the daily stirrer

The Daily Stirrer, May 2020

The Stirrers
One of the reasons the founding old Gits decided to publish The Daily Stirrer was because they detected a convergence of perspective in the political arena and the news media. A package of opinions, that perpetual economic growth was achieveable through borrowing, that immigration was good for the economy, higher taxation circulated through benefits equals economic growth, multiculturalism worlds, science is infallible and so on were being imposed on the population. Our aim was to promote freethinking and diversity of opinion.

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The Daily Stirrer is constantly looking at the news and trying to dig out the stiory behind the story. With latest news that does not make mainstream media and controversial reporting and opinion, we are loking forward to bringing you inside information on the disintegration of the European Union, the replacement of the Petrodollar as global reserve currency, the continuing decay of the USA (unless Trump can neutralise the authoritarian warmongers of the deep state, and we don't think he can) and the ongoing problems caused by the flood of illegal immigrants from the third world to Europe and North America. We certainly do live in Interesting Times.

May 2020

Daily Stirrer news and comment articles for April 2020

What's Next? Italexit or EU Break Up?

Francesco GIUBILEI, Strategic Culture, 18 May 2020

Since the birth of the European Union, there has been an intense debate about the possibility of creating a two-track Europe, divided between the Mediterranean nations and those of Northern Europe.

Supporters of this solution argue that the differences between these two parts of Europe are irreconcilable, in terms of their lifestyle, in the way society is conceived, and especially in the mentality of citizens. The possibility of division first appeared in Greece during the 2008 crisis, and it now seems to be intensifying with the coronavirus emergency.

Today, the dividing line between north and south has hardened, and is defined by opposing views on how to tackle the spread of the virus.

On one side, the Latin countries of Europe ask to use the so-called “Eurobonds” or “Coronabonds,” a financial instrument with a common European debt linked to the resources that are strictly necessary to face this health emergency. Italy and Spain do not ask to share their ordinary public debt with Germany and the other northern European nations; they only seek to share the resources they need to bear the costs to fight Coronavirus. On the other side, German politicians and the media accuse the south of seeking to finance the crisis response with German money. France stands halfway between these two blocs, even though in practice Macron’s point of view seems to be closer to the southern European countries’ position ... Continue reading >>>

A Goat, A Papaya & A Pheasant Test COVID Positive: Tanzanian President Catches WHO In Epic Lie

As suspicions about whether the COVID 19 outbreak is as serious as we are being told, continue to grow all around the world, and the role of the World Health Organisation in promotinf widespread fear and panic comes under scrutiny, the government of African nation Tanzania has revealed it set a trap involving the notorioisly unreliable COVID - 19 test for the WHO and the global healthcare authority walked right into it. As the number of confirmed coronavirus cases continues to explode across Africa, the involvement of the WHO, which is widely mistrusted, has made some national leaders suspicious of what the NGO is up to, particularly as the virus started in China which has for some years been trying to extend its influence in Africa. Tanzanian President John Magufuli was one of those whose suspicions of the organization were aroused, so he decided to investigate whether the organization was as trustworthy and reliable as it claimed to be. Magufuli played what the local press described as "a trick" on the organization: He sent the WHO samples of a goat, a papaya and a quail for testing.

Coronavirus testing in Tanzania

All three samples reportedly tested positive. According to reports in African news, when the president heard the of this ridiculous result, he first confronted WHO, representatives to demand an explanation then ordered the organization to cease operations in the country, close its clinics and offices and evacuate its personnel. WHO officials have so far made no comment on the situation. That would suggest one of two conclusions: either the strain of SARS-CoV-2 running amok in Tanzania is much, much more infectious to both animal and plant species than scientists understand, or the WHO has been reporting incorrect results either on purpose in an attempt to salvage credibility in the face of President Trump's attacks and leaks from whistleblowers about how statistics are being faked to make an outbreak of a relatively minor disease look like an existential crisis for human civilization or maybe as part of a conspiract to advance the United Nations' Agenda 21 and move towards a global, authoritarian government or maybe through sheer incompetence, given that it iswidely known the tests are less than 50% reliable, yet another indication that the WHO truly is "badly broken" - as Vox described it back in 2015, corrupt, influenced by corporate money and political patronage . Most rational people would probably accept the latter scenario as the most accurate one. All the same we'd dearly love to hear Bill Gates explain to us, with the support of power point presentations to make it possible for ordinary mortals to understand his data-based arguments" about why the WHO is indispensable to the international effort to combat the Coronavirus by paying the Gates Foundation unimagnable amounts of money in return for their developing an anti - COVID - 19 vaccine without any guarantee that Gates' vaccines are any more likely to be fit for purpose than any of Microsoft's operating systems ever have been. MORE ON COVID-19 PANDEMIC SCROLLING DIVISION FOR LINKS
The Coronavirus Response Is The Biggest Assault On Freedom Since World War 2 Things have gone so far beyond what can be considered a rational response to an outbreak of a highly contagious but for most people relatively minor illness that I am starting to believe even the conspiracy theories I know I made up myself. Boggart Bloggers predicted weeks ago the current outbreak of coronavirus would see a massive hyping of the threat level leading up to an assault on our freedoms ... Scientist who convinced Boris lockdown was the only way to beat coronavirus criticised many times for flawed research The scientist whose mathematical models of how the coronavirus would spread in the UK and the wildly exaggerated estimates of how many deaths might result from the epidemic reportedly led to the decision to implement a countrywide lockdown and trash the economy has been criticised in the past for flawed research. Has The World Health Organisation Been Helping Chinese Coronavirus Cover Up Many people suspected as far back as January, when stories about an epidemic of a new virus began to leak out of China that we were not and would not be told the whole story. The virus infecting thousands of Chinese in the large inland city of Wuhan was, we learned, a strain of corona virus, the genre that infects us with the common cold, influenza and a host of other infections of varying seriousness. Coronavirus deaths: Are The Authorities Deceiving Us?Yesterday we reported that a Canadian outfit had carried out an analysis of China’s response to Coronavirus and concluded that while politicians and academics (aka “scientists” or “experts”) are heaping praise on the way the regime in Beijing has contained and controlled its epidemic, the Chinese have actually been lying, the epidemc is still raging and numbers of infections and deaths from COVID – 19 are far higher than reported, Is This The Smoking Gun That Proves China Has Lied About The Coronavirus Outbreak With the number of confirmed cases of, and deaths from coronavirus in Italy, a nation of 63 million people having now surpassed the number of infections officially admitted by the government of China, a nation of 1.4 billion and the nation where the news strain of coronavirus, COVID – 19 was first observed, it was obvious to the realists among us that the Chinese government’s claims to have contained the virus were deeply suspect and further claims that the outbreak were under control were as reliable as reported sightings of The Tooth Fairy ... As We Predicted The Coronavirus bill Is The Biggest Assault On Freedom Since World War 2 Things have gone so far beyond what can be considered a rational response to an outbreak of a highly contagious but for most people relatively minor illness that I am starting to believe even the conspiracy theories I know I made up myself. Along with my fellow Boggart Bloggers I predicted weeks ago the current outbreak of the so - called coronavirus would see a massive hyping of the threat level leading up to an assault on our freedoms. And that is exactly what we have seen happening over the past week. Germany’s Official State TV Channel Cheers Coronavirus For Killing Old People Trawling around the weirder fringes of the web, as we bloggers and cyberjournalists are sometimes obliged to if we want to bring you the news the mainstream will not report, one occasionally comes across something important but disturbing – like being brought face – to – face with how sick and warped the far left ecopsychos really are. Take a sketch recently broadcast as part of a satirical show the title of which translates as Bohemian Browser Ballet, shown by German state broadcaster ARD. UK To Ask Citizens Over 70 To Self - Isolatate For 4 MONTHS As Coronavirus Fails To Kill Zillions UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock today confirmed the government plans to ask people aged over 70 to isolate themselves for up to four months amid a coronavirus pandemic. The goal is to protect them. It's quite obvious to us, experienced bloggers that we are, that the government, civil service, law encorgement and national security agencies and all the assorted experts and talking heads have forgotten the lesson our generation learned from The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy ... Coronavirus: EU States Rebel Against Brussels As Van Leyen Demands Borders Stay Open The cracks in European solidarity are growing deeper by the day as the coronavirus crisis threatens to split the bloc. The response of European leaders has varied from panic, as several member-states have takeen unilateral action including severe border closures, to a laissez - fair attidude, notably from France's idiot president Emmanuel Macron who favours total inaction, having said complacently that viruses don't recognise borders. US John Hopkins University Prof Says Don't Believe Corona Virus Numbers The number of confirmed cases outside of China roughly tripled once again this week, and if this outbreak continues to escalate at this pace there will be more than a million confirmed cases in less than a month. But as bad as the official numbers are, the truth is that there are a whole lot more people walking around out there that have caught the virus but have not been tested. Is the World Health Organization involved in biological warfare research? Dr. Francis Boyle, a professor of international law, talked in a recent interview with about the Wuhan coronavirus now sweeping through the far east, laboratory in Wuhan, China, where the genetically modified virus appears to have originated, and the World Health Organization’s (WHO) clandestine involvement in biological warfare research ...Continue reading Coronavirus Contains “HIV Insertions”: Claim Stokes Fears Over Genetically Modified BioweaponFor the past two weeks mainstream media reporting of the epidemic of a new strain of coronavirus in China has been getting more and more hysterical. However, reports have pushed back against one "conspiracy theory" about the origins of the virus that has now infected as many as 70,000+ people in the central China city of Wuhan alone (depending on whom you believe). Corona Virus: Should We Worry The official data coming out of China and from other sources including the World Health Organisation (WHO) on the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus continues to suggest an exponential growth rate. With more and more infectious disease experts are now openly calling the virus a full-blown global pandemic, many people are asking should we in the west be worried and how bad might things get? Coronavirus Contains “HIV Insertions”: Claim Stokes Fears Over Genetically Modified Bioweapon The theory that China obtained the coronavirus via a Canadian research program, and started molding it into a bioweapon at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan before it somehow escaped could be an attempt by the establishment (the Davosocracy,) to spread fear and panic as they see resurgent nationalism across the developed world and growing scepticism about EU States Rebel Against Brussels As Van Leyen Demands Borders Stay Open The cracks in European solidarity are growing deeper by the day as the coronavirus crisis threatens to split the bloc. The response of European leaders has varied from panic, as several member-states have takeen unilateral action including severe border closures, to a laissez - fair attidude, notably from France's idiot president Emmanuel Macron who favours total inaction, having said complacently that viruses don't recognise borders.

OTHER POSTS for w/e 10 May, 2020: Police demand more powers as hundreds enjoy pizzas, beers and in park German Pulomonary Disease Specialist Says COVID – 19 Is An Insane Panic

Governments may see immunity passports as a way of reopening societies, but they’re a plunge towards totalitarianism

The future for socialising?
Picture: RT

By Peter Andrews in RT, 7 May 2020

The idea of immunity passports is gaining in popularity among Western governments. But they are fraught with problems, from their implementation to their functionality. Above all, they’re a grave threat to fundamental freedoms.

Ordinary passports may not be much good to many of us for a while, with little possibility of foreign travel. But what if you needed a passport to leave your house and go about your daily life? In a world dominated by coronavirus, immunity passports are increasingly being talked about as a possible path out of lockdown. But what exactly would this path entail?

The basic premise of an immunity passport is to hasten the reopening of society by allowing those who are immune to Covid-19 to move freely, leaving only those who are not immune subject to restrictions. The passport itself might be a paper certificate, such as those that Chile has been issuing, although, in Europe and America, it would more likely appear on your smartphone as an app, code or as digital certification.

The rich are shelling out up to $6mn for ‘pandemic passports’ to flee Covid-19's aftershocks while everyone else is left to suffer The rich are shelling out up to $6mn for ‘pandemic passports’ to flee Covid-19's aftershocks while everyone else is left to suffer

This has been the solution adopted in China. All Chinese people have had to register for a QR code that downloads an app. The app uses a traffic-light system that sorts people into red, yellow or green groups based on their health status and Covid-19 risk level – although how this is determined is not transparent.

Users have to input a range of personal information, including the purpose of their visit to new locations. To stop them circumventing the app, they need to use its QR code to enter certain public buildings and transport. Other East Asian nations, including Taiwan, Singapore and South Korea, have adopted similar systems.

It is doubtful whether this level of surveillance could happen soon in the West – mainly because our governments are incapable of this scale of organization. Outsourcing surveillance to a private corporation, however, might solve that problem. The British government has been consulting technology company Onfido, which specialises in facial biometrics, about immunity passports, which it says may be “possible in months.”

And in the US, Google and Apple have announced that they are teaming up to develop contact-tracing technology based on Bluetooth, which will “help countries around the world slow the spread.” But amid all the excitement, few have stopped to question what good exactly immunity passports are supposed to do ... Continue reading >>>

Trump’s Coronavirus Czar Knew About Cure In 2005

As our readers know, we've been sceptical about the whole COVID - 19 pandemic from the start, nothing in the official narrative made sense from the dodgy origins of the virus, allegedly in bats sold for fod in a Chinese market, to the conflicting figures for infection and deaths, the possible cures that might work NOW rather than the world having to stay in lockdown intil Bill Gates and his gang of crooks, liars and mad scientists came up with a vaccine that would enable the wannabe Galatic Emperor to inject a chip into all of us, and of course the cures.

How the lefties and progressives mocked and sneered when President Trump, incautiously thinking out loud, wondered if it was possible to disinfect the body from the inside they way we disinfect our hands by washing with soap and water, alcohol wipes and such. He' is telling people to drink bleach, the brainwashed idiots sneered. He was doing no such thing, and yes it is possible to internally disinfect the body, in fact we do it every time we get a penicillin shot or a course of tablets, swallow a spoonful of pink medicine or take some chemical that shifts the Ph balance of our body higher.

And now we learn there is such a substance, known to be effective against other forms of Coronavirus, and Trump's Coronavirus Pandemic Czar has know about it since 2005 but has continued to push Bill Gates' vaccine solution that is years away even if it actually works properly. And let's face it, none of the PC Operating Systems sold by Gates' company have been fit for purpose, so there's no reason to think his vaccines would be any better.

Fauci knew about HCQ in 2005 -- nobody needed to die

Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose “expert” advice to President Trump has resulted in the complete shutdown of the greatest economic engine in world history, has known since 2005 that chloroquine is an effective inhibitor of coronaviruses.

How did he know this? Because of research done by the National Institutes of Health, of which he is the director. In connection with the SARS outbreak - caused by a coronavirus dubbed SARS- CoV - the NIH researched chloroquine and concluded that it was effective at stopping the SARS coronavirus in its tracks. The COVID-19 bug is likewise a coronavirus, labeled SARS-CoV-2. While not exactly the same virus as SARS-CoV-1, it is genetically related to it, and shares 79% of its genome, as the name SARS-CoV-2 implies. They both use the same host cell receptor, which is what viruses use to gain entry to the cell and infect the victim.

The Virology Journal - the official publication of Dr. Fauci’s National Institutes of Health - published what is now a blockbuster article on August 22, 2005, under the heading - get ready for this - “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.” (Emphasis mine throughout.) Write the researchers, “We report...that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage.”

Dr. Anthony FauciThis means, of course, that Dr. Fauci (pictured at right) has known for 15 years that chloroquine and it’s even milder derivative hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) will not only treat a current case of coronavirus (“therapeutic”) but prevent future cases ... Continue reading >>>

‘Bill Gates seeks to microchip humanity!’ Russian Oscar-winning director pushes vaccine conspiracy…

from RT, 4 May 2020
‘Bill Gates seeks to microchip humanity!’ Russian Oscar-winning director pushes vaccine conspiracy… loosely-based on REAL patent

Russian director Nikita Mikhalkov claims billionaire Bill Gates might be seeking to implant humanity with microchips under the guise of vaccination, seeking to control people and ultimately “solve” overpopulation.

The ongoing coronavirus crisis has produced a number of wild conspiracy theories, as some are trying to find the “secret” reasons behind the pandemic. A handful of them revolve around Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his efforts to develop a vaccine against Covid-19.

One Microsoft patent that recently received international recognition has been found by many ‘truth-seekers’ to be particularly alarming. The patent WO/2020/060606 describes a “Cryptocurrency system using body activity data” – basically, a device which can be used to ‘mine’ some digital coins using one’s body. Or, rather, “award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified,” as the patent abstractly puts it ... Continue reading >>>

China bombshell leaked: Intelligence dossier vindicates Trump over coronavirus origin

A LEAKED intelligence dossier from the Western 'Five Eyes' intelligence alliance has fuelled more criticism against China's handling of the coronavirus outbreak, and condemned the "duplicity" and "secrecy" surrounding the virus' origin in Wuhan.

A bombshell dossier from the Five Eyes' Western intelligence has revealed a damning indictment of China's handling of the coronavirus pandemic from the start. The leaked 15-page dossier came from the 'Five Eyes' intelligence alliance, which is made up of the US, Canada, the UK, Australia and New Zealand intelligence agencies. According to the dossier, which was obtained by the Australian Saturday Telegraph, China lied about human-to-human transmission ... Continue reading >>>

Gates-funded Ferguson's back with his 'computer models' (shit in = shit out) in effort to stop the end of lockdown

the daily stirrer
by Gareth Icke, 28 April 2020

'The number of deaths from coronavirus could reach 100,000 in the UK by the end of this year if a gradual lockdown is implemented just to shield the elderly, Professor Neil Ferguson warned yesterday.

The Imperial College epidemiologist said it was impossible to send the young and healthy back to work while keeping the vulnerable in lockdown without seeing a huge increase in deaths.

The academic - whose previous death toll predictions prompted the PM to lock Britain down - warned that no country has successfully shielded those most at risk from the virus while allowing the least vulnerable to continue as normal.

Professor Ferguson said some degree of social isolation will continue to be required until a vaccine to the killer bug is released, which Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab today said was unlikely to happen until 2021 ... See Ferguson's video for Unherd >>>

Five Star Movement Members Threaten to Collapse Italian Government

Discontented members of the Five Star Movement (M5S) have threatened to pull the plug on the leftist coalition government over their resort to the use of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM).

The M5S members have opposed the prospective deal reached by European Union (EU) member states to aid Italy amid the Chinese coronavirus outbreak, which has done massive damage to Italy.

M5S Senator Mario Michele Giarrusso announced his opposition to using the ESM, an EU bailout fund that provides assistance in the form of loans, with EU finance ministers reaching a deal this week to make €240 billion available to combat coronavirus.

“I am saying this clearly: if the government has said yes to the ESM, this majority will no longer have my vote,” Giarrusso said.

He added that he expected other M5S representatives to vote with him or the entire movement could face “a radical re-foundation”, Il Giornale reports.

“If Conte does not keep his word, the M5S will have to pull the plug on this government. Without ifs and without buts!” Giarrusso said. Continue reading >>>

Europe unglues


CBDC: The Overarching Goal Behind The Digitisation Of Money?

Authored by Steven Guinness,

It is no revelation that central banks are actively engaged in both the research and piloting of central bank digital currencies. But the mechanics of how they are conducting their programmes is not as widely recognised. This is largely because the information is buried within the pages of mundane reports, speeches and discussion papers. A few headlines might be glossed over in the financial press, but the technical aspects are usually not considered.

In January 2019 the Bank for International Settlements published a paper called, ‘Proceeding with caution – a survey on central bank digital currency‘. I briefly covered the survey in an article published back in September last year. Back then the BIS reported that a majority of banks were engaged in active research on CBDC’s, but none were yet in a position to launch a digital variant of physical money.

The BIS followed this survey up in January 2020 with some new research – ‘Impending arrival – a sequel to the survey on central bank digital currency‘.

We learn that the 70% of central banks that were researching CBDC’s has now risen to 80%, with many of them reliant on ‘research conducted by international organisations (in particular the BIS and the IMF) or regional networks‘. The BIS’s Innovation Hub initiative, established in the summer of 2019, has been key in coordinating the advancement of CBDC’s projects worldwide. This is one of the reasons why banks are operating in step with one another ... Continue reading >>>

Coronavirus: COVID19 Created In A Lab Theory Resurrected & more. 17 April 2020

COVID-19 Is A Man-Made Virus: HIV-Discoverer Says "Could Only Have Been Created In A Lab"

by Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge

As the mainstream media and politicians begin to raise/admit the possibilities that the source of COVID-19 was likely a lab in Wuhan (accidentally leaked or otherwise) - something we first brought to the world's attention in January before being mocked, censored, and chastised - it appears more actual 'scientists' (at least those not paid by or working for a lab in Wuhan) are willing to admit what we noted all along - this virus is man-made.'s Robert Miller writes that contrary to the narrative that is being pushed by the mainstream that the COVID 19 virus was the result of a natural mutation and that it was transmitted to humans from bats via pangolins, Dr Luc Montagnier the man who discovered the HIV virus back in 1983 disagrees and is saying that the virus was man made.

Professor Luc Montagnier, 2008 Nobel Prize winner for Medicine, claims that SARS-CoV-2 is a manipulated virus that was accidentally released from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. Chinese researchers are said to have used coronaviruses in their work to develop an AIDS vaccine. HIV DNA fragments are believed to have been found in the SARS-CoV-2 genome.

We knew that the Chinese version of how the coronavirus emerged was increasingly under attack, but here’s a thesis that tells a completely different story about the Covid-19 pandemic, which is already responsible for more than 110,000 deaths worldwide.

According to Professor Luc Montagnier, winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2008 for “discovering” HIV as the cause of the AIDS epidemic together with Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, the SARS-CoV-2 is a virus that was manipulated and accidentally released from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, in the last quarter of 2019 ... Continue reading >>>

MORE on the Coronaviruus hyteria

People have accused us of being anti - technology, afraid of progress and of envying Bill Gates' wealth and influence, that we are trying to prevent billionaires from helping save the world and other similarly ridiculous allegations. We can only repeat we stand by what we have said, it is all backed up with solid evidence and if people choose to dismiss our factual evidence as 'fake news' they are entitled to their opinion. but perhaps they might change their opinion after reading this:

Bill Gates' Vaccine Crime Record

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. for

"Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft's ambition to control a global vac ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control over global health policy--the spear tip of corporate neo-imperialism.

Gates' obsession with vaccines seems fueled by a messianic conviction that he is ordained to save the world with technology and a god-like willingness to experiment with the lives of lesser humans.

Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India 's National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialed back Gates' vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the NAB. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously.


In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a trial of a GSK's experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions to 1,048 of the 5,049 children [... ] South African newspapers complained, "We are guinea pigs for drug makers." Nelson Mandela's former Senior Economist, Professor Patrick Bond, describes Gates' philanthropic practises as "ruthless" and immoral"... Continue reading >>>

RELATED: Technology Rules You
Microsoft Big Brotherr
Vaccine news

And here's a comment from a well respected name:

Indian doctors blame Gates for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialled back Gates' vaccine regimen and evicted Gates. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously. Robert F Kennedy Jr's Instagram Post on Bill Gates

COVID-19: Killer of Black, Brown and Poor of US and Haiti


We are supposed to be thinking this week about the health disparities in the United States based on race and ethnicity, since the New York Times, Washington Post, National Public Radio, and even USA Today are going on about it. This is the hot topic presumably because of a recent analysis of the demographics of COVID-19 deaths by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Such an analysis, however, cannot be found. Instead, the public health departments of several US states simultaneously published their COVID-19 racial breakdowns. One cannot help but suspect that this orchestrated and sudden discovery of the institutional racism of the US is nothing but an election-year ploy to sway Black and Hispanic voters from one to another of two political parties that care nothing about them.

Politicians have learned, from Obama’s speechwriters, that when they state a problem accurately while not promising to do anything about it, they leave everyone in the room convinced they’ve said they will address the problem. But nothing ever gets done: not by the overtly xenophobic and racist political party that courts far-right elements at home and abroad, and not by the metrosexual party that says all the right things but embraces the same xenophobic and racist policies on the quiet. Continue reading >>>

Coronavirus: Today’s Theme: Is The Cure Worse Than The Disease – 16 April, 2020

Coronavirus lockdown: Cure worse than the disease?

Bhamy V Shenoy , Deccan Times, Apr 1 2020

Medics prepare to cremate a COVID-19 patient during the nationwide lockdown to curb the spread of coronavirus, in Jalandhar, Thursday, April 9, 2020. (PTI Photo)
Coronavirus in India (Picture: Deccan Times)

Without doubt, the lockdown imposed on the nation on March 24 was needed, even if it could have been better planned and the nation given sufficient notice. It has saved lives by containing the likely spread of the virus. It is time now to seriously consider winding down the lockdown in some fashion, rather than extending it or tightening it. The cost to the nation of the total lockdown may be higher than the benefit if we extend it. This becomes apparent when one compares the Coronavirus-related deaths in India so far with those in the US and European countries.

The lockdown has already resulted in untold hardships to the poor of India. For the middle class, it is only a question of inconvenience. Some 94% of the Indian labour force work in the informal sector and most have problems meeting the daily basic needs of food.

Financial and other help extended by the government, although it came late, and by NGOs and activist philanthropists, have gone some way in helping some of them get extended by the government, although it came late, and by NGOs and activist philanthropists, have gone some way in helping some of them get over the hardships.

But we have failed to assess how the lockdown has affected those in urgent need of medical care for diseases far worse than COVID-19. In addition, there are those who might have suffered because of depression as a result of having been confined to their

homes, cut off from friends and relatives. Most of our worries have been focusing on the likely impact on our current and future economic prospects.

Continue reading

Boris Johnson's Stand-In Backs Up Trump On China: "We'll Have To Ask Some Hard Questions"

by Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge

href="">Every Buzzfeed-reading lib who immediately dismissed reports about the real provenance of SARS-CoV-2 as just another White House smoke bomb should take note: UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, the man who is Britain's de jure leader while Boris Johnson convalesces, just backed Trump up.

During a press conference on Thursday evening, a reporter asked Raab about Trump's comments and the Fox News report claiming the virus leaked from a biosafety level 4 lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, likely when an employee was accidentally contaminated. We've been raising questions about the virus's provenance and sharing this 'conspiracy theory' for months - we were even deplatformed for it - now, Raab believes that Beijing should furnish an explanation.

Raab replied to a reporter that the UK and the rest of the global community will need to "ask hard questions about how it came about and how it couldn't have been stopped earlier."

Because that's the real point: if these claims are indeed accurate, this would almost certainly prove that instead of focusing on containing the virus, Beijing panicked, proceeded with an (ultimately botched) coverup, and then unleashed an unprecedented plague upon the world, including its own people ... Continue reading >>>

And now a word from the staff of our Conspiracy Theorists' department

Fake News Sites Told You Distrusting China Over Coronavirus Was ‘Dangerous’

Here is a timely reminder of the scores of fake news outlets that dismissed questions as ‘baseless conspiracy theories’.

by Steve Watson, Summit News,16 April, 2020

Now that numerous virology experts are on record as saying it cannot be dismissed, and multiple government and intelligence sources have confirmed that investigations are underway into the possibility that the coronavirus leaked from an unsafe Wuhan bio-lab and China lied about the true scale of the outbreak, here is a timely reminder of the scores of fake news outlets that for weeks and months dismissed both notions as a ‘baseless conspiracy theories’ .

Remember, these sources (this is only a small selection of what is out there), to a varying degree in their dismissals, effectively bolstered Chinese state media and government insistences that questions over the safety of the lab were ‘dangerous’ ... Continue reading >>>

Lockdown: UK Economy Could Shrink 35% This Quarter, World Facing New Great Depression

A woman carries shopping past closed shops in Leeds city centre, West Yorkshire on April 14, 2020, as life in Britain continues during the nationwide lockdown to combat the novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. - Britain's economy could shrink by an unprecedented 13 percent this year in the case of a …
Picture: Getty Images

Projections released by the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) reveal that the British economy could face an unprecedented downturn should lockdown restrictions remain in place for three months.

The OBR said that the British economy could experience a record 35.1 per cent decline in the quarter to June, should the government’s lockdown measures, which are now all but certain to be extended by another three weeks, last for three months.

The projections also predict an increase of £218 billion in government borrowing in 2020-21, reaching a total of £273 billion, representing 14 per cent of the country’s GDP. The borrowing increase would lead to the largest single-year deficit since the Second World War, according to the report.

Though the office concludes that the GDP will “bounce back quickly” in the third quarter, it still predicts that for the year as a whole the UK will face a 13 per cent fall in GDP, a steeper decline than was experienced during either world war or the financial crisis of 2008 ... Continue reading >>>

Coronavirus: Something To Make Us Smile

We'll be posting the usual off - mainstream news updates later but the priority today is our need for something to make us smile.

Most of us are confused about the rules we're supposed to follow during lockdown, and no one more so that the thick, blundering plod who seem to think they should be arresting people for buying non essential stuff like food, roughing up people who are sitting in their gardens, or kicking fron doors down and busting up illicit social gatherings of one person sitting alone in his house.

So here, courtesy of my Texan friend Vic Damico, is a concise summary of the rules, which makes what you can and can't do clear as mud (slightly edited for UK readers.)

The Lockdown Rules:

1. Basically, you can't leave the house for any reason, but if you have to leave for some reasons, then you can.

2. Masks are useless, but maybe you have to wear one, it can save your life but it is useless, but maybe it is mandatory as well.

3. Shops are closed, except for those that are open. which cannot accept cash. Also you cannot use your debit / credit card with your pin because PIN numbers spread the vaccine so if you are one of those smart arses who disabled their contactless feature to stop government agencies and Silicon Valley tech billionaires tracking you, you're fucked.

4. You should not go to hospitals unless you have to go there. Same applies to doctors, you should only go there in case of emergency, provided you are not too sick.

5. This virus is deadly but still not too scary, except that if we don't follow the rules it will actually lead to a global disaster.

6. Gloves won't help, but they can still help.

7. Everyone needs to stay HOME, but it's important to GO OUT but if you go out you might be arrested but you might be arrested at home for hosting a social gathering while alone.

8. There is no shortage of groceries in the supermarket, but there are many things missing when you go there in the evening, but not in the morning. Sometimes.

9. The virus has no effect on children except for those it affects.

10. Animals are not affected, but there is still a cat that tested positive in Belgium in February when no one had been tested, plus a few tigers here and there…

11. You will have many symptoms when you are sick, but you can also get sick without symptoms, have symptoms without being sick, or be contagious without having symptoms.

12. In order not to get sick, you have to eat well and exercise, but eat whatever you have on hand and it's better not to go out, well, but no…

13. It's better to get some fresh air, but you get looked at very wrong when you get some fresh air, and most importantly, you don't go to parks or walk. But don’t sit down, except that you can do that now if you are old, but not for too long or if you are pregnant but also old or male).

14. You can't go to retirement homes, but you have to take care of the elderly and bring food and medication.

15. If you are sick, you can't go out, but you can go to the pharmacy.

16. You can get restaurant food delivered to the house, which may have been prepared by people who didn't wear masks or gloves. But you have to have your groceries decontaminated outside for 3 hours. Pizza too.

17. Every disturbing article or scaremongering interview must start with " I don't want to trigger panic, but…"

18. You can't see your older mother or grandmother, but you can take a taxi and meet an older taxi driver.

19. You can walk around with a friend but not with your family if they don't live under the same roof.

20. You are safe if you maintain the appropriate social distance, but you can’t go out with friends or strangers at the safe social distance.

21. The virus remains active on different surfaces for two hours, no, four, no, six, no, we didn't say hours, maybe days? But it takes a damp environment. Oh no, not necessarily.

22. The virus stays in the air - well no, or yes, maybe, especially in a closed room, in one hour a sick person can infect ten, so if it falls, all our children were already infected at school before it was closed. But remember, if you stay at the recommended social distance, however in certain circumstances you should maintain a greater distance, which, studies show, the virus can sometimes travel, maybe.

23. We count the number of deaths but we don't know how many people are infected as we have only tested so far those who were "almost dead" to find out if that's what they will die of but for everyone who dies, death will be recorded as coronavirus related because nobody wants to trigger panoc but you have to be scared enough to follow the rules.

24. We have no treatment, except that there may be one that apparently is not dangerous unless you take too much (which is the case with ALL medications).

25. We should stay locked up until the virus disappears or until Bill Gates has implanted a microchip in your body developed a vaccine, but it will only disappear if we achieve collective immunity, so when it circulates again we will have to stay locked up in out homes forever and Bill Gates' microchip will report us to the authorities if we don't


Coronavirus Widens Political Divide:

#FireFauci Should Be The Rallying Cry For A Generation

Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, 'n Guns blog, I’m done mincing words. I’m done giving people the benefit of the doubt. Whenever I do that The Davos Crowd and their highly placed agents make me look like a virtue-signaling fool. Fire Anthony Fauci now.
For weeks I’ve been careful to separate the threat of the disease, COVID-19, from the political response. I’ve felt strongly that one can respect the virus while at the same time be wary of the political response and the panic engineered over it. But that’s come to an end. It’s clear that the plan from the beginning was to allow this virus to run wild in high profile places like New York and Italy to create fear. It is also clear that people like Dr. Anthony Fauci were activated to ensure the worst possible response to the crisis would be implemented in the U.S. And now, after more than a month after shutting down whole swaths of our economy and locking people in their homes under effective house arrest it’s also clear that most of this response was overblown and unnecessary. And here in the U.S. the point man on this insanity has been Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) whose ties to all the worst people you can imagine run very, very deep. Lastly, it’s also very clear that President Trump was the target the entire time. He finally hit his breaking point yesterday because he realizes that now that he was advised poorly ... Continue reading >>> MORE ON CORONAVIRUS BA Greenteeth UK Edition

Police State: British Cops Call For the Right to Invade Private Homes to Bust up Gatherings

Birmingham, UNITED KINGDOM: A policeman stands guard 27 July 2005 at the back of a house on Heybarnes Rd in Birmingham after a man was arrested there in connection with the 21 July 2005 bombing attempts made on London's transport system. AFP PHOTO / CARL DE SOUZA. (Photo credit should …
CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images

British police are calling for expanded powers to enforce the coronavirus lockdown rules, including the authority to forcefully enter private residences suspected of hosting forbidden gatherings.

Under the current law, the police only have the right to enter a private residence with a warrant, or with the permission of its occupant, or in active pursuit of a suspected criminal, or to investigate a disturbance, or if they hear cries for help. However, the Police Federation of England and Wales is seeking draconian unprecedented powers from the government to allow them to enter citizens’ homes without a warrant to stop suspected house parties during the coronavirus pandemic. “We have asked they consider giving us powers around private gatherings or gatherings in a private dwelling. We have no right to enter a property and say: stop having a party,” a police federation source told The Telegraph. “Some officers are having to work round it using other legislation that wasn’t designed for it,” the source added. Law enforcement offices across the country have been flooded with reports of house parties from neighbours, with Greater Manchester Police disclosing that they received 494 reports from residents of suspected parties during the first week of the national lockdown. Home Secretary Priti Patel is expected to block the request for warrantless searches of households. Ms Patel has called on police to refrain from adopting a “heavy-handed” approach to enforcing the lockdown ... Continue reading >>> Death Of Democracy

Coronavirus deaths: Are The Authorities Deceiving Us? Didn't I tell you in my headline a couple of days ago this crisis is getting political? Here's another aspect of how our liberties are being cancelled

COVID-19 and the War on Cash: What Is Behind the Push for a Cashless Society?

John Whitehead, 15 April 2020
Cash may well become a casualty of the COVID-19 pandemic. As these COVID-19 lockdowns drag out, more and more individuals and businesses are going cashless (for convenience and in a so-called effort to avoid spreading coronavirus germs), engaging in online commerce or using digital forms of currency (bank cards, digital wallets, etc.). As a result, physical cash is no longer king. Yet there are other, more devious, reasons for this re-engineering of society away from physical cash: a cashless society—easily monitored, controlled, manipulated, weaponized and locked down—would play right into the hands of the government (and its corporate partners). To this end, the government and its corporate partners-in-crime have been waging a subtle war on cash for some time now. What is this war on cash? ... Continue reading >>>

Banknotes may be spreading coronavirus, World Health Organisation warns

Pandemic? What pandemic? UK Hospital Beds Four Times Emptier Than Usual

Despite the coronavirus outbreak, NHS hospital beds in the UK are four times emptier than normal and a newly built hospital in the north-east of England may now never be used. “Tens of thousands of NHS hospital beds remain unoccupied amid the coronavirus crisis — about four times the normal number — due to huge ongoing efforts to free up space, and a slowdown in admissions from other causes,” reports HSJ. Continue reading >>>

Coronavirus:The tone of reporting is changing from hysteria to scepticism

Don’t trust Apple or Google with coronavirus data, says German app developer

from RT, 14 April 2020
A German app developer has warned that the Covid-19 pandemic gives Silicon Valley tech giants perfect cover to suck up personal data. However, while the government may intervene, the tech firms aren’t known for listening.
Apple and Google unveiled an app last week that uses bluetooth connections to trace the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus. Put simply, the app tracks whether a smartphone user has come in contact with another, infected, user. Similar apps rolled out in South Korea and Singapore have been credited with arresting the spread of the deadly pathogen ... Continue reading >>> MORE about Google malfeasance

'They’re preparing people for microchip implants': Tennis legend Marat Safin shares coronavirus conspiracy theory

Russian tennis legend Marat Safin has suggested the coronavirus pandemic could be a pretext for the mass implanting of microchips into humans, as the former world number one gave an unexpected take on the crisis.
“I think they are preparing people for 'chipization' [chip implants]," Safin, 40, said in an Instagram chat with Russian outlet “Back in 2015, Bill Gates said we’ll have a pandemic, that the next enemy is a virus, not a nuclear war. “They did a simulation at the Davos [economic] forum of what it would be like. I don’t think Bill Gates is a predictor, he just knew. “I think with this virus the situation isn’t like what we’re being told, but people believe it all, the horror stories on TV. “Some people believe civilization will end, I don’t believe that. We’ll just be going around with chips soon," Safin added, continuing his unorthodox take on the current crisis.

Bill Gates may have created coronavirus to microchip people - Roger Stone

from New York Post White House advisor Roger Stone suggested Monday that Bill Gates may have had a hand in the creation of coronavirus so that he could plant microchips in people’s heads to know who has and has not been tested for COVID-19. “Whether Bill Gates played some role in the creation and spread of this virus is open for vigorous debate. I have conservative friends who say it’s ridiculous and others say absolutely,” Stone told Joe Piscopo, host of the radio program “The Answer” on 970 AM, who had asked about conspiracy theories regarding the pandemic. “He and other globalists are using it for mandatory vaccinations and microchipping people so we know if they’ve been tested. Over my dead body. Mandatory vaccinations? No way, Jose!” Stone told a fawning Piscopo, who referred to President Trump’s longtime adviser as “a legend.” Gates has long been an outspoken advocate for preparing for a global health crisis like coronavirus ... Continue reading >>> Silicon Valley sinister agenda

Coronavirus, April 13: Looking For Truth Among The Fake News and Propaganda

UK Spy Agencies Predict More Assertive China Post-Coronavirus

Successfully coping with the COVID-19 outbreak in recent months, Beijing set about restarting its massive economy a month ago. The rest of the world, meanwhile, remains on lockdown with economies virtually shut down, and hasn’t even begun to play catchup.
Britain’s domestic counterintelligence agency MI5 and its foreign intelligence cousin MI6 want London to reassess its relationship with China once the coronavirus crisis is over, and to consider methods to reduce Chinese access to the country’s high tech industries and education, the Guardian has reported, citing a source in Whitehall said to be familiar with discussions on the matter. Specifically, the agencies wants No 10 to consider ways to restrict China’s ability to buy up UK high-tech firms, reduce Chinese students’ access to research at the country’s universities, and take other, similar measures. According to the newspaper, MI5 and MI6 also fear that China may become “more assertive” in defending its political and economic model once the pandemic is over. MORE: China's Economic War On The West

NO-LOCKDOWN Sweden records just SEVENTEEN new deaths 'from coronavirus' as new infections plummet to only 466 cases

via The Daily Mail 'Sweden has seen its lowest increase in the coronavirus death toll for almost a fortnight, with only 17 fatalities reported on Friday. The number of new cases also fell again to 466, following a two-day peak of 700+ cases per day. The low figures come despite the country not enforcing a lockdown, piling pressure on the UK and other countries that did enact stricter measures to contain the virus. The totals, announced at 2pm today, are surprisingly low compared to the sharp increase Sweden had been experiencing during the week. The country's total number of cases now stands at 10,151, with 887 confirmed deaths ... Continue reading >>>

Journalist Gets Knock From Old Bill After He Reported Mosques Flouting Lockdown Law

for Summit News
A journalist in the UK received a home visit from police after he reported mosques in his area that were violating the coronavirus lockdown law. Tom Linden, host of UK Preppers Radio Network, filed a complaint with West Yorkshire Police after he saw reports in local media that Muslims in Bradford and Leeds were gathering at mosques for Friday prayers in violation of COVID-19 isolation rules. In the complaint, Linden made it clear that he would be monitoring and reporting on mosques that were flouting quarantine rules, something that obviously flagged him for police attention. “All other religious denominations places of worship are of course closed and quite rightly so in my opinion,” Linden said ... Continue reading >>>

Italy - Government faces collapse over coronavirus response

The home of the Italian government in Rome

It has taken rather longer than we expected, but the ruling left wing coalition in Italy is on the brink of collapse after members of the Eurosceptic centre - left Five Star Movement threatened to withdraw support from the government coalition led by Guiseppe Conte of Europhile group The Democratic Party. It was always expected that the Italian leftist coalition would collapse as soon as EU fanatic and federralist Conte tried to implement measures seen as involving the surrender of more national sovereignty to Brussels. Conte's proposal involves accepting loans from the European Union via the European Central Bank (ECB) to finance the massive welfare and business support costs Italy will face due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic. Matteo Salvini, leader of the Eurosceptic, anti - open borders party, Lega (League) is strongly opposed to the aid package.

Five Star Movement, (M5S) members are opposed to Prime Minister Conte’s proposal to accept funds from the EU’s European Stability Mechanism (ESM). The proposal, which was negotiated by the Finance Ministers of EU member states would set up a fund of 240 billion euros to be available as loans available to member states, according to a report in Il Giornale, one of Italy's leading newspapers. Conte previously promised that he would never accept a loan from the ESM, however.

If Five Star, (M5S,) or just a few of their representatives were to withdraw from the ruling coalition, it would destroy the coalitions wafer thin majority in the Italian parliament and force new elections which would amost certainly return Salvini’s Lega to government, as it currently leads by a country mile in opinion polls. Lega was previously the majority partner in a Eurosceptic coalition with M5S and was set gain an overall majority when that coalition collapsed because M5S favoured a softer line on imigration, but the EU blocked elections and cobbled together the current left wing coalition, the main prtners of which have little in common politically or philosophically.

Senator Mario Michele Giarrusso of M5S made his opposition to Conte's plan quite plain when he said he expected other party representatives to join him in opposing the bill, which could lead M5S splitting into pro - coalition and anti EU factions. “If Conte does not keep his word, the M5S will have to pull the plug on this government,” Giarrusso said on Friday.

M5S’s leader Vito Crimi, assured Giarrusso that both he and Conte prefer the idea of having the EU issue so-called “Corona bonds,” which would share the coronavirus debt burden among all EU member states, rather than activating the ESM. The idea of such bonds is being resisted by financially solvent member states such as Germany and the Netherlands.

Salvini also expressed opposition to the proposed loans, claiming that ordinary Italians would not benefit from the money, another Il Giornale story claims. Salvini's party is aligned with Forza Italia, the party led by Senator and former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi on this issue, as both have said that they would reject the ESM proposal. Should an M5s schism lead to elections the far right group brothers of Italy are also expected to gain ground. Salvini warned last month that unless a minimum of 100 billion euros are distributed to suport the poor and people suffering financial hardship because of the pandemic, it could lead to a revolutionary situation in Italy.

Austria, Finland, Germany, and the Netherlands are expected to be joined by France in rejecting the corona bonds proposal, however, and without their support it is impossible that the the ESM can be avoided, according to Voice of Europe.

More Off - Mainstream News: 11 April, 2020

Chilling Documentary Maps Out Likely Origin Of COVID-19

Authored by Catherine Yang via The Epoch Times, While The Epoch Times began publishing reports of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus on Jan. 2, most outlets had yet to pick up on the story because of the CCP’s lockdown on information. Three months later, over 200 countries and territories have been infected and the CCP virus has caused over 85,000 deaths infecting at least 1.4 million, but information is murkier than ever.
“We’ve pretty much heard every rumor under the sun. We’ve heard every theory, every crazy rumor, we’ve heard all these different narratives,” said Joshua Philipp, award-winning investigative reporter and host of the show “Crossroads.”
The rumors aren’t by accident: The CCP has been actively engaging in a disinformation campaign, and media outlets around the world have parroted the propaganda. As a result, entire nations have been operating under false information as they try to battle the pandemic within their borders.
Screenshot of the documentary “Tracking Down the Origin of Wuhan Coronavirus.” (Courtesy Epoch Times) Philipp and his colleages at The Epoch Times and NTD Television thought it their responsibility to sift through all the information available, verify it, and put it into one place. The result is the just-premiered documentary “Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus,” which is available to watch online ... Continue reading >>> MORE on COVID coronavirus China link

Coronavirus Fact-Check #3: “Covid19 is 20x DEADLIER than the flu!”

from Off Guardia, 11 April 2020 One of the buzz-stats doing the rounds says this novel virus is far more dangerous than influenza, does the science hold up?

Since the early days of the current pandemic, the go-to comparison has been influenza, both the specific historical outbreaks and the general seasonal “flus” (a catch-all term for respiratory viruses) which hit all over the world every winter. That comparison is very often met with this simple retort:
Covid is nothing like the flu, it’s 20 times more dangerous!”
But is this true? No, it’s not. While the generally accepted flu death rate of 0.1% is twenty times lower than the media reported Covid19 death rate of between 2% and 4%, research suggests the media-reported death rate is far too high. The World Health Organization has estimated Covid19’s “official” death rate at 3.4%, clinical studies done on Sars-Cov-2 put its actual case-fatality ratio at around 0.1%. Roughly equal that of regular season flu outbreaks. The problem arises from what scientists and statisticians call “selection bias”:
the bias introduced by the selection of individuals, groups or data for analysis in such a way that proper randomization is not achieved, thereby ensuring that the sample obtained is not representative
Essentially, the way you choose your sample can have a huge impact on the results of your study ... Continue reading >>> MORE on the fear and Panic pandemic

UK will have to live with some restrictions until coronavirus vaccine is developed, say officials

'Normal life will stay on hold until a virus vaccine becomes available in about 18 months, officials said last night. Advice to work from home and stay in for seven days if you have symptoms will probably still be in place next year. Ministers want to lift the most restrictive parts of the lockdown, including school and shop closures, within weeks. But senior Government sources say the only true 'exit strategy' is a vaccine or a cure. Until then, the UK will have to adjust to a 'new normal'. An official last night told The Telegraph that social distancing measures that have been placed upon Britons could be 'indefinite'... Continue reading >>>

Don’t be evil, just OBEY: After Covid-19 tech giants will have even more control over what you see & what you think

Don’t be evil, just OBEY: After Covid-19 tech giants will have even more control over what you see & what you think
Silicon Valley’s algorithms are controlling your cognitive map, and Congress is letting it happen. Covid-19 is providing the perfect cover to bolster that control — just in time for the 2020 election.
Neoliberalism was the perfect cover for oligarchs to unleash ideological wafrom Anorak Newsrfare to protect the billions they’ve plundered from taxpayers.Trillions of dollars flowed into Silicon Valley, the birthplace of digital censorship — censorship that in many ways is more dangerous and insidious than the failed coup d'état of a sitting US president with the farcical Russiagate and impeachment hoax. Over the past two decades, democratic societies have been manipulated by Silicon Valley's unregulated big-tech behemoths, which now control the news flow and have weaponized Amazon, Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Netflix, PayPal, Reddit, TikTok, Microsoft, Apple and the very dangerous Internet Of Things (sped along by 5G) ... Continue reading >>>

Cambridge police patrol the aisles at Tesco supermarket

from Anorak News, 11 April 2020 A tweet from the Cambridge police force aka twitter’s ‘Cambridge Cops’: “Officers visited Tesco Barhill this morning as part of their patrols around supermarkets and green spaces this weekend. Good to see everyone was abiding by social distancing measures and the non essential aisles were empty. #1732” File under: essential policing. MORE stories about police state Britain

Chilling Documentary Maps Out Likely Origin Of COVID-19

Authored by Catherine Yang via The Epoch Times, While The Epoch Times began publishing reports of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus on Jan. 2, most outlets had yet to pick up on the story because of the CCP’s lockdown on information. Three months later, over 200 countries and territories have been infected and the CCP virus has caused over 85,000 deaths infecting at least 1.4 million, but information is murkier than ever.
“We’ve pretty much heard every rumor under the sun. We’ve heard every theory, every crazy rumor, we’ve heard all these different narratives,” said Joshua Philipp, award-winning investigative reporter and host of the show “Crossroads.”
The rumors aren’t by accident: The CCP has been actively engaging in a disinformation campaign, and media outlets around the world have parroted the propaganda. As a result, entire nations have been operating under false information as they try to battle the pandemic within their borders.
Screenshot of the documentary “Tracking Down the Origin of Wuhan Coronavirus.” (Courtesy Epoch Times) Philipp and his colleages at The Epoch Times and NTD Television thought it their responsibility to sift through all the information available, verify it, and put it into one place. The result is the just-premiered documentary “Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus,” which is available to watch online ... Continue reading >>> MORE on COVID coronavirus China link

Coronavirus Fact-Check #3: “Covid19 is 20x DEADLIER than the flu!”

from Off Guardia, 11 April 2020 One of the buzz-stats doing the rounds says this novel virus is far more dangerous than influenza, does the science hold up?

Since the early days of the current pandemic, the go-to comparison has been influenza, both the specific historical outbreaks and the general seasonal “flus” (a catch-all term for respiratory viruses) which hit all over the world every winter. That comparison is very often met with this simple retort:
Covid is nothing like the flu, it’s 20 times more dangerous!”
But is this true? No, it’s not. While the generally accepted flu death rate of 0.1% is twenty times lower than the media reported Covid19 death rate of between 2% and 4%, research suggests the media-reported death rate is far too high. The World Health Organization has estimated Covid19’s “official” death rate at 3.4%, clinical studies done on Sars-Cov-2 put its actual case-fatality ratio at around 0.1%. Roughly equal that of regular season flu outbreaks. The problem arises from what scientists and statisticians call “selection bias”:
the bias introduced by the selection of individuals, groups or data for analysis in such a way that proper randomization is not achieved, thereby ensuring that the sample obtained is not representative
Essentially, the way you choose your sample can have a huge impact on the results of your study ... Continue reading >>> MORE on the fear and Panic pandemic

UK will have to live with some restrictions until coronavirus vaccine is developed, say officials

'Normal life will stay on hold until a virus vaccine becomes available in about 18 months, officials said last night. Advice to work from home and stay in for seven days if you have symptoms will probably still be in place next year. Ministers want to lift the most restrictive parts of the lockdown, including school and shop closures, within weeks. But senior Government sources say the only true 'exit strategy' is a vaccine or a cure. Until then, the UK will have to adjust to a 'new normal'. An official last night told The Telegraph that social distancing measures that have been placed upon Britons could be 'indefinite'... Continue reading >>>

Don’t be evil, just OBEY: After Covid-19 tech giants will have even more control over what you see & what you think

Don’t be evil, just OBEY: After Covid-19 tech giants will have even more control over what you see & what you think
Silicon Valley’s algorithms are controlling your cognitive map, and Congress is letting it happen. Covid-19 is providing the perfect cover to bolster that control — just in time for the 2020 election.
Neoliberalism was the perfect cover for oligarchs to unleash ideological wafrom Anorak Newsrfare to protect the billions they’ve plundered from taxpayers.Trillions of dollars flowed into Silicon Valley, the birthplace of digital censorship — censorship that in many ways is more dangerous and insidious than the failed coup d'état of a sitting US president with the farcical Russiagate and impeachment hoax. Over the past two decades, democratic societies have been manipulated by Silicon Valley's unregulated big-tech behemoths, which now control the news flow and have weaponized Amazon, Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Netflix, PayPal, Reddit, TikTok, Microsoft, Apple and the very dangerous Internet Of Things (sped along by 5G) ... Continue reading >>>

Cambridge police patrol the aisles at Tesco supermarket

from Anorak News, 11 April 2020 A tweet from the Cambridge police force aka twitter’s ‘Cambridge Cops’: “Officers visited Tesco Barhill this morning as part of their patrols around supermarkets and green spaces this weekend. Good to see everyone was abiding by social distancing measures and the non essential aisles were empty. #1732” File under: essential policing. MORE stories about police state Britain

Recommended reading 9 April, 2020: Global health crisis becomes political

We wouldn't normally feature a story from the Express in this daily blog because they're mainstream, but Yannis Varoufakis is always worthy of attention.

EU bullies: Italy forced to surrender in secret meeting over coronavirus economy crisis

from Daily Express Yannis Varoufakis, a veteran of the 2015 Greek debt crisis, accused Eurozone finance ministers of “failing Europeans” after a 15-hour row over a post-coronavirus rescue package ended in stalemate. The rebel economist said he was the victim of similar bullying at the height of Greece’s financial crisis when his defiant strategy against debt negotiations with European leaders led to banks being closed and queues at cash machines. “The Eurogroup, again, failed Europeans,” he wrote on social media, after their overnight meeting eventually broke up. “The Italian finance minister, during the night, was bullied to surrender – as I was in 2015. It was all done behind closed doors and with no minutes kept.” Mario Centeno, the Eurogroup’s president, called time on the marathon talks this morning after it emerged warring ministers would not sign up to a compromise deal. Italy and the Netherlands are urged to drop their red lines to allow the bloc to eventually forge a common response coronavirus crisis.
One Brussels source said the atmosphere between member states had become "very toxic" because of the difference in positions between richer northern member states and their poorer southern neighbours. MORE on Coronavirus Europe unglues

Why Central Planning By Medical Experts Will Lead To Disaster

Authored by Gary Galles via The Mises Institute, A great deal of the coverage of the COVID-19 crisis has been apocalyptic. That is partly because “if it bleeds, it leads.” But it is also because some of the medical experts with media megaphones have put forward potentially catastrophic scenarios and drastic plans to deal with them, reinforced by assertions that the rest of us should “listen to the experts,” because only they know enough to determine policy. Unfortunately, those experts don’t know enough to determine appropriate policies. Doctors, infectious disease specialists, epidemiologists, etc. know more things about diseases, their courses, what increases or decreases their rate of spread, and so on than most. But the most crucial of that information has been browbeaten into the rest of us by now. Limited and imperfect testing also means that the available statistics may be very misleading (e.g., is an uptick in reported cases real or the result of an increasing rate of, or more accuracy in, testing, which is crucial to determining the likely future course COVID-19?). Further, to the extent that the virus's characteristics are unique, no one knows exactly what will happen. All of that makes “shut up and listen” advice less compelling. More important, however, may be that in making recommendations to address COVID-19, those with detailed knowledge of the disease (the experts we have been told to obey) do not have sufficient knowledge of the consequences of their “solutions” for the economy and society to know what the costs will be. That means that they don’t know enough to accurately compare the benefits to the costs. In particular, because of their relative unawareness of the many margins at which effects will be felt ... Continue reading MORE ON the folly of experts

British vets refute coronavirus-related rumors as pet owners swamp pet advice site

from RT
As the coronavirus toll continues to climb, pet owners are growing more concerned about their furry friends — particularly in the UK, where some reports prompted fears cats should be kept securely at home amid the outbreak.
The panic was prompted by a series of media reports, including a BBC interview with a British Veterinary Association (BVA) official, which implied that cat owners should keep their felines indoors during the pandemic. The suggestion prompted British cat lovers to swarm the organization’s website to seek coronavirus advice — crashing it briefly on Wednesday ... Continue reading >>> In an attempt to quell the panic, the BVA later stepped in and clarified its advice on cats. Felines, in fact, should stay inside — but only if they feel like doing so, or if their owners need to stay strictly isolated ... Continue reading
Our pets and other animals

Standing on the Precipice of Martial Law

Matthew Ehret in OffGuardian

In my recent paper Why Assume There Will Be a 2020 Election?, I took the opportunity of today’s multifaceted crisis in order to revisit an important Wall Street-funded coup d’état effort of 1933-34.

As I explained in that location, this bankers’ coup was luckily exposed by a patriotic general named Smedley Darlington Butler during one of the darkest moments of America and profoundly changed the course of history. [ ... ] Another President resistant to regime change and nuclear confrontation with Russia and China finds himself today in the White House in the form of Donald Trump. As in 1933, today’s financial collapse threatens to rip the social and economic fabric of America to shreds, and just as in 1963 a powerful military industrial complex and private banking system manages a web of power which is devoted to overturning the 2016 election (and 1776 revolution) by any means. The biggest difference today is that a global coronavirus pandemic threatens to be the catalyzer used to justify military dictatorship in America and broader nuclear confrontation with Russia and China. Instead of names like “Dulles”, or “Lemnitzer”, today’s coup directors feature such names as “Pompeo” and “O’Shaughnessy”… both Deep State assets highly positioned in 3rd and 4th place to take over the Presidency at the drop of a hat ... Continue reading

"One Of The Worst Coverups In Human History": MSM Attention Turns To Chinese Biolab Near COVID-19 Ground Zero

by Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge
Thu, 04/02/2020

In late January we asked whether a prolific Chinese scientist who was experimenting with bat coronavirus at a level-4 biolab in Wuhan China was responsible for the current outbreak of a virus which is 96% genetically identical - and which saw an explosion in cases at a wet market located just down the street.

For suggesting this, we were kicked off Twitter and had the pleasure of several articles written by MSM hacks regarding our 'conspiracy theory' - none of which addressed the plethora of hard evidence linked in the post. These are the same people, mind you, who pushed the outlandish and evidence-free Trump-Russia conspiracy theory for years.

Whether or not the virus was engineered (scientists swear it wasn't) - it shouldn't take Perry Mason to conclude that a virulent coronavirus outbreak which started near a biolab that was experimenting with -- coronavirus -- bears scrutiny. Could a lab worker have accidentally infected themselves - then gone shopping for meat at the market over several days, during the long, asymptomatic incubation period?

In February, researchers Botao Xial and Lei Xiao published a quickly-retracted paper titled "The possible origins of 2019-nCoV coronavirus" - which speculated that the virus came from the Wuhan biolab.

Now, mainstream outlets are catching on - or at least have become brave enough to similarly connect the dots.

Earlier this week, Fox News' Tucker Carlson suggested that COVID-19 may have originated in a lab.

And now, the Washington Times is out with a report titled "Chinese researchers isolated deadly bat coronaviruses near Wuhan animal market."

Chinese government researchers isolated more than 2,000 new viruses, including deadly bat coronaviruses, and carried out scientific work on them just three miles from a wild animal market identified as the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Several Chinese state media outlets in recent months touted the virus research and lionized in particular a key researcher in Wuhan, Tian Junhua, as a leader in bat virus work.

The coronavirus strain now infecting hundreds of thousands of people globally mutated from bats believed to have infected animals and people at a wild animal market in Wuhan. The exact origin of the virus, however, remains a mystery. -Washington Times

"This is one of the worst cover-ups in human history, and now the world is facing a global pandemic," said Texas GOP Rep. Michael T. McFoul - a ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. McFoul believes China should be held accountable for the outbreak.

Meanwhile, a video from December funded by the Chinese government shows Tian collecting samples from captured bats and storing them in vials.

"I am not a doctor, but I work to cure and save people," said Tian, adding "I am not a soldier, but I work to safeguard an invisible national defense line."

The mainstream theory behind the virus is that it crossed over to humans after first infecting an intermediary species - such as a pangolin.

Read the rest of the report here.

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