March 2021
Daily Stirrer, 2020
Editor's note: The Daily Stirrer believs in the universal right of free speech, this does not mean we necessarily agree with the views expressed by our contributors.
After a year in 2020 of disrupted poisting due mainly to the hoax pandemic, we hope to be back with our regular updates on the news you will not get from mainstream media. If you want to know what is really going on in the world, follow The Daily Stirrer
June 2021
The EU is its own worst enemy
By Jayne Adye, Comment Central, 2 July 2021If the European Union wants to achieve its goal of 'ever closer Union', along with continued border expansion, then it's time Brussels re-evaluated its strategy. The behaviour and approach in recent years has done nothing but tarnish the EU's reputation and make it perfectly clear to all neighbouring countries this is not a community you want to be part of if you do not want to be tied to Brussels for decades to come, argues Jayne Adye, Director of Get Britain Out.
Ever since the EU's inception as the European Coal and Steel Community in 1951, the goal has been continuous expansion of member states and economic power in order to bind countries together to help maintain peace – a noble goal to start with. However, behind this objective lay a far more sinister idea of removing national borders and creating a federalised Europe with unelected bureaucrats at the very top.
Key to achieving this idea is good public perception, with the citizens and governments of countries around Europe believing joining the EU would do them more good than harm. This is a façade which has started to crumble since the United Kingdom voted to leave the EU. Not only has the UK been able to succeed outside of the EU so far, in spite of a global pandemic, but also the actions of the EU towards the UK for the last 5 years have exposed the ideological vindictiveness of the bureaucrats in Brussels for any country which is not willing to embrace total EU control.
It has become increasingly clear since the Brexit negotiations started that the EU simply refuses to relinquish power which it has gained, whether this is over data regulations (which they have begrudgingly only just granted the UK equivalence), financial services regulation, or health and food standards to name just a few. On all of these counts, despite the UK leaving the EU, there is an insistence the UK must agree to continue following EU rules – simply because we are in close proximity to their economic bloc ... Continue reading >>>
RELATED:Europe’s Nationalists Unite Behind Salvini Ahead Of EU Elections
With the EU elections due in May this year expected to deliver another body blow to the dream of a Federal European superstate, Europe's more conservative nationalist parties have today announced an alliance that is aiming to become the strongest group in the European Parliament, with a view to forcing to radical reform on the EU bureaucracy in Brussels, which dictates policy on security, migration, family and the environment, according to Euro News.
Harold MacMillan’s EU warning revealed
Harold MacMillan, British Prime Minister from 1957 to 1963 gave us a chilling warning about the EEC – (European Economic Community) – before Britain joined the bloc, claiming that Germany had planned on using the trading bloc, as an instrument to assert its supremacy across the continent once more. On Wednesday, 3 April, 2019 The House of Commons voted in favour of legislation which forces the Government to request another extension for 'Brexit', giving our current Prime Minister Theresa May more time to show us the comtempt the ruling elite have for the principles of democracy.
A Secret document has revealed concession the EU is demanding before beginning fresh talks on Brexit ahead of the 12 april dealine. According to a memo seen by the Sunday Times, Brussels is demanding the UK must continue to pay its share of the EU budget, must implement new measures on citizens’ rights, and sign a legally binding agreement to arrangements to avoid a hard border between Northern Ireland and The Republic.
Merkel: EU Members Must Cede control Of Their Border To Brussels
German Chanellor Angela Merkel sparked outrage today and pushed the EU cloers to its final disintegration when she stated that EU Member states would be forced to surrender on of their most important sovereign powers, control of their borders, to Brussels in order that the unelected bureaucrats of the European commission could 'manage' immigration (i.e. open the border crossings and let any criminally inclined bunch of fanatics enter Europe.
Spanish Socialist Budget Fails As Budget Rejected; New Elections Expected
We predicted last year when the socialist leader Pedto Sancjez usurped the Spanish government after the collapse of the minority government led by Mariano Rajoy collapsed, could not last. In a widely expected but destabilizing development, Spanish conservatives and pro-independence Catalonians voted to back a slate of amendments to a government budget on Wednesday by a wide margin of 191 votes out of 350,
EU Stitch Up To Promote Euronazi Selmayr’s Is Typical Of The EU's Contempt For Democracy
The former Prime Minister of little Luxembourg Jean-Claude Juncker to ensure his chief of staff was installed as the new Secretary-General of the European Commission, in what one senior Eurocrat has called “an impeccably prepared and audacious power-grab” at the top of the European Union.
EU "Sounds Alarm" Over New US Sanctions On Russia; Germany Threatens Retaliation
Late on Friday (21/07/17), Congressional negotiators agreed to advance a cross - party bill that would punish Russia for its (alleged) interference in the 2016 election according to the Wall Street Journal. And while it seems improbable that President Trump would sign the bill if it reaches his desk, the loudest complaint about the bill to date has emerged not from the Oval Office, but from US allies in NATO and the European Union ...
Fears Over Threat To Sovereignty Could Wreck EU European Army Plan
No they're not Star Wars Imperial Stormtroopers, they are German soldiers assigned to an international peacekeeping force, showing how like Imperial Stormtroopers a pan European army might look (Image source)
Germany Threatens Sanctions Against Poland Over 'Lack of Western Values' (for Western read German)
Last year, Poland's conservative nationalist Law and Justice party (PiS), led by former Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski, captured both the presidency and parliament at elections in May and November. Since taking office, the party's lawmakers have used their parliamentary majority to initiate a series of controversial legal reforms, causing concerns both at home and abroad, specifically in Brussels and in Berlin.
Farage Shredded By Welsh Ministry Of Truth Newsman?
An obscure far – left website reported that while campaigning for the European Parliament elections in Wales, Nigel Farage was confronted by a BBC Wales reporter, Arwyn Jones, who asked him a question about Brexit, which you’d expect would be easy to answer: Farage didn’t answer, how could anyone answer such a stupid question posed by an idiotic reporter working for an ogranisation tasked by The Fourth Reich’s ruling bureaucracy in Brussels and their puppets in Westminster with presenting pro – EU propaganda as news ...
Farage Says New Brexit Party Will Spark "A Political Revolution" And Terrify The Tories
Nigel Farage, who led the successful Brexit campaign, warned backsliding elitist politicians on Tuesday that his brexit Party would spark a political "revolution" - a cliched line but appropriate given the mood of the country - and strike fear into the hearts of ineffectual Tories who have so far failed to deliver on the promise of the Brexit referendum if the UK is forced to contest EU Parliament elections as part of Prime Minister Theresa May's, the Sun newspaper reports ... MORE>>>
There are sheeple who want to remain in the EU at any price, and then there are people who understand the EU
I am not sure people really are up for reading EU related documents or a whole load more people would be less excited about the EU. If people read the chequers plan and the political declaration they would know the only people who leave the EU are the financial sector. Everyone else stays in without a vote or veto for two years whilst we negotiate the long term deal...
Johnson’s article lines up his reasons why Britain must exit on June 23rd. It’s time to be brave
OK, I know a lot of you think Boris is most accurately described by a word many people find offensive, but he’s put together a very good argument here on why we must leave the EU. Published in part here under ‘fair use’ terms and conditions, in the public interest ...
Cameron’s EU Package: Not A Deal But A Few Turns In The Spin Machine As we and almost everybody else predicted, David Cameron's deal to improve Britain's relationship with the EU is worthless. It changes nmothing, and can be vetoed once we have voted to stay in.
Cameron Plays Deal Or No Deal In Europe
David Cameron, who was apparently up all night trying to make other European leaders understand why his country needs a better deal in order to poersuade the prople it is a good idea stay in the EU. Unless Cameron gets what will enable him to sell the idea of surrendering national sovereignty to a Federal European Superstate ruled by a committee of unelected bureaucrats in to the British public he will not campaign for the UK to remain in the bloc
EU Refuses to Block Eurozone Integration to Reach Agreement With UK
Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann said at the E?U summit on British membership terms that the European Union wants to reach an agreement with the United Kingdom, but it is not prepared to compromise the banking union (financial integration) or the further integration of monetary union (UK being forced to abandon the pound join the Euro?) to achieve this goal.
Cameron's EU Deal Worthless. It Can Be Vetoed In European Parliament? Opinion polls show Britain is evenly divided on the question of whether to leave or remain in the EU, though it has been suggested up to 10 million other voters, many of them women, have yet to make a decision. How they cast their vote will shape the future of the world’s fifth largest economy and the EU itself. But what is really at stake is more important than economics ...
Obama's intervention in UK politics triggers angry backlash Angry Britons have launched a petition calling for U.S. President Barack Obama to be prevented from speaking in the UK parliament on Britain's forthcoming referendum on European Union (EU) membership.
Europe: EU Power Grab Looks Like ImperialismEurope Stals Sovereignty
Europe democracy?
Brussel's European Empire
EU Dictatorship: German MEP says process of choosing Juncker successor a hoax as European elections near
The process of selecting the person who will succeed Jean-Cluade Juncker as European Commission President is a deeply flawed “hoax” dreamed up by “Eurofanatics” who want to create a United States of Europe, a German MEP said today. Hans-Olaf Henkel made his remarks as the prospective candidates – known as Spitzenkandidaten, in Germany, jockeyed for position.
Heart inflammation happening all over the world due to blood clotting caused by covid-19 vaccines
Reports continue to pile up of thousands of previously healthy young people all around the world suddenly falling ill with heart problems, usually inflammation of the heart muscle shortly after being vaccinated against Covid-19. So far this and other problems with the untested, experimental vaccines which do not even make injected people immune to the disease, are being played down by mainstream media, dismissed as unfortunate but rare occurrences by vaccine makers and ignored by politicians who continue to urge people to get vaccinated because "the benefits outweigh the risk." It is hard to see what benefits there are in being injected with a vaccine that does not immunise us but causes blood clots and heart failure. Though many adverse effects occuting in close proximity to people being vaccinated are being reported we need independent, campaigning journalists to focus on investigating and reporting on the cause or causes of this inflammation inflammation because wheras COVID-19 is predominantly fatal among the old and frail and people who have long term health problems or compromised immune systems, the heart and blood problems are occuring in young people, and yet the priests of the Church of Christ Vaccinator cult are pushing for this toxic shite to be pumped into adolescents and even infants. When the blood clotting promblem was first reported several research projects were set up to investigate what might be causing dangerous clots to form in deep veins, causinf the well known killer condition deep vein thrombosid (DVT). This can occur if something damages the blood vessel lining or makes the blood clot more easily. After this happens once, usually more blood clots are on the way. Most medical doctors are completely “stumped” and can’t figure out what is causing the vaccine linked b,)lood clots, but a team of German scientists claim they have solved the mystery. It sould be noted that the German study only looked at the Astra Zeneca and Johnson&Johnson vaccines which were initially linked to the blood clotting. However the problem now appears to have spread to the mRNA vaccine from Pfizer and Moderna. Perhaps because the two types of vaccine work slightly differently the problem has a longer gestation period when caused by mRNA vaccines. From our inexpert reading of the German report and interim information from other projects (our tame medical expert, who is a cardio - thoractic surgeon is still studying the evidence,) it appears blood vessels have not been prepared by evolution to deal with the mRNA-produced “proteins” that the vaccines, through cell re-education, are spreading throughout the body of the recently Covid-vaccinated victims. We can now understand, thanks to Covid-vaccine scientists who recently blew the whistle, that a much higher than usual incidence of blood clots and inflammation of the heart exists among young people who have been vaccinated with any of these vaccines. The unfamiliar protiens produced by cells in which the DNA has been modified to produce the COVID spike protien attack the surfaces of healthy blood vessels and form prions (malformed protien molecules which attract and transmit their deformity to other molecules and form clusters which block the blood vessels slowing the flow of blod and allowing clots to form. These “road blocks” of proteins, prions and disease-mimicking DNA fragments floating around in the blood channels, stick to inner walls of vessels, causing damage and severe inflammation. Covid-19 mRNA vaccines instruct your cells to produce unlimited proteins and prions that clog the blood and CAUSE heart inflammation and this process, once started, is not reversible. There is no antidote. The combination of inflammation and coagulation occurring in blood vessels and triggering venous thromboembolism (VTE) was a know side effect of mRNA gene therapy injections long before COVID-19 was a thing. This explains why all the Covid-19 vaccine manufacturers skipped clinical trials and got “emergency use authorization” for the shots, because they are considered by the FDA and CDC as “medical experiments,” and we (except those of us who will accept ostracism and exclusion from societ rather than surrender to fascism,) are all reduced to the level of lab rats as "scientists" play God with millions of human lives, not pausing to give a thought to what the consequences of their interfering with nature might be. It’s one huge medical experiment that causes blood clots, heart inflammation and death, but we the people are stil being urded, threatened and coreced to get these unsafe vaccines. Doctors and health agencies still cast blame on anything but the vaccines, including autoimmune disorders like Crohn’s or Lupus, the American presidency of Donald Trump, vaccine hesitancy, Russia, The Jews, Cryptocurrencies, climate change deniers, men who wear check shirts and all the usual suspects. Soon they’ll be blaming the “Delta Variant” of Covid instead of blaming the vaccines which more than likely spawned the variant as well. Your blood, if you’ve been Covid-19 mRNA inoculated, is now slowly clogging and coagulation to try to “defend” itself from the proteins your own cells are now creating – ones that mimic virus strains of China Flu. Your blood that flows past these clots adds to a few blood cess are caught and trapped for every millilitre of blood that passes, making the clots bigger and more dangerous, compounding the coagulation factor. Then inflammation increases and the chance of a heart attack or stroke skyrockets. Even great horror writers like Dean Koontz, Stephen King or Clive Barker could not have imagined such a scenario. [Daily Stirrer] ... [Boggart Aboad] ... [ Greenteeth Home ] ... [ ]White Female Doctoral Student (Researching Disparity in Probation Sentences) Randomly Murdered by Black Male in Chicago - Why No Media Outrage?
Her name is Amat Kimchi, she was 31 years old and studying for a Masters Degree in criminology at the University of Maryland ...
Picture: Amat Kimchi, credit: Chigago Sun Times
... and now she is dead, randomly killed by a homeless black man in the city that is the murder capital of the USA. Yet there is no media outrage, no wave of covil disobedience as there was last year when a lowlife scumbag, a drug dealer, thief and small time dickhead named George Floyd died while resisting arrest. Instead Floyd was canonised by the media and brain dead left wing fuckwits alike simply because he was black and the arresting officer was white.
According to the CBS news affiliate in Chicago, the 31-year-old woman was “stabbed in the back and killed in broad daylight” on Saturday afternoon in central Chicago. The University of Maryland has identified the victim as Anat Kimchi, who was a doctoral candidate in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice.
Kimchi’s family also made a brief statement: “The family is mourning the loss of Anat and asks for privacy during this difficult time,” the statement said.
The victim was interested in courts, sentencing and corrections, according to Choice Research Associates, where she had worked as a consultant in recent years. Ironically one of her projects involved assessing the disparity in probation sentences between people of various minorities, and evaluating the impact of placing female juvenile suspects in custody.
According to police, Kimchi was walking on a sidewalk near the Eisenhower Expressway around 4 p.m. when she was attacked.
“A man came up, took out a knife, and stabbed the woman from the back,” CBS Chicago said. “A dispatcher reported over police radio that the woman was found bleeding from her neck. The woman was taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital, where she was pronounced dead. The man who did it ran away.”
That Ms. Kimchi planned to dedicate her career to ensuring that the disparity in sentences for black and brown criminals and those handed down for white law breakers was eliminated and particularly in helping black ex cons to get out of long term probations once they have served their time and thus working to end the systemic racsm of the US Criminal Justice system . One wonders how long the criminal history of the black male who murdered Ms. Kimchi dates back to, and if he was on probation at the time of her murder in Chicago?
Dedicating her life to fight for imaginary victims of systemic racism, implicit bias, and structural inequalities (all due to white privilege), she was murdered randomly by a black male in Chicago. In her last moments, she found out the true privilege of whiteness in 2021 America.
‘Historical Wokery’: British War Hero’s Statue Set to be Removed by BLM Inspired Council
13 January 2021A city council in the UK is set to remove the statue of a British war hero after a Black Lives Matter inspired review determined that he represent colonialism and does not represent women and so-called ‘gender non-binary’ people.
Intelligent Virus? Anti-racism protests SAFE from Covid-19, but anti-lockdown protests are NOT, health ‘experts’ claimBBC’s Andrew Marr says he caught Covid-19 AFTER vaccine
from RT, 27 June 2021BBC journalist Andrew Marr says he caught a “nasty” bout of Covid-19 despite being fully vaccinated. Government advisers say this is normal, and similar cases are cropping up around the world.
Speaking on his Sunday programme after a week off, Marr told viewers that “he had a bit of Covid last week, despite being double jabbed, and very nasty it was too.” Marr described his symptoms like those of a “summer cold,” and asked guest Professor Peter Horby, a government adviser on the coronavirus, whether he was “just unlucky” to catch the virus after being fully vaccinated.
“I think you were,” Horby replied. Vaccines, he said, “are actually remarkably effective at preventing hospitalisations and deaths. They are less effective at preventing infection.”
“So, although you were sick, you weren’t hospitalised and there wasn’t any fatality, and that is probably because of the vaccination.”
Marr is 61 years old and was vaccinated earlier this spring. He suggested on Sunday that he may have caught the virus while covering the G7 summit in Cornwall earlier this month.
Marr’s case is one of many around the world in which fully vaccinated people have managed to catch the virus regardless. Two American guests aboard a “fully vaccinated” cruise ship made headlines when they tested positive for Covid-19 earlier this month, and a study back in April found that among fully vaccinated US workers, around 1% still got infected. Altogether in the US, more than 4,100 people have been hospitalised or died after catching Covid-19 post-vaccination, according to data released last week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). No comparable data from the UK is readily available, but the country has one of the world’s highest rates of vaccination, and has seen new cases tick steadily upwards since the beginning of summer.
Though vaccines are regarded – at least in the public consciousness – as a ticket to safety and normality after a year of outbreaks and lockdowns, health officials are still recommending that social distancing guidelines be adhered to.
The Daily Stirrer comments: In all honesty the vaccines have never been "promoted" as making one immune to catching this alleged virus. All have stated they just "lessen" the effects should one catch this annual flu. This much has been admitted by vaccine manufacturers, medical professionals and politicians. Meanwhile Big Pharma has made billions out of a product that is not fit for purpose. Governments keep making a big deal about vaccines being free "free", but the governments pay for them from the taxes they collect from us, then will pass the cost on to the taxpayers at a later date to recover the money spent on these experiment drugs. Biggest medical "test" in history, with billions of human guinea pigs.
However what is not being reported by mainstream media either in print or broadcast news is that a detailed analysis of each vaccine carried out by the USA's VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) gives the figures: The Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA gene-edited vaccine resulted in the largest fatalities-- 5,368 deaths and 170,528 injuries or nearly 50% of the total for all four. The Moderna mRNA vaccine was second with 2,865 deaths and 22,985 injuries. That is to say, the only two gene manipulated mRNA experimental vaccines, Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, accounted for 8,233 deaths of the total registered deaths of 10,570. That’s 78% of all deaths from the four vaccines currently in use in the USA. For the EU figures published by EUDRA Vigilance are even worse with over 15,000 deaths and half a million reported adverse reactions recorded. Yet mainstream media, for reasons probably related to the vast amounts of money Big Pharma corporations spend on advertising, are not reporting this at all. ... Continue reading >>>
RELATED:Undemocratic Europe:EU only wanted graduates to vote in the Brexit referendum, seriously!
At the beginning of 2015 John Longworth, Chairman of the Independent Business Network was head of the the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) organisation. Anticipating that the then PM, David Cameron would seek to negotiate a new relationship between the U.K. and EU, Longworth had the BCC set out in an open letter to Mr Cameron the minimum business requirements for a successful negotiation. The framework for a new relationship between the UK and EU also recomended setting up an extensive research and reporting programme for BCC economists and researchers to investigate the likely consequences, good and bad, of Brexit; national economics, business performance, access to finance and the relative merits of migration, the latter apparently assiduously ignored by government were specified as areas requiring attention. The project also reached out to the embassies and High Commissions of many EU countries and key Commonwealth nations.
In a survey carried out by the BCC during the run up to the referendum vote in 2016 showed that a large ajority of UK busineeses were supportive of the UK leaving the wannabe federal superstate and the only category of business where a majority favoured staying in the EU was those that exported to the EU. This group accounted for only around 13% of GDP and around 8% of all businesses. In every other category of business, BCC members a majority supported Brexit. Though EU officials and prominent EU supporters in the UK hve tried to claim that an overwhelming number of UK businesses were strongly opposed to Brexit and that the people who did not cast a vote in the referendum (around 30%) should be counted as votes for staying in the EU as they had not voted agaist retaining membership (thus managing to prove that the EU and its supporters simply do not understand democracy,) Brexit happened and despite almost daily warnings of economic catastrophe from "Remoaners," Britain is doing rather well as a lone wolf stalking the sheep of the global economy. This is because in spite of the fact that more company shares are traded in the New York Stock exchange London, now free of the suffocating bureaucracy that is the EU's stock in trade, is the undisputed financial capital of the world.
On top of this success we are just now, as we celebrate this week the fifth anniverary of Brexit day, learning of the underhand tactics by which the EU tried to corrupt democracy in order to obtain the result the ?Barstards of Brussels desired. In an article published this wee the aforementioned Mr. Longworth recounts his experience in Brussels where in a meeting with a large group of very senior EU officials, the Union's senior representative had demanded to know why the UK was allowing non graduates to vote in the referendum (yes, seriously!) and had written to David Cameron saying that his proposed referendum fell far short of EU expectations. Mr Cameron had just stepped off the plane from his visit with Hausfrau Volksfuhrer Merkel and had declared that he had in his hand a piece of paper …
What followed, as EU propagandists and the Union's propagandists in Britain piled on the agony, with incremental warnings of the economic meltdown and collapse of civilised society that would befall Britain outside the EU, and the European Commission - the comittee of bureaucrats that rules europe politically - warned of punishments they would inflict if the British voted "Leave." became known as project fear and reached absurd, proportions, with people claiming starvation, civil war and biblkical plagues of boils, frogs, locusts, bad pizzas and runny bottoms would be delivered on the citizens of Britain. In the end the EU proved too ineffectual to deliver even its mildest threats.
On this fifth anniversary of the vote to leave the EU, the Independent Business Network (IBN) representing the small and middle sized enterprisees (SMEs in stock markey parlance,) that make up 85% of U.K. businesses has produced a short report reminding us of the claims made by EU officials, mainstram media, academics and globalist politicians as to what would happen if we were to vote to leave and which have subsequently been proved wrong, spectacularly wrong in fact as the opposite has occurred to the predictions made by these doom = mongers.
The CBI, the International Monetary Fund, the Treasury, the Bank of England and many others were all wrong through incompetence (if charitable), through the pull of vested interest (more likely) or because of pre conceived political prejudice. Whatever the reason that they claimed mass unemployment would afflict the nation within months of the referendum result being announced, shortages of food and other essential commodities would occur, no nations would trade with us, the pound would collapse (in fact after being held down for years by the BoE, the European central Bank, the IMF and other global financial institutions the pound is now close to levels that applied before the Brexit vote,) there would be an exodus from The City as banks and financial institutions moved to centres like Frankfurt, Amsterdam and Milan which would all still be hamstrung by EU bureaucracy, the risk of a third world war would be greater and, most bizarrely and irrationally, a strain of super gonorrhoea, would emerge and by rendering britons infertile would destroy the nation (yes, that was one of the claims my by participants in project fear.) None of this bollocks was believed by the majority of the electorate who had had enough of EU bureaucracy and accusations of national xenophobia. Most Britons actually like our European neighbours (including Germans,) its bureaucrats and politicians we dislike.
Unfortunately this whole sorry episode has resulted in distrust of bureaucracy and the governmental and supra - national institutions which is having a disruptive effect on the functioning of society. Even sadder, many of the culprits are still peddling the same and Brexit misinformation, now alogside pro - vaccine propaganda.
What we collectively should have learned from the experiences of the past five years, is that people and politicians, have no reason to take as indisputable fact the utterances of the vested interests that control so much of our information and should question and ciritically analyse their propaganda against the of the contrarians (aka conspiracy theorists,) who usually turn out to be if not 100% correct at least closer to the truth than any official narrative will ever take us. Human progress has been built largely on contrarians not the mainstream who, in every Great Leap Forward have tried to portray the alternative view to their narrative as incredible.
Brexit is a historic Great Leap Forward for Britain, which also may well impact positively on the world whether globalists of the United Nations, the WHO and the World Economic Forum like it or not.
Teresa (the Appeaser) May facing Tory revolt amid signs she’s pushing for softest Brexit possible
Theresa May is facing yet another cabinet revolt, as hardline Brexiteers in the Conservative Party are reportedly furious at her apparent desire for the UK to stick to EU regulation and have our courts answerable to EU Judges post-Brexit.
Threat Of Major Scandal Prompted Early Election Move – UKIP
Leaders of the (UKIP) have made astonishing claim that Prime Minister Teresa May’s calling an early General Election was done to pre-empt a series of by-elections that could be called following alleged electoral fraud. Accusing the Conservative government of “putting party before country”, UKIP appeared to suggest the scandal and ensuing disqualification of MPs could rob the government of its slender majority.
Adolf Hitler, His Part In Our Downfall FREE E-BOOK FOR .pdf dowload A thirty five thousand word book on the authoroitarian, undemocratic, bureaucratic dictatorship that is the European Union. Following the outburst of left wing hate politics following Boris Johnson's reminder that the EU has its roots in Hitler's Naziism, which as any intelligent person is aware is both true and very well documented. My blog colleagues and I decided to assemble this collection of our articles (with some long extracts quoted from public domain and creative commons sources) to help people misled by the REMAIN campaign into thinking the arguments are solely economic.
EU Chief Warns of 'Implosion' as Trust in Europe Fades EU leaders show almost every day they are desperate for Britain to vote to remain in the EU, so why do they keep doing things certain to alienate patriotic Britons. It's bad enough that the idoiots in Brussels want to destroy European civilisation by allowing unrestricted immigration from backward cultures without admitting such backward countries as Turkey so that its 80 million Muslim inhabitans will be able to enter Europe freely.
Dutch Referendum This Week Shows why We Should Leave The EU. Few of you were aware probably that there is an EU referendum vote in The Netherlands this week. As usual with anything negative about the EU barely a word has been printed in the topic in mainstream media and the silence from our notionally unbiased national broadcaster The Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has been deafening.
French, Belgians, Dutch, Italians Follow Britain in Euroskepticism Europeans want us British to lead them out of Europe. Don't be fooled by project fear, the European Union (aka the Euronazi Federal Superstate) is falling apart. There will not be chaos if we leave, there will be chaos if we stay.
Head Of European Institute: Brexit ‘Better’ For Everyone Brexit would be the best result of Britain’s in / out referendum for both Britain and the EU i a Belgian professor who heads up the European Institute at the London School of Economics (LSE) has said.
Johnson’s article lines up his reasons why Britain must exit on June 23rd. It’s time to be brave OK, I know a lot of you think Boris is most accurately described by a word many people find offensive, but he’s put together a very good argument here on why we must leave the EU. Published in part here under ‘fair use’ terms and conditions, in the public interest ...
Cameron’s EU Package: Not A Deal But A Few Turns In The Spin Machine As we and almost everybody else predicted, David Cameron's deal to improve Britain's relationship with the EU is worthless. It changes nmothing, and can be vetoed once we have voted to stay in.
Cameron Plays Deal Or No Deal In Europe David Cameron, who was apparently up all night trying to make other European leaders understand why his country needs a better deal in order to poersuade the prople it is a good idea stay in the EU. Unless Cameron gets what will enable him to sell the idea of surrendering national sovereignty to a Federal European Superstate ruled by a committee of unelected bureaucrats in to the British public he will not campaign for the UK to remain in the bloc
a href="">Ex-Scottish National Party Leader Says Democracy Requires Mainstream Brexit CaseAs it becomes clear the Cameron Clowns and Euronazis of Brussels between them can only offer lifes, misrepresentations and scaremongering to support their emotional desire to keep Britain in the EU and then make us part of a Federal European Superstate esxtending into Africa and the middle east, a spilt appears to be developing in the Sottish National Party as many senior figures think an 'in' vote would see Scotland regegated to irrelevance in Greater Germany.
Cameron's EU Deal As Worthless As Neville Chamberlain's 'Peace In Our Time.'?
Opinion polls show Britain is evenly divided on the question of whether to leave or remain in the EU, though it has been suggested up to 10 million other voters, many of them women, have yet to make a decision. How they cast their vote will shape the future of the world’s fifth largest economy and the EU itself.
Backslider Cameron Pays £1.7 billion He Promised He Would Not Pay
Remember about this time last year, the EU demanded the UK pay an additional £1.7 billion to the Euronazi project, to prop up the Euro single currency system after the debacle of Greece's economic collapse and ensure the Bankers and Corporate businesses did not lose a penny on their bad loans to the Greek government because the whole debt could be transferred to British, German, Dutch and Austrian taxpayers (all the other EU member states are effectively bankrupt).
Germany’s ZDF public television network reported on September 22nd, "New U.S. Atomic Weapons to Be Stationed in Germany," that the U.S. will station 20 new nuclear bombs in Germany, each being four times the destructive power of the one that was used on Hiroshima . Hans Kristensen, the Director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists, says, "With the new bombs the boundaries blur between tactical and strategic nuclear weapons.” Financial Coup in Greece
From day to day mainstean and alternative media commentators speculate about when Greece will finally admit is is bankrupt and will have to leave the European Single Currency system, abandon the Euro and return to the Drachman, and the Euronazis of brussels admite they were wrong to bend the rules in order to get Greece to adopt the Euro, and stop piling more agony on the long suffering Greek people and help organize a painless exit.
Europe and the EU's bureaucratic democracyAre the bureaucrats of Brissels trying to build an Empire
Euro, Euro, Uber Alles
Is Germany Ready to rebel against Euro expansionism?
European Federal Superstate - More national socialist than progressive liberal German Anti-Islamisation Marches: What the Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want You to Know
Europe being extended into Africa and middle east Brussels Euronazis Message to the New Greek Government: We Don't Care About Humanitarian Issues
A Eurozone Nation Reports Record Poverty Levels
Cameron’s EU Deal Worthless. It Can Be Vetoed In European Parliament?
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Nearly 4,000 Fully Vaccinated People in Massachusetts Test Positive for COVID-19
published in Blacklisted News, 23 June 2021
Nearly 4,000 people in Massachusetts USA who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 have tested positive for the disease, adding to the growing number of breakthrough cases nationwide.
According to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, as of June 12, there were 3,791 infections among the 3.7 million fully vaccinated people in the state, or about one out of every 1,000 individuals.
“We’re learning that many of the breakthrough infections are asymptomatic or they’re very mild and brief in duration,” said Boston University infectious diseases specialist Davidson Hamer, the Boston Herald reported. “The viral load is not very high.”
“Breakthroughs are expected, and we need to better understand who’s at risk and whether people who have a breakthrough can transmit the virus to others,” Hamer said. “In some cases, they’ll be shedding such low levels of the virus and won’t be transmitting to others.”
So-called breakthrough cases refer to cases appearing two or more weeks after a person’s final shot, that is, the second Pfizer or Moderna dose or the single-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Read More...>
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Armageddon - a poem about how the world might endThe Truth Behind COVID-19 Vaccines (4)–Why High Incidence of Myocarditis in Young Vaccinated People
Vaccines causing myocarditis in young vaccinated people are finally getting the attention of health authorities and the media. However, keep in mind many more people die from all kinds of unpredictable side effects or suffer lifelong disabilities besides myocarditis, and no one knows about the impact of vaccines on fertility and other unpredictable consequences.
There have been numerous adverse reactions reported following mass vaccination worldwide. Myocarditis is currently attracting more and more attention due to its high incidence rate among young people who are vaccinated.
Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Technology Explains ‘How to Save the World, in Three Easy Steps’
Dr. Robert W Malone, MD has also raised concerns about the genetic vaccines and hinted that ivermectin is probably “safe and effective” against COVID-19:
“What happens to confidence in public health and USG if ivermectin turns out to be safe and effective for COVID, and the genetic vaccines turn out to have signficant safety issues? This looks like a very plausible scenario from where I sit.”
Covid vaccines: Concerns that make more research essentialDOCTORS and scientists can behave at times like religious zealots, despite the noble aims of their professions. Heretics are not burned at the stake these days, but professionals marginalise and deride those who challenge their beliefs when these become a matter of faith (and self-interest) rather than science. And … Continue reading
Senior vaccine adviser repeatedly told to shut up after warning end of lockdown could be delayed
Yet another accidental admission from the Health Fascists that the vaccines are not going to protect you from morte lockdowns and more scientific terrorism. In response let’s have more protests, more vcivil disobedience and more of everything that can be done to let the government know we will not surrender to fascism and make the … href="">Continue readin
German Scientists Find How Broken Parts Of COVID-19 Vaccines Mutate To Trigger Blood Clots
from Great Game India, May 28, 2021 German scientists have found out how the broken parts of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines branded as Covishield in India mutate to trigger blood clots in recipients. Scientists say the vaccine is sent into the cell nucleus instead of surrounding fluid, where parts of it break … Continue reading
Thousands Upon Thousands Rally Against Lockdown, Vaccine Passports in London
The once reliable news service run by Britain’s national broadcaster, The BBC along with other organisations involved in bthe UK’s broadcast and print media completely blanked last weekend’s biggest news story, instead choosing to focus on whether Boris Johnson acted improperly in financing the refurbishment of his official residence. Yes really. … Continue reading Thousands Upon Thousands Rally Against Lockdown, Vaccine Passports in London Continue reading >>>
US Mass Vaccination Sites Close As Demand For Vaccine Plummets
Important post by my friend Yo (Yolande) on today highlighting the falling demand for experimental DNA altering vaccines that will not stop us getting COVID-19 or spreading it. Yo writes: So I heard on the “News” this morning that 28% of the Population is “fully vaccinated”, and now it’s in Decline…Meaning they’ve Tapped out … Continue reading >>>
Important post by my friend Yo (Yolande) on today highlighting the falling demand for experimental DNA altering vaccines that will not stop us getting COVID-19 or spreading it. Yo writes: So I heard on the “News” this morning that 28% of the Population is “fully vaccinated”, and now it’s in Decline…Meaning they’ve Tapped out … Continue reading >>>
World Health Org. Advises Against Vaccine Passports
While political leaders and globalist billionaires are busy talking up the case for the fascistic measure of introducingThe World Health Organization (WHO) the use of some for of digital “passport” for travel and according to extremist wish lists entry into sports events and concerts in arenas, theatre, restaurants, pubs and bars and any form of … Continue reading >>>
Investigation Finds ‘Clear’ Link Between AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine and Blood Clots in Brain
A link between AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine and rare blood clots in the brain has been discovered, but officials have yet to identify a possible cause, according to a senior European Medicines Agency official. “In my opinion, we can now say it, it is clear that there is an association (of the brain blood … Continue reading
Politicians Are Offering A Trade, Safety For Freedom. But What Are We Really Trading Away?
It's the age old confidence trick, politicians and the elites offter a straight choice between security of freedom and all the risks it entails, then amplify those risks with scaremongering propaganda. In the case of the COVID crisis it has worked so far, with enough people accepting the need for masks, lockdowns and killer vaccines to make The Great Reset seem feasible - but time is running out and people are waking up ...
Covid Cops Catch Couple Having Outdoor Sex on Coldest Night for 26 Years
Several public figures including Nigel Farage and actor (cancelled) Laurence Fox have spoken up in the past few days denouncing the government's latest crackdown on people who breach the pointless and ineffective restrictions imposed on society as tyranny, but those of us who have no platform in mainstream media must try to draw attention to the absurdity of our COVID response.
And The Hoax Goes On …
Every time we dare to think we see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel (or any of those others cliches we use to indicate a bad time is coming to and end,) The Elites who have been driving the pandemic for their own ends come up with a new twist on the scaremongering to keep project fear rolling along. The lies just keep rolling out as the economic and social damage is swept under the carpet ...
Are the people to blame for the Covid spread – or are we using the wrong control measures?
As we near 100,000 deaths in the UK so far, the Covid-19 epidemic is still accelerating rapidly. The collective dogma, promoted by SAGE in the UK and the CDC across the pond, is that Covid is a flu-like virus transmitted in aerosols. However, current control measures against aerosols (which do seem to be preventing any influenza this year) are ineffective against Covid, short of locking people in their homes.
Getting To The Truth Of Covid?
A friend spent some time in hospital earlier this year, in September in fact. The problem was not COVID related and was easily dealt with by routine treatments. She was discharged and returned home thinking that would be the end of it. A few days later she could hardly walk and was complainming of fatigue and aching muscles and joints. As the weeks wore on things did not improve and on returning to the hospital for further tests she was told she might have picked up a case of "Long Covid." Having trained and worked as a nurse she recognised this diagnosis as bollocks
Big Tech Ban President Trump, But Reveal Their Contempt For Free Speech And Diversity Of Opinion
As the Trump presidency enters its final week in the USA the haters are sharpening their knives and drooling at the prospect of taking revenge on Trump and his supporters for denying them the power they crave for four years ...
We heard today that Nightingale Hospitals will soon not be able to cope with the rush of critically ill COVID cases they will have to admit. Remember the Nighingale Hospitals? Those vast spaces hasitily constructed or converted from arenas and exhibition centres and crammed with empty beds – which remained empty in spite of news reports every day of rotting corpses piling up in the streets as the virus rampaged though town and country
COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Are Rigged to Succeed
William A. Haseltine PhD is a scientist, businessman, author, and philanthropist. He was a professor at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health from 1976-1993 where he was Founder and Chair of two academic research departments, the Division of Biochemical Pharmacology and the Division of Human Retrovirology. As mainstream media go berserk hyping the COVID – 19 vaccines, this article written by Dr Haseltine is essential reading for people with functioning minds.
Labour demands crackdown on vaccine criticism ahead of Covid-19 vaccine rollout
With the UK preparing for a Covid-19 vaccine rollout, the Labour Party is calling for emergency censorship legislation to punish social-media companies if they allow posting of what it considers to be “anti-vax disinformation.” “Social-media companies have a pitiful record of tackling disinformation,” shadow culture secretary Jo Stevens tweeted on Sunday.
Government Admits Using Bad Covid-19 Figures To Justify Second Lockdown
The British government has admitted to showing misleading daily Covid fatality projections in its televised coronavirus briefing last weekend, during which PM Boris Johnson announced a second national lockdown. The revelation comes after the UK stats watchdog criticized the government’s lack of transparency in its use of Covid data ...
Britain’s Covid response is utterly mad – here are 10 reasons why
There is no reasonable scientific or medical justification for lockdowns, convoluted social distancing rules, masks or travel restrictions by Dr John Lee in The Daily Telegraph This year, like many years, there’s a new respiratory virus on the block. But this year, unlike any year ever before, the world has gone mad. Governments around the world …
Covid-19 is an ‘unrestricted bioweapon’: Virologist Dr Li-Meng Yan
accuses China of fabricating genomic sequence A report claims that coronavirus is a ‘laboratory product’ created by using a template virus owned by military research laboratories under the control of the Chinese Communist Party By Mihika Basu from meaaw.comChinese virologist Dr Li-Meng Yan from Hong Kong, who has repeatedly questioned the origin of the coronavirus, …
Once Again Independent Research Shows Similarity Of COVID to HIV
The theory that China obtained the coronavirus via a Canadian research program, and started molding it into a bioweapon at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan before it somehow escaped could be an attempt by the establishment (the Davosocracy,) to spread fear and panic as they see resurgent nationalism across the developed world and growing …
Starmer’s Big Covid Bet? The Three Legged Donkey In The Derby
As criticism of the government’s “science – led” and therefore utterly idiotic and wrong headed handling of the COVID pandemic gathers momentum the usual suspects in the media are off on their usual path of chanting “Everetything will be hunky dory when Labour are back in power, but it is not necessarily a foregone conclusion …
Biggest Lies About COVID-19 Exposed: But Globalist Elite Will Not Let It Die
Leo Hohmann, Harbingers Daily, 9 October 2020 Since February, the U.S. media has been pounding Americans with non-stop reporting about COVID-19 coronavirus. Eight months later, the data shows everything the media said about the virus was false. Yet, those posing as “journalists” continue to repeat the lies from February and March as if they are …
Royal College of Shrinks Warns Mental Health Crisis To Result From COVID Crisis
Few people who have more tits or testicles than they have functioning brain cells remain in any doubt that the responses of the UK government and governments of developed nations around the world has been complete and utter bollocks. Almost every day more independent doctors and medical researchers break cover to renounce the “science” of lockdowns and masks ...
Covid vaxx trial. Side effects include exhaustion, cracked teeth, headaches fever
Covid-19 vaccines cause trial participants to suffer day-long exhaustion, cracked teeth, headaches and high fever - from Natural News: Things are going exceptionally poorly for the four major drug companies rushing to be the first to introduce a vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19). Trial participants are reportedly coming down with all sorts unpleasant side effects ...
Fake Statistics? New UK Poll Suggests 65% Think COVID Restrictions Too Lenient
Almost two-thirds of people believe the Government’s latest Covid-19 restrictions do not go far enough. According to a new poll carried out by ORB International for a daily newspaper surveyed over 2,000 British adults of voting age and claims to have found that almost 65 per cent believ the latest neo – fascisdt measures announced by Boris Johnson's government ...
Belgium Health Experts Say Investigate WHO Over Fake COVID Pandemic
from GreatGameIndia Medical Doctors and Health Professionals of Belgium have written an open letter to authorities demanding the investigation of WHO for creating coronavirus infodemic faking the pandemic. The following letter has made an impact on public health authorities not only in Belgium but around the world. The text could pertain to any case ...
No Medical Justification For Emergency Measures”
AIER reports that the following letter has made an impact on public health authorities not only in Belgium but around the world. The text could pertain to any case in which states locked down their citizens rather than allow people freedom and permit medical professionals to bear the primary job of disease mitigation.
So far it has been signed by 435 medical doctors, 1,439 medically trained health professionals, and 9,901 citizens.
This Sums Up How I’m Feeling In A Few Words
Not a big enough post for a teaser really but a powerful message
Lockdown 2 – Backlash Against Project Fear
In her column for The Daily Telegraph today Juliet hartley Brewer just about summed up the mood in the country after the governments latest moves to turn Britain into a miniature version of Communist China. Ms. Hartley brewer, known for her Consrvative leanings, laid into the government, and its plans for a second lockdown even though the first failed wirh disastrous consequences, and was absolutely ruthless in
The Second Wave Is Another Hoax From The Lientists
As it becomes clear day by day that the alleged 2nd Wave of the COVID – 19 pandemic is a complete and utter hoax cooked up by the deep state in collaboration with lientists paid by the vaccine manufacturers it is now essention that We The People stop this fascist coup d’etat by simply withdrawing cooperation.
You Could Be Arrested for Breaking New Coronavirus Rules, Says Boris
It is fair to say the extension of restrictions on movement and socialising announced by the government yesterday have been received with underwhelming enthusiasm by the public. Despire firgures broadcast by BBC News and other establishment propaganda parrots in mainstream media suggesting wholesale approval of the new measures, the feel one gets from internet comment threads and pub conversations suggests the opposite.
Lockdown #2 More Likely As ‘Cases’ Rise Nationally"
We might have said this before so as the talk of a second lockdown gets louder in mainstream media, with pseudo-scientists spewing fake statistics generated by mathematical models of reality and sanctimonious politicians bleat that their imposition of fascist control freakery on society is for ouir own good. We are told today that Coronavirus is increasing in every area of the UK ...
For every 3 COVID19 deaths lockdown may have caused 2 more – Official
The 4 month lockdown imposed by government on the advice of “scientists” while realists in the medical profession said poses almost zero risk to healthy people under the age of seventy, may have indirectly caused 16,000 excess deaths in two months, according to government analysts. This is what those medical realists, predicted at the outset.
Loughborough, Sheffield Universities shows ‘COVID deaths’ fraud
A new study by academics at the School of Business and Economics and The University of Sheffield, and economic consultants at Economic Insight, seeks to provide a more statistically robust approach to the question: “How many deaths in England and Wales are due to COVID-19?”. Currently COVID-associated deaths or excess deaths are … Continue reading
Red Flags Soar As Big Pharma Given Exemption From COVID-19 Vaccine Liability Claims
Last week we warned readers to be cautious about new COVID-19 vaccines, highlighting how key parts of the clinical trials are being skipped as big pharma will not be held accountable for adverse side effects for administering the experimental drugs. A senior executive from AstraZeneca, Britain’s second-largest drugmaker, told Reuters that his company was just granted protection from … Continue reading
Latest COVID Scam move a step too far? The scam goes on with the latest move to keep the coronavirus fear and panic conspiracy afloat being a rumour that the government will ask over 50s in Britain to"shield" (i.e. place themselves under house arrest,) throughout the winter. But it may be the tipping point, public rteaction has been totally negative. Coronavirus Pandemic: The Scam Continues Covid virus tests useless Covid 19: Statistics, Lies and the Corruption Of Science.As the COVID — 19 pandemic continues to dominate the news and defy the efforts of researchers to understand its many mysteries, including its origins and why it affects people who contract the virus in wildly different ways, one thing we have learned for certain so far is the extent to which the Pharmaceuticals manufacturers cartel (colloquially Big Pharma,) exercise a pernicious influence over medical research and healthcare. COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically MeaninglessPoliticians and “experts” scream and shout about testing and isolation being the way to halt the COVID 19 pandemic to a halt, but everything else they hsve told us about the disease has been absolute bollocks, why should this be any different?
Well surprise, surprise, it isn’t any different. The idea that testing everybody ten times a day (OK I might be exaggerating for effect,) will do any good is just another diversionary tactic ... Critics Batter The Fake Science Used To Justify The Lockdown As Boris Waffles
Just when we thought it was safe to go out in the fresh air ...... the government and their "scientific advisers have thought of a way to extend the scam. It seems that as we have been saying since March, trashing the economy and destroying the fabric of society is less impoortant to them than advancing their plan for a global, authoritarian government ...Continue reading
As the Coronavirus rolls on with every trumpeted breakthrough fizzling out into a great big nothing, political leaders and media 'influencers' keep telling us we must follow the science. Yet with so much contradictory and conflicting evidence, perhaps it's time we learned that "following the science" is the worst thing we can do? The Daily Stirrer has been telling you since the start of the farrago that scientist is a synonym of wanker,
Regular readers may recall this blog was among the first to expose the fact that the pandemic model predicting 500,000 COVID – 19 deaths if the entire nation was not placed under indefinite house arrest was based on a deeply flawed mathematical model of the pandemic built by a “scientist” at Imperial College, London, a college heavily reliant on funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. You may also recall we have reported on the determination of psychopathic megalomaniac Gates to insert himself into this phoney crisis
No Whites, No Conserrvative, No Dogs: BBC Adverttoises Jobs For ‘Black, Asian and Ethnically Diverse Candidates Only’
BBC shits out mainstream society - Picture: Olly Scarff, Getty Images
Our taxpayer - funded national broadcester The BBC has warned white people to not bother applying for an entry level job in Glasgow, in the the most blatant to date demonstration of anti-white bigotry from the leftie - run corporation.
A job advert posted by Creative Access — a firm that seeks to increase minority representation in the media and the arts — said that the BBC’s Science Unit in Glasgow was seeking applicants for a one-year, £17,810 per year trainee production management assistant position.
A spokesperson for the recruitment agency that placed the ad said the position was “only open to black, Asian and ethnically diverse candidates,” according to The Mail on Sunday. Now a lot of leftoies will chant in chorus "You can't believe anything you read in the Main, demonstrating again the anti British sentiments that pervade left wing thinking.
Joe Ventre campaign manager for the Taxpayers’ Alliance, said: “BBC bosses shouldn’t be supporting race-based recruiting with taxpayers’ money. Taking an approach like this further undermines confidence in the Corporation and their use of licence fee payers’ cash.”
While positive discrimination was made illegal under the Equality Act of 2010, there is a loophole for ‘positive action’ to discriminate on the basis of race or gender for trainee and internship roles within companies."
The cooperation between the BBC and the Creative Access agency in discouraging white applicants has been longstanding, with Breitbart London reporting in 2016 that the firm advertised for four positions for the public broadcaster for “Black, Asian and non-white minority ethnic backgrounds”.
What is particularly noticable in this case and others like it is the absence of outrage from feminists, communist, Gay BLT and equal opportunities organisation including the Trade Unions. But then hypocrisy and double standards were always the stock in trade of left wing organisations and their supporters.
What is being proposed in this recruitment campaign is unlawful positive discrimination but subtle obfuscatory terms such as “positive action” are used to circumvent the precison and scepifity of the way discrimination law is worded. Weasel words are another speciality of the racist, virtue signalling left. The BBC and their contractors must be called to accout and requires to explain how "positive action" in favour of one group does not constitute "positive discrimination against another."
The result is exactly the same. And it is blatantly obvious to every intelligent person old enough to have missed or strong enough to have resisted the indoctrination and brainwashing they are subjected to in the left dominated education and higher education systems.
Has everybody forgotten these words spoken by Martin Luter King slightly over 50 years ago: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today."
To the rabid extremists of the modern left, even the 1960s civil rights leader MLK is a racist now. According to the pseudo - intellectual bullshit passed off as philosophy in academic institutions King was guilty of what they call Colourblind racism and what intelligent, articulate people whose uttering are not tainted by Cultural Marxist bullshit call open mindedness. People who subscribe to colorblind explanations claim they do not see the color of people's skin and believe everyone to be equal. The cultural Marxists of the far left claim Colorblindness prevents us from seeing the historical causes of racial inequality and how racial inequality persists in our society.
Their fear is that if we treat everybody equally then there are no victims, and those useless whiners who make a nice living in the race baiting industry which has its snout deeply inserted in the trough of taxpayers money will be out on their arses.
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Links to other article on race issues
Far left activists, motivate by hatred of anyone who disagrees with them, campaign against ‘hate speech’ (that’s free speech to you and me.) A Massachusetts USA congressman wants to end sexism by punishing sexist language – specifically the word “b***h” – with fines and even jail. But policing speech doesn’t kill the underlying sentiment – … Continue reading
Frustrated Civil Rights Leaders Say Facebook’s Zuckerberg ‘Lacks The Ability To Understand’ Race Issues We must confess to not understanding this headline, how can any American lack the ability to understand the USA’s deep and destructive race problems when the key to understanding is so simple. If you are white you have no rights and it is your duty to kiss the arse of every black person you meet. … Continue reading Frustrated Civil Rights Leaders Say Facebook’s Zuckerberg ‘Lacks The Ability To Understand’ Race Issues
Union of UK academics says you can identify as any race & sex from RT 18 Nov, 2019 Warwick University graduates on the day of their graduation ceremony in Warwick, Britain July 17, 2017 © Reuters / Russell Boyce Birth race and gender can be thrown out the window as far as the UK Universities and Colleges Union is concerned. The fact that you can just declare yourself … Continue reading
‘White Racism’ January 27, 2017 For too long the neo – Fascist left have been allowed to get away with dividing all of humanity into two racial groups, black and white. This has allowed those extremists who support the idea of an authoritarian, global government to dub white people generally as racist, because we have (again generally)been more successful throughout … Continue reading
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Covid ivermectin and the crime of the century
Anti-vaccine passport protesters storm Westfield shopping centre as hundreds join Covid demonstration
May 2012
Ophthalmologists now ethically obligated to denounce covid-19 vaccines, as 20,000 new eye disorders are reported
from News Target
Wednesday, May 05, 2021 by: Lance D Johnson
In just a few months, the World Health Organization received approximately 20,000 reports of new eye disorders
that occurred post covid-19 vaccination. These reports include 303
cases of blindness and 1,625 cases of visual impairment! The European
drug monitoring agency had never recorded such a severe spike in eye
injuries until after the experimental vaccines were launched. These
reports were collected by VigiBase and analyzed by the Uppsala
Monitoring Centre in Uppsalla, Sweden.
About half of the new eye disorders were additionally reported to the U.K.’s Yellow Card adverse event reporting system, which was set up to monitor the influx of adverse events that were anticipated during this live, experimental vaccine study. Back in 2020, the vaccine makers had already entered into liability-free contracts with governments around the world. This has enabled mass vaccine injury with no recourse or accountability and set up the framework for a historic, worldwide holocaust.
Ophthalmologists need more training to properly recognize and report vaccine injury
These experimental vaccines are designed to cause inflammation throughout the body, by reprogramming human cells to produce inflammatory spike proteins that are derived from the bio-weapon itself. Eye damage is merely a symptom of this inflammation, a sign of more serious problems to come with capillaries and autoimmune issues. The inflammatory conditions caused by the vaccines provide a new revenue stream for various industries within the medical system, including ophthalmology. .... Continue reading >>>
Evidence of Problems With Covid Vaccine Grow And Te Real Agenda Becomes Clearer.
Mainstream media have been distracting us with stories of successful mass vaccination campaigns, but as ever things are not quite what they seem to be and though the claimed 999% take up of the vaccines is not verifiable, the deafening silence regarding the huge numbers of serious adverse reactions to all type of vaccine and the significant numbers of unexplained deaths which have occured soon after people reveived the jab suggest there will be worse news to come in the future ...
Labour demands crackdown on vaccine criticism ahead of Covid-19 vaccine rollout
With the UK preparing for a Covid-19 vaccine rollout, the Labour Party is calling for emergency censorship legislation to punish social-media companies if they allow posting of what it considers to be “anti-vax disinformation.” “Social-media companies have a pitiful record of tackling disinformation,” shadow culture secretary Jo Stevens tweeted on Sunday.
Government Admits Using Bad Covid-19 Figures To Justify Second Lockdown
The British government has admitted to showing misleading daily Covid fatality projections in its televised coronavirus briefing last weekend, during which PM Boris Johnson announced a second national lockdown. The revelation comes after the UK stats watchdog criticized the government’s lack of transparency in its use of Covid data ...
Britain’s Covid response is utterly mad – here are 10 reasons why
There is no reasonable scientific or medical justification for lockdowns, convoluted social distancing rules, masks or travel restrictions by Dr John Lee in The Daily Telegraph This year, like many years, there’s a new respiratory virus on the block. But this year, unlike any year ever before, the world has gone mad. Governments around the world …
Covid-19 is an ‘unrestricted bioweapon’: Virologist Dr Li-Meng Yan
accuses China of fabricating genomic sequence A report claims that coronavirus is a ‘laboratory product’ created by using a template virus owned by military research laboratories under the control of the Chinese Communist Party By Mihika Basu from meaaw.comChinese virologist Dr Li-Meng Yan from Hong Kong, who has repeatedly questioned the origin of the coronavirus, …
Biggest Lies About COVID-19 Exposed: But Globalist Elite Will Not Let It Die
Leo Hohmann, Harbingers Daily, 9 October 2020 Since February, the U.S. media has been pounding Americans with non-stop reporting about COVID-19 coronavirus. Eight months later, the data shows everything the media said about the virus was false. Yet, those posing as “journalists” continue to repeat the lies from February and March as if they are …
The New World Order's Final Solution Revealed: An Explanation Of Why Vaccinated People Are Making HEALTHY People Ill With Covid Like Symptoms
Pfizer document admits vaccinated people “shed” infectious particles, the spike protein is the bioweapon
We reported way back in April (that's April last year,) that several experienced and respected medical researchers in the fields of immunology and virology had noted similarities between the SARS - COV2 virus which causes COVID-19 and the HIV virus. They all predicted that the COVID (we'll, so refer to it for convenience,) would in the long term attack and break down our natural immune systems.
Such reports, though if untrue they should have been easily falsifiable, were not subjected to scientific scrutiny but simple dismissed as "conspiracy theories" by the propaganda machines of government and corporate organisations. Media misinformation campaigns were launched to discredit the doctors and professors who published such findings, and while ramping up fear to embed in the minds of less well informed people the idea that COVID-19 is an entirely new killer disease that posed an existential threat to humanity, and that vaccines were the only wayu to save the human race.
Well it seems, as reports of sudden, unexplained deaths and serious medical emergencies closely following on the heels of people receiving their CIVID vaccine continue to pile up, that observed long term effects in people who have either recovered from COVIDd-19 or been vaccinated.
"HANG ON!" you shout, that's not what vaccines do, vaccines don't give people diseases they make them immune to diseases. That's what we were all taught in school, but apparently it is no longer the case.
Another researcher who was brave enough to break away from the herd warned that the vaccine is the bioweapon. Specifically, the spike protein which to remind you was touted by the propagandists as the thing that would give people immunity if we could trick the body into making it, is the bioactive agent designed to attack the immune system, and it is designed to spread from person to person, being transmissible from the vaccinated in order to infect the unvaccinated.
Never forget that billionaire psychopath and wannabe evil emperor Bill Gates has spoken many times to distinguished audiences of the need to reduce global population, the possibility of using vaccines to do this, and the plans he has hatched with equally insane scientists to use genetically modified mosquitoes to carry inject pathogens into their lunch so that people could be vaccinated against their own wishes (and completely without informed consent).
Now it turns out that the mosquitos having proved somewhat inefficient, are redundant. Years of scarmongering about pandemics and pro - vaccine propaganda have created a large enough demographicf of fearful, high-obedience humans ready to voluntarily, without questioning anything, such as the obviously fake statistics or goverment claims of hospitals being overrun contrasting with whistleblower video and photos of near empty hospitals.
People who have been injected with the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccine , or the Astra Xeneca vaccine which works in a different way to achieve the same result, are having their bodies turned into bioweapons factories, producing the spike protiens common to all coronavirus strains including the common cold and influenza, the usual winter 'flu, out in a modified form that makes them lethal to the human immune system's defences. So while vaccinated people or people who have recovered from COvID are slowly having their natural immunity destroyed, they are also shedding micoparticles through saliva, swat, farts and in many other ways including semen and vaginal secretions, infecting everyone around them.
The spike protein is biologically active and causes blood clots, leading to strokes, heart attacks, pulmonary embolism and infertility effects. Pfizer’s own documents reveal this phenomenon has been known to vaccine developers for many years, it is why no successful vaccines for influenza, the common cold, or for that matter HIV have been developed despite decades of efforts to produce such panaceas.
What is now becoming obvious is that today’s vaccines were deliberately designed to function as self-replicating vaccines, to spread the spike protein bioweapons to those who refuse to be vaccinated. As the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists wrote last year, “Scientists are working on vaccines that spread like a disease. What could possibly go wrong?”
This explains all the bizarre blood clotting effects now being experienced in unvaccinated people who are in close proximity to vaccinated people. We will be reporting much more on this in the days ahead.
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