Conflict More Dangeros Than Syria
With the threat od armed conflict between China and Japan growing we should be aware that any clash between these two powers could potentially lead to a far more catastrophic conflict that the recent face off between the USA and Syria's Russian and Iranian allies in the eastern Mediterranean. In that situation the USA was first to blink and it could well be that China is seeking to force the Obama administration into another humiliating climb down. Japan has little military strength and would reply on support from it's ally, but China holds so much American debt it is calling the shots.
from Infowars
‘Former Chinese Ambassador to the United Nations Sha Zukang has warned that the dispute between Japan and China over the Senkaku Islands could lead to World War III.
Citing a Chinese-language piece written by Zukang for the the pro-regime Global Times, a report in the China Times says that Zukang warned of the futility of going to war over “those two tiny rocks,” a reference to the disputed islands which have become the center of a geopolitical tug of war between China and Japan, with the United States and South Korea also becoming embroiled.
“If China started a war with Japan, it would be much larger than both the Sino-Japanese War and World War II, said Sha. The United States and Japan should cooperate with China to maintain regional peace,” states the report.’
Continue reading
Economics commentator Ambrose Evans - Pritachard wrote a piece on this topic for The Daily Telegraph last week. "China-Japan rearmament is Keynesian stimulus, if it doesn't go horribly wrong." in which he suggested an economic motivation for Japan's apparent willingness to allow itself to become involved in an unwinnable conflict.
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Monday 9 December, 2013
Freak Weather Events In USA Are Due To Geoengineering
Recently President Barack Hussein Obama strongarmed an enabling act through the consitutional lawmaking process of the USA which granted himself, as President, sole authority to enact laws relating to the environment. Now one of the main planks of Obama's 2008 Presidential campaign was his pledge to shut down the oil and coal industries by imposing punitive taxes of fossil fuels. So far he has been prevented from doing this by public opinion and by the saner members of his administration reminding him that if he shuts down oil and coal he is effectively shutting down the American economy.
The Emperor and God - King Obama does not easily give up his obsessions and has a track record fo9r lashing out like a petulant five year old when he does not get his own way. It should be no surprise then to be presented with evidence that recent freak weather events in the USA have been linked to scientific experiments in Geoengineering, the control of weather through various technologies. It makes perfect sense of course because whith the case for Carbon Dioxide driven anthropogenic global warming having collapsed after the evidence for that was exposed as nothing more than statistical sleight of hand, Obama's psychotic desire to punish America's middle class must be satisfied in some way.
And what better way than to spread fear and panic until people believe that only the oppressive government of The God - King Obama can save the nation from disaster.
Read more on this:
There is a mountain of data including already conducted experiments, satellite imagery, lab tests of snow, observations on the ground, and multiple existing patents, all of which point solidly to the conclusion that snow storms are being engineered with well established weather modification processes.
Two known patents for the process of “artificial ice nucliation for weather modification” are posted at the bottom of this article. The Chinese government has openly admitted they are creating ”artificial snow storms” but later backtracked after causing a billion dollars of damage to Beijing.
If the Chinese government can routinely create snow storms out of what should have been a rain event, how much more advanced must our government be at this same process? When monitoring radar images of rain during a storm, it is now common to see the rain “flash out” to snow for no appearant reason. No mountains, no colliding air mass, nothing. The “meteorologists” at the Rothschild’s/ military industrial complex owned Weather Channel call this “turning over to snow”. Why would rain just “turn over” to snow for no reason?
Many of the snow events occurring around the US, even at this time of year, are amazingly still occurring at above freezing temperatures. Some are at temperatures of 10 degrees or more above freezing. How is this possible? Have the laws of physics changed?
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Now we cannot tell you if these rumours are true or not, in these cases The Daily Stirrer is only an information broker, bringing you news that will not appear in mainstream media. (with maybe a few humourous asides.) Research HAARP, take a look at sites like Geoengineering watch or consider that sheer stupidity of geoengineering plans like the one to pump tons of sulphuric oxide nanoparticles into the upper atmosphere (remember the acid raid of the 1980s cause by sulphur compounds emitted by power stations, that did such damage to forests?)
Consider though, the first successful experiments in weather control were conducted in the early 1950s, you can buy a small snow machine from for less that £30, and a lot of politicians and academics have pinned their reputations on the climate change fraud and the corporate interests that control alternative energy technologies stand to make trillions out of the so called green taxes their bought - and - paid - for politicians plan on imposing.
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Saturday 7 December, 2013
We Told You So
Iran Sanctions Bites the US in the Ass as Iran Responds With Petro Gold System
by Phil T Looker
It was back in 2011 that The Daily Stirrer started carrying my warnings that American belligerence and bullying were well on the way to destroying the only thing keeping the US economy afloat, the Petrodollar. In spite of many warnings that as long as Iran was on good terms with China and Russia all the bluff and bluster of the Obama administration was onlu undermining the position of the USA. The Chinese, Russians, the Arab oil states and their trading partners have been concluding private deals to trade oil and other commodities using the currency of the vendor nation.
It started back in 2001, not with Iran but Iraq when Saddam Hussein began accepting payment for his country'd oil in Euros, Pounds, Australian dollars, Yen etc. There has been talk since then about Iran circumventing American sanctions by circumventing SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications) agreements which stipulate oil must be paid for in US Dollars. The Iranians took over when Saddam fell and gave impetus to the move to dump the US Dollar as the world's reserve currency by initiating what could now be called the PETRO GOLD system. The move, on yop of the economic sanctions caused great hardship, devastating inflation and civil unrest in Iran Iran has taken the hits from the sanctions but founded . It has however allowed Iran to sell oil to China, India and Japan for gold and now other oil producing nations are following suit.
Iran has been shipping oil in shadow tankers, GPS turned off, and receiving bulk shipments of grain and edibles or transfers of gold in exchange. Dubai, and several tax haven states served as the international exchange route for these deals with Turkey as a transhipment point the gold payments.
Now Iran has demonstrated the system can work without the dollar, the USA may find itself paying a high price for the arrogance of its leaders. Once the Petrodollar is out of the picture, American Presidents can no longer impose a political price on top of the normal currency exchange rate. The ride of Petrogold fits nicely into China’s plans to replace the USA as the dominant global economy.
We should never underestimate the ability of Americans to shoot themselves in the foot. In the Bush administration the Vice President did it literally, President barack Hussein Obama does it metaphorically but no less spectacularly on a daily basis. Perhaps this is because The Rent Boy President is more concerned with gay rights, abolishing immigration controls, opening the border to Mexican drug cartels and throwing extravagent parties for Hollywood and music industry celebrities than with running the country.
What you need to know about Petrogold and the Petrodollar system
Will Iran Kill The Petrodollar
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Big Banks Are Being Hit With Cyberattacks ‘Every Minute Of Every Day’
‘What would you do if you logged in to your bank account one day and it showed that you had a zero balance and that your bank had absolutely no record that you ever had any money in your account at all? What would you do if hackers shut down all online banking and all ATM machines for an extended period of time? What would you do if you requested a credit report and discovered that there were suddenly 50 different versions of “you” all using the same Social Security number? Don’t think that these things can’t happen.’
NatWest and RBS online banking today stopped working for the second time in a week thanks to an apparent cyber-attack, in the latest blow to the State-owned financial giant.
Thousands were left unable to pay for their purchases on ‘Cyber Monday’ four days ago after the group’s cashpoints and online services suddenly crashed.
And today customers were again shut out of their accounts when the Royal Bank of Scotland and NatWest websites seemed to become inaccessible.
The company blamed the error on a so-called ‘DDoS (Distributed Denial Of Service) attack’, which occurs when a network of 'zombie' computers which have been infected with malware, encounter a trigger - a specified date value or a message and start to fire millions of requests for access at a target site, overwhelming its servers.
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Friday 6 December, 2013
Thursday 5 December, 2013
Wednesday 4 December,2013
Tuesday 3 December, 2013
Global Warming Will Kill Millions, Scream Climate Scientists - Meanwhile Thousands Die Of Cold
Once again we hear strong empirical evidence that far from global warming being an existential threat, it is cold that causes peoblems around the world. It is obvious now, or should be to anyone who was paying attention, that the Anthropogenic Global Warming Scare was just a scam to put more of our money into the pockets of corporate stockholders while snantching an even bigger chunnk of our meagre earning as "green taxes" for the purpose of "saving the planet".
‘Fanciful predictions of all the deaths that will result from climate change, decades into the future, are regularly thrown into public debate. Less attention has been given to a real statistic from the here and now, released by the Office of National Statistics this week, which shows the effects of one of the policies designed to tackle climate change: high energy prices. It emerged this week that there were 31,000 ‘excess’ deaths in England and Wales last winter, almost a third more than the previous year. Almost all were, in effect, British pensioners who died of the cold.
It’s odd: Britain is a rich country with a massive welfare state — and we know how to heat and insulate houses. We also send millions away in overseas aid. Yet somehow we have failed to find a way to stop our own people dying of the cold. Each winter, we tolerate a death toll which runs into the tens of thousands. Worse, we seem to have become inured to it.’
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Monday 2 December, 2013
Food As Medicne: Fight Big Pharma In Your Kitchen
The Daily Stirrer has done its best to highlight the ciminality of Big Pharma, the cunning ploys aimed at making us all patients for life, the vaccines that far from giving immunity, actually destroy the immune system, the totally unneccessary and often harmful and dependency forming drugs that are routinely prescribed.
We are less well qualified to write about reliable forms of alternative health however. One of us has an occasional lover who is a senior medical researcher but that's hardly a qualification. So we try to point our readers at the sites where they will find good information.
Follow the link to an excelent article about the Hippocrates Institute founded and run by medical professionals who believe that with the right diet and adequate rest, the body can be it's own healer. And the foods they suggest to promote natural healing are very appetizing too.
How Food Can Be Used As Medicine
‘The Hippocrates Health Institute, situated in southern Florida, is one of the world’s oldest complementary health centers. Dr. Brian Clement got started with the organization in 1975, and assumed directorship in 1980.
He’s also the author of a three-volume series of academic books called, Food Is Medicine: The Scientific Evidence, reflecting on the work done at the Institute over the past six decades, combined with the empirical evidence coming out of research institutions such as Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge, Princeton, and Stanford.
Dr. Clement is the medical director of the Hippocrates Health Institute. They offer residential programs lasting anywhere from one to three weeks, sometimes even longer. This allows you to learn, absorb, and help implement a new set of lifestyle strategies at a deep and lasting level.’
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Saturday 30 November
Friday 29 November
Thursday 28 November
Colleges And Universities Are breeding Rounds For Left Wing Hate Merchants
by Xavier Connolly
There are some very strange people in the Higher Education system, I met a few when I was lecturing. I suppose you could failrly say everyone in that environment is a bit strange. OK, we are, and those who have spent their whole life in education either as students or teachers are the strangest by a long street. I never encountered any as stange as the Amercan Professor Noel Ignatieff, who recently urged all his students who were white and male to commit suicide.
The irony is Prof. Ignatieff is white and male ... and abviously as mad as a box of frogs. Take a look:
from Before Its News
"Harvard Professor Noel Ignatiev has a very strange opinion and his comments in the videos below and to his own class on the last day he was a teacher has stirred up a firestorm. Professor Ignatiev has urged his white male students to commit suicide. Saying things such as “if you are a white male, you don’t deserve to live”, Ignatiev sounds quite like one of Beforeitsnews’ ‘stalkers’, who consistenly blame white males for EVERYTHING wrong in the world. This guy Ignatiev is a piece of work.
“If you are a white male, you don’t deserve to live. You are a cancer, you’re a disease, white males have never contributed anything positive to the world! They only murder, exploit and oppress non-whites! At least a white woman can have sex with a black man and make a brown baby but what can a white male do? He’s good for nothing. Slavery, genocides against aboriginal peoples and massive land confiscation, the inquisition, the holocaust, white males are all to blame! You maintain your white male privilege only by oppressing, discriminating against and enslaving others!” Professor Noel Ignatiev, a tenured professor at Massachusetts College loudly proclaimed to his class last Monday, his final teaching day before retirement."
Well Noel, if we forget the plays of Shakespeare, the music of Mozart, Beethoven and Vivaldi, the poetry of Tennyson, Dante Aligheri, Rimbaud and Goethe, the novels of Zola, Steinbeck, Cervantes, Dostoyevsky, the Ford Model T, the E type Jaguar, the art of Michaelangelo, Caravaggio, Rembrandt and Turner, the philosophy of Spinoza or Kirkegaad, Rutherford's splitting the atom, Pasteur advances in medicine, the inventions of Thomas Edison and so on (this is not a definitive list just a few examples that spring to mind) I suppose the cunt might have a point.
To date we have heard nothing about when or how Professor Ignatieff plants to terminate himself. As the man is obviously an attention seeker, if he want to go for spectacle and, generate maximum TV news coverage we suggest self immolation. Alternatively his family could do the world a favour and have him banged up in a padded cell.
And of you don't believe this article, here's the man himself.
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Are Hospitals A Good Place To Die? NHS mismanagement raises embarrassing questions
Recent scandals caused by mismanagement in National heath Service hospitals have raised a lot of questions about the way the service is run and whether patient care is really the top priority for many hospitaol managers
Winter Deaths: Annual Fear And Panic campaign begins
Winter deaths? Why does the government launch this big fearand panic campaign every year, if not to push flu vaccines for their Big Pharma buddies. Do you think it is coincidence that the annual 'flu' death toll is the same as the annual Winter Death figure. Yeah, every death from some non specific viral infection during the flu seaon is a flu death. It's just another fraud, very few people actually die of true Influenza
Wednesday 27 november
New World Order's Pope Calls For Oligarchic Collectivism
The Jesuit trained Pope Francis issued the first encyclical of his Primacy on yesterday. Predictably he re - emphasised the Catholic Church's opposition to any form of medical abortion, but more surprisingly launched an attack on free market capitalism and called for wealth redistribution on a global scale.
The Pope said "some people continue to defend trickle-down theories which assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world. This opinion, which has never been confirmed by the facts, expresses a crude and naïve trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power and in the sacralized workings of the prevailing economic system. Meanwhile, the excluded are still waiting."
The so called trickle down approach to economics is not a theory, rather is term used by socialists, syndicalists, collectivists and those who support the Marxist idea of wealth distribution on a global scale to deride what they (also wrongly) refer to as "laissez-faire capitalism". The term laissez-faire capitalism was coined in the era known as "The Enlightenment" or "The Age Of Reason" was coined in 1750 by a French bureaucrat, Vincent de Gournay but had its roots in the thinking of English philosophers John Locke (known as the founder of classical liberalism) and Thomas Hobbes who saw light touch government and maximum individual freedom as the best way to release the potential of the masses who had been previously been kept down by lack of education and the heavy handed government of the Church and its client Kings. "We must have a system unhindered by the restrictions of government," wrote economist Toufic Gaspard recently. For nineteenth century economist Adam Smith and other classical enlightenment thinkers, laisssez faire was closely linked to the inalienable rights expressed in the United States constitution.
The central concept of Laissez faire thinking is that the individual is the basic building unit of society, and therefore has an inalienable right to liberty under the law. This includes the right to seek education, to express thoughts and communicate ideas and to take part in economic activity so long as this activity does not impede the rights of others.
The term Laissez faire is hardly appropriate to describe the kind of capitalism, or more accurately corporatism or managerialism, The Pope was trying to attack. Global corporations operate as cartels (they all own each other and are ultimately owned by the banks which in turn are largely under the control of a single financial dynasty, the Rothschilds,) the ties between corporations, banks, government and supra - national bureaucracies are uncomfortably close and relationships between large corporations and the United States government are probably unlawful but nobody is going to investigate their nature.
Instead of unhindered free trade, the system of nationalistic protectionism that held sway under despotic monarchies before The Enlightenment, was the only economic system, government regulated and controlled trade, granted monopolies to those offering the biggest kickback and imposed punitive duties on imported goods to put them beyond the reach of common citizens. (After having land confiscated for supporting Bonnie Prince Charlie's rebellion in 1745, my ancestors got into the smuggling business that flourished along the north east coast of England thanks to this economic system.)
Do we really want to go back to that kind of oppressive government control with the dead hand of bureaucracy smothering the individual's efforts to improve their lot. Or do we want to move towards the Orwellian system of Oligarchic Collectivism (see George Orwell's novel "1984") with an all powerful elite and an implacable bureaucracy exercising control over every minute detail of our individual existence. Remember, it was Karl Marx, not John Locke or Adam Smith who said that in the future the individual would cease to exist and humans would be no more than components of the corporate state.
Pope Francis, who hails from the nation that gave the world Peronism, or the politics of state kleptocracy, would do well to revise some economic history. Involving the Church in government is always a step towards catastrophe.
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Mad Psychopath Gates' Vaccine Program Murdering Children
You remember the mad psychopath Bill Gates, the man who made "not fit for purpose" acceptable quality in the market? Well after destroying our privacy, handing control of the world to fascist corporations and thanks to the stupidity and incompetence of politicians, making himself $50 billion in the process, Bill Gates has now entered the population control business. And true to form he is using his tried and tested "not fit for purpose" technique to enable him to pose as a philanthropist while masterminding mass murder.
from Natural Blaze
Bill Gates’ Polio Vaccine Program Eradicates Children, Not Polio
In the depths of cyberspace lurks a press release written by the CDC, confirming that the OPV, or oral polio vaccination, given to millions of children throughout the developing world, is causing them to develop vaccine-induced polio. Instead of banning the vaccination, as one would expect, the CDC has decided in its wisdom that the best way to tackle the problem is to maintain a high rate of vaccination in all countries!
Yes, that is correct. The CDC recommends maintaining a high rate of vaccination, vaccinating as many children as possible with a vaccine that causes polio.
The CDC Spills The Beans
In 2012, the CDC wrote a press release titled Update on Vaccine-Derived Polioviruses — Worldwide, April 2011–June 2012. They wrote:
In 1988, the World Health Assembly resolved to eradicate poliomyelitis worldwide. One of the main tools used in polio eradication efforts has been the live, attenuated oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV). This inexpensive vaccine is administered easily by mouth, makes recent recipients resistant to infection by wild polioviruses (WPVs), and provides long-term protection against paralytic disease through durable humoral immunity. Nonetheless, rare cases of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis can occur both among immunologically normal OPV recipients and their contacts and among persons who are immunodeficient. In addition, vaccine-derived polioviruses (VDPVs) can emerge to cause polio outbreaks in areas with low OPV coverage and can replicate for years in persons who are immunodeficient. (emphasis added)
They continued:
VDPVs can cause paralytic polio in humans and have the potential for sustained circulation. VDPVs resemble WPVs biologically and differ from most vaccine-related poliovirus (VRPV) isolates by having genetic properties consistent with prolonged replication or transmission. VDPVs were first identified by sequence analyses of poliovirus isolates. (emphasis added)
The CDC recommended that the best way to deal with this problem is mass vaccination. They stated:
To prevent VDPV emergence and spread, all countries should maintain high vaccination coverage against all three poliovirus serotypes.
Immunodeficiency disorders occur when the body’s immune response is reduced or absent. In other words, governments worldwide are actively promoting a vaccine that they know will cause millions of vulnerable, sick and immunodeficient children to develop vaccine-induced polio.
Read more on Bill gates Murder By Vaccine
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Tuesday 26 November
Another Murder Committed By Lefties Of The NHS
On our companion blog Little Nicky Machiavelli we used to get regular comments from a rabid leftie who screamed and shouted about how David Cameron had murdered this many people and Margaret Thatcher had murdered that many people and just about every conservative or libertarian politician or commentator of the pasty forty years was a mass murderer.
What such people really mean is, "The state failed to relieve me of every scrap of personal responsibility, the state failed to ensure that no old, frail, disabled or chronically sick person never died, so I am holding the state responsible for their deaths." Insane.
The real problem this particular illiterate leftie had was he interpreted the Maxist dictum "From each according to his abily, to each according to his need," as from each according to what he can be arsed to do, to each according to whatever he demands."
Unfortunately the real world could never run on that basis. But in the real world it is the sociopathic lefties who are guilty of murder as they drive their global government, neo Nazi agenda forward without regard for the consequences. Ah well, Marx also said in his perfect world individuals would not matter and only the corporate state would exist. Seems workers and managers in the public secor like that bit.
A grieving son has called for a murder inquiry after his elderly mum was allegedly starved to death in hospital.
Peter Tulloch, 56, said ex-nurse Jean Tulloch, 83, was given less than a day’s calories in three and a half weeks after she was put on the controversial Liverpool Care Pathway without his permission.
Now a report done for Peter by a hospital consultant has criticised the gran’s treatment as potentially “negligent” and “unlawful”.
It said while Jean’s death certificate listed dementia as killing her, the “starvation diet” she was on contributed.
It also found medics ignored her son’s rights to make decisions by putting her on the LCP, which withdraws fluids and food.
Peter said: “I have called for a murder inquiry. This is proof Mum was neglected.
"She was let down by the NHS, I want answers. Doctors should face stiff penalties.”
Read all - The Mirror:
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Geneticist Speaks Out Against GMOs - Humans Part Of An Experiment
by Arthur Foxake
We keep being told by political whores, media whores and science whores that genetically modified organisms pose no health risk for human beings. The Jug Eared Jihadist in The White House, the Rent Boy President even passes laws protecting GM seed giant Monsanto from being sued for damage done by the GM crops grown from their products, while the pussy whipped Old Etonian Sissy aims to defy public opinion in the UK and help Monsanto sneak their toxic shite into the British dies by the back door. While British farmers will not touch Monsanto seed, Cameron wants GM products such as soya flour and high fructose corn syrup to be permitted in prepared foods.
And the media whores keep rewriting what is in Monsanto press releases to claim "the science is settled" and never mention the independent research that stacks up to show the science is not settled but the balance of evidence shows we should not even look at food containing GM products.
Even when eminent geneticists speak against GM organisms, mainstream media will not touch it. Forget the wars in Syria and Afghanistan, the war on drugs, war on terror, war on crime and all the other bullshit, there is only one war we need concern ourselves with, the war on ordinary people being waged by the corporate elite, the governments they control and the academic whores they use to give them credibility.
Now read on to learn what David Suzuki thinks about the safety of Monsanto products from this Collective Evolution article:
‘We are doing our part to try and spread the word about GMOs, (genetically modified organisms) but we’re not the only ones. Multiple public figures, scientists and researchers have been speaking out about GMOs for a number of years. For example, not long ago a former Canadian Government Scientist at Agriculture Canada, Dr. Thierry Vrain (one of many) spoke out against GMOs. Another prominent public figure, Geneticist David Suzuki has been a long time advocate against GMOs, and has been speaking out about how they can be hazardous to human health as well as the environment.
Below, I’ve provided a video example of Suzuki explaining why he feels the way he does about GMOs. Public figures with a wide audience can have a great impact on the consciousness of the masses, they are great ‘tools’ for waking more people up to the reality that GMOs can be harmful to human health as well as the environment.
It’s time to pay attention, do your own research and to question what you’ve been told. We can no longer trust branches of the government that deal with food and health, we must not take their word for it, it’s better if you actually look into it yourself rather than blindly believing what your are told.’
Read full article: Geneticist David Suzuki Says Humans Are Part Of A Giant Experiment
And if you are tempted to think "Oh those crazy conspiracy theorists at The Daily Stirrer are making this shit up, watch the man say it in his own words in this video embedded below.
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Monday 25 November, 2013
Snowden Leaks Reveal NSA Deliberately Infected Business Networks With Malware
Netherlands newspaprer NRC Handelsblad reports it has seen ducuments among the material leaked by Ed. Snowden confirming that the intelligence officers working for the U S National Security Agency (NSA) deliberately infected thousands of computer networks owned by large ans small businesses worldwide with malicious software created specifically to steal sensitive information.
In a 2012 management presentation the methods used by the NSA to collect information are revealed. In addition, the documents describe how the NSA and other intelligence agencies use a system known as ‘Computer Network Exploitation’ (CNE) in more than 50,000 locations around the world. CNE is an application which uses software portals built into computer operating systems for the purpose of gathering data but capable also of being used for installtion of malicious software.
The most high profile example of this type of illegal operation so far confirmed was discovered in September 2013 on the network of Belgian network services provider Belgacom. In this case it was not the U S NSA but British govrnment data gathering agency GCHQ which had installed malware in the Belgian network in order to collect information on their customers’ telephone and data network activity. The Belgacom network was hacked after GCHQ set up a fake Linedin page and lured Belgacom employees to it with information about lucrative career moves.
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Where Is The Western Help For People Being Slaughtered In Central African Republic
A few days ago on Little Nicky Machiavelli I blogged about the state of affairs in Libya where after the FUKUS axis regimer change war left that formerly prosperous nation a failed state, the rival factions are now driving the nation to civil war.
Some stupid, politically correct, left wing plank started to take issue with me, whining about what an evil bastard Gaddafi was (and the criminals and warlords who replaced him are better?) and blubbering about "For tyranny to triumph it only needs for good men to do nothing," and "all geat nations are born in blood" (anyone who uss that many cliches has to baq a left wing politician, a university lecturer or a media luvviue.)
Actually all that is needed for tryanny to triumph is evil dipsticks like Obama, Cameron and Hollande to see their arseholes to their corporate buddies.
You see while this stupid bell end was whining at me, the FUKUS acis of evil were standing by as another civil war in an obscure African nation was turning into genocide. And why were the "good men" of the FUKUS axis doing nothing? Because the private armies emplyed by Corporate Nazis have the valuable resources of the Central African Rrepublic well secured and have noithing to gain financially from a western intervention. So they are happy to let the slaughter, rape and turture continue unabated.
The Guardian - Unspeakable horrors in a country on the verge of genocide
‘Militias in the Central African Republic are slitting children’s throats, razing villages and throwing young men to the crocodiles. What needs to happen before the world intervenes?
A massacre of the innocents is taking place in the heart of Africa as the world looks the other way.
One man describes how his four-year-old son’s throat was slit, and how he saw a snake swallowing a baby. A woman explains that she is caring for a young girl because her mother went searching for medicine and was bludgeoned to death with Kalashnikov rifles. A young man tells how he was bound and thrown to the crocodiles, but managed to swim to safety.
This is the world of horrors that the Central African Republic (CAR) has become. Thousands of people are dying at the hands of soldiers and militia gangs or from untreated diseases such as malaria. Boys and girls as young as eight are pressganged into fighting between Christians and Muslims. There are reports of beheadings and public execution-style killings. Villages are razed to the ground.’
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Saturday 23 November, 2013
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Islamofascism Lessons Now Compulsory In UK Schools
by Arthur Foxake
This is a note sent to parents of pupils in an English school.
"When the headmistress at a primary school in Huntington, Staffordshire tried to order parents to send their children to a Nov. 27 workshop focused on Islam or else have the kids permanently labeled as racists for the rest of their academic careers it caused a bit of consternation.
The letter, sent to parents of children aged 8 to 11 carries a stark warning from Edukation Gauleiter Lynn Small, the headmistress at Littleton Green Community School, that children failing to obey will be branded racists for the rest of their academic career. The letter describes the field trip as part of a “statutory requirement” for kids “to learn about different cultures.”
Naturally the objections of parents were met with shrieks of "racism" by the usual suspects, Labour and Lib Dem lefties, fat ugly lezzas, bearded queens in bridal gowns, media luvvies and people who have lost their grip on reality.
Ironic isn't it that the very people who want to brand junior school pupils racist for not sucking up to Islam would be screaming their heads off if anyone suggested making it compulsory for Muslim children to take part in Christian activities.
I'm all for keeping religion out of the education system myself but FFS, SAME RULES APPLY! I know self righteous hypocrisy is like an item of faith for lefties but their creed of political correctness is the first insane religion we should kick out of schools.
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Man-Made Typhoons & Yamashita’s Gold
from Exohuman
THERE IS MUCH speculation that the recent, unnaturally speedy typhoon in the Philippines was man-made. Shocked? You shouldn’t be. Weather-modification technology is by now well established, with many countries routinely employing it to bring rain, divert storms, and for other more nefarious purposes.
So, hypothetically, let’s imagine that Typhoon Haiyen was induced or enhanced. So who and why? The most likely suspect, by a mile, has to be the USA (or, more accurately, elements within the US Secret Government). Okay, so why? To remove thousands of ‘useless eaters’, to help support the crumbling Global Warming scam, as a general distraction from Middle East war preparations, US martial law, the impending economic collapse… or something a little more left field?
It Is Possible To Control The Weather So Why Wouldn't The Powers Do It
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Friday 22 November
American Bid To Colonise Afghanistan By Stealth Will Backfire
Days before the so-called bi-lateral security agreement heads to an Afghan council of elders and political leaders for a final decision, the U.S. is attempting to force through a stipulation that would allow U.S. troops to continue raiding Afghan homes, imprisoning Afghan nationals without giving any reason and having immunity from Afghan law. The Americans also want to extend U.S. military presence far beyond Obama’s 2014 pullout date and possibly infinitely.
Critics charge that the U.S. is giving itself the green light for open-ended occupation (colonization by another name) at the expense of the Afghan people. "Occupation is not defined by how many occupiers are policing someplace," said Kimber Heinz of the War Resisters League in an interview with Common Dreams. “If you reduce the amount of occupation forces but keep them there forever, then the occupation continues and the war on people’s everyday lives is not actually over — no matter what the US government or mainstream media tells us.”
The New York Times reports that President Hamid Karzai’s spokesperson, Aimal Faizi, announced Tuesday that Karzai would allow U.S. home raids in “extraordinary circumstances.” He said this was in exchange for an agreement from President Obama to issue a letter apologizing for mistakes in Afghanistan.’
Read more on The Evil Empereor Obama's Latest Colonial Adventure at Common Dreams
Updated Saturday, 23 November:
Afghanistan rejects U.S. demand to sign security pact
from Raw Story ( http/ )
‘Afghanistan on Friday rebuffed a US demand to sign a highly anticipated security pact as soon as possible, insisting the document must wait until after next year’s presidential election.
Washington warned Kabul on Thursday to sign the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) as soon as possible, with senior officials hinting that delaying beyond the end of this year could mean no post-2014 US troop presence.
The latest US run-in with President Hamid Karzai was set off by the Afghan leader saying the painstakingly negotiated deal would not be signed until after the election in April.’
Read more on Afghan / US deadlock
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Thursday 21 November
Wednesday 20 November
Education In A Free Society? Indoctrinate, Indoctrinate, Indoctrinate.
via Red Ice Creations
‘Proposed solutions have included greater funding, a longer academic year, national standards, measures to reduce school violence, and educational vouchers. The only proper solution is to completely separate state and school thereby permitting education to be purchased and sold through the free market system. Consumer-financed education must replace tax-based funding of education. We need to dissolve public schools and replace them with educational businesses. By de-monopolizing public schools, we would raise standards, better motivate teachers and students, allow greater innovation, bring costs down, and meet the particularized needs of our children.
Public education is inconsistent with freedom and responsibility. Public education erodes personal freedom and thus should be replaced with parental choice, competition, and market solutions. Parents are responsible for the education of their children. Under a free market, families would decide which are the best educational vehicles for each of their children.’
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Saturday 16 November
How American Forces Network Saved Our Lives
Britain in the 1950s was a monochrome society, a rigid, unyielding social order and overt class consciousness constrained social interactions, people were reluctant to do the right thing for fear of it being deemed by "polite society" as the wrong thing. Fortunately a radio station we should not have been listening to, and the subversive music it played took the lead in releasing us from our bonds
Obama’s Secret Treaty Which Will Commit America To The Emerging One World Economic System
Few Americans have heard of the Trans Pacific Partnership which is strange as it will transfer the sovereign powers of the US Congress and Supreme Court to an unelected supra - national bureaucracy. Yes the rent - boy President barack Hussein Obama is about to betray his country. And he is desperately trying to keep the consequences of his ilegal negotiations secret
Friday 15 November
Labours Mistake On Immigration say Straw and Blunkett. Bollocks, Says Daily Stirrer
Two former Labour Home Secretaries are basking in the kudos after speaking out about Labour's total foul up on immigration. Jack Straw now admits allowing so many people settle in Britain by faiing to enforce existing rules was a ‘spectacular mistake’.
David Blunkett has gone further, warning of civil unrest in his home city of Sheffield because the behaviour of recently arrived Roma gypsies is causing tension with the locals.
Before we break out the Bolly, it is worth pausing to consider the part played by both men in creating the mess we find ourselves in. Straw and Blunkett were two of the most senior figures of the Blair/Brown era. They were fully signed up to the New Labour ‘project’.’ Allowing unlimited immigration is not a mistake, suppporting Sunderland is a mistake, admitting to owning several black Lace records is a mistake. Trawling the globe trying to attract immigrants from among the semi literate, unskilled poor was a deliberate Labour policy. It was designed, in the memorable words of former Blair speech-writer Andrew Neather, to ‘rub the Right’s noses in diversity’ (You know, the way blair rubbed the Iraqi people's noses in depleted uranium).
It is widely rumoured that Straw collaborated with Blair to conceal the plan from the public because they knew voters would never go along with it if the truth came out. The original leak of that information came from someone who was an aide to Straw at the Home Office.
The reptilian Peter Mandelson, another co-conspirator, has since joked about Labour ‘sending search parties’ for immigrants from the four corners of the Earth.
The idea was to bring so many foreigners from alien cultures into Britain it would change the social fabric of the nation. And Labour stupidly assumes these naturally conservative, hard working, self sufficient people could be bribed with benefits to vote labour forever, turning britain into a Huxlean Brave New World, a meriticratic utopia, a scientific dictatorship run by elitist academics, lawyers and business people.
And the monumental, treasonous wrongness of that thinking should tell you why we must no more elect a Labour government than we would elect a Nazi government. Why would we want to be governed by shits who hate everything British.
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Thursday 14 November
The Spy In Your Smartphone
The Spy In Your Smartphone - secondary operating system provides window for internet companies to snoop on you.
If digital technology pros knew about this for years why didn't they warn us, bleat the sheeple. We did, we warned of lack of security on the internet, we warned of the fascist tendencies of technology companies. Why did they choose to believe politicians, profit seekers and a guy who says he's a scientist but has no qualifications to build an internet front end?
Wednesday 13 November, 2013
Tuesday 12 November
Monday 11 November
Saturday 9 November
Don't feed The Humans In Fascist Republic Of Obamaland
It is now illegal to feed the homeless in cities all over The United States.
How would you react if you saw people handing our bread and soup to the homeless and a squad of police officers bulldozed into the scene and threatened to arrest you. Such a think would only happenin some third world hellhole, some military dictatorship run by a fascist dictator you might well protest. Well I'd agree but I have been saying since 2008 that Barack Hussein Obama, self proclaimed peacemaker and joybringer, would become a fascist dictator. And what I described is happening right now in cities across the USA.
More than 50 large U.S. cities have adopted “anti-camping” or “anti-food sharing” laws in recent years, or banned eating and drinking (non alcoholic beverages) in the street and in many of these cities the police are enforcing these fascist laws with "extreme prejudice". Apparently the heartless politicians that are passing these laws believe that if the homeless can’t get any more free food and if they keep getting thrown into prison for “illegal camping” they will eventually decide to go somewhere else where they won’t be hassled so much. To one of The Obamessiah's death camps perhaps?
This is yet another example of how heartless western society is becoming. The middle class is being absolutely shredded and poverty is absolutely exploding, but meanwhile the hearts of many Americans are growing very cold. If this continues, what is the future of America going to look like?
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Friday 8 October
Now Google Are Planning To Follow You Round The Shops
Tracking people online and showing personalised adverts is already a controversial topic on web forums and in mainstream media and now Google is set to piss people off again by tracking people in the real world rather than just online.
According to reports from tech website Digiday, the fascist search engine operator is testing a program that would track users to monitor which shops they visit.
Each time a user enters a store of business, Google would be able check to see if that user looked at adverts for that company online beforehand to check the ad's conversion rate.
Recent reports found Google makes around $100 million a day by selling Google Ads to businesses online. The search engines data gathering technology alread tracks conversion rates online when either a user clicks directly on an advert, or the user visits the website featured in an advert during its browsing session.
Google can access certain information about a user through its own apps, such as the mobile Chrome browser, Google Maps, Gmail and Google+. If users have ‘Location services’ activated (and you may have, without even being aware of it) and then have one of these apps is open, or running in the background, as they shop on the high street, Google can pinpoint exactly where they are.
Well I've been trying to tell you since I started blogging in 2002 to boycott Google. The Corporate motto, Don't Be Evil, if it was truthful would read, "Don't be evil, that's our job."
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Thursday 7 October
Wednesday 6 October
Transatlantic trade deal is an assault on democracy says left wing libertarian
Sneaking a transatlantic trade deal through with Obama, by - passing the elected parliament and British law is just about David Cameron's style. But this latest exercise in dismantling democracy could have far reaching consequences for all of us, for example it will give global corporations the power to change British law.
Tuesday 5 November
Congratulations Globalist Lefties, You Are Helping Steal Pensioners Saving To Prop Up The Euro
Pensioners are protesting in Spain as their life savings vanish into the banks' financial black hole. Outside the main offices of Bankia in Madrid thosands gather every day to protest about the way the government and banks are shifting depositors assets to cover losses on the dodgy debt the bank is saddled with. The struggling lender, which posted €19.2bn (£16.3bn) losses last year, has the ultimate symbol of Spain’s financial crisis, having been bailed out twice and wiped out the investments of hundreds of thousands of Spaniards due to it's reckless gambling in toxic debt derivatives.
The Spanish government has shifted Bankia’s toxic property assets into a so-called “bad bank”, allowing Bankia to crawl back in profit since the first quarter of 2013. But small investors, most of whom are pensioners, could do nothing as, with the complicity of those Stalinist scumsuckers in the EU, barosso, Von Rompuy and Prodi, promises were broken and trust betrayed. How typical of lefties to stab the poor in the back while helping their billionaire cronies.
The pensioners who turn out to protest say they are victims of Spanish banks such as Bankia, which took their savings in the full knowledge that their retirement funds would be plunged into a financial black hole because they were invested in the sub prime mortgages which had inflated Spain's property bubble. After the bubble burst in 2008, the banks sought to balance their books by conning around 300,000 into converting their savings into preference shares that typically pay out a fixed dividend.
In 2012 Bankia and other Spanish banks were nationalised and bailed out with €42bn in EU rescue loans, those small investors found themselves partly shouldering the banks losses because their preference shares were revalued as stipulated by Brussels’ rescue conditions.
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Monday 4 November
Simple Arithmetic Government Scientist Style
Simple Arithmetic Government Scientist Style
‘Don’t look now, but big government is trying to poison us. US QUANGO the California’s Almond Board says Almonds are so dangerous they should be sterilised using a known carcinogen.
The Almond Board, in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, proposed an industry-wide “mandatory sterilization” requiring all almonds, even those grown organically, to be pasteurized, in response to a string of salmonella outbreaks in 2001 and 2004 whichin 33 people became ill, but there were no deaths. That is obviously a huge health risk compared, say, to the trivial number (circa 100,000) of Americans who die from prescription drugs each year.
The Almond Board says five methods of “pasteurization” are allowed. They include: oil roasting, dry roasting, blanching, steam processing and, incredibly, the use of propylene oxide (PPO), which is, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency, a “probable human carcinogen.”‘
Well everybody, even retards, must surely understand that 100,000 dead is a lot worse than 33 a bit poorly. It's a matter of simple arithmetic isn't it.
A lot of Californian almonds are exported to the UK.
Saturday 2 November
Bollocks Obomber emasculates the US military
Top staff officers in the US Armed Services say Obama is 'purging the military'. They describe president's actions as 'emasculating,' and claim all ranks now lack 'will to win'. According to a report in right wing online news sitew World Net Daily
The Daily Stirrer would not normally use WND as a source although their record for accuracy is no worse that those of the washington Post, The New York Times, CNN or MSNBC. However this report seems entirely believeable as in this, like many other areas of US Government policy, Obama is following exctly in the footsteps of adolf Hitler who after seizing power in 1933 by mean of his "Enabling Act" which allowed the Nazis to enact laws without democratic oversight, set about purging the army, civil service and police of those who expressed disagreement with Nazi methods, replacing them with unqualified but highly committed party loyalists; Obama recently signed an executive order called The Enabling Act, granting to himself similar powers on environment and financial policy - is the name coincidence? We think not.)
WASHINGTON – Retired Army Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady, recipient of the U.S. military’s highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, as well as other top retired officers, say President Obama’s agenda is decimating the morale of the U.S. ranks to the point members no longer feel prepared to fight or have the desire to win.
“There is no doubt he (Obama) is intent on emasculating the military and will fire anyone who disagrees with him” over such issues as “homosexuals, women in foxholes, the Obama sequester,” Brady told WND.
“They are purging everyone, and if you want to keep your job, just keep your mouth shut,” one source told WND
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Friday 1 November, 2013
Conspiracy Theorist? BBC Thought Police Attack Free Speech
‘The lies, diversions, cover - ups and evasions are not working as well as they did a while ago. People are tired of patronising, condescending, self appointed elitists deceiving them and are getting very angry about the growing gap between the elitists self righteous belief that African problems, "equality" and gay rights are more important issues for our government than debt, joblessness and immigration.
These new elitists seem to believe the ordinary voters who live in the real world and face real problems with fortitude and stoicism every day are actually childlike creatures who need to be protected from reality. In fact it is the elitists who are hiding from reality and their politically correct protestations about the homophobia, racism and conservatism of the masses is nothing more that attention seeking.
"Look at me," their actions say, "look at me, see how I care about blacks, look at me see how I care about the rights of bearded queens in bridal gowns, look at me, see what a good person I am. They are not good of course, they are selfish and narrow minded, their illiberal mindset tolerates no diversity of opinion, they talk of multiculturalism but would deny us the right to object to forced marriages in the Muslim community, they talk about the 'feelings' of gays who want to marry but are quite happy to trample on the feelings of people in the more conservative Christian churches. They 'care' about 'The Poor' but yearn for the return of a Labour government under which, history teaches us, the poor suffer the most, while the seriously rich move their money offshore and the new elite, the public sector workers, schoolteachers and academics, health professionals and all the other tax eating parasites reward themselves for wrecking the nation's social structure.
And now with public trust in the government at an all time low the elitists find people are ignoring the propaganda and turning to alternative news on the internet to learn what is going on.
Meanwhile, those responsible for broadcasting the elite's memes are getting paranoid. Instead of nursing along their tall tales, they are violently putting them into play and then acting on them politically and militarily (viz the FUKUS axis alliance of evil's collaboration with Al Qaeda in Syria which we were told for almost two years was on the verge of crushing the Assad regime, only to learn via Russian, Middle Eastern and Indian news that the opposite was true and that the 'brave freedom fighters' opposing Assad were brutal terrorists intent on slaughtering Syria's Christian and Shi'ite Muslim population.
The power elite, habitually dishonest, distrustful and contemptuous, introduces a dominant social theme and tries to promote it. Only right wing extremist conspiracy theorists question government policy the establishment controlled, left wing BBC rages.
And people remember the BBC is the organisation that covered up the activities of paedophiles Jimmy Savile and Stuart Hall for decades, even though it was reported to the lefties who run the corporation that both these sick creeps had sexually assaulted children on BBC premises. And we must not forget of course the instances of BBC staff rejecting ideas sent in by hopeful writers, then resubmitting a thinly deisguised version of the idea as their own. Or the cases of BBC news programmes, so strident in their support of feminist causes, sacking female presenters for being too old and not pretty enough. And of course, the way the BBC dismissed allegations of sex monster Jimmy Savile's paedophilia as 'just conspiracy theories.' Hypocrites.
Conspiracy Theories? The BBC Loses It's Politically Correct Mind
Chemtrails - One of those crazy conspiracy theories that turned out to be truth
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Thursday 31 October
Approved behind closed doors, curbs that end three centuries of Press freedom
Democracy was murdered yesterday. Some of our most basic freedoms including press freedom were quietly abolished by a secret coven of Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat MPs.
Yesterday The Privy Council, which advises the Queen, approved a Royal Charter to regulate the Press, provoking claims that politicians are undermining 300 years of freedom of speech rubber-stamped the plans after newspapers lost two last ditch legal bids to halt the process. The Conservatives wanted it because they can keep the scandalous and often criminal behaviour of their members and wealthy donors out of the public eye. Labour wanted it because while they love the idea of their propaganda sheets, The Guardian, The Independent and The Daily Mirror being free to slavishly support their National Socialist agenda, they hate the idea of other newspapers being free to criticise Labour's neo - fascxist ideology.
And the Liberal Democrats supported it because they have become a bunch of coardly shits who would sell out every principle to keep their fingertips on the levers of power a little longer.
So what happened. Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg chaired the meeting at Buckingham Palace at which Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt, Culture Secretary Maria Miller and Liberal Democrat peer Lord McNally were also present to present the Privvy (oops) Council recommendation which The Queen was then obliged to approve.
The Royal Charter grants politicians the right to meddle in Press regulation for the first time since the licensing of newspapers was abolished in 1695.
The plans were drawn up by all three main parties in late night negotiations over pizza with the Hacked Off pressure group a bunch of self interested media and showbiz luvvies who don't give a shit about democracy or ordinary people. It is the first time in British history that a Royal Charter has been imposed upon an industry without its consent – a move that has provoked criticism that the Queen has become embroiled in political controversy.
On a day of high drama, four newspaper and magazine industry bodies went to the High Court to seek an injunction to prevent the Privy Council proceeding.
But it was only when the hearing was under way that lawyers representing the newspapers learned that the judges had also decided to rule on a separate application for judicial review of the Privy Council’s ‘unfair, irrational and unlawful’ decision not to approve a rival Royal Charter drawn up by the newspapers.
Lord Justice Richards, sitting with Mr Justice Sales, rejected the application for judicial review and for an injunction.
The two judges retired to consider their verdict for only 15 minutes before returning with a ruling that ran to around 3,000 words – an indication that the verdict had been prepasred in advance, probably by Cameron, Clegg, Miliband and their cronies, before even the preliminary hearings had taken place.
The judgment referred to the Privy Council’s rejection of the industry charter, saying ‘none of it can have come as surprise to anyone’.
Too fucking right it came as no surprise, the three main parties, acting on instructions from their New World Order bosses in Basle have been itching to abolish press freedom since that scumsucking shit Blair was in power.
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