The Contraversialist Blog that aims to bring you the most provocative and fearless opinion on the topics of the day. Daily Stirrer contributors write from the heart and shoot from the hip on all the topics that are making news because the media are complicit in the money men's efforts to stop difficult questions being asked ...
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Google Wants To Change The World - And Make Us Slaves to Technology
I have always said there was something creepy about Google, in fact when former CEO Eric Schmidt announced while being questioned about Google's secretiveness and their obsessive collecting of users private data that the company aimed to go as close to creepy as possible without crossing the line I blogged, "Eric, Google crossed the line long ago."
Page and Brin, those two semi autistic nerds who formed the internet search company were always control freaks on a quest for world domination.
Google's latest offering is wearable technology, or Project Glass which aims to keep you looking at internet pages (and Google ads) whle you are out shopping, dribing your car, walking in the countryside, shagging, drinking with your friends or having a dump. These people have gone beyond creepy and even past fucking creepy, they are now into super - concentrated creepy territory.
By overlaying information into a heads-up display (i.e. one lens of a pairt of glasses), users can access an Android OS while going about their normal daily activities (like driving in heavy traffic). A new promotional video shows happy Californians (who else) browsing the web while skydiving, watching a gig and having flying lessons (WTF? they are people up there flying planes and watching YouPorn at the same time? I wanna leave this planet now!), and all the time having their 'experience' enriched by hands-free image and video capture.
Fifteen million views in its first week on YouTube show that the Google augmented reality glasses have overtaken the equally stupid, intrusive and fascistic iWatch as the most coveted piece of wearable technology that you can't own yet.
When do we start killing these dangerous nerds?
Read full report:
Dare We Break The Illiberal Code Of The Liberal Left?
Liberalism is an old and very respectable political philosophy but more and more those who subscribe to the principles of lineralism, individual freedom and personal responsibility, freedom of religion, thought, speech and movement, are referring to…
27 February 2013
Obama Adminidstration Comes Out Of The Closet, Declares Support For Islamic Jihad
U. S. Secretary of State John Kerry, the Obama administration's foreign affairs chief has admitted that the US is looking at ways to speed up transition in Syria, adding that the rebel opposition needs more help.
Mr Kerry, on his first overseas tour as Secretary of State, said America and France were "examining ways to accelerate political transition", during a joint press conference with Laurent Fabius, his French counterpart. "We think it's very important that more of our assistance gets to areas that have been liberated from the regime," Kerry said.
Officials told the media Syria would be discussed at the Rome meeting Thursday. The French have a track record of collaborating with fascists of course.
Mr Kerry also signalled that Washington could be mulling increased aid to the Syrian opposition, saying: "The opposition needs more help. We know Sheik Barack Hussein Obama fancies himself as Emperor of the World but since when did the governance of Syria become a matter for him and his cabal of racists, freaks, wirdos and paedophiles. If the Narcissist - in - Chief had not meddled in Syria, Assad would have crushed the rebellion, his thoroughly unpleasant regime would have continued rather than bring replaced by an even more unpleasant Islamic theocracy and western interests would have been safeguarded.
Now it seems Obama is eager to get into another campaign for regime change, like the one that broght down Muammar 'Mad Dog' Gaddafi, reduced Libya to a lawless failed state and led to Al Qaeda sponsored uprisings in mali and Niger. Mr Kerry spoke amid reports from the Washington Post that the US is considering a shift in policy towards the conflict and may send rebels body armour and armed vehicles, as well as possibly provide military training.
It will be interesting to see how Russia, China and Iran react to this development.
The Total Surveillance Society
Surveillance cameras, CCTV,electronic monitoring, data gathering from credit card use and other transactions, all are commonplace. When we start to hear talk of implanting RFID chips in human bodies or making a criminal offence of not carrying an official identity card when outside one's home, we start to understand how sinister the surveillance industry has become and what threats it poses to our rights and liberties.
Peacemaker and Joybringer Launches Another War
He promised he would be the peacemaker, the great conciliator, the leader who would usher in a new post - conflict global age. And may believed him. Oh how they mocked when I predicted Barack Hussein Obama would be a warmonger, a divider and more than any of his predecessors they lackey of the globalist bankers who are pushing for a global totalitarian government.
26 February 2013
Obama Stabs Britain In The Back Again
by Egbert Nobakon
The former rent boy (allegedly) in The White House has stabbed Britain in the back again, backing demands from Argentia's screwball President Cristina Kirchner’s that a referendum of Falkland Islander's be ignored and the islands 'be returned to Argentina'. The Falkland Islands never belonged to Argentina and are well outside Argentine territiorial waters.
None of this matter to Brit - hating Obama of course, he has told the lie about how the British Empire existed for the sole purpose of oppressing his ancestors so many times now he even believes it himself. TYhe prostitute President, curently being pimped out by his handlers for $500,000 a pop to wealthy businessman has a long track record of trying to belittle his country's closest ally. This latest example of Obama's racism and anti british obesssion comes as US Secretary of State and Scooby Doo villiain lookalike John Kerry(yes the American administration are a bunch of freaks and weirdos)is in London securing Britain's backing for the next steps in Obama's campaign to secure the overthrow of all middle eastern governments sympathetic to the west and their replacement with jihadist Islamic Theocracies.
With the Falklands referendum just two weeks away, The Emperor Obama and his sycophantic administration still refuse to recognise the referendum and the right to self-determination of the Falkland Islanders. At a news conference in London, US Secretary of State John Kerry, standing alongside British Foreign Secretary William Hague, made this point very clearly in response to questioning from the press.
Here is what Kerry had to say (from the just released State Department transcript):
QUESTION: It’s a question for the Secretary of State. Mr. Secretary, you’ll be aware of the interest in U.S. policy towards the Falkland Islands that there has been in this country. Mr. Secretary, do you believe the democratically expressed will of the Falkland Islanders in their forthcoming referendum should be respected?
SECRETARY KERRY: Well, let me be very clear about our position with respect to the Falklands, which I believe is clear. First of all, I’m not going to comment, nor is the President, on a referendum that has yet to take place and hasn’t taken place.
Our position on the Falklands has not changed. The United States recognizes de facto UK administration of the islands, but takes no position on the question of the parties’ sovereignty claims thereto. And we support cooperation between UK and Argentina on practical matters, and we continue to urge a peaceful resolution of that critical issue. And I think that’s exactly what our position has been, that’s what it remains, and we look forward to the future.
Kerry is simply parroting Obama felcher Hillary Clinton’s lines on the Falklands, and Clinton parroted Obama's. People who think fort themselves don't get far in the Emperor Obama's administration. Neither The Prez Dude not Argentine leader Cristina Kirchner’s stance recognises the rights of the Falkland Islanders, and call for a negotiated settlement between Buenos Aires and London over the future of the Falklands isn’t neutrality – Obama is simply endorsing the position of the Argentine government.
This is yet another slap in the face for Britain and the Falklands Islanders from a US administration that cares more about appeasing a third-rate, declining socialist regime in Latin America than standing with America’s closest friend and ally.
The Obama administration’s stance over the Falklands speaks volumes about the President's contempt for the Special Relationship, as well as his disdain for the right to self-determination of the Falkland Islanders themselves. But then his record since entering office shows his contempt for democracy, rule of law and principles such as free speech.
Lab Studies Now Confirm Cancer Link To Vaccine You Probably Had As A Child
As usual at the head of ay article critical of the vaccine industry, in order to head off any Big Pharma and Big Science trolls we have to state that The Daily Stirrer is not opposed to vaccines. We were all vaccinated and so were our children and grandchildren. Where we are ctitical of the overuse of vaccines is in the increased use over the past few decades of propaganda to concleal the risks from the public while using exaggeration of the risk posed by illnesses to heigjhten fears of not being vaccinated.
Thus our articles are aimed at presenting the truth to those who seek it. Big government and bibg business are not your friends. Scientists, as crazy and delusional a profession as any, might believe they can abolish illness and death but they can't.
Dr. Maurice Hilleman made astounding revelations in an interview that was cut from The Health Century — the admission that Merck drug company vaccines had been injecting dangerous viruses into people worldwide. [ ... ]
"I think it’s important to remember history when it comes to vaccines, especially in light of current developments.
For starters, the HPV vaccine Gardasil, which is being vigorously pushed on unsuspecting young girls and women to theoretically guard against cervical cancer still has never been proven to actually prevent cancer. On the contrary, evidence suggests that under certain circumstances the vaccine increases your risk of precancerous lesions by nearly 45 percent, and an ever increasing number of girls are being seriously injured by this unnecessary vaccine.
As of December 13, 2010, 20,915 adverse reactions had been reported in the United States alone, including 89 deaths, 297 miscarriages or stillbirths, and 370 reports of abnormal pap smears post vaccination.
All of this from a vaccine that has only been on the market for four years!
Making matters worse, as of 2009 the US FDA approved Gardasil for use on young boys as well, and the first male death has also been reported. In September of last year, a young boy died just eight days after being vaccinated with Gardasil.
So what’s going on here?
Is it possible that vaccines sold by drugmakers like Merck are causing lethal disease? Judging by history, the answer may be yes."
Now as stated above The Daily Stirrer is not against vaccines but WTF are we doing vaccinating young boys against a virus that causes cervical cancer in women (the only gender that has a cervix) usually in later life.
Read more on the vaccine scam including the insane plan to vaccinate boys against a disease only women can get. And remember the neo -Nazi governments of the developed world are already talking about making vaccines compulsory. Free will ist verboten.
25 February, 2013
The US Federal Exchange secretly bailed out Bank of America last Summer, and it's just coming to light now.
With people in Britain getting their knickers in a twist about the loss of our AAA credit rating at the end of last week and the in the rest of the developed world controversies arising out of government bailouts for banks exposed to "toxic debt" in the wake of the 2008 mortgate crisis still raging we punters have a right to know how governments are handling the money we stump up in taxes. But this being government, we are not being told the truth. Top up bailouts are still going on but by stealth because Our New Unhappy Lords know we have had enough of their kelptocratic approach to running our nations.
The existence of one such secret deal that was slipped in through the back door by the Obama administration (does Obama ever go in the front way) struck last July between the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Bank of America, came to light just last week in court filings.
Details of the covert deal between the Federal Exchange and Bank of America are remarkable. Not only do the filings show the Fed helping to thwart another financial institution’s fraud case against the bank, they also reveal that the Fed agreed to give away what may be billions of dollars of taxpayers money in potential legal claims.
Last Wednesday (13 Feb, 2013) the Fed acknowledged in a court filing that in July 2012 it had released Bank of America from all legal claims arising from losses in some mortgage-backed securities (toxic debt). One surprise in the filing, which was part of a case brought by A.I.G., was that the Federal Exchange let Bank of America off the hook even as A.I.G. was seeking to recover $7 billion in losses on those very mortgage securities.
An EU environmental directive imposed on Britain by the Euronazis in Brussels has put millions of homes at risk of power cuts in the next spell of cold weather. One million homes narrowly escaped a power cut last month as bitterly cold weather placed a massive strain on Britain’s creaking electricity network.
This is of course due to the devotion of government to the fraudulent 'science' behind the global warming scare. Scientists, the only group of people in the world who can be wrong 99% of the time and yet still be listened to by those in power, swore they were on the case and that electricity generated from windmills could meet all our energy needs. It was the most blatant fraud ever perpetrated by those piggy snouted troughers who spend their entirelives cocooned in the surreal environment of universities and academic establishments, fed, warmed and supplied with every conceivable luxury while they think up ever more outlandish theories than can be used to rob us.
Shutdown was only avoided this winter because an oil-fired station due to close by next winter came to the rescue. Last week power industry watchers warned that life-threatening blackouts are increasingly likely as “we head downhill – fast”.
Alistair Buchanan, the outgoing head of energy regulator Ofgem said: “On Wednesday, January 16, due to unplanned outages and cold weather, National Grid had to find power to supply roughly a million homes to keep the lights on.
“Fawley, an oil-fired plant in Hampshire, was one of the power stations that responded. Next winter Fawley will not be there.”
And as a spell of bitter cold once more hits the UK, the near switch-off which came so perilously close on that freezing afternoon, underscores the magnitude of the energy crisis. If you can imagine a ride on a rollercoaster at a fairground, then this winter we are at the top of the circuit and we head downhill – fast.
Fawley is one of a number of coal and oil power stations being forced into retirement to comply with EU environmental targets set out in the " EU large combustion plant directive". This piece of neo Nazi control freakery, osensibly aimed at cutting air pollution, will force many older power stations to close by 2015. But they will be shut down before that if they use their allocated generating time earlier. And because of the incompetence of politicians, the gred of the energy industry and the general dishonesty of the scientific community (science was always fascism's whore) all we have done to replace their capacity is stick windmills up. We expect politicians to be too thick to understand that by relying on windmills, when there is no wind there is no electricity. And the typical weather pattern that brings bitterly cold weather to Britain ensures we are virtually windless for days. but scientists are supposed to be clever so why did they not think that one through?
The answer of course is they did but they are mostly crooks and liars and will adance whatever agenda pays best and increases their celebrity status most.
The relevalion of our energy supply problem comes at a time when almost all the country’s nuclear power stations are due to shut down because they have reached the end of their working lives. Again this is because of political incompetence and self interest in the academic community. The Government is committed to building new nuclear stations but as yet no construction contracts have been signed and a start on building work is some years away.
Jeremy Nicholson of the Energy Intensive Users Group, which represents big industry, warned: “There is a significant chance of physical shortages [of power] in peak conditions in the next two years. We are sailing close to the wind with an uncomfortably small margin of supply versus demand. This is not a trivial risk and not one the UK has faced before. We are concerned about the winter ahead and 2015. The first thing that will happen is higher prices for electricity.”
Winter weather, disruption to gas supplies, increasing reliance on wind power, which requires back up generation for days when there is no wind, all add to the risk of blackouts.
Ofgem estimates 10 per cent of the UK’s current generation stock will go off-line next month leaving the National Grid with an even tougher challenge.
The Government has had plenty of warning about the looming crisis, the problem was raised to the Labour government during their thirteen years of misrule, but in order to suck up to their investment banker and academic mates thay decided to go with the wind. Those of us who pointed out the obvious problem of relying on unpredictable wind for energy take little satisfaction from saying "We told you so."
Last year Energy Secretary Ed Davey told Parliament: “If we do not act now, we estimate that by the mid-2020s up to 2.5 million households will be affected by blackouts, costing the economy more than £100m a year.” Yet Davey, cupid stunt that he is, remains convinced at coal, oil, gas and nuclear are all off limits and only wind and solar can be considered. Yes, solart, has nobody ever explained to the moron we live in Britain not southern Spain. And even in Spain their decision to rely on solar energy has backfired catastrophically.
According to UK industry, investment totalling £110 billion is needed to keep pace with demand, three-quarters of this is required for new power generation while the rest is needed to improve transmission systems.
The Energy Bill before Parliament which is due to receive Royal Assent by the end of the year is designed to foster investment in renewable and nuclear power through guarantees backed by taxpayer subsidy. Critics say it fail to address the changing dynamics of the energy market which now favours gas following the discovery of huge amounts of shale gas in the US and extensive potential supplies in Britain. The dumbo politicians and crooked scientists, obviously thinking about their campaign donations and research grants respectively as still stuck on wind however.
But even building dozens of new gas plants to fill the generation gap looming in 2015 would mean even higher bills for families and businesses. Ann Robinson, of uSwitch, website which advses on best deals from utility firms said: “We are facing disaster on energy prices. The circumstances have changed, but the thinking hasn’t. “What worries me most is that the average household energy bill will be £1,400 by end of the year; £1,500 is a cliff edge at which most people say they’ll switch off the heating entirely.”
America's True National Debt
Robert Samuelson, Washinton Post
While British pundits get their knickers in a right old twist about our credit rating being downgraded from Aaa to Aa1, America is in much bigger trouble. This article in the Washington Post sets out just how far up shit creek the US economy has been allowed to drift under the captaincy of Barack Hussein Obama.
23 February, 2013
Will Temporary Tattoos Make Telepathy and Telekinesis Possible Or Are They Another Trick Of World Government Agenda?
by Xavier Connolly
We seem to spend a lot of time reporting on the planned use of technology tp create an Owellian dictatorship, a Big Brother society in which to quote a 1960s hit record by Zager and Evans, "Everything you think do and say is in that pill you took today". Or some gadget employed by an oppressive fascist regime.
The announcements of these technological developments always present them as being for our benefit in making our lives more secure and comfortable or as having the power to enable us to do really kewl things. The latest, temporary tattoos loaded with electronic wizardry are being sold as a way of empowerring us to perform tricks like telepathy and telekinesis, normally the territory of characters in fantasy fiction, movies and computer games.
It's utter bollocks of course. These gadgets are just a ploy to soften us up and erode resitance to the compulsory implantation of RFID chips in every human being's body. We have reported many times on schemes to implant chips under the skin so government electronic monitoring systems can track us every second of our lives.
22 February, 2013
Prominent American Scientists Call For Global Dictatorship Under UN Rule
Science was ever fascism's whore so no surprise that scientists are in the vanguard of the charge towards a totalitarian global government. The New World Order as is is often called.
These fascist science frauds justify their appeal for the abilition of freedom by claiming authoritarian global governance is necessary to save he planet from an environmental disaster. Those of us who have challenged the physics and the logic as well as the honesty of the global warming scare know the Scienttific Dictatorship and the academic elitists are desperately seeking another bogus cause to which they can pin their control frwak agenda.
The Tyranny Of Moral Relativism
by Ed Butt
Weak people always make the most ruthless, oppressive tyrants and the modern left or 'progressive liberals' as some like to style themselves, apart from being the most illiberal people ever to claim a belief in democracy are the most hypocritical and the most tyrannical. We will tell you what you may and may not think, they say; we will tell you the correct moral stance on any issue.
Their moral stance on various positions constantly shifts, this we see these politically correct, emotionally needy people jumping on whatever bandwagon seems to be gaining momentum and taking up an absolutist stance. Thus they do not see the moral contradiction in condemning domestic violence and calling for the criminalisation of martital rape but at the same time defending, in the name of multiculturalism and diversity, the right of Muslim men to beat and rape their wives.
They do not see the hypocrisy in praising 'black' culture, that strange, synthesized mash up of bad music, bad dress sense, recreational drug use and nihilism so prevelant in the inner city ghettos of the USA but totally alien to African nations but turning on African Americans who embrace conservative values and the American work ethic, calling them sellouts and Uncle Toms.
We call such hypocrisy 'moral relativism'.
Why would anybody describe this moral relativism as a tyranny? Perhaps because of the way the left, particularly in areas like the media, public serrvice and academic institutions where left wing thinking dominates, will react with fury when anybody challenges their constantly shifting certainties.
We have seen many reports of careers being wrecked and reputations trashed because somebody challenges the 'scientific consensus' on climate change or expresses opposition to demands for legalisation of same sex marriage. And yet the rise of this morality based on fads and fashions seems to have created societies that are irredeeemably fragmented and polarised. Nelow Fr. Dwight Longenecker explains in just a few paragraphs why a society without a coherent code of moral truth will eventually require a strongman to govern it:
It's helpful to read the article at the above link before Fr. Longeneker's comments but the site is not available at the time of writing (why am I not surprised). It is also helpful to know that I am not religious but a non - believer and my politics are so anto authoritarian they border on anarchism.
Beneath all of this is the underlying tyranny of relativism. We dare not “judge” other actions because we have been taught that there is no such thing as right or wrong. We have been taught to believer that it is right to be wrong, or at least that we should have the right to be wrong, and not only have the right to be wrong, but to impose that right to be wrong on everyone else. In other words, you must not only allow me to be wrong, but you must say that my wrong is not only my right, but that my wrong is right.
If the preceding paragraph made you think twice and read thrice, then I have achieved my purpose, for the world of moral relativism is a world of double think and double talk where nothing means anything and anything can mean nothing. Morality is reduced to “you say po-TAY- to and I say po-TAH-to. Let’s call the whole thing off.” And it is “off” way off, and not only way off, but way out, and if way out, then let us hope it is on it’s way out, for a world of moral relativism is dangerous. Deadly dangerous.
It is deadly dangerous because when there are not moral absolutes the state decides what is right and wrong, and when the state decides what is wrong, the rulers of that state will invariably decide that what is right is what is best for them, and what is best for them is that which consolidates their wealth and their power. When the state decides what is right and wrong, and has the power to enforce what they decide is right and wrong, they will do so.
Furthermore, when moral relativism reigns it is not long before chaos and anarchy prevail. (It’s a logical consequence–if there is no right and wrong you may do as you wish) and when anarchy and chaos prevail the state has the reason and the obligation to establish order, and among an anarchic population that order can only be established by force.
But why would anyone call moral relativism a “dictatorship”? You might well ask. Anybody who frquents certain online forums at sites where I post occasional articles whold not need to askm having witnessed they hysterical mob turning on a person who questions the relevance of same sex marriage whith accusations og homophobia (a nonsensical word which displays the ignorance of politically correct thinking, From Greek raher than latin it means 'fear of the same thing?') Similarly anybody who criticizes the government of President Barack Obama is accused of racism and shouted down, even if their complaing was about his economic policy.
My only point of contention with Fr. Longenecker on this issue is his abuse of the term anarchy. Meaning no government, anarchy is a well thought out if impossibly idealistic political philosophy that proposes in a society with no government, order can be maintained through personal responsibility. More often now however, anarchy is equated to lawlessness. In a truly anarchic society a shared moral code, observed by all, would maintain order. In a lawless society a tyrannical big government or a brutal dictatorship would eventually emerge.
Volkswagen to produce the world's most fuel efficient car with a record-breaking 313mpg
via Yahoo News
Critic Of Obama's Kill List found Dead In New York
Prominent American blogger and computer prodigy Aaron Swartz, who spoke against US President Barack Obama’s “kill list” and cyber attacks against Iran, has been found dead in New York. being found dead in suspicious circumstances seems to be a common fate among those who criticize Barack Hussein Obama.
20 February, 2013
Improvement In Empoloyment Figures Is Another Statistical Deception
We have blogged about the fraudulent nature of published unemployment statistics before, but the continued rise in UK employment – reaching another record high in the latest quarter – is not only contrary to the stubborn refusal to fall of the actual number of people unemployed but is yet to translate into significant GDP growth. More of us are working, yes, but with less output overall. If that's the case (and it is), that suggests, does it not, there something seriously wrong with the way we count the numbers active and inactive in the labour market?
Naturally, Iain Duncan Smith, the work and pensions secretary, breezily ignoring the facts that wage increases are not keeping pace with inflation and more people are being pushed into part time work, responded to the latest statistics by welcoming the fall in long-term unemployment and celebrating the news that there are more people in work than ever before.
But the productivity elephant in the room is still standing four square in middle of the space where people should be dancing for joy. The coalition government, in exactly the same way as their Labour predecessors are cooking the books and everybody knows it.
As an economist pointed out this morning, the resilience of the labour market has been going on for so long now it's not a surprise anymore – though it ought to be. "It remains hard to equate employment growth of 154,000 in the three months to December and 584,000 over the past year, with an economy that was only flat in 2012," said Howard Archer of IHS Global Insight.
Experts have begun referring to this ballooning dilemma as the "productivity puzzle"; arguing the rise in employment coupled with sluggish GDP figures is a consequence of a structural change in the UK jobs market.
Some of the key changes still going on are:
– Employers are freezing pay or paying such low wage rises it enables them to hang onto staff. Research by the House of Commons Library, published by the Labour party this morning, shows real wages are £1,226 lower a year (or £24/week lower) than they were in May 2010.
– Companies are choosing to keep staff rather than let them go because(a) they've learned the lessons of previous recessions where they made too many staff redundant only to be caught with their pants down and a skill shortage in their labour force when things picked up, and (b) there is less propensity to make people redundant these days, not least, because red tape and the fear of being taken to tribunal stops employers from dismissing underperforming staff.
– More people are accepting part-time and temporary jobs rather than fall into full unemployment, reasoning that having appeared determined to stay in work of some kind will strengthen their CV. The number of people working part-time currently stands at over 8m – almost a third of the workforce. This figure actually fell between October and December but is still way higher than pre-recession days and echoes a longer-term trend that Britain is turning into a part-time nation.
– The number of people working two jobs to make up for loss of hours and pay rose by more than 40,000 in the latest quarter measured, to reach 1.1m.
To reach any meaningful conclusions about the unemployment statistics we must guess are these changes permanent, is this the new normal for British workers or will we return to the good old days of full-time jobs with pay rises above inflation?
Gut feeling indicates the latter is just a pipe dream, thanks to the enthusiasm of scientists to find ways of replacing humans with machines. Science was ever fascism's whore and politicians, business leaders and bankers have been ruthless in exploiting innovations while the innovators, as ever did not give a single second's thought to long term consequences. The changes are more than likely here to stay and it's up to workers to get used to it while politicians and employers must grit their teeth and accept huge welfare bills and high taxes or face up to the need for population control involving euthanasia, eugenics and compulsory sterilisation.
There are opportunities for the adventurous in this labour market shift. More and more people are working two or three jobs at once in a "freelance" type fashion, rather than being tied to one particular employer. The idea of a job for life seems mundane, of going to work each day for twenty, thirty or forty years to the same place where the same people arrive at the same time is as unattractive a prospect as such jobs being likely to exist. There is now much more likelihood of workers selling their skills into different jobs/ companies as and when they want to. We've seen the huge rise in self-employment since the recession, which is partly to do with workers regaining control over their careers, a process that started in the 1970s when work in many industries including my own, Information Technology, became project oriented.
The "shift" in working patterns is still happening but rather than being solely in the hands of the workers now being forced by economic conditions and social policies of government . More than a million workers in the UK are in part-time jobs because they cannot find full-time work. Tens of thousands of people don't want to work two or three jobs to pay the bills; they want one steady, permanent income. Freelancing as a way of life was never for everybody and now the economic advantages of being a freelance contractor have been destroyed by punitive taxation policies the lack of security, paid holidays and corporate perks has few attractions.
If we do see a return to pre-recession patterns of labour, we have a very long way to go before the UK jobs market looks anything like it did before the crash. Recent increases in full-time employment have not offset the falls that occurred through the 2008-09 recession.
Another statistic that demonstrates the economy is still in deep trouble is the reluctance of businesses to make capital investment, from which a lack of innovation and productivity follows.
It may be too late for the Government, any government to reverse the structural changes that have been occurring in the economy and the labour market since the early 1980s. But policy makers need to find ways to help people cope with the vastly different ways we will have to organise our lives in future so that people find meaningful ways of filling their idle time, rather than being dragged into self destructive habits.
RELATED POSTS:What Is Really Killing Town Centres And Jobs
It is very easy to blame the internet for the decay of our town centres. As high streets and shopping malls appear to have more shops boarded up and bankrupt than are open for business, blaming the internet alone is too easy. The digital revolution must take some of the blame for stubbornly high jobless statistics too, but the whole picture is far more complex.
Manufacturing Racism: Public Sector Recruiting Policy Is Recipe For Civil Unrest
For all the politically correct posturing of the left, public sector recruitment policy is racist and biased towards minorities. Whenever a straight, white, able bodied christian or non believer sees the words 'Apllications from members of ethnic, religious and sexual minoritiesnd disabled people are welcomed it's obvious nobody normal will get the job.
Two of Britain's top doctors have said there is still pressure on NHS staff not to speak to the media if they are worried about bad practice. Norman Williams, president of the Royal College of Surgeons, told The Times that pressure to ignore problems and "coercive practices" are widespread. Others have mentioned a culture of fear and junior doctors, nurses and front line care providers know that if they go to the media to report serious concers that have been brushed aside by hospital and health trust managers their careers are at risk.
"There is no question from speaking to different fellows and members around the country that this is still going on," Williams said. "If you're getting pressure on you to do something that you feel uncomfortable with because it might affect patient care, and you succumb to it, then patients are going to suffer."
Sir Richard Thompson, president of the Royal College of Physicians, told the same newspaper that there is an "an NHS culture that actively discourages the raising of concerns internally", which has tended to "react with disproportionate hostility in the rare cases where clinicians have made their concerns known publicly".
The most senior National Health Service managers have come under pressure to treat whistleblowers better after the Francis Inquiry found that a culture of fear prevented doctors and nurses raising concerns about poor care at Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust. Many hundreds of complaints about poor standards of patient care were swept aside by self serving bureaucrats whose standard response was to engineer a costly cover up. As many as 1,200 premature deaths at the trust have been linked to bad practice but hundreds of complaints from patients and their families weere ignored. Staff employed at the hospital have admitted patients with serious conditions were regularly found in soiled sheets, unwashed, hungry and thirsty.
The Francis Inquiry ordered an end to gagging clauses, which pay off staff in return for a ban on speaking about their concerns. Gary Walker, former chief executive of United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust, recently broke his silence to allege that he was forced out of his job in 2010 because he put patient safety ahead of brureaucratic targets for discharging people imposed by the statistics obsessed Labour government .
The warnings from top doctors come as a charity, Public Concern at Work, launched an inquiry into how whistleblowers are treated.Carol Sergeant, chief executive of the charity, said whistleblowers can still be labelled "snitches" by the media and "discriminated against by their employers and fellow workers".
The panel of experts includes an NHS whistleblower, a former Court of Appeal judge, a trade union representatives and a Church of England dean.
No, Obama Is Not My Daddy – He’s My Employee
by Kurt Schlichter - Town hall
It seems some Americans commentators are becoming very irritated with The Emeror Obama's Imperial delusions.
Calorie content shown on food labels is misleading
Scientists say calorie content stated on food labelling is highly misleading and has for years ignored the energy content of fibre. So the stuff they say is healthy and we should be eating is actually not as good as the food fascists told us. Why are we not surprised?
Dieters and calorie counters, it turns out, have been unknowingly eating more calories than they thought in their muesli porridge or bran flakes.
The issue of misleading labelling came up yesterday at the annual conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Boston where Dr Geoffrey Livesey, a British nutritionist: said: ‘When people eat muesli, it is a healthy food but they are often putting on lots of weight.’
Regulators have known since the early 1990s that fibre had a calorie content, but stuck with the old system for assessing calories which said fibre is indigestible and so had a negligible calorific contribution in the same way as they stuck with the discretited Body Mass Index as an indicator of our body fat ration rather than simply a ratio of height to weight.
Traditionally, calorie content has been calculated using the general factor system, which only looked at the protein, fat and carbohydrate in a food item. Four calories were assigned for each gram of protein and carbohydrate, while each gram of fat added nine calories.
Dr Livesey said: ‘What the old system gave us is a very general calorific value, which is misleading.
'So consumers have been eating more calories than they thought, particularly if the food was high-fibre.’
One day scientists will get something right and millions of people will die of shock.
When Lefties Tell You They Are Liberals Look For The Nazi In The Closet
The left have always been quick to shout Nazi whenever a conservative or libertarian was getting the better of the argument. but socialism is the parent of fascism and the authoritarianism of modern liberals and 'proressives'is far closer to the politics of Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Mao Tse Tung than either Benjamin Disraeli or Margaret Thatcher ever were.
Americans Know Nothing Of Obama's Latest Vacation.
Some say Barack Obama has more vactions that the Catholic Church has saints. His latest, a mini vaction fort the President's Day weekend was a golfing trip to Florida tp play around (sorrym pla a round) with Tiger Woods. Wonder hom much appearance money Woods received for that?
Emperor Obama plans to bypass Congress to combat climate change
In his State of The Union address for 2013, President Barack Hussein Obama finally came out of the closet and announced that in order to save the planet from a non existent threat, climate change aka global warming he will have to bypass the democratic process and rule by decree. hail the Emperor Obama.
NHS whistleblower paid £500,000 to keep quiet over patient safety breaks silence to expose 'culture of fear'
by Dr. De Ath - health correspondent
An NHS whistleblower who claims he was paid £500,000 to stay stumm over his fears about patient safety has broken his silence to speak out about the “culture of fear” used by managers in the health service to ensure staff do not reveal cases of bureaucratic mismanagement that in many cases constitute criminal negligence.
Gary Walker, who was head of a hospital trust that is now being investigated over high death rates, claimed he raised concerns four years ago with NHS chief executive Sir David Nicholson. Mr Walker said he prioritised scarce resources on emergency care, resisting pressure to prioritize the Labour government's pernicious 'targets' by focusing on straightforward non-emergency treatments “whatever the demand”. He was chief executive at the United Lincolnshire Hospitals trust.
Mr. Walker claimed that on one occasion he was even ordered by a strategic health authority boss, now a senior NHS official, to take hospitals off “red alert” status – meaning that they were too full to take any more patients – because of a delicate budget meeting taking place at the time. The allegations prompted Stephen Dorrell, chairman of the Commons health select committee, to call for a new criminal offence to combat the “corrupt” practice of NHS employees being gagged from speaking out over patient safety. If only Mr. Dorrell could extend that to the whole public sector (including Parliament) which is corrupt and rotten to it's core.
Mr Walker was sacked from the Trust in February 2010. Officially, the reason for his dismissal was that he swore openly at meetings but his supporters claimed there was more to the charge. The trust is now being investigated over fears that as many as 500 patients may have died needlessly because of poor care.
Mr Walker told a newspaper that he warned Sir David in a three-page letter in 2009 that things were going badly wrong. Managers in the trust had been told their “careers rested on delivering the targets” and were neglecting patient care, he told the Daily Mail. He claimed Sir David was “not interested in patient safety” and should resign.
The NHS chief is already under pressure for presiding over the Mid Staffordshire scandal where failures in patient care that led to the deaths of up to 1,200 patients were laid bare in a damning report last week. He has resisted calls to quit.
Meanwhile Police were coming under increasing pressure to investigate an abnormally hight percentage of premature deaths at the Mid Staffordshire Hospital. Prosecutors must decide whether charges can be brought over the hundreds of deaths involved in the Mid Staffordshire scandal, a former director of public prosecutions said on Wednesday. Read full story on Mid Staffordshire HospitalRELATED POSTS:Health Authorities Now Admit Severe Side Effects Of Vaccines
A few years ago anybody who questioned vaccines, whether the notorious MMR jab, swine flu vaccine, the HPV jab or the government's plans to make vaccination compulsory by law was subjected to a witch hunt. Recently U.S. courts and courts in Europe have awareded multi million dollar / pound settlements to those damaged by the MMR vaccine. Now we learn that several governments have admitted vaccines can have very serious side effects.
High Ranking Paedophile Allowed To Investigate ... himself
On October 4, 2012, a hearing of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, chaired by New Jersey politician Chris Smith, took place in Washington, which hearing was announced by the committee as "Listening to Victims of Child Sex Trafficking" in the Netherlands. During the hearing, former Dutch Secretary-General of Justice, Joris Demmink, was exposed as a pedophile and child abuser. But it is interesting to delve a little and discover who exactly is behind the Dutch department of the Helsinki Committee?
Prior to the hearing (the full two hour video record here and full transcript here) the committee announced the event in a briefing as:
The sex trafficking and abuse of children is a crime that destroys the lives of the victims as well as the social fabric of society. The traffickers and abusers rely on their ability to frighten a child into silence or the reluctance of adults to listen when children speak. It is imperative that the justice system be ready to listen to allegations and to thoroughly investigate them.
The Helsinki Commission, in conjunction with the Victims' Rights Caucus, will hold a briefing on how justice systems can most effectively respond to domestic and international allegations of child trafficking. The briefing will include a current case study in the Netherlands, where a government official has been accused of domestic and international child sex trafficking. Dutch authorities conducted a preliminary investigation, but many have found it grossly unsatisfactory as Dutch authorities interviewed only one of three victims and none of the available witnesses or facilitators of the alleged crime was interviewed.
For more on the case study, please view the following video.
The following people are scheduled to serve on the panel:
Adèle van der Plas, Attorney for domestic and international child victims of sex trafficking, Bakker Schut & Van der Plas
Klaas Langendoen, Private Investigator, Former Chief of the Criminal Intelligence Service, Netherland
Survivor of child trafficking in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Samantha Vardaman, Senior Director for Shared Hope International
Visiting the website of the Netherlands Helsinki Commission (NHC) however led to a remarkable discovery. As can be read at the About Us page of the website, one of the members of executive committee of the NHC is no other than the known Dutch pedophile, Joris Demmink himself...
In the video below a spokesperson of Dutch activist group We Are Change Rotterdam asks Latvian Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Nils Muižnieks, the question: "What if we find out that local Dutch authorities are involved in these crimes? [pedophilia and child abuse] Can they subsequently only be discussed in a far-away country like the United States?" Mr. Muižnieks indicates he has no knowledge of the Joris Demmink case and suggests to ask the NHC about the issue directly.
Nothing has yet hit mainstream media news channels and publications about the Zandvoort Dossier with almost 90.000 victims. Found in 1998 by the Belgian activist Marcel Vervloesem and his Werkgroep Morkhoven the dossier provides details of people who have come forward and talked on their experiences. The 90,000 'registered victims' are probably the tip of an iceberg with the mass of victims living damaged but invisible lives. The habitual it seems cover up of sex abuse cases involving celebrities and high ranking officials, if exposed in full, looks set to make the cases that embarrassed the Roman Catholic Church look trivial by comparison.
The problem is not confined to The Netherlands and Britain where the scandal that erupted when the paedophile activities of the TV Presenter, late Jimmy Savile came to light but has now spread to involve other celebrities, government officials, high ranking police officers and members of the legal profession and senior managers in the state broadcaster, the BBC. Several paedophile The participation of many prominent figures who with international connections suggests the net could spread worldwide. We must all work to expose the cover ups and call to account those who abuse the privilege that powerful patrons have bestowed on them.
Forget all the politicians' blether about bringing freedom and democracy to the tyrannies of the third world, it's time we brought democracy, in the shape of majority rule, back to the west by publishing the truth. We have the tool to do it in the internet. No wonder that neo Nazi shit Barack Hussein Obama is planning to hijack the web. It will come as a terrible shock to him to learn America does not own it.
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Big Brother Takes Over From Uncle Sam: A Surveillance System For A New World Order
Big Brother takes over from Uncle Sam: A Single Intelligence Network for a New World Order
Source - by Wayne Madsen
While budgets are being slashed by governments around the world, national intelligence agencies are not only flush with money but they are increasingly networking their resources against the «threat». What is the threat? It is whatever national leaders and their governments deem it to be. One day it is «Al Qaeda», the next day it is Iran, then North Korea, then global narco-terrorists, and so on and so on…
Just as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is becoming a global military past without a distinct enemy, the Central Intelligence Agency, Britain’s MI-6, and other intelligence agencies are increasingly pooling their intelligence and networking their information-sharing networks. To what purpose would such citadels of secrecy wish to cooperate? The answer is simple. In a world of the tiny minority «haves» and the super-majority «have nots», the intelligence agencies, like national armed forces, believe there is safety in numbers. In a conflict between the minority super-wealthy and the rest of society, intelligence agencies are increasingly protecting the interests of corporations and not countries. Intelligence agencies, therefore, have decided to become a global «Panopticon» where no one can hide and no secrets are held.
For many years, attempts to create a worldwide database of personal data, beginning with basic criminal information, were forestalled by the fact that the chief promoter of such a combined on-line repository of information, the United States, lacked a government department akin to other nations’ Interior Ministries that would be natural partners of the Americans. The American Interior Department had nothing to do with internal security because it had jurisdiction over such areas as federal lands and national parks. The aftermath of the 9/11 attack on the United States created the impetus for the creation of global communication networks and data warehouses for use by intelligence agencies in the new Department of Homeland Security, America’s version of the Interior Ministry.
The Homeland Security Department, National Security Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, and Federal Bureau of Investigation now represent a massive governmental data gathering behemoth that is building on traditional and new relationships with foreign intelligence and national security agencies to build a network of shared databases. However, the network is a one-way street. The Americans want to draw the world’s intelligence into its own databases while only allowing its partners, including longtime intelligence allies like Britain and Canada to have access to only a small portion of what America is amassing in terms of surveillance and stored personal data.
In 2012, the European Union and United States agreed to allow the Americans to store for up to fifteen years Passenger Name Records (PNRs) on every European Union citizen who flies. Although there are supposed «safeguards» to prevent the exploitation of the data, attempts by some member so the European Parliament to take the agreement before the European Court of Justice were scuttled by the Eurocrats in Brussels. PNR data, like national identification numbers, are keys that unlock countless files on individuals. PNR data on a passenger’s religious dietary choices identifies a person’s religious beliefs. That information may open up additional links to databases containing details of an individual’s ethic group, health condition, and sexual orientation. Further refinement of personally-identifiable information can open up an individual’s phone and e-mail records.
Currently, the National Security Agency is building the Utah Data Center on a National Guard base in Bluffdale, Utah a massive data storage center that is the size of 17 football fields. The center will contain stored communications records as well as transactional data, including financial, travel, and medical information, on perhaps billions of people around the world. The center is designed to store a yottabyte of data – equivalent to 500 quintillion (500,000,000,000,000,000,000) pages of text.
The data will range from that derived from relatively open sources to «deep data». Deep data is that which is obtained through sophisticated computer espionage programs, including those that crack passwords, encryption schemes, and data hidden by pixel steganography and other sophisticated methods. Microsoft is a «silent partner» of NSA in collecting massive amounts of stored data from clouds and from interactive networks like Skype. Microsoft took over control of Skype in 2011 and it is believed by many privacy experts that the firm routinely shares customer data with the NSA and other intelligence and security agencies.
The location of the NSA data center in the heavily Mormon state of Utah is also problematic. The Mormons, or Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, maintains the world’s largest genealogical databases owing to their affectation for baptizing the dead, even non-Mormons. The records are maintained in a granite mountain 20 miles southeast of Salt Lake City. Five billion documents on microfiche and in computer databases are held in the nuclear blast-proof mountain facility.
Combine the Mormon geological records collected from every nation on the planet with the transactional data maintained by the NSA in nearby Bluffdale, and the world’s «all seeing eye» or computerized Panopticon not only knows every detail about living individuals but an immense amount of information about their deceased ancestors. That is the sort of information craved by despotic leaders.
The Dutch rapporteur for the EU-US PNR agreement, which has also been expanded to include Australia and Canada, was Sophie in’t Veld of the Democrats 66 Party. She withdrew her sponsorship of the PNR agreement because of misgivings over the privacy controls afforded the data. Ms. in’t Veld has been subjected to extra security screening every time she visits the United States and U.S. authorities have refused to tell her why.
In the future, the massive international connected spy grid will make similar decisions with or without the intervention of a human being. Individuals will find themselves under arrest based on artificial intelligence analysis of databases. In some jurisdictions, people have been targeted for surveillance and arrest based on a belief by law enforcement that they may commit a crime. The storage of massive amounts of personal data will make such «pre-crime» enforcement a common occurrence.
And, if the past is any indication, the collection of data by the United States will be a one-way street with «second party» intelligence allies like Britain, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand; «third party» friends like Germany, Denmark, Norway, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Greece, and the Netherlands; and «fourth party» partners like Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Singapore, France, Finland, India, Taiwan, Ireland, Spain, Italy, and Hungary receiving smaller amounts of the intelligence «take» from the huge data repositories. In the 1980s, an internal NSA document likened the sharing of small amounts of signals intelligence intercepts with Third Party partners, in return for base rights, to the European colonialists giving Native American tribes «wampum», usually cheap beads, as gifts in return for plundering tribal lands.
In addition to Microsoft, it is believed that the NSA will be fed data from massive commercial data centers, including the Apple iDataCenter in North Carolina, the EBay data center also in Utah, as well as Microsoft’s massive data center in San Antonio, Texas, which is located close to another NSA intelligence-gathering facility called NSA Texas.
Geo-spatial analysis programs linked to NSA databases will ensure that the location of individuals who leave an electronic fingerprint through the use of a mobile phone, a credit card, a chipped passport, or any item with a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip will be immediately known to intelligence and police agencies. There will be nowhere in the world to hide indefinitely.
What has been called the «Brave New World», «1984», and «New World Order» is longer speculative, it is a reality. Big Brother exists in Utah and he is spying on every single person on the planet.
It's all so predictable really. No sooner was the ink dry on Pope Benedict's resignation letter than the lefties politically correct lefties of the Anglosphere were screaming that the next Pope must be black (political correctness is a phenomenon unknown outside the English speaking nations.) Why not? And while we're at it, the next King or Queen of England should be black and also the next Emperor of Japan, President of Russia and Chief of the chuffing Eskimos.
PR isn’t really modern Catholicism's strong point however which could save the lefties from the most embarrassing exposure of their collective stupidity ever. Pity really, the religion of Political Correctness poses a far greater threat to civilisation that any Crusades, Jihads or Evangelical revivals.
In a few weeks time they’re going to establish a new Papal Conclave. If the leaders of the Catholic Church have any sense they will dispense with the usual secrecy and mysticism and ask Simon Cowell to organise the process. With Graham Norton presenting the televised voting rounds - though all things considered perhaps Graham would not be the best front man. Pity they feel so strongly about homosexuals, I love to see the Cardinals being put in 'The Red Chair.'
Technically the selection of a Pope is supposedly a reflection of God’s will. Given that last time they picked a guy who had been in the Hitler Youth perhaps God needs a good PR man too. Catholicism needs a game changer rather than a gesture Pope. The leftie Black Pope lobby are saying in effect “It’s an anachronistic, reactionary religion and … oh a black Pope will change all that at a stroke (of an altar boy?)”
A Black Pope could turn out to be the left's worst nightmare. Catholicism is a conservative religion, African tribal societies are deeply conservative because that is the nature of tribal societies. So a Black Pope could bring a double dose of homophobic, sexist, condom hating conservatism to his chair as head of the world's billion Roman Catholics.
Bookies Paddy Power are quoting odds already. Cardinal Marc Ouellet of Canada at 3-1 and Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana at 7-2, (with Richard Dawkins a rank outsider at 666/1).
If the Black Pope lobby got their way, Turkson would be home and hosed now. but if he did get the job it could sink the left's negrophilia forever. A black Pope is the liberal establishments worst nightmare. I remember left wing feminists in Britain screaming for a woman Prime Minister. Then they got Margaret Thatcher, still spiritual leader of global laissez faire conservatism.
If moral relativism is the Left’s Achilles heel, then racial moral relativism is the Left’s broken spine. Dine out in north London, and you find yourself tripping over veterans of the protests against Apartheid in South Africa. Seek out veterans of the protests against the Mugabe regime or protests against punishment beatings and stonings of homosexuals in Uganda and executions in Malawi, and you’ll be disappointed.
Pope Turkson would mess with the Left’s head. A Ghanian becomes the most influential black man on the planet (far more influential than Barack Obama) HOORAY!. But he also rejects the use of condoms to fight the spread of HIV BOO!. He’s a fierce critic of global capitalism, and a strong advocate of banking reform HOORAY!. But he’s also dismissed African homophobia as “commensurate with tradition” BOO!. Asking lefties what they thought of him would be like putting the proverbial idiot on a circular room and asking him to piss in a corner.
Even if the liberal intelligentsia, the chatterati, overcome their fear of being thought racist and fight it, they cannot influence the outcome and as the election of Pope Benedict showed the Catholic Church is not influenced by the squawking of outraged lefties in Britain, New York and California. If Turkson’s Papacy comes to pass, when it is revealed what kind of Roman Catholic lies beneath his sacramental skin tone the left will have to eat their words. Words like these: “The young tearaway who’s in the running to be the next Pope” The Independent’s 2010 billing of the “handsome, modest and very intelligent” Turkson back in 2010. “A renowned champion of the poor and marginalised” was the description on the Left Foot Forward web site which was down when I tried to get the link to the article.
RELATED POSTS: Barack Hussein Obama's Cairo Promise To Islamic Jihadists
So whose side is allegedly Muslim Barack Obama on in the cultural conflict between Islam and secular Christianity? Not yours unless you pray to Mecca.
State Of The Bizarro World Union and Obama's Shaky grip On Reality
Barack Obama has never really had a firm grip on reality. From the fairy tale fantasy view of Africa in his book Dreams From My Father to the socialist pipe dreams he referred to in the 2004 speech that propelled him into the public eye, it was obvious his political philosophy had more to do which what he inhaled from his bong than what he absorbed from serious reading and empirical experience.
Last night's State Of The Union address, The U S President's annoual review of where America is and what direction it is going in should have proved to anyone who still had doubts that President Barack Hussein Obama is stark raving bonkers.
The State Of Our Union Rendered In A fractured Bizzaro Lens
by Bryan Preston, via Pajamas Media
The hugely unpopular system of only collecting rubbish once every two weeks, which results in rubbish strewn streets, plagues of vermin and town centres that in warm weather stink like medieval middens will continue to be the norm because as long as government can be blamed for the greed and incompetence of those self seving lefties and local authority empire builders actually responsible for keeping our environment acceptably clean, such things will continue to be a power wank for bureaucrats and pen pushers.
No return for weekly bin collections despite £250m Government fund
The weekly visit of the bin wagon will not be returning as a regular feature of British life despite the Government's £250 million fund to encourage more frequent rubbish collections, a House of Commons research paper has concluded.
Eric Pickles, the Local Government Secretary, has tried to encourage local councils to reinstate weekly black bag collections by offering them cash incentives for more frequent rounds. Around 85 councils successfully applied for the money. However, an advisory document for MPs found councils are unlikely to return to traditional waste collection systems in future.
"While little specific information is known about the bids that will be funded by the scheme, it appears as though it will not lead to the widespread reinstating of weekly bin collections where they have been replaced by alternate weekly collection," the paper says. Instead it appears to support existing weekly collections alongside various enhancements to recycling services such as food waste collections and recycling reward schemes.
It said there is little specific information about the successful bids for "commercial reasons" but the evidence suggests councils operating fortnightly collections will not be returning to weekly ones. No doubt the extra money that would have to be spent onkeeping places clean and hygienic would make it necessary to curtail bonuses, perks and jollies for Town Hall officials and public service union representatives.
The research paper also finds studies show there is little health risk associated with fortnightly bin collections. It said about 14 per cent of people find there is a "serious" problem with odour. This could easily be alleviated with weekly collections of type of waste prone to decay.
Mr Pickles once said it is a "basic right" for people to put a chicken tikka masala in their bin without having to wait a fortnight for it to be collected. But in an interview last week the minister appeared to acknowledge that local people will have to pursue the fight for more frequent collection themselves.
He said the Government has halted the rise of fortnightly collections and communities will now have to take up the baton.
"After a decade and a half of fortnightly collections, I’ve removed the push for them," he said. "Now it’s up to people to campaign their councils. He said there was no "plausible reason" why some councils insist on fortnightly collections. Well perhaps not Eric, but have you looked at how much of the money allocated for waste collection goes on kickbacks to corrupt town hall officials, sweetners for union reps and the aforementioned poerks and jollies.
We Have Much To learn from Traditional Societies says author of The World Until Yesterday
Jared Diamond, author of The World Until Yesterday, a book which provides a mesmerizing firsthand picture of the human past as it had been for millions of years—a past that has mostly vanished—and considers what the differences between that past and our present mean for our lives today. In The World Until Yesterday, the author draws extensively on his decades of field work in the Pacific islands, as well as evidence from Inuit, Amazonian Indians, Kalahari San people, and others societies whose way of life has changed little in thousands of years. Diamond doesn’t romanticize traditional societies—after all, we are shocked by some of their practices—but he finds that their solutions to universal human problems such as child rearing, elder care, dispute resolution, risk, and physical fitness have much to teach us in our societies in which the frenetic pace of forced change is imposing intolerable social stresses on human beings.
Most of us take for granted the features of our modern society, from air travel and telecommunications to literacy and obesity. Yet for nearly all of its six million years of existence (?), human society had none of these things. While the gulf that divides us from our primitive ancestors may seem unbridgeably wide, we can glimpse much of our former lifestyle in the mores and habits of tribal societies still or until recently in existence. Video taken among New Guinea Highlanders remind us that it was only yesterday — in evolutionary time — when everything changed and that we moderns still possess minds, bodies and social practices often better adapted to traditional than to modern conditions.
Big Brother Is Coming To Obama's Surveillance State.
Barack Obama's administration in the USA are planning that during his second term in office a total surveillance and data logging system will be created that is so aggressive it will effectively turn the USA into a prison state.
Sex Selection Abortions: One Law For Brits One For Foreigners
Some time ago The Daily Stirrer caused uproar on one of the American sites where our blogs feature by reporting an investigation into sex selection abortions being performed in the UK for people of certain ethinic and religious groups. As we hoped, the fascists who across the pond style themselves liberal because they are not honest enought to admit they hate the idea of democracy and msjority rule, went apeshit.
Trying to ban abotion and force women into medieval servitude they raged, accusing us of being right wing nut jobs, young earth creationists and much worse.
Well all the Daily Stirrer's writers think it is essential abortions should be available and believe the current limit oif 24 weeks unless the life or long term wellbeing of the mother is a risk has got it about right. What we were asking was how, in a supposed democracy, we can allow certain ethnic and religious groups to flout the law. SAME RULES APPLY is one of the fundamental principles of democracy.
American 'liberasls', the emotionally crippled Obama felchers whose yearning for authoritarian government would embarrass Adolf Hitler, are utterly besotted with abortion. They think abortion should be available right up to the moment the umbilical cord is cut. And when I ask, "Why stop there, why not make it available up to 974 weeks into pregnancy, they don't get the joke.
So here, for the benefit of thos American 'liberals' is the conclusion of that story. Anybody who does not see the problem with what is going on obviously approves of the Chinese use of dying rooms to help out parents under the one child policy whose firstborn is not a boy. For all their screaming about womens' rights these chuffing hypocrites will support femicide before they will tell foreigners, "Our country, our rules." Chuffing hypocrites.
Here's the conclusion of that story:
The Government was this month urged to open an inquiry after officials investigating allegations of sex selection abortions found signs that birth rates for girls and boys vary noticeably according to where their mothers were born.
Earl Howe, a health minister, said that these differences in rates of male and female births among mothers of certain nationalities “falls outside the range considered possible without intervention”.
It formed the first official statistical evidence potentially backing up concerns that sex-selection abortions are being carried out in Britain.
MPs have called for doctors to be forced to record the sex of aborted foetuses in a bid to tackle any illegal activity.
In an answer to a parliamentary question from Lord Alton of Liverpool, a crossbench peer who campaigns against abortion, Earl Howe suggested that new measures to record the sex of aborted foetuses could not be put in place because it would require the introduction of “new laboratory tests”.
Lord Alton said that the cost of collecting data “pales into insignificance” if babies are losing their lives because of illegal terminations. “The Department of Health is hiding behind flimsy arguments,” he said. “The collecting of data need cause no individual distress and is crucial in establishing how widespread this practice has become. What should cause real distress is that baby girls are being aborted merely because they are the wrong gender. Our indifference costs those girls their lives. The cost of collecting data pales into insignificance by comparison.”
Andrew Lansley, the former health secretary, last year criticised the “illegal and morally wrong” practice following a Daily Telegraph investigation into the issue.
After the newspaper received information that the procedures were becoming increasingly common for cultural and social reasons, undercover reporters filmed doctors offering women terminations based on gender. As a result of the investigation, the Crown Prosecution Service is considering criminal charges against doctors in three cases.
Left wing pro - choice nuts and feminist fans of abortion protested that any curtailment of these sex selection abortions was violating 'a woman's right to choose'. Do they really think a woman who is told, "Lose the girl child or I'll divorce you,' is exercising a right to choose? What horrible people they truly are.
The practice of aborting unborn babies on the basis of sex has long been considered a problem in areas of the Indian sub - continent and China, where boys are sometimes considered favourable for cultural or economic reasons.
Fiona Bruce, the Conservative MP for Congleton, has tabled an early day motion which calls on the Department of Health to ensure the data of aborted foetuses is reported “so that statistical evidence of crime cannot be hidden”.
It has been signed by 46 MPs from all three main parties.
In 2010 there were 189,574 terminations in England and Wales, an eight per cent increase in the past decade.
Obama Extends U.S. Government Powers To Use Drone Strikes Against American Citizens
by Col. Lee Enfield,
What are the rules when it comes to a democratic government using drone strikes to attack its own citizens? According to a U.S. Department of Justice memo that has fallen in to the lap of NBC news, the Obama administration is doing its best to bypass congress and give itself powers to use drones against their own citizens. The issue hinges on the unfortunate tendency of drone strikes to take out innocent bystanders. If those innocent bystanders happen to be US citizens and they are killed by government agents sans due process certain members of the administration could find themselves on death row.
What the as ministration needs to do, following in the footsteps of tyrants since the dawn of time, is put themselves above the law. The standard justification for this is 'national security' and that is the card Obama is playing. Read more below ...
Global Warming CAGWARTs on the warpath again
Eric Hunt
Since that jug eared streak of piss in The White House used his re-inaugural speech to declare war on climate change (what's ho going to do, hit it with drone strikes?) The CAGWARTS (Carbon Anthropogenic Global Warming Alternative Reality Trolls) have regrouped and are on the march again, repeating lies that were discredited long ago in an effort to prove the effectiveness of Josef Goebbels old Nazi propaganda technique, tell at lie big enough and repeat it often enough and it will become the truth.
Responding to an article headlined:
NASA Climate Research: Human CO2 Has Little Impact On Long-Term Climate Change staff writer Lori F says:
Well not exactly. In January of 2013, a group of 20 “Apollo era NASA retirees” has put together a rudimentary climate “report” and issued a press release declaring that they have decided human-caused global warming is not “settled” and is nothing to worry about. This time around they have not listed the 20 individuals who contributed to this project, but have simply described the group as being:
“…comprised of renowned space scientists with formal educational and decades career involvement in engineering, physics, chemistry, astrophysics, geophysics, geology and meteorology. Many of these scientists have Ph.Ds.”
The project seems to be headed by H. Leighton Steward, a 77-year-old former oil and gas executive. The press release also links the NASA group to his website, “co2isgreen”, which also has an extensive history of receiving fossil fuel industry funding.
This story can be summed up very simply: a group of retired NASA scientists with no climate science research experience listened to a few climate scientists and a few fossil fuel-funded contrarian scientists, read a few climate blogs, asked a few relatively simple questions, decided that those questions cannot be answered (though we will answer them in this post), put together a very rudimentary report, and now expect people to listen to them because they used to work at NASA. It’s purely an appeal to authority, except that the participants have no authority or expertise in climate science
Ever anxious to present a balanced view of every issue the Daily Stirrer replied:
Aren't your comments a tad agesist Laurie, you suggest people cannot be right because they are over 70?
But actually it's the report linked below sceptics usually refer to, nothing to do with 77 year old retirees although it is interesting to note that in common with other alarmist bigots you suggest age alone is a bar on such people as you refer to being right. You also claim to have read the NASA web site but only found one document there. There are actually hundreds. Like this one:
However, if you actually READ the document put together by the ex NASA guys instead of believing what the leader of the gather Branch Davidian tells you it says, you will find it is logical, balanced and well presented and not in any way similar to the regurgitated lies you have gobbled down like a baby vulture.
You might also care to read these comments from NASA administrator Michael Griffin. Again these do not back my view but present a level headed and balanced view of a senior NASA official.
Now I'm sure the branch Davidian guys will try to suggest Griffin has retracted these comments since. (They're so predictable) What he actually said was he regretted the comments (very different to a retraction). His regret was because his comments were interpreted by extremist groups in the USA as implying that climate change was not happening. None of us sceptics here at gather have ever claimed that, all we want to discuss without infantile interruptions is that the science is not and never was settled, the medieval warm period did happen and was fraudulently covered up and the mathematical models the global warming predictions were based on have been proved to be fatally flawed.
and here's a page full of facts. No doubt the leader of the gather Branch Davidian will dismiss it because it is 'only a blog' like you irrationally dismiss the 70+ guys because they are old. But it is, is it not, irrational to dismiss something because it is on a web site. The fact that information is not a web site does nor prove it is incorrect. Remember, all the data the Branch Davidian lunatic brings us is from websites and blogs (usually his own websites and blogs).
Now, while on that globalwarminglies site, if you click on the link to CO2Science and look around you will find a list of names of 1140 climate scientists from over 600 organizations who have challenged the AGW fraud, in particular the denial of the Medieval Warm Period. If I were you Lori, I'd be careful who I called a 'denier'.
BTW I don't doubt that you have 2 uncles who work at the Kennedy Centre. I also don't doubt that the Kennedy centre employs guys to push brooms, carry boxes and take out the garbage.
Now let's wait for the leader of gather's Branch Davidian to come along and try to discredit all these links with his usual mix of lies, distortions and misrepresentations. Like I said he's utterly predictable.
(See what I did there? I dared him to show his face and get made to look an idiot AGAIN.)
It’s make-or-break time for education
Xavier Connolly
Sometimes it is enlightening to get a view of the world from outside our cossetted existence in the prosperous nations of the anglosphere, Japan and Europe.
The day is rapidly approaching when we must decide what we want from our schools, bright, self - confident, curious young people, or an elite of highy intelligent, highly focused, semi - autistic nerds and an army of unthinking automatons, the Epsilon semi morons of Aldous Huxley's brave New World.
I came across a link on a few of days ago. It captures very well the state of education in many countries, where government schools providing free education are inadequate and quality of education is extremely poor.
In India, where the writer is based, the government is going berserk to enroll children in schools, push for ever improving examination pass rates and entry into higher education institutes. This has resulted, the article said, in quality suffering badly. According to the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2012 published by Pratham, a non-government organization. The university enrollment rate has risen but so has the dropout rate. Over 75.2% of all children enrolled in Standard 5 in government schools could not do simple division problems.
And you thought it was just Britain or the USA (80% of my traffic is from those nations)where dumbing down is at the heart of education policy?
Really the focus is on the wrong end of the education system. People do not need a university degree to be a box schlepper or burger flipper but they do need basic literacy and numeracy skills and a cultural grounding to train for a practical trade, work in an office or shop or get a job in the service industries.
Primary education is vital for the inclusive economic well being of a country, and for the individual. If you haven’t got primary education because there were no schools or you went to a school that was more interested in teaching diversity awareness or civil rights studies you don’t have an initial platform to stand on. Primary education is the chief source of social mobility but it is increasingly inaccessible to astonishingly large proportion of the poor.
Education, one of the basic rights of an individual according to international law, has become a distant dream for many; “quality education” has become a niche product accessible only for an affluent elite. This has resulted in an extremely high skill deficit and the ridiculous stuation of nations like britain, Frane, USA and Canada having to import skilled labour, plumbers, electricians, engineering machine operators and so on, from developing nations, creating social malaise both in the developed nation that must support a growing pool of unemployed social science, media studies and graphic design graduates and the poor country that sees it's economic future heading for the west.
The OECD projects that India will produce 24 million graduates by the end of this decade, however:
"... an earlier survey by the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) found that only 39.5% of all graduates in India were viewed as employable
only 10% of graduates from business schools in India manage to get hired ..."
A study by Aspiring Minds showed that India produces more than 500,000 engineering graduates a year, but barely 3% of an assessed 55,000 graduates were viewed as ready to be employed without extra training.
The problem is not just in India or developing countries; Harvard Business Review estimates that by 2020, the worldwide shortage of highly skilled, college-educated workers could reach 40 million.. “Even America is neither producing enough college graduates to sustain a robust workforce, nor fulfilling its national promise of economic opportunity for all,” writes Daniel Greenstein.
There are more young people in the world now than ever before, and most of them are concentrated in developing countries. The world only need so many 'science' graduates, the focus in education needs to switch to quality of basic education and skills training for youth that can lead to meaningful employment.
Two major steps are required:
Within the next decade all children in developed and developing nations should complete primary and lower secondary education which enables them to meet measurable learning standards and acquire relevant skills so they may become responsible, productive members of society.
Governments should conduct a skills survey and create a detailed estimate of the skills they require. Based on these needs, they should reconstruct education system to meet the needs of society and not the needs of academic and bureaucratic empire builders.
Public-private partnerships and participation of youth in policy decisions regarding education and skills development, the mantras of the left, are politically correct bollocks and should be forgotten. I totally disagree with education 'expert' Pauline Rose who writes that “Education needs its Bill Gates” As my title states "Education is about quality not quantity" and when academic elitists start eulogising people like Gates we should remind them that Microsoft was the corporation that made 'not Fit For Purpose' an acceptable level of quality for goods sold. Other lefties plead education needs funds and equality. Well so long as equality means equality of opportunity and not affirmative action to award qualifications on the basis of ethnicity, sexual orientation and home background, fine.
As for funds, I think of the intelligence to be found among people of my parents generation, those born between World War 1 and world War 2. Many of them left school at 14 or 15, having studied in poorly equipped classrooms with few trendy, politically correct teaching aids and often a shortage of text books, few went on to attend university, yet it was their generation that gave us the great advances in health, technology, living standards and workplace conditions. A look at the wold now, with its emphasis on examination statistics, targets and league tables for school results, and it's output of semi - literate idiots suggests the more we spend on education the less education pupils get.
Another Scientific Cockup Due To Confusion Of Mathematics Wirh Reality
by Xavier Connolly
What Is Really Killing Town Centres And Jobs
It is very easy to blame the internet for the decay of our town centres. As high streets and shopping malls appear to have more shops boarded up and bankrupt than are open for business, blaming the internet alone is too easy. The digital revolution must take some of the blame for stubbornly high jobless statistics too, but the whole picture is far more complex.
Leading British banks, their credibility rocked by previous mis - selling and 'toxic debt trading' scandals could be facing a new crisis that threatens to land compensation claims running into billions of pounds on their toes. The latest mis-selling scandal to hit the industry has been prompted by the city regulator, the Financial Services Authority, investigating interest rate swaps, a complex financial product which was supposed to protect businesses against rising interest rates.
Instead, they left many customers in financial difficulties with heavy debts accruinf from the products. The FSA has revealed that more than 90% of interest rate swaps were possibly mis-sold to small businesses.
On Wednesday it was revealed that the City regulator had set out a revised framework for small business enterprises (SMEs) to pursue possible redress. The swaps were traditional variable rate loans combined with complex interest rate movement bets that were sold on by banks' investment divisions for massive profits.
The unregulated swaps were promoted as a type of insurance at "no cost" to shield small businesses against adverse interest rate changes, but subsequently became major liabilities.
The FSA said a significant proportion of the 173 cases examined were likely to result in redress being due to the customer. The potential scale and cost of the new scandal comes in the wake of mis-selling of payment protection insurance - known as PPI - to homeowners and people who took out personal loans.
Banks have faced a payout totalling more than £10bn over the PPI scandal as thousands of cutomer's claims werre approved by the relulator.
It is thought that as many as 40,000 of the interest rate swaps could have been mis-sold to small businesses since the end of 2001 after the FSA highlighted "serious failings" in the sale of interest rate swaps as long ago as last summer. The FSA announced that the UK's four big banks - Barclays (LSE: BARC.L - news) , HSBC (LSE: HSBA.L - news) , Lloyds and Royal Bank of Scotland (LSE: RBS.L - news) - have agreed to start work on reviewing individual sales and providing compensation.
The FSA has also been reviewing sales of swaps by Allied Irish Bank, Bank of Ireland (OTC BB: IRLD - news) , Clydesdale and Yorkshire banks, the Co-Operative Bank, and Santander UK and has now released new guidelines for banks to differentiate between sophisticated firms that knew what they were buying and small firms which did not understand the products.
RELATED POSTS:Banks Face New Mis Selling Scandal - Sky News
Big Government and Big Green Versus Big Koch
For those who don't know Big Koch, the green wing of the Obamessiah cult in the USA have dubbed a couple of reclusive billionare, the Koch Brothers as the funding source and driving force behind those diverse groups and independent analysts who have worked tirelessly and without financial reward to expose the bogus science and blatant statistical fraud that underpins the whole Anthorpogenic Global Warming scare.
The Green Gnomes constantly yell (with no evidence to suppot their claims) about the millions of dollars Big Koch have stuck into the campaign to discredit climate science but never waqnt toii talk about the billions Big Government have put into syntesizing a case that relies on mathematical models and totally ignores reality.
Every piece of empirical evidence that shows the claims of the Scienceologists is dismissed by Big Green's Fast Action Respone Teams as perniciously biased propagandising of evil climate change deniers probably in the pay of Big Oil, Big Carbon, Big Koch and their hirelings. Every serious scientist in the world supports the CAGWARTs*, they scream. Is that so?
Let's have a look at a letter written by the latest convert from the world of 'respected' scientists to the anti-wind cause. Here is what one of the leading figures in the environmental movement wrote to Torridge district council objecting to plans to erect an 84 metre turbine at Witherdon Wood in one of the loveliest parts of North Devon.
"I am James Lovelock, scientist and author, known as the originator of Gaia theory, a view of the Earth that sees it as a self-regulating entity that keeps the surface environment always fit for life… I am an environmentalist and founder member of the Greens but I bow my head in shame at the thought that our original good intentions should have been so misunderstood and misapplied. We never intended a fundamentalist Green movement that rejected all energy sources other than renewable, nor did we expect the Greens to cast aside our priceless ecological heritage because of their failure to understand that the needs of the Earth are not separable from human needs. We need take care that the spinning windmills do not become like the statues on Easter Island, monuments of a failed civilisation."
A failed civilisation? But if we go with the greens, shut down the oil and coal extraction industries and powrer stations that rely of fossil fuel for the energy to generate electricity surely we will leave our mortal selves behind and ascend to the green light.
Maybe, but that's probably what the Aztecs, Maya, people of the Indus Valley civilsation, the guys who built Great Zimbabwe, the Phoenicians, the Atlanteans and a host of other extinct civilisations thought.
Crippling Fuel Prices Caused by Tax Increases Over The Past Ten Years
by Phil T Looker
The crippling price of transport and
Let's have a little preview to get your interest:
'One thing,' says the German Foreign Minister, 'is not negotiable from Germany’s point of view. For us the European Union is far more than just a single market; it is a community united for peace and the shaping of our common destiny. It was this political core that the Nobel committee paid tribute to when it awarded us the Peace Prize and that we celebrated together with France last week. At the end of the day, it was this political core that held the eurozone together through its biggest crisis, thus proving wrong the many sceptics who took a narrow cost-benefit view of the EU.'
An asdmission then that the aim which is stted on a plaque in the lobby of the EU's administrative centre, is that the member nations will cease to be independent sovereign states and will become part of a federal superstate called ... ... ... ... Germany. Now read Euro MP Dan Hannan on the topic.
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Are Governments And Corporations Using Bad Science To Rob Us?
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Inflation The Big Threat To Recovery
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Food Price Inflation Rip OffWe therefore focus on economic matters, prices and inflation, jobs and ... fascism, politics, politically correct thinking, junk science or tax eaters ...
The simple rule all politicians, expert advisers and economists need to get their heads round.
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Death Of The Eurozone Foreseen By Economic Oracle
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A Door - to - door salesman came over the hill, la-di-do-da-di-day-di
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Anti Austerity Protests Bring European Capitals To A Standstill
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Government Powerless Against a New Wvve Of Immigration
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Europes Authoritarian Bureaucrats Spark Nazi Revival In Greece
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There is a lot of talk about 'The New World Order' mostly tongue in chek on this site we must say. But that does not mean there is nothing to be concerned about in the emergence of a global elite and their agenda for establishing a world government with integrated finance, energy, industrial and agricultural policies and global law and taxes ...
Sugary Drinks Tax To Pay For School Meals Healthy Options
Sugary drinks should be taxed at up to 20p a litre, say health campaigners – with the proceeds helping to pay for free school meals.
Picking up on an idea first floated during the era of the Neo Fascist New Labour government, food and farming charity Sustain said the Government could raise £1bn a year from a tax on sugary drinks, while also saving lives by cutting excessive consumption of unhealthy substances.
As if to demonstrate that fascism is alive and well in the public and charity sector the report has been backed by more than 60 organisations, including the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, Friends of the Earth, the National Heart Forum and the Royal Society for Public Health.
Diet-related illness is now costing the NHS £6bn every year, the report said although these statistics have been exposed as deeply flawed and in the case of many 'scientific' studies, blatantly fabricated.
Sustain urged Chancellor George Osborne to introduce the duty in the Budget on March 20 and to channel most of the cash raised into a Children's Future Fund for programmes to improve children's health. Money could be spent on campaigns to encourage youngsters to eat more fruit and vegetables, the report said. Erm, didn't that fat tongued twat Jsmie Oliver try bullying kids into eating more fruit and veg? And weren't the results disastrous. I seem to remember reports of kids digging tunnels, disguising themselves as binmen and doing allsorts to escape from school and get to the chip shop or kebab van at lunchtime.
Sustain's campaigns manager, Charlie Powell, said: "Sugar-laden drinks are mini-health time bombs, contributing to dental diseases, obesity and a host of life-threatening illnesses which cost the NHS billions each year. "We are delighted that so many organisations want to challenge the Government to show it has a public health backbone by including a sugary drinks duty in Budget 2013. It's a simple and easy-to-understand measure which will help save lives by reducing sugar in our diets and raising much-needed money to protect children's health."
Ummm - anything to substantiate that £billions a year claim Charlie, or was it, like the safe alcohol comsumption ficure and the BMI ratio at which we become obese, plucked scientifically out of thin air?
Sustain chairman Mike Rayner, of Oxford University's Department of Public Health, added: "Just as we use fiscal measures to discourage drinking and smoking and help prevent people from dying early, there is now lots of evidence that the same approach would work for food. Our obesity epidemic causes debilitating illness, life-threatening diseases and misery for millions of people. It is high time Government did something effective about this problem."
Ah, so they're not farmers and cooks at Sustain then, they're Oxford University tax eaters. Very likely the only thing they want to sustain is the flow of research grants that will keep them in featherbedded luxury.
BMI Obesity Measure: Shock, Horror, Scientist Says The Science Is Wrong
A new way of calculating the notorious Body Mass Index (BMI) has been proposed - but does it really solve any of the BMI's well-known problems? BMI you may remember is the measure of weight to height that pronounced Arnold Schwartzenegger obese when he made terminator and Mike Tyson obees when he was at his peak as World Heavyweight boxing Champion.
How often have we heard similar tales of the stupid promuncements made by doctors and health experts who put to much faith in 'science' (i.e, statistics) and ignore the evidence that is STARTING THEM IN THE FUCKING FACE! that Brad Pitt at the time of Fight Club, and England rugby player Jonny Wilkinson in his prime, were "overweight" - according to their BMI?
Any system that tells people whether they are "normal", "underweight", "overweight" or "obese" is bound to be controversial, but the obvious weakness of the BMI is that it doesn't distinguish between fat and muscle, let alone between people with high or low muscle density or the numerous other variations that make us indichuffingviduals.
First devised by Adolphe Quetelet more than 150 years ago, BMI is calculated by taking your weight (in kilograms) and dividing it by your height squared (in metres).
Put simply, it is nothing more than a way to compare the weights of groups of people of different heights.
But mathematician Nick Trefethen, Professor of Numerical Analysis at Oxford University, thinks that the old formula is wrong, as he explained in a letter to the Economist newspaper published earlier this month. His letter to the Editor began,
Sir, The body-mass index that you (and the National Health Service) count on to assess obesity is a bizarre measure... As a consequence of this ill-founded definition, millions of short people think they are thinner than they are, and millions of tall people think they are fatter.
Actually he is wrong (but he's a mathematician so we would expect no less. It has long been known that stocky, thick set, heavily muscled people are disadvantaged bt the flawed measure
Prof. Trefethen does however make a good point when he remarks that government pokenoses and medical 'professionals'have put too much trust in it in part because it looks so precise - like, say, Einstein's famous equation E=MC² (which everyone knows is bollocks because multilying mass by speed is like multiplying apples by eggs).
Treftethen misses an opportunity to sho a little sanity, he says "That's an equation of physics and it's really right. The BMI formula looks similar. It seems to have the same character but it doesn't reflect a precise truth about our world, it's an approximation to a very complicated reality,".
With that in mind he has proposed a new formula: 1.3 x weight, divided by height to the power 2.5. Huh? That's crazier than the old one.
28 January 2013
U S Court Slaps Down Wannabe Tyrant Obama's Despotic Behaviour
The Washington D.C. Court of Appeals on Saturday invalidated one of President Obama’s most despotic exectutive overreaches, his attempt to use the U S Constitution’s recess appointment power to appointment cronies to senior positions in the administration when the Senate was not actually in recess. Obama merely wanted to avoid the inconvenience of having the appointments ratified by Congress. Judge David Sentelle’s opinion for the three-judge panel makes a powerful case for an originalist interpretation of the relevant clause (Art. II, Section 2, Clause 2).
The case involves the Marxist, trouble-maker-loving president’s effort in January 2012 to stack the National Labor Relations Board with three members he obviously did not believe the Congress would confirm, another iteration of the Constitution-flouting ideology that led The Emperor Obama to appoint numerous “czars” who had executive powrrs in the adminitartion but no accountability to anyone except the Prez - dude himself. (At the same time he “recess-appointed” the three NLRB members, Obama also attempted to appoint a left-wing chief of the constitutionally dubious Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The CFPB “recess appointment” was not involved in the case decided today, but the court’s rationale surely spells doom for it as well.)
The problem for Obama was that the Senate was not in recess. To be sure, it was not doing much business at the time and was, in the main, only technically in session. Nonetheless, its official session had not come to an end.
As the court observed, the recess appointment power is a relic of our early history, when Congress would break for several months at a time and lawmakers could not hop on a flight back to Washington at the drop of a hat. It was meant as a “stopgap for times when the Senate was unable to provide advice and consent,” the Court reasoned, not as an exception that would swallow the rule of Senate confirmation. That rule, the Supreme Court has noted, was designed as a check against executive abuse of “the power of appointment to offices,” which was “one of the American revolutionary generation’s greatest grievances” against the British crown — “the most insidious and powerful weapon of eighteenth century despotism.”
The Emperor Caligula Obama mad clear in his first inauguration speech that he has little patience with concepts like democracy and having been elected he regarded himself as an absolute ruler. Like the medieval Kings in Europe, he regards the National Assembly as a bunch of patsys whose function is to tell him how great he is.
26 January 2013
Investors Ignore Triple Dip Regession As Stock Market Hits Four Year High
by Phil T Looker
News that the British economy was staring an unprecedented triple dip recession in the face left investors unperturbed yesterday as shares on Britain's leading index hit their highest point in since the crash four-and-a-half years ago.
The London stock market rose even though new figures showed the UK economy did not grow at all last year and actually shrunk over the last three months. George Osborne yesterday said Britain is facing “a very difficult situation” but insisted the country is on the “long, hard road” towards recovery. Ed Balls talked bollocks as usual, saying "this would not have happened if Labour was in power". he's right, if Labour had stayed in power this would have been many times worse.
The London markets appeared to bear out Osborne's optimism as the leading FTSE 100 index was not dented by the gloomy economic news. It is currently experiencing its best start to a year for two decades and closed up at its highest level since May 2008.
The FTSE 250 index, which better reflects demand for shares in British companies, is currently at a record high.
Despite the rising markets, City experts warned yesterday that Britain is still "in crisis" and experiencing a worse economic slump since the Great Depression. So what is going on?
After a lifetime in finance my experience leads me to think investors have wised up to the fact that GDP is a fraudulent way of measuring the health of a national economy. It only measures how much money has churned through the economy, not the value of what we have produced or what we have exported or imported.
When you think the government spends 52% of your money, thus taking (from you) with one hand and giving back (to the wider economy with the other, it becomes clear that the global economy is a fraud, a gigantic misrepresentation. In my view investors have always known this and are well aware that the bobbing in and out of recession with growths and contractions measured in tenths of one per cent is just typical of what we would expect in stagnant economies.
What we need is for Osborne and other government finance chiefs to abandon their policy of printing money to create the illusion of growth but in reality only creating price inflation. If they do not, we are all on the road to Weimar.
Final Proof That The Lunatics Are Running The Global Asylum
by Ed Butt
Yesterday we reported on the World Economic Forum meeting, the annual jolly for elitists and their lapdogs that takes place in Davos, the most exclusive and expensive winter resort in Europe.
Flow of online data shackled, says web inventor
Speaking yesterday, one of those lapdogs, Tim Berners-Lee, the man who allegedly invented the world wide web (one of the greatest modern myths, TBL does not even understyand how the web works) was talking about about the shackles stifling the free flow of online data.
Here I have to remind you that in the 1980s, when us computer professionals could send data anywhere in the world to anyone who needed to see it and could train clerks, factory workers and even beauty therapists to use the computer equipment that accessed that data, Tim Berners Lee went to his political paymasters and whined that the systems were far too complicated for scientists.
His vision was to link all the computers in the world in a single network so that 'scientists' (Berners Lee is one of those people who has to use the word science or it's derivatives at least ten times a minute - in the real world it is called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) would have all the information in the world at their fingertips. What a wonderful, egalitarian, utopian dream. Well science was always fascism's whore.
Let's spell out what Berners Lee's utopian dream would have meant. Your neighbour would have been able to look at your payroll records on your employer's computer, or you bank account, health records, anyone in the world would have been able to find information about you that was on a computer anywhere. Us computer pros pointed this out and said the idea was totally impractical.
"Not so," said Berners Lee and his supporters, the only people who would use such a tool are academics and businessmen who could be trusted. Academics and businessmen? Trusted? See how naive the people our politicians turn to for advice really are? And don't get me started on how unsuited the IBM / Intel PC architecture is for communicating over a public network.
OK, so this imbecile, this uber - amateur, this incompetent meddler is being invited to address the world economic forum. And the cupid stunt is still trying to hand over your personal data to the Mafia and other cyber - criminals.
Berners Lee criticised the closed nature of social networks. He said people used to have full control over their own information because it was all stored on their own computer in front of them. Now, people store data with online services that deprive them of that control.
They put their photographs into Flickr. The simplest thing in world, you'd think, would be to share these photos with Facebook friends and LindedIn colleagues. But you can't do that, because these social networks are a silo. There's a frustration that I've told it all my data, but I as a user don't have access to that.
Now here we see how stupid this guy really is because of course we can allow access to articles on or photos on flickr from anywhere. All we have to do is provide a hyperlink. You want to see my writings at Authorsden? Click the link. What was that Mr. Berners Lee, too difficult for you? You want acess to my Authorsden account so you can post, edit and delete items?
There are reasons for those walls of course. Authorsden is a subscription site, I pay for my account with my money so naturally it will remain my account not the world's, and visitors can see what I choose to let them see. You'd think even a scientist could understand that.
At the World Economic Forum Berners - Lee also called for governments and other institutions to share more data online, such as statistics on outcomes from hospital stays, which could improve accountability, and let organisations learn what works or not.
I just wonder how stupid this man is. Are scientists really a species apart that looks human but has sub human intelligence? One of the inalienable rights defined in the Geneva convention is the right to privacy. We are supposed to give that up because fascisms whores have an insatiable appetite for control freakery? Social networks are businesses. It costs money to buy, administer and run their servers, to put ever greater amounts of storage online, advertize, rent offices. Facebook, MySpace, Yahoo and the rest have to make money to pay their bills and stay online. In the early daze of the Tim Berners Lee version internet a lot of silly Californian hippies who had done their heads in with coke, speed and aceeeed in the 1960s decided the web was going to be where everything was free, we could all get rich by giving everything away. And scientists apparently bought into it. Even though twenty something years later food is getting more expensive and nobody is giving coke, speed and aceeeeed away it seems scientists have learned nothing.
And now the supra governmental global elite, who always knew that the internet was a perfect tool for exercising Orwellian levels of control over the information we can see are using their propaganda apparatus and useful idiots like Tim berners Lee to promote their control agenda.
24 Janary 2013
Antibiotic-resistant diseases pose existential threat to humanity, top expert says
Once again detractors of The Daily Stirrer are eating humble pie. They sneered as us when we ctiticized efforts to make a vaccine for everything, they mocked when we said that compulsory medication of the whole population was not only a violation of our human rights under the Geneva Convention and also counter productive because bacteria have as strong a survival instinct as higher mammals and are better equipped to adapt rapidly to environmental threats.
And now we are stiiting in the pub, eating tasty snacks, drinking excellent beer and wallowing in schadenfreude as our ctitics run around wearing sackcloth and ashes and crying "WOE WOE WOE."
Dame Sally Davies, the chief medical officer, has given MPs a stark warning that the rise in drug-resistant diseases could trigger a national emergency comparable to a catastrophic terrorist attack, pandemic flu or major coastal flooding.
Dame Sally said the threat from well known infections that through casual exposure have become resistant to commonly used antibiotics was so serious the issue should be put on the government's national risk register of civil emergencies.
She described what she called an "apocalyptic scenario" where people going for simple operations in 20 years' time die of routine infections "because we have run out of antibiotics". The problem is that on top of overprescription of antibiotics by doctors, often for minor illnesses against which antibiotics are not effective (i.e. those caused by viruses) and the presence of penicillin in the food chain due to the practice of adding it to animal feeds to accelerate weight gain) have enabled bacteria to exploit the evolutionary principle of "what does not kill me makes me stronger."
Meanwhile over medication has weakened the human immine system. Changes in modern medicine have exacerbated the problem by making patients more susceptible to infections. For example, many cancer treatments are known to weaken the immune system, and the use of catheters increases the chances of bacteria entering the bloodstream.
Davies declined to elaborate on the report, but said its publication would coincide with a government strategy to promote more responsible use of antibiotics among doctors and the clinical professions. "We need to get our act together in this country," she told the committee.
She told the news media: "There are few public health issues of potentially greater importance for society than antibiotic resistance. It means we are at increasing risk of developing infections that cannot be treated." indeed, only a few weeks ago news reports were informing us that a new strain of gonorrhea that was resistant to all but one type of antibiotic had emerged
The issue of drug resistance is as old as antibiotics themselves, and arises when drugs knock out susceptible infections, leaving hardier, resilient strains behind. The survivors then multiply, and over time can become unstoppable with frontline medicines. Some of the best known are superbugs such as MRSA.
"In the past, most people haven't worried because we've always had new antibiotics to turn to," said Alan Johnson, consultant clinical scientist at the Health Protection Agency. "What has changed is that the development pipeline is running dry. We don't have new antibiotics that we can rely on in the immediate future or in the longer term."
World Economic Forum Calls For $14 trillion program to make the global economy greener
The World Economic Forum, another jolly for smooth faced elitists, meets in Davos, the most expensive and exclusive of Alpine Ski resorts this week to plan the world's economic future. And you can bet none of the items on the agenda, global government, green energy, helping the basket case nations and abolishing democracy and national sovereignty are in the best interests of ordinary punters like you and us.
A European Union proposal has called for press regulation in all member states to be controlled by the EWU commission and demanded that Brussels officials are given control of national media regulators along with legal powers to enforce fines on publishers or the sacking of journalists who deviate from the official line.
The recommendations, which come from the highest levels in the bureaucratic oligarchy, will, according to the proposal, be used to draft future EU legislation. The document also attacks David Cameron for failing to automatically implement proposals by the Lord Justice Leveson inquiry for a state regulation of British press.
A "high level" EU panel, that includes Latvia’s former president and a former German justice minister, was ordered by Neelie Kroes, European Commission vice-president, last year to report on "media freedom and pluralism". It has concluded that it is time to introduce new rules to rein in the press. Surprise, surprise. The thing dictators always abolish first is a free press.
“All EU countries should have independent media councils,” the report states.
“Media councils should have real enforcement powers, such as the imposition of fines, orders for printed or broadcast apologies, or removal of journalistic status.”
As well as setting up state regulators with draconian powers, the panel also recommended that the European Commission be placed in overall control in order to ensure that the new watchdogs do not breach EU laws.
As the Daily Stirrer has always said, the E U is the enemy of freedom. From it's inception the community was not about a free trade market for member states but about the abolition of sovereign states and the creation of a united Europe. The vision only differs from Hitler's grand plan in that instead of German Nazi Party domination, the Brussels Euronazis see the way forward as dictatorship under a committee of pen pushers, paper shufflers ans smooth faced deal makers.
Anybody out there who is still not convinced the UK has to get not NOW should be charged with treason and sedition. If you want to know why,read a history of Russia under Stalin.
Death Of The Eurozone Foreseen By Economic Oracle
Professor Willem Buiter – Citibank's chief economist turned economic sybilline oracle – has published a gloomy forecast for the world economy. his view of the economc outlook is dire to start but the more closely we study it the more astonishing it becomes ...
A Door - to - door salesman came over the hill, la-di-do-da-di-day-di
Door-to-door salesmen are to get more rights under new EU "equality" proposals. Householders can expect to be doorstepped by a new wave of door-to-door salesmen flogging everything from clothes pegs and white heather to loft conversions, double glazing and insuarance ...
Anti Austerity Protests Bring European Capitals To A Standstill
Angry protests have left many European capitals in chaos as millions of workers joined strikes against austerity measures they claim have made their national economies worse. Trade unions in Spain, Greece, Portugal and Italy staged a series of demonstrations throughout the continent on the ...
Government Powerless Against a New Wvve Of Immigration
The government is powerless to stop tens of thousands new migrants heading to Britain after a new EU borders shake-up, Theresa May has admitted. The Home Secretary yesterday warned the Government is legally unable to block Romanian and Bulgarian citizens from coming to the UK under an expansion of ...
Europes Authoritarian Bureaucrats Spark Nazi Revival In Greece
Exactly as The Daily Stirrer Predicted, Naziism is making a comback in europe in the wake of the European Union's suspension of democracy and usurpation of the Greek governments sovereign powers ...
There is a lot of talk about 'The New World Order' mostly tongue in chek on this site we must say. But that does not mean there is nothing to be concerned about in the emergence of a global elite and their agenda for establishing a world government with integrated finance, energy, industrial and agricultural policies and global law and taxes ...
Can the euro be saved by screwing the proles – and at what cost to freedom?
The Euronazis led by von Rompuy - Pumpy and Barosso are deter5mined to save the Euro single curency system and with it their beloved federal European superstate project. At they will do that at any cost, so screwing the working classes across Europe is not going to bother these authoritarian bastards.
The Second Coming Of Barack Obama, The Obamessiah.
As The Obamessiah, Barack Hussein Obama, is inaugurated as President of the USA and those Americans who have accorded the first African American President semi - divine status prepare to go crazy, The Daily Stirrer takes a sceptical, satirical look at Obama's achievements, failures, ambitions and delusions.
Aristotle, Obama and the death of Mainstream Media
The murder of four American's by Islamic Jihadists at Benghazi the inaction of the Obama administration during the attack and the lies put out by The White House in the aftermath should have triggered a scandal a million times bigger than Watergate. So why have mainstream news organizations hardly touched it. ...
First He Kissed The King's Ring, Now He Insults Every Hindu and Buddhist, What Next? Publicly Fisting Vladimir Putin? The Daily Stirrer has always maintained that Barack Hussein Obama is a cupid stunt of the first order. This diplomatic dickhead can't set foot outside The (China) White House it seems without pissing off America's allies Remember when he bent almost double to kiss king Abdullah's ring. Did he not know that all homosexual acts, especially rim jobs, are ...
Rubio Gets Slagged, Obama Gets Eulogised. Yet They Said The Same Thing
Until this week the name Marco Rubio was unknown to most of us The reason many people outside the USA are talking about Marco Rubio now is that when he was ambushed by an Obama supporting journalist asked Rubio how old he thought the earth is. Marco Rubio is a Christian and a Republican and so was probably expected to say that it was a historical fact that the earth was created just over 6000 years ago.
Wikipedia, The Fount Of All Politically Biased Knowledge
We stirrers who write The Daily Stirrer being the kind of controversialist, sceptical, awkward buggers we are like to throw radical ideas in the mix now and again, question the established truths and challenge the dogmas authority tries to impose.
It is always irritating them when one of us tries to introduce a new perspective on a topic only to have some little cupid stunt run off to wikipedia and bring pack a pied of politically correct coprolite to contradict us. Wiukepedia is not the fount of all knowledge, it is the fount of all bullshit. Aynone can update it's pages goes the legend but in reality only sad, OCD stricken, agenda driven leftie no - lifes do.
Most of what you see on Wikipedia that is cut and pasted from Britannica or some other respectable source by people who just want to be 'part of it'. Whatever else you see is either so worthless it's not even wrong or pure political propaganda like the piece Dick Puddlecote demolishes here.
Will War On Terror Become The Perpetual War Of George Orwell's '1984'
Perpetual war, shadowy secret governments and a constant tide of propaganda aimed at inducing a state of fear and paning in the population. A synopsis for a new dramatic production of George Orwell's '1984' the paranoid ravings of conspiracy theorists or an accurate picture of what is happening in our world? Read the articles and others on this site and make up your own minds.
President Barack Obama has again spoken out of turn about Britain's relationship with the EU, warning David Cameron that America does not want Britain to distance itself from European Union. It is timely to remind you that Obama, a narcississtic egomaniac who, the Daily Stirrer has always warned, imagines himself President Of The Entire Universe And Everything Else besides, wants a European Federal Superstate which would include non European nations like Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Libya and other north African and middle eastern nations.
Hmm ... that would mean the majority of the EU's population would be Muslims. Does the Jihadist-in-Chief have some sort of agenda here betond bankrupting Germany, Briain Holland and Austria I wonder?
During a conversation about the Algeria hostage crisis, Mr Obama told the Prime Minister that he “values a strong UK in a strong European Union”. Somewhat off topic you might think, but remember the only topic Obama ever talks about is himself, what he wants and what other people owe him.
Meanwhile, back on Planet reality the UK Prime Minister was forced to cancel his long-awaited speech on Europe at the last minute to deal with the Algerian hostage crisis. Downing Street said the speech, excerpts of which had already been given to the media, had only been “postponed”, adding that a new date and venue would be announced in due course.
The Algerian incident was sparked by French action backed by the USA and Britain against Al Qaeda's advance on the capital of nearby Mali. Westrn media have hardly mentioned the threat to western economies posed by the civil war in Mali but it was potentially greater than the problems caused by the civil war in Syria.
This has been coming for quite some time Ian and its been missed by the media. What started it all was the Tuareg separatist's who rose up and demanded an Independent State in an area which they consider their own.
"Always quick to spot an opportunity Al Qaeda saw that Northern Mali is rich in uranium, gold and thought this is a nice little earner for us if we can expel the Tuareg tribal leaders which they did last week. Why should France get involved?
Well they have a large economic interest in Niger and Niger like Northern Mali is rich in uranium and both Frances former Colony supplies France with its uranium which it needs for its energy program which is exported to country's like ours and that is one of the reasons we are helping France.
Italy and Germany will be coming to help as well in the next few weeks. This little conflict is far more important strategically than anything else in the world for country's such as France, UK, Italy, Germany. Mali falls, Niger will be next and then we are in trouble because Al Qaeda will have a stranglehold over us. Life is never simple is it."
After discussing the situation in Algeria with the Prime Minister, Mr Obama gave his clearest indication yet that he believes the UK must remain in the EU. In recent weeks America leaders in the administration, the Pentagon and high finance have indicated their concern that the UK could he heading for an eventual exit from the EU. Quite what this has to do with Mali or a hostage crisis in Algeria is a mystery. Unless of course perfidious Columbia has a hidden agenda (sic).
When Obama came to prominence so many people in the west were prepared to fall down on their knees alongside American liberals and join in the worship. Of course he'll be a great leader, he's black," many said, quite irrationally. "Of course he'll be a great leader, he's an idealist," some said even more irrationally. "Of course he'll be a great leader, he's not George W Bush," the most irrational of all said.
Well being black should never be considered a qualification for anything, being an idealogue should disqualify people from political office because idealists are out of touch with reality. And while George W Bush might have been a shit, (it's a matter of opinion) Obama's not being George W bush does not mean he's not a shit. He's just a diffferent kind of shit. And the wests greatest enemy in the battle against Islamism.
So WTF is he doing in The White House?
January 17, 2013
Court case draws Monsanto protesters to White House
An appeal by organic farmers against a court ruling last year turned into a wide-ranging protest this week with speakers attacking Monsanto Corp. for its policies and demanding clear labelling of genetically modified food. About 200 people, many from organic seed companies, rallied in a park close to the White House. The protest suggested an uptick in efforts to demand labeling, which was defeated in a California state ballot in November.
Monsanto spent at least $8 million on a public relations campaign to sink the California state legislature bill. Organic farmers, who are pressing a lawsuit against Monsanto, complain that their products are threatened with contamination by wind-blown pollen from genetically modified crops.
"We want and demand the right of clean seed not contaminated by a massive biotech company that's in it for the profit," Carol Koury, who operates Sow True Seeds in Asheville, North Carolina said at the rally.
The gathering was held in conjunction with an appeal heard today before a U.S. Court of Appeals panel in Washington. The suit questions the legality of Monsanto's seed patents and seeks protection from patent-infringement suits against farmers in the event their fields are found to contain genetically modified seed. Last February, U.S. District Judge Naomi Buchwald in the Southern District of New York dismissed the suit. In effect Judge Buchwald found the farmers sued by Monsanto guilty of infringing the corporation's patents because their crops were cross pollinated with crops grown from Monsanto genetically modified seed by insects and wind action, things the farmers have no control over.
We know climate scientists claim they can control the weather, we also know climate scientists are liars. Even they do not claim to be able to control insects however.
Note: For deeply revealing reports from reliable major media sources on the risks from genetically modified organisms, click here.
The Scientific Consensus That Didn't Exist
by ianrthorpe @ 2013-01-17 – 16:08:11
Anthropogenic Global Warming: The Scientific Consensus That Didn't Exist
by Xavier Connolly
We all got fed up of hearing the two mantras of the global warming lobby a long time ago. To remind you, they were:
The science is settled.
Every respected scientist in the world supports the case for Anthropogenic Global Warming.
My friend and fellow member of the Really Awkward Buggars Union Graham Leah suspected this was not true as scientists scarcely agree on anything. So he did somne research on what respected scientists rather than government placemen media hacks have really been saying.
Bear in mind, we're talking here about real scientists doing independent research in climate and environment related fiedls, not self serving bureaucrats of the United Nations IPCC,the self serving academics intent only on keeping their piggy snouts in the trough of taxpayers' money or the empire building civil servants who just want bigger departments.
Researchers like:
Dr Mike Hulme, a prominent climate scientist and UN-IPCC insider. NOT a sceptic of AGW to my knowledge
The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change misled the press and public into believing that thousands of scientists backed its claims on manmade global warming, The actual number of scientists who backed that claim was “only a few dozen” he states in a paper for Progress in Physical Geography.
“Claims such as ‘2,500 of the world’s leading scientists have reached a consensus that human activities are having a significant influence on the climate’ are disingenuous,” the paper states unambiguously, adding that they rendered “the IPCC vulnerable to outside criticism.”
Dr Benjamin Santer, author of the 2007 IPCC report chapter on the detection of greenhouse warming - NOT A SCEPTIC of AGW to my knowledge.
"It's unfortunate that many people read the media hype before they read the (IPCC report) chapter "on the detection of greenhouse warming." I think the caveats are there. We say quite clearly that few scientists would say that the attribution issue [man-made climate change] is a done deal.
Dr Richard Lindzen (Atmospheric Scientist) Professor at MIT UN-IPCC Lead Author
“The consensus was reached before the research had even begun.”
"It's not 2,500 people offering their consensus, I participated in that. Each person who is an author writes one or two pages in conjunction with someone else...but ultimately, it is written by representatives of governments, of environmental organizations like the Union of Concerned Scientists, and industrial organizations, each seeking their own benefit.”
Dr John Christy – Professor and Director of the Earth System Science Centre at the University of Alabama, Huntsville (also Alabama State Climatologist) UN IPCC Lead Author writes:
"I don't see a catastrophe developing from our emissions into the air of what should be correctly identified as ‘plant food.'"
“Scepticism, a hallmark of science, is frowned upon. (I suspect the IPCC bureaucracy cringes whenever I'm identified as an IPCC Lead Author}. The tendency to succumb to group-think and the herd-instinct (now formally called the "informational cascade") is perhaps as tempting among scientists as any group because we, by definition, must be the "ones who know" (from the Latin sciere, to know).”
Russia - Dr Yury Izrael, past UN IPCC Vice President, director of Global Climate and Ecology Institute, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
"There is no proven link between human activity and global warming.”
USA - Dr. Charles Wax, past president of the American Association of State Climatologists.
“First off, there isn't a consensus among scientists. Don't let anybody tell you there is.”
Now we know that will not be enought to shut up the CAGWAARTs (Climate Anthropogenic Global Warming Alternative Reality Trolls). No matter how much evidence is offered proving the science is a long way from settled they will just keep shouting "climate deniers" and "planet destroyers" like a bunch of hippy jihadists on speed.
But the more open minded among you might like to brows through this article with references to over 1000 scientific papers that question the mathematical model based climate change predictions of the United Nations.
Climate Change Sacred Cow
When I heard Gordon Brown giving a speech on climate change and the summit in Copenhagen which is ostensibly where the world leaders will sign a treaty that will solve all the climate related problems like Neville Chamberlain's treaty guaranteed "peace in our time" in 1939 I did not know whether to laugh or be angry. While Brown's blind faith in science and his delusional belief that ...
Climate Change Deniers Deny Nothing
In a post comparing climate change deniers to people who believe the Turin Shoud is authentic, (a shroud over the truth) Science-is-God evangelist Leo Hickman lays into the so called climate change deniers who are really denying nothing but are simply sceptical about the "science" that "proves" catastrophic changes in the Earth's weather systems will result if we do not reverse the effects of three hundred years of industrial and domestic pollution overnight?...
The Great Climate Change Science Scam
I have been campaigning about climate change for over thirty years. Now, the more I read of efforts by governments, academics and corporate interests to come up with a quick fix the more I am convinced they are working a scam to make quick, easy money. For decades the only ....
I've been getting angrier and angrier with the way scientists have been allowed to hijack the climate change debate. These people are too obsessed with their own cleverness. They produce graphs and charts and spout baffling statistics and make predictions which are instantly proved wrong.
In response the deniers produce well presented, accessible arguments like this, which no matter how plausdile it seems only presents half the story.
Blinding the world with science Former Government Adviser Condemns Green Scaremongering.
Some people accuse The Daily Stirrer of being anti - science. This is not so, we are simply endowed with a healthy scepticism about all things. Thus the trend among people who like to label themseves "scientists" to brush aside criticism from highly educated and well informed individuals outside their specialist field by saying "You're not a scientists, you don't understand science," arouses deep suspicion. We are rght to be sceptical and suspicious ...
The True Hockey Stick
BelieverS in the new religion of AGW, anthropogenic global warming or climate change will be sick of having their science based faith mocked and their scientist priests ridiculed. To help them hold to their belief we offer a change to own a fragment of the true hockey stick, the sacred symbol of their religion.
Eminent U.S. Pysicist Pulversises Climate Science Scammers
In another blow to the climate change alarmists an eminent US Physicist has denounced the whole climate science academic community as motivated by self interest and the pursuit of wealth and glory and the anthropogenic global warming scare as the greatest and most successful scam he has seen in his long life.
January 16, 2013
It's Flu Season. Here';s Why Flu Vaccine Doesn't Work
It's that time of year when my wife and I, being over sixty, start to get more calls from our doctor's office telling us we shouild go and get our flu vaccine because we are in an 'at risk' group.
Neither of us have ever had proper flu, we get colds, stomach upsets and minor chest infections from time to time but shake them off in two or three days. This might of course be something to do with us having robust immune systems, a good level of physical fitness and a healthy diet. It might also be something to do with the fact that we not not allow our immune system to be compromised by big Pharma lackeys who are paid to inject poison into our bodies.
Here's an article by a doctor explaing why 'flu vaccine does not work. If you believe the job of medical professionals is to preserve life and alleviate suffering, read it.
If however you are one of those neo fascists who believe vaccines are 'science' and therefore cannot be questioned by anyone who is not an accredited member of the Royal College Of Scientists, Charlatans and Snake Oil Salesmen and furthermore that the job of medical professionals is to help government erode your privacy and civil rights while swelling the profits of Pharmaceutical Corporations to obscene levels just go and get you vaccine.
But don't come crying to Boggart Blog when you die of 'flu.
Why Is Germany's Bundesbank repatriating $200bn worth of gold reserves from central banks in Paris and New York
by Phil T Luker
The report from The Daily Mail below describes how the German Central bank, the Bundesbank is planning move its gold reserves held abroad back to Germany. What do they know that you don't? It is significant that the two locations the Geremans are shifting their gold from are democratic nations of the free world that have elected Maoist Presidents whose loonytoons economic policies are banrupting the USA and France.
There have also been increasingly believable rumours that the bubble in the bond markets is about to burst. For the last few years, thanks to the insanity of borrow and spend socialist economics it has been possible for the banks to borrow money from government at 0.5% interest and lend it straight back to a different part of government at the 3 or 3.5% interest that is the face value of most bonds issued by developed nations.
It looks as if those days are about to come to an end. There is also the little problem Obamanomics has created by running up such obscene debts their main creditor, China will now only accept gold in payment of interest. Are the Germa
ns afraid the U S Administration will refuse to release the gold and offer instead increasingly worthless US dollars?
One developing situation I have been following is the quiet little currency war going in between Switzerland and Britain. These two nations with massive banking interests are competing to prevent their currencies becoming reserve currencies as other nations abandon the US dollar.
January 15, 2013
How Britain Wised Up To The Great Windfarm Scam
How Britain went tilting at windmills by Michael Hanlon, Daily Telegraph
Not only are wind farms an unreliable source of power, but it has been revealed that generous licence deals will pay out even if they fail to deliver. Michael Hanlon reports for The Daily Telegraph.
When Obama Starts Telling People America Is Not A Deadbeat Nation Americans Should Be Worried
We would expect national leaders to be upbeat and optimistic about the state of the nation they lead. So when 'Mr Soaring Rhetoric', Barack Hussein Obama can only summon up enough optimism to say Ametica is not deadbeat things must be in a bad way over the pond. With the USA coming bottom among developed nations on measures like life expectancy, health, education, drug abuse, violence and mental illness.
Part of America's problem is the voters have been sucked in by political rhetoric and are now brainwashed by the idea of American supremacy. They are ready to believe the horror stories about the decline of other western powers but bline to the problems in their own nation.
The alarm has been ringing for a long time but nobody wants to hear it.
France sends more troops to Mali as UN backs intervention
A contingent of 750 French troops has joined the offensive against Islamist rebels in Mali, French president Francois Hollande said in Abu Dhabi on Tuesday after France secured fresh UN backing for its military action
Obama the great peacemaker gets Americ involved in another war
France says US is providing communications and transport help to Mali military intervention. Is Obama getting America into another war aimed at freeing Muslims from the terrible tyranny of an oppressive secularist regime so they can live under a brutal Islamic theocracy based on Sharia law?
Tony Barber - Financial Times
The Daily Stirrer would like to remind British politicians that it is way past the time at which British patience wore thing as the neo Nazi tactics of unelected E U bureaucrats in trying to strip our elected Parliament of it's sovereign powers.
RELATED POSTS:New World Order Politics and the EconomyEurope
The United Nations Caused A Cholera Epidemic In Haiti, Then Covered It Up
When a poor nation has been devastated by an earthquake, the last thing it needs is a bunch of self serving do gooders from the United Nations to butt in and kick off a cholera epidemic. but that's what happened to Haiti.
Progressives Going Round In Circles Rather Than Moving Forward. With world leaders clueless about how to fix the global finance system and capitalism in self destruct it should be a golden time for the left. but they are stuck in a political mobius loop, regurgitating the same failed ideas over and over again ...
10 January 2013
Obama administration warns Britain to stay in the European Union
Philip H Gordon, one of Barack Hussein Obama's foreign affairs arse - lickers says Britain risks damaging its relationship with America and being sidelined in the international community if it leaves the EU.
Really, well effing good, what are we waiting for The Daily Stirrer says. If there were any more good reasons needed for leaving Europe, the fact that the Brit - hating, Muslim - loving, terrorism - sponsoring enemy of all things European and civilised, Barack Hussein Obama wants us to stay in must surely be the best.
Britain risks damaging its relationship with America and being sidelined in the international community if it leaves the European Union, Gordon, speaking on behalf of thge american government warned today.
The Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs, said during a visit to London to meet ministers yesterday “We value a strong UK voice in a strong European Union,”
“We have a growing relationship with the EU as an institution, which has an increasing voice in the world, and we want to see a strong British voice in that EU. That is in America’s interests. We welcome an outward-looking EU with Britain in it.”
A British exit from the EU would not enhance the “special relationship” in any way, he said. America would continue to forge stronger links with member countries of the EU which it sees as having “a growing voice in the world and a critical partner on global issues”.
The public statements of Mr Gordon, a respected senior member of the administration, show the level of concern in Washington over a mooted referendum on British membership of the EU. Obama's support for a totalitarian global government is well documented and his eagerness to see an extended Europe embrace non European nations such as Turkey, Syria, Egypt and Algeria ought to mark him to anybody with a grain of common sense as a threat democracy on a par with Adolf Hitler.
Basically the American Muslim Brotherhood Obama administration's message to Britain is:
"Stay in the EU and succumb to pressure for further integration so you can be our agent/mole/mouthpiece. Without your EU membership you're of no value to furthering the American cause."
This has been the attitude of every US administration for decades. Now that our government looks as if it could be moved by public pressure towards a referendum, the Americans are saying it again, with veiled threats this time.
It will be interesting to see if the Tory right resists, if the UKIP surge continues or if we will meekly give in and our leaders will kiss the arse of our arch enemy. And how the Yanks might turn up the heat if our government does not comply.
9 January, 2013
Tax The Rich, Hurt The Poor
The loopy left in Britain and the USA have, throughout the cedit crunch, chanted their Tax The Rich mantra. Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it of course and the left have still not learned from all the other economic catastrophes caused by attempts to redistribute wealth that taxing the rich huts the poor most.
The Lying Fact Checkers, The Dishonesty Of Scientists andThe Lying Fact Checkers, The Dishonesty Of Scientists, Liberals One of the deceptions used by Barack Hussein Obama's campaign team to discredit their opponents in the 2012 election was the use of "fact checkers" to discredit everything Republicans said. but fact checking the fact checkers and their "scientific analysis" of the Republican campaign. only shows that the "scientists" are nothing but a bunch of politically partisan liars
7 January 2013
Self Deceiving Liberals
Left Wing Progressives Self Deceiving Political Correctness Is Destroying Civilisation.
'Forget the Left's pretensions to ideological purity, their actions show them to be emotionally needy, self regarding, self indulgent narcissists whose only interest lies in justifying their decadence.
The Folly Of Using Inflation To Reduce The Debt
As the Obama administration starts to seriously consider minting Trillion dollar coins to reduce debt by fuelling massive inflkation the Daily Stirrer's finance expert explain why this would not work and would have catastrophic consequences.
2 January 2013
Obama chooses party political points scoring when Presidential gravitas is called for.
Barack Obama did something bizarre even by his oddball standards on New Year’s Eve. With the so called Fiscal Cliff deadline only hours away, while Republican and Democratic Senate leaders were locked in delicate negotiations to prevent a tsunami of tax increases and spending cuts kicking in as the world's most powerful basket case nation joined Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain and Italy in the bankruptcy club, the President held a press conference at the White House. Frdom any other President or world leader we might have expecte a bipartisan call for compromise on taxes and spending. Instead, he gave a campaign speech, praising himself and ridiculing his opponents.
Obama Says The U S Economy Is In Good Shape - So Why Are American Billionaires Dumping American Companies?
by Phil T. Luker
If Obama and friends did such a great job in managing the economy from 2008 to 2012 as the Obamessiah's supporters like to tell us they did, can any of Obama's cultish followers explain why American billionaires are dumping their holdings in American companies?
The whole article is embedded below but if you are short on time or get bored by financial analysis, here's an extract:
It starts with the reckless strategy of the Federal Reserve to print a massive amount of money out of thin air in an attempt to stimulate the economy.
“These funds haven’t made it into the markets and the economy yet. But it is a mathematical certainty that once the dam breaks, and this money passes through the reserves and hits the markets, inflation will surge,” said Wiedemer.
“Once you hit 10% inflation, 10-year Treasury bonds lose about half their value. And by 20%, any value is all but gone. Interest rates will increase dramatically at this point, and that will cause real estate values to collapse. And the stock market will collapse as a consequence of these other problems.”
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Do We Have A Winter Of Civil Disobedience Ahead? As many people in Britain slap on the apres sun gloop in the wake of what passes for a heatwave in these cool cloudy climes, our inept politicians caught with their pants down by unusual weather as usual have heard that that winter is coming and are making plans for a coldwave.
We are in the grip of an energy crisis at the height of summer. Last week, it was reported that the UK government is laying down plans for a “reasonable worst-case scenario” including blackouts for industry and even households. And this is as energy prices spiral out of control to new records every day.
Conspiracy Theories, reality and null hypothesis Cast you minds back about 18 months, there was a conspiracy theory going round that a 100% Safe and Effective Vaccine had been developed by pharmaceutical corporations, to be freely administered by governments and injected into billions of people around the globe ostensibly to save their lives from a deadly virus pandemic was in fact not a vaccine but a gene editing technology that would alter DNA, lead to millions of early deaths and usher in an era of global tyranny under an authoritarian world government.
Is Russia Selling Its Oil To The World Through An Obscure Egyptian Port? As this blog predicted when NATO and EU member states shot themselves in the foot by reacting to Russia's invasion of Ukraine with sanctions that prevented Russia from selling oil, gas and vital raw materials to the countries that needed them most, the NATO and EU member states, the Russians have had no problems finding alternative customers for their gas and oil and no problem getting oil into the world's commodity markets through the back door.
As the war in Ukraine grinds on and Russia steps up its economic war against the west and in particular The European Union, claims made recently by the idiotically 'woke' leaders of Europe's main economic and military powers that the West has a once-in-a–generation chance to severely weaken Russia’s capabilities, both militarily and geopolitically, look increasingly hollow. Putin's critics have cited 'Western unity' as one of the main reasons why Russia will be economically destroyed and politically humiliated when the Ukraine's military finally claim victory.
Hit Brake On Net Zero, Voters Tell Wannabe Prime Ministers A majority of Conservative party members who will vote in the leadership contest want the next prime minister to pause and review the push for Net Zero, a new poll has revealed. These results increae pile pressure on
leadership hopefuls Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak to strengthen their stanceon the cost likely of transitioning from coal and gas fuelled electricity generating plants to inefficient, unreliable, intermittent 'green power' sources.
New Figures Show Brexit Has Failed To Take Back Control Of Immigration Just over six years ago the nation's attention was focused on immigration, and particularly the 'Brexit' campaign's promise to 'Take Back Control' of our borders. Today the immigration issue is as predominant in many people's minds as news this morning revealed record numbers of migrants entered the country last year, while yesterday a record number of people were trying to make the hazardous crossing from France in small boats to enter the country illegally.
Legal Complaint Filed Against Food Retailer’s “Orwellian” Facial Recognition Surveillance SystemA report last week that a major UK retailer, The Co - Operative Society (Co - OP) was planning to install in - store surveillance systems with facial recognition capabilities, supposedly to reduce shoplifting by repeat offenders, caused quite a stir in the media and the privacy protection community. Privacy rights campaign group Big Brother have denounced the scheme which would capture and store biometric scans of “thousands of shoppers” is “unlawful” and “Orwellian in the extreme.”
UK Households Are Paying Wind Turbine Owners To Not Generate Electricity On another near windless day here in the United Kingdom, Boggart Blog came across a very interesting piece if news. According to figures published by the business and management consultancy LCP, british taxpayers have been paying operators of wind turbines farms for the time their windmills were NOT generating electricity increased to record levels last year ...
Are US Supplied Long Range Missiles Really Winning The War For Ukraine? Since very soon after the start of the war between Russia and Ukraine western powers, USA, UK, EU and NATO have been doing everything possible to prolong and escalate the war. The latest move is to provide the Ukrainian military with long range HIMARS missile. Mainstream media are claiming this has tilted the balance in Ukraine's favour. But for what? To prolong the slaughter? ...
Russia and China announce a new global reserve currencyIt was always on the cards that Russia, China and rest of the BRICS countries would use the CIA / NATO engineered war in Ukraine to launch the main thrust of their economic war on the west, in fact after having written so much in our Currency Wars page about the inevitability of Russia and China challenging the US dollar’s global reserve status, now, it’s happening we can only say: "We Told You So".
"Our Country Is Facing The Biggest Crisis The Crisis We Ever Had": German Employers' Association Warns Over Russian Gas Cut With the Nord Stream 1 pipeline closed for maintenance, with the possibility that President Putin will not allow it to reopen at the end of the scheduled 10 days downtime in retaliation for the EU's continued support or Ukraine in their conflict with Russia, Germany is facing an unprecedented crisis that could erase the prosperity Germans have grown accustomed to, warned Rainer Dulger, head of the Confederation of German Employers’ Associations.
European Union Is Again Close To A Meltdown As Eurozone Economy Collapses Once more we return to the political instability and economic fragility of the European Union as the conflict in Ukraine combined with loonytoons Climate Change mitigation policies, the failure of 'sustainables' to meet ever increasing demand for electricity, fod shortages and rampant price inflation put economic and social pressure on governments of member states ...
Net Zero Is A Dangerous Fantasy, But Scientists Believe In Fairies It Seems With oil and gas prices rocketing and the highly propted sustainable energy sources performing way befow expectations the energy crisis currently gripping Europe (with worse to come as food shortages start to bite, polticians still seem more intent on pandering to the green lobby and chasing the dream of a fossil fuel free world rather securing the energy and food supplies needed by the people they serve.
The Federal Republic of New Normal Germany So, the government of New Normal Germany is contemplating forcing everyone to wear medical-looking masks in public from October to Easter on a permanent basis. The fanatical New Normal fascists currently in charge of Germany’s government are discussing revising the “Infection Protection Act” in order to grant themselves the authority to continue to rule the country by decree, as they have been doing since the Autumn of 2020, thus instituting a “permanent state of emergency” that overrides the German constitution, indefinitely ...
Beware the dangers of a cashless society As the country celebrates tradition and prepares for change, one major shift is closer than ever – our move towards becoming a cashless society. It is hard to imagine money without the Queen’s profile proudly embossed, defining our Elizabethan generation in a centuries-old British tradition, but the monarch’s face is fast disappearing from our pockets.
Nurses Started The Pushback Against Transgender Bullies? Nurses and the nursing profession largely caved in over Covid-19 and turned on anyone—like yours truly and the remarkable Dr Niall McCrae—who dared to speak out against the prevailing narrative. Probably the profession saw its chance to bask in the ‘Save the NHS’ limelight, and seek a substantial pay rise [...] As a Registered Nurse and Fellow of the Royal College of Nursing I largely despaired of my nursing colleagues.
Bill Gates Developing Virus and Vaccine For Next Pandemic, Wants Global Surveillance Pact with W.H.O. to Track Vaccine Refusniks Even though the efforts of politicians, the health industries and media doom mongers to keep up the fear factor over COVID looking increasingly desperate in the face of public scepticism, billionaire psychopath and wannabe vaccine messiah Bill Gates, whose 'charitable' foundation owns several for-profit biotech companies and who made $£€billions out of COVID, is already planning his next pandemic scam ...
> A British university is reportedly instructing students studying to become midwives (since when was a university degree needed to be a midwife?) on how to deliver babies from a“birthing persons” with a penis.
Edinburgh Napier University's 'skills workbook' issued to midwifery BSc students has come under fire from the sane community in Scotland after it was revealed that students were instructed on how to assist biological males in giving birth. Now you might think that anybody sudying towards a degree in any of the natural or applied sciences would be aware that a biological male cannot give birth, but in the wonderful world of woke wankers such things are possible, you just have to make a wish and get Tinkerbellend to sprinkle fairy dust on the expectant mothers knob.
Russian Long Range Missile Test Fuels Nuclear War Fears As NATO Pushed Ukraine To Escalate Conflict Russia tested its latest intercontinental ballistic missile yeserday, the Satan II has a range of 10,000 miles and can devastate an area of 250,000 square kilometers according to military experts. Bizarrely commentators in mainsteam and online news services portrayed this as a sign of weakness by Russia, though the same people cheered when Joe (Dementiaman) Biden threratened a nuclear response if Russia crossed his 'red lines' in Ukraine ...
French Police Use Teargas As Freedom Convoy Brings Thousands Of Protestors To Paris Inspired by Canada's freedom Convoy, a sponaneous protest by drivers of heavy trucks against the fasistic and oppressive curtailment of individual freedoms by Prime Minister Trudeau's regime, French truck drivers protesting President Macron's similarly authoritarian measures converged on Paris where they were met by riot police enforcing Macron's ban on protests against government policy ...
Looking at the financial data earlier today I noticed that the Russian rouble is now worth more against the US dollar than it was before conflict broke out in Ukraine. On the 22nd of February this year, one US dollar would exchange for
just over 79 rubles. As of the time of writing, it is now 78 ...
New UN Report on Climate Change – Nothing New, Nothing True The latest United Nations (“UN”) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”) report, published this week, once again, in scaremongering tone and the language of the panic stricken, claims that the planet is in peril (we are facing climate disaster, the clock is at one minute to midnight, we must take urgent action to destroy civilisation if we are to save the planet, the usual over - dramatised guff designed to spread fear and panic,) basically the same claim as they have been making at least twice a month for the past 20 years.
We need energy security – not Net Zero Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has prompted a major rethink in the West. We have suddenly found ourselves vulnerable not just to rising prices in oil and gas, but also to inflation in other commodities – such as food and fertiliser. Of all these problems, the security of our energy supply has most exercised minds.
Net Zero Gone With The Wind - Boris Johnson Plans Seven New Nuclear Plants And Shelves Wind Expansion Reports in mainstream media suggest Boris Johnson has done a U turn on his recently announced massive expansion of wind powered generating capacity. Sources in Westminster claim Boris has shelved his masterplan for a giant, floating wind farm in The North Sea and the government will reconsider plans to double or even treble the number of wind turbines in the countryside and approve plans for up to seven new nuclear reactors instead.
Will Commodities Be The New Reserve Currency As The Death Knell Of The Dollar Sounds? Many respected economists and market analysts who favour the free markets approach concur that we are heading towards a new economic reality that will see the collapse of the US$ as the default reserve currency, to be replaced not by any other fiat currency such as the Euro or the Renminbi, but by a system in which commodities are the
primary denominator of value. Should this turn out to be the case we can expect an acceleration of the shift in geopolitical power from west to East.
Climate Change Research Paper Censored by The British Hydrological Society For Telling The Truth The Daily Sceptic today published an article by retired research scientist James Dent, whose specialist field was hydrology and meteorology. Mr. Dent was involved in research projects aiemd at understanding the factors influencing climate, and their effects on environments, [ ... ] he was the World Meteorology Organisation Chief Technical Advisor to the Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre in Bangladesh, a low lying nation especially prone to flooding ....
Russia-Ukraine crisis will put more pressure on the global food supply chain, driving up prices around the world After three weeks of non-violent civil disobedience outside the Canadian parliament in Ottawa by truckers and other Canadian citizens struggling to uphold their right to not be subjected to forced “vaccination,” Justin Trudeau unleashed the goon squads. Thousands of militarized riot police (and other unidentified heavily-armed operatives) swarmed the area, surrounded the protesters, started breaking into trucks and arresting people, and beating them with batons and the butts of their rifles.
Putin, Macron To Hold Urgent Talks To Halt Military Escalation In Ukraine Even though the leaders of Ukraine itself are talking down the threat of war with Russia over the breakaway region of Donbas, America and Britain are still beating the war drums and demonising Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Russia insists they have no plans to invade Ukraine and one western leader at least, France's Emmanuel Macron, seems to be listening to messages coming out of the East European trouble spot...
Germany News Mag. Spiegel Asks "Is Vladimir Putin Right?" About NATO Expansion As the confrontation along the border between Ukraine and Russia has escalated to actual shooting with ethnic Russian rebel separatists in Donbas reporting intensified shelling and initiating a "general mobilization" of military-age males, with Moscow denying they plan to invade and Ukraine's leaders accusing US, UK and French leaders of hysteria for talking up the threat of war, Germany's leading newspaper Spiegel asks the question fundamental to the entire conflict...
Mainstream media's hyping of the threat to Ukrained posed by Russian aggression is the latest in a long line of attempts to lay blame for western foreign policy disasters at the fet of Russia. In fact had Joe Biden not started to babble about Russian aggression, talking up the threat of conflict, there would be no crisis ...
Is The Russian Threat To Invade Ukraine Real Or A Globalist Conspiracy Theory?
While Joe Biden's handlers in Washington and Boris Johnson In London talk up the threat of war should Russia invade Ukraine as they claim Moscow is preparing to do,Ukrainian leaders are dismissive, accusing the west of ramping up hysteria in a bid to divert attention from oither problems ... Continue reading >>>
How COVID Corrupted Science Politicians who criticised AstraZeneca vaccine 'probably killed hundreds of thousands', says Oxford scientist in an outburst that reveals how the science acedemy have been totally owned by corporate money and thus have been guilty of lying, scaremongering, fabricating evidence, publishing fake statisics and spreadsing misinformation. And the politicians who told us to 'trust The Science' are just as guilty.
British Government Laundered Fake U.S. 'Intelligence' On Ukraine The British government on Saturday accused Russia of organizing a plot to install a pro-Moscow government in Ukraine, as the Kremlin masses troops near the Ukrainian border. The U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office gave relatively little information about the intelligence unveiled Saturday other than to say that the Russian government was considering trying to make a Russia-leaning former member of Ukraine’s parliament, Yevhen Murayev, the country’s new leader. Continue reading >>>
As the COVID narrative crumbles under the weight of evidence that the vaccines do not work, masks are useless and lockdowns kill more than they save a new scaremongering narrative - or a revamped old one - is emerging as the threat of war with russia is the latest fear and panic vehicle to scare the people into compliance with tyranny.
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Freak Weather Around The World Begs Questions With Britain and other parts of northern Europe basking in unseasonably warm temperatures which are forecast to last for a few days, while parts of the USA gring to a halt under a blanket of snow dumped by freak storms are, accoring to climate scarmongers, a signal that irreversible warming had arrived, it is perhaps timely for a hot topic from ten years ago, geoengineering came under the microscope again. This report from Global Intel Hub seems a good way to kick off the debate. ... Continue reading >>>
Latest Bill Gates Insanity: Injecting Sulfur Into the Atmosphere Will Cause EnvironmentalDisaster A study published in November by the University of Pennsylvania exposes the insanity of projects such as spraying particles of sulphur compounds into the stratosphere, self - anointed vaccime messiah Bill Gates' latest scheme to “save” the planet with "geoengineering" According to the mathematical modellers Gates pays hansomely to provide him with "scientific" data to persuade politicians to spend taxpayers money on projects run by companies his "charitable foundation" has invested in. Far from saving the planet this latest idiocy is actually destroying environments.
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We Told You So - Government-funded Report Confirms World’s Largest offshore Wind Farm is UnprofitableA report commissioned by the Norwegian government has contradicted Boris Johnson’s recent claim that offshore wind costs have fallen by 70% in a decade. The report also blows a huge hole in Johnson's grandiose pledges to the COP26 conference that offshore wind power would propel Britain to its net - zero target for Carbon Dioxide emissions well before 2050, the target set by the climate conference for achieving that target. Continue reading >>>
Climate: The Science, The Lies, The Malfeasance and The Deep State Climate change hoax COLLAPSES as new science finds human activity has virtually zero impact on global temperatures
We have previously highlighted this report from Finland which exposes the great flaw in "the science" of global warming. The link at the end of this extract takes you to a much more complete account of the research project which, not for the first time debunks the fake science on which the politically - motivate climate change scare. Continue reading >>>
COP26 Climate Conference - Just Another Elitist Scam To Steal Your Money If you are one of the people who still relies on mainstream media for information, the 'on - message' news reports coming from the COP26 Climate Conference in Glasgow this week, and during the build up to the conference, might have convinced you that the entire world (barring a few crazy conspiacy theorists,) is signed up to the 'net zero' agenda and believes that destroying the economies of the developed nations while exporting our jobs, business and prosperity to places like India and China is the only way to save the planet.
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Proof That The Alarmist Claptrap You Are Hearing And Seeing At COP26 Climate Conference Is A Load Of Bollocks The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places, the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consul Ifft, at Bergen, Norway. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions in the Arctic zone. Expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met with as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm ... Continue reading >>>
Green dreams of Heat PumpsContinue reading >>> When Boris Johnson revealed the UK Government plans for achieving 'net zero' carbon emissions by 2050 it emerged the much teased clean, green replacement for gas boilers as our main source of domestic heating is to be heat pumps. The Daily Stirrer counters the pseudo-scientific bollocks and reveals this 'new technology has been around for a hundred years.
Green dreams of Heat PumpsContinue reading >>> When Boris Johnson revealed the UK Government plans for achieving 'net zero' carbon emissions by 2050 it emerged the much teased clean, green replacement for gas boilers as our main source of domestic heating is to be heat pumps. The Daily Stirrer counters the pseudo-scientific bollocks and reveals this 'new technology has been around for a hundred years.
Governments' obsession with climate pseudoscience over economically and social viable solutions is leading to disaster The government's current obsession with pursuing the target of net zero carbon emissions in order to claim the UK leads the world in green wankery is more to do with virtue signalling that governing, but with the complicity of mainstream media, particularly The BBC, climate scaremongering is providing a convenient diversion from this governments abject failure to address and of the very real economic and social problems facing us.
from The Daily Telegraph
As with membership of the EU, the political elite is imposing a revolution on the public without consent. Does the blob never learn? Voters don’t like being treated like naughty children
Green Dreams Menu It may be driven by virtue signalling or self hatred but the urge to destroy civilisation in order to save the planet and the ideological agenda that drive the gree movement are too far removed from the realities of life to ever achieve their aims.
We The Good Guys Versus They The Bad Guys Reporting Does Not Make Sense For The Ukraine Crisis Mainstream media reporting of the conflict in Ukraine has disappointed. Perhaps I was naive to suppose that lessons might have been learned from the hits their print sales and online traffic rates took as a result of their handling the COVID pandemic But instead of focusing on the most obviously newsworthy aspect of the build up to and escalation of the war, Russia’s view of NATO expansion into Ukraine and even further to Georgia and Kazakhstan, news reports have simply demonised Russia and portrayed Ukraine as the good guys.
Leaked Documents suggest Moderna created its Coronavirus Vaccine BEFORE Covid-19 was known to exist A confidentiality agreement shows potential coronavirus vaccine candidates were transferred from Moderna to the University of North Carolina in 2019, nineteen days prior to the emergence of the alleged Covid-19 causing virus in Wuhan, China.And now further evidence suggests the American pharmaceutical and biotechnology company that has made billions through the sale of said experimental injection, is actually responsible for creating the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Debunked: The Great Renewable Green Delusion The war in Ukraine has not caused the global energy crisis of early 2022 byt merely exacerbated it. Currently the nations currently in conflict with Russia over its incursion into Ukraine are those which are most dependent for their energy needs on Russian oil and gas. And now their loonytoons 'net zero' green energy policies have failed they are biting the hand that feeds them.
Oh what a lovely war! Taking Sides In The Ukraine Conflict I am a First Gulf War veteran and one of my sons, when very young,
asked me which ‘team’ I had been on as if that was a choice for a
British soldier. I was recently asked by one of my not so young
grandsons which ‘team’ I supported in the war between Ukraine and
Russia. Years of online gaming combined with a crumbling state
educational system have led young boys to consider that war really is
just a game.
The Dominance Of The U.S. Dollar Is Fading Right Before Our Eyes It was just a couple of weeks ago that I wrote an article arguing
that the economic sanctions we have cast upon in Russia, due to its
invasion of Ukraine, likely mark the beginning of a period where China
and Russia would bifurcate the global monetary system, leading them to
eventually challenge the U.S. dollar’s reserve status.
Now, Saudi Arabia is joining the fray, further threatening to tip the balance of the global monetary scales that have kept the U.S. dollar afloat for decades.
Boris and Biden Can't Blame Ukraine War For Energy Crisis Telling voters that the spiralling inflation we are now experiencing, and the effect on living standards might sound like a politiian trying to be honest for once . Or might it be the case that Boris Johnson, never a man known for plain speaking, is preparing us to be told that Russia’s war against Ukraine, rather than the follies of 'net zero' policies and transitioning from fossil fuels to intermittent 'sustainable' energy sources are to blame for price rises that coming down the lione long before the first Russian boot stepped over ~Ukraine's border?
Boris and Biden Can't Blame Ukraine War For Energy Crisis With typical arrogance and condescension towards the people who elected them Boris Johnson, Joe Biden and their respectiive presstitutes are trying to spin the energy crisis Europe and North America are currently facing as somehow being linked to the conflict in Ukraine and therfore blame is being attactched to Russia and Vladimir Putin. Do they really think we are stupid enough to believe such unmitigated bollocks? ...
Even If The War In Ukraine Ends, Sanctions Will Stay - So How Bad Will The Food Crisis Get? Western leaders, desperate to show their own countries they were taking a firm stance on Russia's invasion of Ukraine, were quick to impose economic sanctions ... so quick in fact that they acted before they had though things through. While freezing Russia out of the global finance system they have exacerbated the wests energy crisis, while Russia's retaliatory ban on raw materials (fertiliser) exports will create extra problems on top of those we already had ...
Syria - style Chemical Weapon False Flag Attacks Coming Soon To Ukraine While mainstream media reports on the current conflict in the all too predictable globalist style of 'Ukraine man good, Russia man bad,' the truth of how we came to the stage of armed conflict in Ukrain that threatens to spill over into a much bigger war, it is worth questioning the role The USA and NATO have played in making Russia's action inevitable ... Continue reading >>>
Europe's Depleted Gas Storage Might Not Get Refilled Ahead Of Next Winter While mainstream news reporting of the conflict in Ukraine continues to pump out a torrent of anri - Russia, pro - war propaganda the catastropic effects of this war that could so easily have been avoided are not mentioned. Well why would warmongering governments admit they have inflicted an energy crisis, food shortages and soaring living costs on their people for no good reason ...
Russia-Ukraine crisis will put more pressure on the global food supply chain, driving up prices around the world After three weeks of non-violent civil disobedience outside the Canadian parliament in Ottawa by truckers and other Canadian citizens struggling to uphold their right to not be subjected to forced “vaccination,” Justin Trudeau unleashed the goon squads. Thousands of militarized riot police (and other unidentified heavily-armed operatives) swarmed the area, surrounded the protesters, started breaking into trucks and arresting people, and beating them with batons and the butts of their rifles.
Putin, Macron To Hold Urgent Talks To Halt Military Escalation In Ukraine Even though the leaders of Ukraine itself are talking down the threat of war with Russia over the breakaway region of Donbas, America and Britain are still beating the war drums and demonising Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Russia insists they have no plans to invade Ukraine and one western leader at least, France's Emmanuel Macron, seems to be listening to messages coming out of the East European trouble spot...
Germany News Mag. Spiegel Asks "Is Vladimir Putin Right About NATO Expansion?" As the confrontation along the border between Ukraine and Russia has escalated to actual shooting with ethnic Russian rebel separatists in Donbas reporting intensified shelling and initiating a "general mobilization" of military-age males, with Moscow denying they plan to invade and Ukraine's leaders accusing US, UK and French leaders of hysteria for talking up the threat of war, Germany's leading newspaper Spiegel asks the question fundamental to the entire conflict...
Mainstream media's hyping of the threat to Ukrained posed by Russian aggression is the latest in a long line of attempts to lay blame for western foreign policy disasters at the fet of Russia. In fact had Joe Biden not started to babble about Russian aggression, talking up the threat of conflict, there would be no crisis ...
Is The Russian Threat To Invade Ukraine Real Or A Globalist Conspiracy Theory?
While Joe Biden's handlers in Washington and Boris Johnson In London talk up the threat of war should Russia invade Ukraine as they claim Moscow is preparing to do,Ukrainian leaders are dismissive, accusing the west of ramping up hysteria in a bid to divert attention from oither problems ... Continue reading >>>
How COVID Corrupted Science Politicians who criticised AstraZeneca vaccine 'probably killed hundreds of thousands', says Oxford scientist in an outburst that reveals how the science acedemy have been totally owned by corporate money and thus have been guilty of lying, scaremongering, fabricating evidence, publishing fake statisics and spreadsing misinformation. And the politicians who told us to 'trust The Science' are just as guilty.
British Government Laundered Fake U.S. 'Intelligence' On Ukraine The British government on Saturday accused Russia of organizing a plot to install a pro-Moscow government in Ukraine, as the Kremlin masses troops near the Ukrainian border. The U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office gave relatively little information about the intelligence unveiled Saturday other than to say that the Russian government was considering trying to make a Russia-leaning former member of Ukraine’s parliament, Yevhen Murayev, the country’s new leader. Continue reading >>>
As the COVID narrative crumbles under the weight of evidence that the vaccines do not work, masks are useless and lockdowns kill more than they save a new scaremongering narrative - or a revamped old one - is emerging as the threat of war with russia is the latest fear and panic vehicle to scare the people into compliance with tyranny.
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Currency Wars - Now The Euro Challenges The Mighty Dollar Our http://www, wars feature has taken a back seat these past two years as the COVID pandemic (or propaganda pandemic as some people might say,) has pushed all other stories aside. In our opinion however, the pandemic has served as a convenient smokescreen behind which all sorts of elitist skulduggery has been going on, hidden from the view of the general population. ... Continue reading >>>
COVID cover-up: UK media refuses to report that 4 of 5 coronavirus deaths over the past month occurred in the vaccinatedEarlier this evening Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in a broadcast to the nation, implored British citizens to continue doing what they’ve been told to do throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately everything the government has told us to do: Stay at home, Work from home, Wear masks, wash your hands every twenty seconds, do not touch anything, Shun your friends and relatives especially if they are sick, Get a vaccine, Get a second, vaccine, Get a booster vaccine, ... etc, etc, etc, Continue reading >>>
European Union Medical Regulators Warn of Health Risks Surrounding Repeat Booster ShotsThe European Medicines Agency, medical regulators for E U member states have issued a warning about plans to introduce regular COVID vaccine booster shots, with current proposals for a booster every three months. The Agency's public relations team warned that frequent use of coronavirus boosters could have unintended health consequences. Officials of the Agency sounded the alarm on proposals to vaccinate people with a booster shot every four months, instead leaving the door open for an annual booster. Continue reading >>>
Covid Vaccine Refusers 'Thrive On Attention' Says Prime Attention Seeker And Chief Clown Boris JohnsonIronic isn't it that the one person guilty of telling more lies and spreading more misinformation about COVID throughout the pandemic, our so - called Prime Minister and according to observable evidence, the chief idiot Boris Johnson launched another attack on 'anti - vaxxers' today, saying they “thrive on the attention”? This outrageous farrago of lies and calumnies spewed at people who have simply chosen not to be injected with a shot of toxic shite that does not immunise anybody against anything Continue reading >>>
UK School that ‘canceled’ JK Rowling as a role model over transgender views replaces her with ex - Olympic athlete who has even stronger views Managers and senior teachers at the exclusive Boswell's School in Chelmsford, UK faced a wave of criticism after withdrawing from Harry Potter author JK Rowling the honour of having one of the school's houses named after her and have now shot themselves in the foot again by naming as Rowling's replacement a former Olympic athlete, Kelly Holmes, who won two gold medals and who has recently voiced some strong opinions on the policy of allowing formely male transgender athletes to compete in women's events, ever though the athletes involved still have their male wedding tackle.
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Novak Djokovic is no victim but Australian government 's political opportunism is disgusting While the world divides more deeply into two camps over the COVID mRNA vaccines, one of the most shameful incidents of the whole pandemic has been playing out in Australia where the world No 1 tennis player has been subjected to a medieval with hunt over his refusal to accept vaccination. The persecution of Novak Djokovic has been engineered purely because the nation's leaders want to put it at the forefront of the push towards global vaccine tyranny. Continue reading >>>
Italy Pondering Total Ban On Unvaccinated In The WorkplacesItaly's unelected governments, which has already faced riots and massive resistance to its authoritarian measures to strip away citizens rights and liberties under cover of pretending their actions are necessary steps to deal with the pandemic, now risks plunging the country into greater chaos by mandating vaccines for the workplace.
Novak Djokovic is no victim but Australian government 's political opportunism is disgusting While the world divides more deeply into two camps over the COVID mRNA vaccines, one of the most shameful incidents of the whole pandemic has been playing out in Australia where the world No 1 tennis player has been subjected to a medieval with hunt over his refusal to accept vaccination. The persecution of Novak Djokovic has been engineered purely because the nation's leaders want to put it at the forefront of the push towards global vaccine tyranny. Continue reading >>>
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We have menioned the name of the eminent doctore Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. in these pages before. Indeed, Dr. Bhakdi has been one of the most prominent criticts of the "science led" responses to the COVID pandemic from day one and has consistently warned against the mRNA vaccines rolled out around the world, citing the scientifically sound reasons this technique for modifying DNA has in the past been studied and abandoned because of the unpredictable side effects. ... Continue reading >>>
Freak Weather Around The World Begs Questions With Britain and other parts of northern Europe basking in unseasonably warm temperatures which are forecast to last for a few days, while parts of the USA gring to a halt under a blanket of snow dumped by freak storms are, accoring to climate scarmongers, a signal that irreversible warming had arrived, it is perhaps timely for a hot topic from ten years ago, geoengineering came under the microscope again. This report from Global Intel Hub seems a good way to kick off the debate. ... Continue reading >>>
The Mystery Of Origin Of Omicron
The mystery of the origin of omicron strain of COVID-19
is raising new questions about the still undetermined origin of the
coronavirus outbreak and whether it leaked from a Chinese research laboratory in Wuhan in 2019. One common theory about abnormal mutations in the new variant Omicron suggests that it could have appeared from a person with an immunodeficiency after several months of incubation ... Continue reading >>>
A few weeks ago this blog reported a Swedish study which showed that natural immunity provides much better protection against infection by the SARS2-COV virus which causes COVID (COrona VIrus Disease,) than the Pfizer vaccine which is currently hyped as the most effective on the market, though it is no more effective than the others at provinding immunity. The more responsible voices in mainstream media that actually reported the story described by the news as “a bit of a bombshell”.
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Study Reveals That Unjabbed Are Better Informed Than Jabbed On the day we reported elsewhere that thousands of Germans had taken to the streets to protest against the latest fascistic measures imposed by their federal government Ulrike Guérot, a German political scientist has effectively shown that the so called vaccination opponents were far better informed on the CoVID vaccine effectiveness and adverse affects than the jabbed ones.
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Thousands Protest In Germany Ahead Of COVID Measures Set To Go Into Effect Tuesday Thousands of people took to the streets of Germany on Monday in protest over COVID-19 restrictions that are set to go into effect on Tuesday.The demonstrations were biggest in Mecklenburg, northern Germany, where roughly 15,000 demonstrators took to the streets to protest against tighter measures, according to local reports. In Rostock, a city along the Warnow River on the north coast of the country, roughly 6,500 people demonstrated, while in Schwerin there were roughly 2,700 and in Neubrandenburg, around 2,400 joined a demonstration.
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Columbia University researchers have found that the true death count from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” is substantially higher than the official figures from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC claims that only 20,000 people have died from Fauci Flu injections, but Columbia’s underreporting factor estimates that 20 times that number, or around 400,000 deaths, is far more accurate.
Latest Bill Gates Insanity: Injecting Sulfur Into the Atmosphere Will Cause EnvironmentalDisaster A study published in November by the University of Pennsylvania exposes the insanity of projects such as spraying particles of sulphur compounds into the stratosphere, self - anointed vaccime messiah Bill Gates' latest scheme to “save” the planet with "geoengineering" According to the mathematical modellers Gates pays hansomely to provide him with "scientific" data to persuade politicians to spend taxpayers money on projects run by companies his "charitable foundation" has invested in. Far from saving the planet this latest idiocy is actually destroying environments.
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Vaccines are less effective effective in stopping the spread of COVID-19 that governments have claimed, an analysis of government narratives carried out by a constitutional rights group shows. The report was published Tuesday by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, found that claims made by governments promising vaccination will reduce or stop the spread of COVID-19 are not supported by either medical science or empirical evidence Continue reading >>>
Government To Weaponise Welfare Benefits To Enforce Vaccine Mandates
As evidence piles up showing that the COVID vaccines have failed, or at least are nmot what we were told they are, because data shows that the vaccinated rather than being ptotected from infection are actually more vulnerable to COVID, government and Big Pharma are growing more desperate in their efforts to coerce people into getting vaccinated.
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German Schoolchildren Subjected To 'Ritual Humiliation' Over Their Vaccine Status December 12< As this blog has been telling you for a few years now, The Nazis are back in Germany. With these sausage scoffing krauts it's not a case of 'do as we say, not as we do,' but "DO AS WE SAY OR WE WILL MARGINALIZE YOUR KIDS AND FINE YOU INO POVERTY. Only a matter of time until the National Socialist coalition's thugs start kicking door in and dragging those who are not fully vaxxed (two shosts plus all obligatory boosters,) off to internment camps. VACCINE MACHT FRIE.
Why have we doctors been silent? — by Lucie Wilk
AS an NHS hospital doctor, I have had a front-row seat as the drama of the coronavirus pandemic has unfolded. It has been a year and a half of confusion, frustration and anger for me as I’ve watched our profession drawn into complicity with what I anticipate will be regarded as one of the most egregious public health disasters in history. I have watched as ‘the science’ has been presented on the national stage flanked by Union Jack flags as an unassailable truth. For something so apparently inviolable, it seems to shift and change disconcertingly from week to week ...
Press freedom groups have warned Assange’s prosecution is a grave threat. The Biden DOJ ignored them, and today won a major victory toward permanently silencing the pioneering transparency activist. In a London courtroom on Friday morning, Julian Assange suffered a devastating blow to his quest for freedom. A two-judge appellate panel of the United Kingdom’s High Court ruled that the U.S.’s request to extradite Assange to the U.S. to stand trial on espionage charges is legally valid.
Are The Vaccine Slaves Slowly Awakening? TV Show Mysteriously Deletes Poll After Vast Majority Oppose Mandatory Vaccination A major morning television show in the UK deleted a Twitter poll asking if vaccines should be made mandatory after the results showed that 89% of respondents oppose compulsory shots.Yes, really. ...Continue reading >>>
Pandemic - The Thief Of Time A pandemic polemic in verse. The narrative of an unseeable monster that poses and existential threat to humanity is eating the days and years of our lives ...
Why Are Indians So Angry at Bill Gates?
The latest backlash against billionaire psychpath and his 'philanthropic' organisation the Gates Foundation from government, media and society in India is the result of long - existing concerns raised by activists about the foundation's cavalier attitude to human rights and civil liberties.
Cancer expert says U.K. seeing spike in “non-covid deaths,” nobody willing to call out vaccine elephant in the room
Excess mortality in the United Kingdom is off the charts, and yet nobody is willing to call out Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” as the culprit. Cancer expert and Prof. Carl Heneghan describes the current situation in Great Britain as a “national scandal.” A shocking 9,300 more people than usual have died in the U.K. over the past several months, and officials are blaming everything else except the injections.
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history there have been sports players who suffered from multiple
conditions who have “collapsed” on the field during practice and during live games. However, a recent article from the German newspaper, Berliner Zeitung has highlighted an
“unusually large” increase in the number of these collapses recently, leading to much speculation.
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After a weekend of increasingly violent protests around Europe, similar to the one pictured above in London, against elitist plans to introduce new limitations on freedom, lockdowns and further steps towards compulsory vaccination (with a vaccine that does not immunise against a virus that makes very few people ill,) it is disappointing to see that in the US and UK, mainstream media is still doing its best to ratchet up the fear and panic ...
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We Told You So - Government-funded Report Confirms World’s Largest offshore Wind Farm is UnprofitableA report commissioned by the Norwegian government has contradicted Boris Johnson’s recent claim that offshore wind costs have fallen by 70% in a decade. The report also blows a huge hole in Johnson's grandiose pledges to the COP26 conference that offshore wind power would propel Britain to its net - zero target for Carbon Dioxide emissions well before 2050, the target set by the climate conference for achieving that target. Continue reading >>>
COVID-19 infections are surging in Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Czechia and Greece, with these countries and others returning to the kind of strict public health measures which have previously failed contain the spread of the 'deadly virus' that only kills people who are over a thousand years old and have dozens of pre - existing, potentially fatal conditions. Austria has gone so far as to enact a
nationwide lockdown beginning Monday.
The Absurdity Of Vaccine Passports, Lockdowns and Segregating The UnvaxxedAfter reintroducing lockdowns from the beginning of this week in its two regions with the highest rates of COVID cases, Austria today became the first country in western Europe to reimpose a full, national lockdown which will start on Monday, November 22. The Austrial government is likely to be quickly joined by neighboring Germany, a statement from Berlin warned [...] Some commentators in Austrian capital Vienna were cynical enough to ask if the whole point of this latest escalation is justify more restrictions Continue reading >>>
The Betrayal Of Humanity By The Corrupt Medical Professions From day one, back in March 2020 when the pandemic was declared, this blog has been questioning the fake statistics, highlighting the distortion of statistics to serve the scaremongering narratives of the elites and exposing the lies and dishonesty of politicians, sciencetitis (sic) and, surprisingly perhaps if you are of a credulous nature, doctors and the medical professions. ... Continue reading >>>
Austria Days Away From Imposing Lockdown On The "Shameful" Unvaccinated Says Chancellor SchallenbergAustria's globalist Chancellor Schallenborg said today that the government would shortly give the go-ahead for a lockdown of unvaccinated people, to be introduced in the two highest-incidence regions from Monday and possibly also nationwide [...] This would prevent people without proof of full vaccination or recovery from Covid-19 from leaving their homes except for essential reasons. Continue reading >>>
COP26 Climate Conference - Just Another Elitist Scam To Steal Your Money If you are one of the people who still relies on mainstream media for information, the 'on - message' news reports coming from the COP26 Climate Conference in Glasgow this week, and during the build up to the conference, might have convinced you that the entire world (barring a few crazy conspiacy theorists,) is signed up to the 'net zero' agenda and believes that destroying the economies of the developed nations while exporting our jobs, business and prosperity to places like India and China is the only way to save the planet.
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Algorithms Are No Better At Telling The Future Than Tarot Cards Or A Crystal Ball According to a new report “An increasing number of businesses are investing in advanced technologies that can help them forecast the future of their workforce and gain a competitive advantage”. Almost every day we see more bollocks being written by supposedly intelligent people who believe that by using things called ‘Data Science’, ‘Artificial Intelligence,’ and ‘Big Data’, machines can already be relied on to make better decisions than humans, and that soon computers will equal or even surpass us in actual intelligence. ...
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In A Fit Of Honesty Italian Institute Of Health Reduces Official COVID Death Toll By 97% Italian newspaper Il Tempo has published a shock report, claiming that the country's Institute has reduced the official figure for the number of people who have died from COVID from 130,000 to under 4,000. This may surprise many people who bought into the "killer virus" narrative and unleashed torrents of pure hatred on those of us who declined vaccination, having studied the figure for reported "COVID related deaths," and the methodology used to arrive at that figure ...
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Climate Hypocrites: 400 Private Jets Fly To Scotland For Save The Planet Climate ConferenceThe elitists currently gathered in Glasgow to yell at us about climate change and how we must all sit and shiver as energy prices go stratospheric or drive pimped up golf trolleys are just total hypocrites. These people who are flying in from all around the world to the COP 26 in their private jets and then motoring from the airport in motorcades of gas-guzzling limousines and SUVs are not here because they are concerned about the future but because they expect to shortly be making billions out of you and me from the new 'green' technologies being promoted as the fourth industrial revolution. Continue reading >>>
Proof That The Alarmist Claptrap You Are Hearing And Seeing At COP26 Climate Conference Is A Load Of Bollocks The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places, the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consul Ifft, at Bergen, Norway. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions in the Arctic zone. Expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met with as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm ... Continue reading >>>
A newly published study from researchers in Sweden reveals that the immunity to COVID gained from vaccination, is dissipated by natural biological processes within months. Immunity, although it would be more honestly called temporary respite, from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections is short term at best, and completely gone within months, this confirming the doubts raised by vaccine sceptics (or Conspiracy Theorists as mainstream media likes to call us
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UK Energy Crisis Deepens as prices and demand skyrocket while supplies shrink to critical levels It is ironic that in the week world leaders and flat faced Swedeish trolls are gathering in Glasgow for an orgy of virtue signalling that will inevitably drive millions of people in the developed world into fuel poverty and result in more industrial jobs being exported from the west to the world’s major produceres of Carbon Dioxide emissions, China and India, the energy crunch that is affecting the whole of Europe is about to hit the United Kingdom extremely hard.
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Green dreams of Heat PumpsContinue reading >>> When Boris Johnson revealed the UK Government plans for achieving 'net zero' carbon emissions by 2050 it emerged the much teased clean, green replacement for gas boilers as our main source of domestic heating is to be heat pumps. The Daily Stirrer counters the pseudo-scientific bollocks and reveals this 'new technology has been around for a hundred years.
Green dreams of Heat PumpsContinue reading >>> When Boris Johnson revealed the UK Government plans for achieving 'net zero' carbon emissions by 2050 it emerged the much teased clean, green replacement for gas boilers as our main source of domestic heating is to be heat pumps. The Daily Stirrer counters the pseudo-scientific bollocks and reveals this 'new technology has been around for a hundred years.
Surge in Emergency Hospital Admissions from Vaccinated People Suffering Acute Organ FailureThe USA's taxpayer funded broadcaster National Public Radio (NPR) is claiming to be mystified by a siginficant increase in hospital emergency admissions across the United States but does not find the fact that these medical emergencies are all among people already vaccinated against COVID-19 and also all due to people experiencing symptoms consistent with the acknowledged side effects of the vaccines. Continue reading >>>
Analyst Reports ‘Hundreds of Thousands’ of COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Backlogged in VAERSThe latest episode of “Doctors and Scientists” on CHD.TV, features regular host Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E., interviewing Jessica Rose, Ph.D., a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) analyst and computational biologist who specializes in biomathematics and molecular research. OK, I know this publication does not have much time for mathematical modelling, but that is because so much of it is obviously rigged to support propaganda narratives. We will always give an honest scientist a fair hearing even if we do not agree with their contribution to debate. Continue reading >>>
Goodbye Freedom, Hello Global Governance. If at any time during the chaos the past eighteen months you have wondered what kind of idiots are running the world and have gleefully trashed economies, disrupted social and commercial life and stripped citizens of their rights and liberties only to bring us, in late October 2021, right back to where we were in late February 2020 when the words pandemic and COVID crept into our consciousness ...Continue reading >>>
SStarmer Outs Himself As More Fascist Than Boris Bonkers or Dementia Joe Biden The leader of the UK’s official opposition party, Labour, Sir Kier SStarmer after a year of starring in a remake of The Invisible Man has finally decided to let us see who he is. Responding to remarks made by Home Secretary Priti Patel, SStarmer said education authorities should be allowed to use exclusion orders to stop anti-vaccine activists from protesting outside schools ... Continue reading >>>
from The Daily Telegraph
As with membership of the EU, the political elite is imposing a revolution on the public without consent. Does the blob never learn? Voters don’t like being treated like naughty children
Prof. Pilmer Is Going To Piss Off Boris, Biden, Bill Gates, theflat faced Swedish mini9 troll and the rest of the green Nazis Professor Ian Plimer blew the! whistle on the human driven climate change scam a while ago. Search the web and, of course, you will find plent of left wing websites including some 'fact checkrs' claiming his volcano theory has been debunked. The problem there is that the far left 'Church of Sciencology Cult' likes to rewrite the dictionary in order to make is attempt to discredit anyone who opposes its ideological approach to everything look credible.
If you've read Plimer's book you will agree; this is a good summary.
Europe's Energy Crisis Exposes Green Fraud Vladimir Putin has been celebrating the recent and much reported European energy crisis, knowing that withouout his doing anything, thanks to the obsessive pandrering to Greta Thunberg and the green lobby political leaders ion the UK and EU member states Russia has been handed control of European markets, with the option of manipulating supply chains and prices at the same time. In the meantime the European nations have failed to sufficiently diversify supply.
Turkey Kills Over 50 Syrian Troops, Russian Warplanes Intervene to Halt OffensiveTurkey Kills Over 50 Syrian Troops, Russian Warplanes Intervene to Halt Offensive Conflict in Syria’s Idlib Province has escalated during the past week, with Turkish forces attacking the Syrian army and claiming to have killed over 50 soldiers. Russia, the main Syrian ally in the conflict, took the pressure off Assad and sent a clear message to Turkey’s President Erdogan by sending in warplanes to halt to Turkish assault ...
Anyone Who Fancies A Bet Will Be Put On A Register, Just Like Sex Offenders.
In another signal that Boris Johnson's government has sold out to globalist ambitions and is lurching headlong towards fascism, The Information Commissioner’s Office has announced that as part of their pursuit of a Single View of the Customer (SVoC), they plan to create a database in which all “behavioural data” of people who enjoy a bet ...
Dont Dictate To Us On Human Rights, Justice Secretary Raab Tells EU Justice Secretary Dominic Raab told the Conservative Party Conference last month Boris Johnson had given him the task of rewriting the The Human Righrs Act when he moved him from the Foreign Office in September’s reshuffle. This week Raab revealed details on how he plans to block interference from Strasbourg in British matters as part of his remit.
I will get hate mail now': Lord Robert Winston backs professor in trans row saying 'you can't change sex' After making controversial comments on transgender issues during his appearance on BBC television's Question Time last night, biologist and science broadcasdter Lord Robert Winston said today he fears he will be the subject of hate attacks from trans activists and the 'woke' brigade. Winston, not for the fgirst time, publicly backed a fellow academic scientist who triggered the trans - hate mob last wek by saying people "can't change sex".
No End To The Insanity: Media Now Claims That "Double Jabbed" Brits Who Have Colds Are Suffering From COVID You might think from the title the media are at last getting the idea that the COVID "clotshot" vaccines are not working if large numbers of double vaccinated people are becoming ill but such common sense went out of fashion years ago. What the propagandists are doing is trying to blame the unvaccinated (purebloods as we now call ourselves,) for infecting immunised people with a virus we don't have ...
Governments' obsession with climate pseudoscience over economically and social viable solutions is leading to disaster The government's current obsession with pursuing the target of net zero carbon emissions in order to claim the UK leads the world in green wankery is more to do with virtue signalling that governing, but with the complicity of mainstream media, particularly The BBC, climate scaremongering is providing a convenient diversion from this governments abject failure to address and of the very real economic and social problems facing us.
Strictly Come And Be A Fascist Dancing Stooge Boris Johnson's fascistic demand that contestants on Strictly Come Dancing be vaccinates in the interests of safety (as if the public can catch the virus from an unvaxxed celeb through a television screen,) shows just how far along the road to fascism this authoritarian government has taken the country and how much further they are prepared to go
First Responders: From Heroes To Zeroes 2 October: Those who just one year ago were celebrated are now being vilified. The architects of this drastic rebrand? The ruling elite. In New York, Gov. Kathy Hochul announced Saturday that she would call in the National Guard to replace healthcare workers who did not meet Monday’s vaccination deadline.
Boris’ Government Trying To Bypass Parliament, Introduce Vaccine Passports By Back Door We warned you this authoritarian government would not let the idea of vaccine passports go and here they are, reported by Summit News (well you didn't expect to see it in mainstream media did you?} tyring to bring in their wretched "Papers Please" legislation by the back door.
Green Dreams Menu It may be driven by virtue signalling or self hatred but the urge to destroy civilisation in order to save the planet and the ideological agenda that drive the gree movement are too far removed from the realities of life to ever achieve their aims.
Covid Vaccine Fascism Greenteeth Digital Publishing catalogue of posts on the covid pandemic authoritrariansm propaganda and pushbacks. Find posts on the authoritarian acts of government, the lies of Big Pharma vaccine makers and the protests and pushbacks from the people whose resistance is not being reported in mainstream media
Ivermectin? Neigh problem. US Food and Drung Agency Lists 'Horse Drug' As Approved COVID Treatment After banning the use of anti - parasitic, anti - inflammatory drug Ivermecting for use in the economically developed nations because it was a "horse drug" the US Food and Drug administration has now approved another horse drug. The difference? Ivermectin is a more efficient and cheaper alternative to vacccines, dexamethasone is only effective against those seriously ill with COVID. Or to put the case bluntly, it may cover up evidence that the vaccines are failing as more double vaccinated people than unvaccinated are falling sick with COVID.
Have You Committed Your Three Thought Crimes Today? You're a criminal. So am I. We all are, according to some legal experts there are now so many crimes, a lot of them loosely defined, it is impossible to get through the day without committing at least three crimes. In fac it is often the case that by obeying one law you are breaking another.
UK School staff receive threats of violence amid anti-vaccination campaign
Government plans to push their dodgy vaccines onto schoolchildren are meeting opposition. On the back of scientific studies showing children are at zero risk from cOVID and do not spread the virus parents, and citizens concerned at this fascistic coercion of citizens to accept an experimental medication are reacting in the only way they can.
Are Vaccines The New Messiah Or Are They Bollocks? Throughout the pandemic of 2020 .21 we have been encouraged by a carefully constructed narrative to believe vaccines will be our messiah and only compliance with government diktat can save us from the kiler virus. But is it all bollocks?
"F**K The Jab, Long Live Australia" - 20,000 Shut Down Melbourne Highway In Massive Lockdown Protest Anti-lockdown protests have become commonplace in Australia since the latest round of "snap" lockdowns began two months ago although you wouldn't think so if you rely on mainstream media for information about what's going on in this increasingly insane world. Newspapers and broadcast news channels have almost totally blanked stories reporting the pushback against the Australian government's increasingly authoritarian measures
he cultural elite says our new culture secretary is uncultured, yet I’d wager she’s the first best-selling author to hold the job, and the only one I know of to have eaten an ostrich anus on TV, which sounds positively French. The appointment of Nadine Dorries – an outspoken former nurse, businesswoman and star of I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here – is not a two fingers up to the culture industry but the direction of travel. That’s what so terrifies the gatekeepers.
How many more young lives will be sacrificed on Gates’s vaccine altar? It’s remarkable that the man who has become the unelected global health czar and population control advocate is not being questioned on his past more closely. Though we are living through a crisis predicted by Gates and a response triggered and bankrolled by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which are driving us towards a vaccination and biometric ID solution which Gates has been working on for years, he’s still regarded as a benign philanthropist.
France: Thousands of Health Workers Who Refused Covid Vaccine Mandate Suspended 17 September 2021: The French government have today suspended 3,000 health workers who have defied a manadte requiring all medical personnel to be vaccinated against COVI|D, The Guardian reports. Announcing the move France’s health minister said that many have since agreed to be inoculated now that they had seen “the mandate was a reality”. This of course violates the workers human rights under the Geneva Convention as well as about a million French civil and employment rights laws.
Italy Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine Passports For All Private Sector Workers 17 September 2021: Italys undemocratically appointed left wing government, acting no doubt on ordrrs from the EU which appointed the governing hotch - potch coalition yesterday (16 September) approved new and restrictive rules using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excise for this lurch towards fascism. The new rules which are aning the strictest in the world, in the world mandate that all private and public sector employees get the vaccine and show proof of vaccination,
Leaked Zoom Video Exposes Hospital Officials Discussing COVID-19 Scare Tactics 16 September 2021: A leaked Zoom conference reveals a doctor questioning how to increase the count of COVID-19 patient numbers on the hospital’s dashboard report.National File and other local media outlets that reported on the leak identified the people in the video as Mary Kathryn Rudyk, a physician at the medical center, who is asking Carolyn Fisher, the hospital’s director of marketing, how to inflate the number of people classified as COVID-19 patients for the purpose of generating fear in the unvaccinated.
When Santiago Abascal, leader of Spanish right-wing party Vox, delivered a press conference on the 30th August, it did not take long for perhaps the most controversial part of his speech to be put into bite-sized form. Europe does not have moral duty to welcome or accept every Afghan or African who seeks to enter.
Has Biden's Afghan Surrender Handed The Future To China 5 September: The abrupt and ill - considered withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan ordered by President Joe (Dementia Man) Biden and the susequent return to power of Islamic fundamentalist The Taliban hands control of the vast Afghan litium reserves to China and is a blow to the green agenda of the G7 nations
Why All The Fuss About Ivermectin?
First hydroxychloroquine, now ivermectin, is the hated deadly drug de jour, castigated by the medical establishment and regulatory authorities. Both drugs have been around for a long time as FDA-approved prescription medications. Yet now we are told they are as deadly as arsenic.
As a physician, I am certainly aware of ivermectin but don’t recall ever writing a prescription for it in my 30+ years’ medical career.
Imagine being at a party celebrating the vast wealth generated in the last ten months in stocks, cryptocurrencies, real estate and just about every other asset class. The lights flicker briefly but the host assures the crowd the generator powering the party is working perfectly. Being a skeptic, you slip out on the excuse of bringing in more champagne and pay a visit to the generator room. To your horror, you find the entire arrangement held together with duct
The Orwellian Vaccine Passport Agenda Relies On The Lie Of The "Social Contract" There is a fundamental question that needs to be asked when examining the vaccine passport issue, and what I find is that almost no one in the mainstream is tackling it directly. The question is this: "Is it legally and morally acceptable to constrict the rights and economic access of people in order to force them to submit to an experimental “vaccine”, or any other medical procedure for that matter?"
Johnson’s Proposed National Insurance Hike Threatens Jobs And Recovery The prime minister has been warned by The Confederation Of British Industry and other groups and campaigners representing various areas of the national economy that job creation and young workers will bear the brunt of what is essentially a stealth tax affecting 25m people.
Thousands Protests Against Covid Vaccine Passports In London Unreported by mainstream media as in previous months, crowds numbering tens of thousands gathered in London on the last weekend of the month to protest agains the government's plans to introduce vaccine passports next month.
August 2021
Hundreds arrested during anti-lockdown protests in Australia 31 August: Throughout the pandemic of fear one of the big surprises has been the way Australians, known for being a nation of independent minded, outspoken, awkward bastarts have meekly accepted some of the most opressive restrictions on personal freedom and civil liberties, but it seems things may be changing as the Aussies say "enough".
July 2021
Populist Politicians Threaten Legal Action Against Proposed Covid Passports Spanish populist party VOX has threatened legal action against the Madrid government if the ruling coalition implements a so-called health passport scheme that would require proof of vaccination or a negative coronavirus test to enter certain businesses. The leader of VOX, Santiago Abascal, stated this week, that if the Madrid government wanted to introduce a health pass he and VOX would take the matter to court.
The announcement from the European Central Bank (ECB) that is is to intrduce an official European Union digital currency spells the end of the European Single Currency experiment and with it the ambition of "ever closer union until the EU's member states were merged into a single political entity Digital Currencies might not quite be Ponzi schemes but on appearances the difference can be compared to that between a horse and a pony.
Entire vaccine theory OBLITERATED as Biden promises you can’t catch Covid if you get the vaccinationIf the Covid vaccines really work, then everyone who gets them should
not ever be worried about catching it from anyone who doesn’t get the jab. The installed fake president Joe Biden said, “You’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations.” So if vaccines protect you 100 percent, why does it matter if others around you aren’t vaccinated?
The claim that unvaccinated people are somehow a risk to the vaccinated just got obliterated.
Blood doctor releases findings showing Moderna’s mRNA Covid vaccines change red blood cells 27 July: it’s time to become your own “medical investigator,” because these vaccine manufacturers and regulatory agencies do not have our best interest in mind. Would you like to know exactly what the mRNA vaccines do to your blood that’s far more dangerous than the Covid-19 virus or any of its variants? You don’t have to be a mechanic to learn and understand how dirty oil can ruin a motor, and you don’t have to be a doctor or scientist to understand how mRNA Covid vaccines are changing red blood cells to make them stick together.
First They Came For The Unvaccinated And I Did Not Speak Out Authorities in Germany have indicated that unvaccinated people could be banned from cinemas and restaurants and that those who have taken the jab will have “more freedom.” Angela Merkel’s chief of staff Helge Braun told Bild that if cases keep rising, new rules will be brought in that will ensure the unvaccinated are deprived of basic lifestyle activities.
Grooming & Abuse: Story of teenage girl raped, forced into child marriage and then abandoned by system July 29: A report commissioned after nine men were jailed over the sexual exploitation of girls who had been in council care in Bradford revealed that a girl victim of grooming and sexual abuse at the hands of one of the notorious gangs of Muslim mem who targeted such vulnerable young girls in Bradford and the surrounding areas. The victim, while sill a child, was raped by multiple men, physically abused and forced into an Islamic marriage against her will.
NHS figures exclusively provided to The Telegraph claim to show patients counted as COVID-positive by the British government were originally admitted to the hospital for separate ailments.
Scientists want to insert ‘their mark’, be called ‘your creator’ and ‘own you’ We’ve said it before and we’ll no doubt say it again, scientists are dangerous. Ranging from the downright stupid (climate scientists, to the unashamedly neo – Nazi (cOVID vaccines eugenicists) to the criminally psychopathic (the transgender mob who believe their irresponsible tinkering with the human genome will create a race of superbeings.
First They Came For The Unvaccinated And I Did Not Speak Out Authorities in Germany have indicated that unvaccinated people could be banned from cinemas and restaurants and that those who have taken the jab will have “more freedom.”
Angela Merkel’s chief of staff Helge Braun told Bild that if cases keep rising, new rules will be brought in that will ensure the unvaccinated are deprived of basic lifestyle activities.“The number of new infections is increasing even faster than in the previous waves. That worries me very much,” said Braun.
London Freedom Rally:Tens Of Thousands In Trafalgar Square To Protest Against Covid Passports As the UK government stepts up its push to introduce vaccines passport which would exclude unvaccinated people from many basic, everyday activities, huge crowds gathered in London and other UK cities to protest against lockdowns, track and trace apps, coercive measures to force unwilling people to accept experimental vaccines, mask mandates, social distancing and all the other oppressive and fascistic measures imposed by Boris Johnson’s authoritarian government
France: Thousands Protest Against Vaccine Passports and Mandatory Vaccination July 21, Reports of numerous protests, with the total number involved estimated at over 1 million, took place across France on Saturday. They were protesting against authoritarian policies of forcing vaccination of health workers as a prelude to mandate the vaccination of all citizens and residents and requiring a COVID-19 free certificate, colloquially known as a “vaccine passport” to enter places such as sports stadia, theatres, restaurants, cinemas. and even shopping malls.
Doctors and Scientists Warn Of Covid Vaccine Dangers Government And Big Pharma Corporations Are covering Up The vast majority of people who are getting injected for Covid-19 will die within a few short years from heartfailure, warns Dr. Charles Hoffe, M.D., a medical practitioner in British Columbia, Canada. In one of his latest updates, Dr. Hoffe explains that he is observing in patients who took an mRNA (messenger RNA) “vaccine” from either Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna that their capillaries are now plugging up, which he says will eventually lead to a serious cardiovascular event.
So Much For "Freedom Day": UK Health Authorities Bar Unvaccinated Patrons From Nightclubs
Thousands of young Britons celebrated "Freedom Day" by piling into nightclubs that had been closed for nearly a year-and-a-half, indulging in the kind of nightlife activities they once took for granted. Unfortunately for those who haven't been "fully vaccinated", the UK's vaccine's minister Nadhim Zahawi said Monday that a negative coronavirus test will "no longer be sufficient" proof that a person is COVID safe.
Zahawi said a negative coronavirus test would soon "no longer be sufficient" proof that a person was COVID-safe, and instead they urged nightclubs and other businesses to use the NHS COVID pass, which contains their vaccination status. Public health authorities will be monitoring to see how many businesses voluntarily follow this 'recommendation'. Over the next few weeks, "we will be keeping a close watch on how it is used by venues and reserve the right to mandate if necessary."
But pretty soon, providing proof of vaccination status might be a requirement in the UK,
2 July 2021: If the European Union wants to achieve its goal of 'ever closer Union', along with continued border expansion, then it's time Brussels re-evaluated its strategy. The behaviour and approach in recent years has done nothing but tarnish the EU's reputation and make it perfectly clear to all neighbouring countries this is not a community you want to be part of if you do not want to be tied to Brussels for decades to come, argues Jayne Adye, Director of Get Britain Out.
1 July 2021: Mainstram media was in meltdown today as the scaremonger in chief, sponsor of biological weapons development, liar, fraud, fake scientist and general cunt Dr. Anthony Fauci's warnings about the supposedly "dire threat" posed by the Delta variant of the SARS-COV2 virus which causes COVID-19 continues to be dramatically amplified by the news media in most democratic nations .
Sacked by the NHS – a Doctor with the courage to say No to vaccines
A GP who resigned his ‘job for life’ as a partner with a Hampshire practice because of his doubts about Covid-19 vaccines has been suspended by NHS England for questioning coronavirus protocol. Dr Sam White received a letter on Friday informing him that he was suspended with immediate effect, which stops him practising as a doctor within the NHS. On Saturday he was telephoned by a senior clinical adviser to NHS England, who condescendingly called him ‘poppet’.