The Daily Stirrer, September 2013
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Tuesday 29 October
Environmental Fascism: The Ecofascists Are Slowly But Surely Taking Over America
via Investment Watch
The environmental fascists believe that if people are allowed to have large amounts of freedom and liberty that the planet will literally be destroyed. That sounds crazy, but that is what they actually believe. Left to our own devices, they are fully convinced that global warming and out of control pollution will transform the earth into an uninhabitable hellhole. Therefore, they believe that it has become necessary to strictly manage human behavior “for the good of the environment”. With each passing year, the control of the social planners gets even tighter. Today, they have banned certain kinds of light bulbs, they are putting mandatory “smart meters” into our homes, and they have instituted all kinds of ridiculous regulations concerning what you can do with your own land.
Tomorrow, they plan to put “black boxes” into our vehicles and move most of us into “stack-and-pack” housing that has communal bathrooms and no elevators. There is a reason why these people are called ecofascists. The “true believers” of the environmental fascism movement actually believe that they are “saving the world” by being control freaks. They truly believe that they know better than the rest of us, and they love to get into positions of political power so that they can impose their will on everyone around them.
The environmental fascists are constantly “pushing the envelope” and doing whatever they can to use the power of the government to impose new rules on all the rest of us. Most of the time, Americans just take it without ever fighting back. For example, a car wash for a high school cheerleading squad was recently shut down because the cheerleaders were “in violation of water discharge laws“…
Other crimes of the environmental fasists in the USA include making it illegal to capture water in a barrel or pool to provide water for the garden in dry spells and banning charity car wash events in which kids raise funds for good causes.
The irony is these leftist idiots don't give a shit about the environment. They are fusrtly control freaks and secondly bhypocrites whose concern is that they are seen to care.
Read more at Investment Watch
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Battle of the bulge: US food corporations fueling obesity epidemic with addictive ingredients
You are probably sick of hearing those patronising lectures from "government experts" on how we are all gobbling down shitloads of processed food shit just so we can wreck our own health in order to financially embarrass the government which should be free to spend our tax money on things than benefit us all, like wars, fuckwit science projects to breed human / sheep hybrids (well of course we don't need human / sheep hybrids," the science heads say, "but think how much we will learn by making a few,") or funding propaganda campaigns.
Well I'll tell you a secret. It is not our fault, if the government and their experts want us to slim down all they have to do is stop their corporate cronies from selling us nutritionally depleted shite that is pumped full of addictive chemicals by passing it off as food.
Take a look at this:
‘By 2030, more than half of Americans could be obese, taxing the nation’s health while costing the country $500 billion in lost economic productivity. The food industry, however, is doing its best to keep the public hooked – no matter what the price.
With one out of three adults clinically obese and 40 percent of children officially overweight, the US is the fattest country in the developed world. The burgeoning public health crisis will see instances of diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer skyrocket over the next two decades, taking an already strained healthcare system to breaking point.
But with food manufacturers keen on keeping customers loyal while maximizing their profits, public health concerns are likely to be dwarfed by the bottom line.’
Read more: Battle of the bulge: US food corporations fueling obesity epidemic with addictive ingredients
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Monday 28 October, 2013
War On Syria: Standoff Shows America Is No Longer The Global Superpower
So what's happening in Syria you might well ask? After the FUKUS Axis intervention plans were thwarted by Russia and China there seems to have been a news blackout although the devastating civil war continues to devastate Syria. The really big news however (bigger that J-Lo's arse) is that America has quietly been demoted from its position as main global military power.
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Saturday 26 October, 2013
Earthquake Hits Stricken Fukushima Plant - Television News Ignores It
The failure of the supposedly technologically superior Japanese to deal with the ongoing crisis at the Fukushima Nucloear Power Plant, wrecked by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami has not only exposed the myth of Japanese technological excellence (what kind of idiots would build a nuclear power station on top of a geological fault in the first place?) but the inability of the global community to deal with environmental catastrophes.
A lot of (ahem) environmentalists are seeking to politicise Fukushima and push the business intterests of their financial backers in the green energy business by citing Fukushima as justification for closing all nuclear power stations at once and abandoning plans for new ones. bear in mind these people also want to cut down the coal and oil industries "to save the planet" (How? By destroying humanity?) but such demands are idiotic.
What is interesting about the latest twist in the Fukushima saga however is the news blackout. It was not on UK News bulletins this moring though I knew about it last nigh before switching off the computer at around 8:30 pm. It is a story of potentially global importance, one would expect the BBC, Independent TV News and Sky News to mention it.
Unless of course the powers that be do not want us to be aware that the scientists, the people whose superiority we are always being reminded of, have completely lost control of the situation and haven't a clue what to do to stop radioactive pollution flowing out of the plant into the pacific ocean.
Read more from online news source Huffington Post
Fukushima Fraud and Corruption: Japanese Organized Crime Involved in Recruitment of 'Specialized Personnel'
from Global Research:
There is another dimension: The coordination of the multibillion dollar Fukushima decontamination operation relies on Japan’s organized crime, the Yakusa, which is actively involved in the recruitment of “specialized” personnel for dangerous tasks.
“The complexity of Fukushima contracts and the shortage of workers have played into the hands of the yakuza, Japan’s organized crime syndicates, which have run labor rackets for generations.” (Reuters, October 25, 2013)
The Yakuza labor practices at Fukushima are based on a corrupt system of subcontracting, which does not favor the hiring of competent specialized personnel. It creates an environment of fraud and incompetence, which in the case of Fukushima could have devastating consequences. The subcontracting with organized crime syndicates is a means for major corporations involved in the clean-up to significantly reduce their labor costs.
Read full article in Global Research
A lot of fear and panic is being spread and a lot of nonesense talked and written about the risks of nuclear power and the threart to health posed by radiation and radioacive waste in the wake of the nuclear power station accident at Fukushima, Japan. All electricity has environmrntl impact and the risks from nuclear reactors and radiation are vastly exaggerated
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Friday 25 October, 2013
Al Gore Prove Science Worshippers Crazier Than Smokers
Tony Abbott's insistence that bushfires aren't linked to climate change is like the tobacco industry claiming smoking doesn't cause lung cancer, Nobel laureate Al Gore says.
In light of the New South Wales bushfire disaster, the former US vice-president says the prime minister's comment that bushfires are a function of life in Australia and nothing to do with climate change reminds him of politicians in the US who received support from tobacco companies, and who then publicly argued the companies' cause.
"For 40 years the tobacco companies were able to persuade pliant politicians within their grip to tell the public what they wanted them to tell them, and for 40 years the tragedy continued," Gore told ABC TV's 7.30 program from Los Angeles on Wednesday night.
"And bushfires can occur naturally and do, but the science shows clearly that when the temperature goes up and when the vegetation and soils dry out, then wildfires become more pervasive and more dangerous.
"That's not me saying it, that's what the scientific community says."
The only problem being that there is zero evidence that bushfires are becoming worse.
Indeed, if you are talking "mega-bushfires", these have dramatically decreased over the last 200 years. The current NSW bushfire has burned out 100,000 hectares; a bushfire in 1851 burned out 5 million hectares. If you define a "mega-bushfire" as one involving over 1 million hectares, we haven't had one in 80 years. If climate "science" is predicting an increase in "mega-bushfires", it appears its predictions are incorrect. Very large bushfires are becoming less common, not more common.
There is simply zero experimental evidence that bushfires are getting worse. None. You can't use worsening bushfires as a justification for some action if there is no evidence bushfires are getting worse. And there isn't any.
Smoking does not cause lung cancer says scottish court
Air Pollution more dangerous than smoking says WHO
Global warming linked to cigarette smoking
Global Warming Hoax (video)
Pretty devastating stff there for the CAGWARTs
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Thursday 24 October, 2013
Never Believe The Lies Of The Corporate Science Whores - GMOs are not safe
by Arthur Foxake
Wednesday 23 October, 2013
What Hausfrau Mekel Did Not Tell The German Voters Before They Handed Her A Third Term
Anti EU feeling is running high in the city streets and suburbs of European nations and in the villages and market squares of rural areas. France's Front Nationale top the opinion polls by a comfortable marging while the Socialistes of President Hollande languish, in Britain UKIP (the UK Independence Party) have replaced the Liberal Democrats as the third party and at the recent election, ani Euro radicals Alternatif fur Deutscheland make their first significant mak on German politics.
Elswhere the right wing Freedom Party continue to prosper in the Natherlands while right wing nationalist parties are on the rise in Austria, Spain, Greece and Italy.
But cocooned from reality in the corridors of power, the self - elected great and good of Europe continue to push their fedralisation agenda, convinced that the creation of a single European superstate is the key to the establishment of a global, totalitarian government.
No wonder them that Mrs. Merkels policy on Europe is somewhat different to what those who voted for her Christian Democrat party were told it was set to be. The English language edition of German newspaper Spiegel reports that Merkel envisages a Europe in which Brussels will have far more power over national budgets. It's a risky move that is likely to bring Germany into conflict with EU allies, particularly David Cameron who wants reforms that repatriate sovereign powers to nations, and Germany's Social Democrats, her prospective coalition partners in the German government are likely to oppose vigorously any such move.
Angela Merkel's Christian Democrat conservatives and the center-left Social Democratic Party (SPD) have met three times in the last three weeks to sound out whether they could form a coalition government. The decision was still up in the air. And the leaking of truths like this from Spiegel and other news media will not help to oil the machinery of negotiation.
Read More:
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Can't Afford To keep Warm? Blame the Stupid Scientists, Greedy Businesmen, Control Freak Politicians
You might read in mainstream media that climate change is to blame for high energy prices that are forcing many ordinary punters, including your neighbours and maybe yourselves even, into penury. It's a lie of course, anything you read or hear in mainstream media is a lie unless it concern fat chavs with disgusting diseases, cute animals or the bizarre sexual procilivies of Jimmy Savile (the establishment lied about that for five decades, now they are telling the truth to divert us from even worse sit that is going on now.
At last people seem to be waking up to the great global warming scam and how the short sighted stupidity of scimate scientists helped power hungry politicians steer shitloads of taxp[ayers money into the pockets of their corporate cronies:
"In the 2010s it is not the price of bread that is falsely and unnecessarily inflated by obstinate politicians but that of energy. There are cheap sources of energy either available or possible but there is a reluctance to use them. Coal is plentiful and provides the least expensive electricity per megawatt, while fracking may provide a boon of shale gas. Unfortunately, coal-fired power stations are being shut down because of European Union regulations and shale gas exploration is moving at a slow pace.
It is against this background that energy companies have announced price rises. The regulations imposed by the Government underlie them and additional green taxes exacerbate the situation. The expansion of relatively expensive nuclear power at £92.50 per megawatt, almost double the current market price, is justified by some because it is cheaper than the quite unnecessary wind schemes. But it is much more expensive than coal or gas and these high energy prices which punish the poor most particularly are a matter of choice not of necessity."
People will die this winter because of the environmentalist obsession with the end of the world: Jacob Rees-Mogg
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Tuesday 22 October, 2013
Monsanto's Toxic Monstrosities Kill And Maim Thousands In Argentina
More trouble for Monsanto and theiur attempt to sieze control of the worlds food supply with their genetically modified seeds( GM )as aregentina wakes up to the damage being done by the pesticides and herbicides that must be used with Monsanto seed
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Monday 21 October, 2013
Pakistan Breaks Ceasfire - Attacks Poisitions In India
Tensions are always high between Pakistan and India and recently the long lasting confict in Afghanistan, US drone strikes on areas close to the Afghan border which the Pakistanis suspect India of complicity in, and the Syrian conflict which is still threatening to explode into regional war are all making things worse.
Here's a report on the latest potential threat to global stability from Hindustan Times
In one of the biggest ceasefire violations, especially along the international border, Pakistan fired at 25 places along the 60-km stretch from Kathua to Akhnoor sectors in Jammu throughout Friday night. A Pakistani infiltrator was shot dead on early Saturday morning in Suchetgarh area in Samba district.
"Jawans noticed a movement of about three suspects near the border. They were fired at and an infiltrator was shot dead near the fence inside the Indian territory," said BSF inspector general, Jammu frontier, SS Tomar. Pak Rangers didn't try to retrieve the body.
BSF officials said Pakistan Rangers tried to push in groups of infiltrators at three places along the border and fired heavily to provide them cover. Officials said there was unusually heavy movement of Rangers across the border throughout the night.
Pakistan also fired mortar shells which hit civilian population, especially in Pargwal area, in Akhnoor. School buildings, houses and crops were damaged by mortar shells. Residents of about 42 villages in Pargwal area could not sleep as firing and pounding of shells lasted the entire night. Children didn't turn up at schools along the border on Saturday.
Read full report on India / Pakistan clashes
There have been sporadic clashes along the India / Pakinstan bother that runs through the divided province of Kashmir ever since the partition of the sub-continent in 1947. When Britain started to dismantle its Indian empire it became clear that Muslims and Hindus could not live side by side in the same nation. A two state solution was implemented but India and Pakistan have been arch rivals ever since. Both nations are among the small group of nuclear powers.
The animosity is not simply a matter of religion, about ten per cent of India's population are Muslim, the Kashmir conflict is also trbal and historical, and is epitomised by the long-running conflict over the Jammu region of Kashmir province. This coupled with other factors such as the likely emergence of Iran as a nuclear power and the worsening of relations between the USA and it's allies and the eastern powers, Russia and China, has recently led to the escalation of India / Pakistan hostility and triggered dangerous nuclear arms race.
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The Dark Side Of Biotech Just Got Even Darker
" Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal." ~ Albert Einstein
If you ignore the attribution of the quote above, it could be dismissed as the complain of another conspiracy theorist, a global warming 'denier' or an anti-GMO protester waving a Stop Monsanto placard. The name Albert Einstein, the scientist representing the very epitome of Western rationality and the triumph of secularism and logic over superstition. Einstein is often cited as an example of the pinnacle of human accomplishment by the very sociopathic science freaks he warns us against.
Perhaps Einstein was reflecting on the inevitable conflict of the so-called "technological imperative"--whatever can be done, will be done, versus the human imperative. Fundamentally amoral and irrational economic and political forces drive science and technology's frenetic advance, tainting everything it touches with greed for profit and everything it touches power. And worst of all by some kind of bizarre, accelerated natural selection, the majority of modern scientists are so autistic as to lack any moral compass. Thus, "because we can" is the only justification for even the most inhuman atrocities they would inflict on us. Things like involuntary cannibalism for example.
Driven by wannabe - God complexes and the unshakeable belief that science can always improve upon nature, in the name of over hyped, ‘potentially life-saving’ biotech innovations, they blur the line between humane and inhumane. And when sociopathic, solipsistic scientists are involved, once the line is crossed there is no going back.
Bio pollution from engineered genes GMO for example, is virtually impossible to control after it escapes into the biosphere; you can’t “recall” a defective gene like you can a defective appliance. And let us remind ourselves what genetic engineering does. It is not just a process to speed up evolution as the biotech community dishonestly plead, genetic engineering involves removing genetic material from a cell to prevent the natural process that will destroy the cell when genes from another species are introduced. It is the creation of something that could never exist in nature, something that nature would abort. Genetic engineering is the science of creating monsters.
Once the genetic pollution is in place it is beyond control, all we can do is kill the host creature. There is no way to remove from our bodies a dangerous virus introduced in a vaccine (e.g. simian virus #40 [SV40] that contaminated millions of first-generation polio vaccines).
Once we have crossed a certain line – be it theft,lying, watching pornography, etc. it is difficult not to progress, a few sweets from the local shop, what a thrill when we get away with it, comics, books or small appliances from superstores, cars and so on, or how about viewing pictures of nudity and simulated sex, real sex, extreme sex, fetishism, S & M, ritual humiliation, sexual violence; the paths of progression are well trodden. Such is the human condition. And this is why we must be aware of the ethical implications of new technologies, whose developments must be open to public scrutiny so that group morality may control what is acceptable. Why am I writing this?
The Scientific Community Moves To Embrace Embryo Cloning for Medical Purposes
Few people are aware that the cloning of human embryos for ‘therapeutic purposes’ was made legal in the UK in January, 2001 through an amendment to the Human Embryology Act.[i] Not long after, in August 2004, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) approved the first license for cloning human embryos in the UK. Other E U nations have legalised similar activities. Media reports at the time which alleged the legal changes would result in the use of cloned human embryos to create "spare body parts" were met with the usual rabid hostility from the science community and the progessive left.
In an article published in 2000 titled, "Biotech Cannabalism, C. Ben Mitchell, PhD summed up the pro-cloning movement by quoting a proponent’s justification: “If you could use tissue from human embryos to save hundreds of lives, there must be a moral imperative to do it.” Mitchell disagrees, countering: "Creating a human being for the purposes of killing that person for another human being’s health, sounds an awfully lot like cannibalism, only worse."
Now Dr. Mitchell might be too religious for some. I am not religious, I don't even like describing myself as an atheist because atheists are behaving more and more like members of some nutty cult. And I am not against abortion with appropriated medical control although I find the for profit abortion industry of the USA distasteful. Cloning for spare part surgery however is in my view an affront to human dignity, scientists would reduce us to the level of factory farmed animals. Do we want to end our days being bodged up with spare parts to keep us going for a few more months like some clapped out old car? I am very much an advocate of natural life and part of natural life is death. Deal with it.
Cannibalism is considered by all advanced societies to be the ultimate expression of uncivilized or barbaric behavior, it is intrinsic to many of the Western world’s most prized biotech and medical innovations. And having witnessed the BSE (Mad Cow Disease) epidemic that to the best of anyone's knowledge was caused by the inclusion of bovine brain and nerve tissue in cattle feed, who knows what horrors involuntary cannibalism may unleash in the future.
More info on Biotech Cannibalism
Vaccines Secret Ingredient
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Saturday 19 October, 2013
Ve Haff Vays Of Snooping On Your Every Breath
A few years ago biometrics was the great hope of the science Nazis as they pursued their agenda of snooping on everything we do, all day and night, 365 days a year. Sadly for the Nazi Terchnocrats and their white - coated whores, biometric technology fell way short of expectations. Science always forgets human beings are individuals, we change, sometimes permanently, sometimes temporarily (think what a small cut, scratch or burn to the fingertip could do to fingerprint recognition technology or a hangover to iris recognition)
Also, parents got wind of government plans to make access to school restaurants, libraries and recreation areas dependent on biometric recognition and rebellled. Now participation in biometric ID schemes is voluntary and pupils are opting out in droves.
The political and white coated fascistsd are not done yet however. The even more creepy and intrusive RFID technology is set to take over where biometrics left off. From 2010 to February 2013, West Cheshire College near Liverpool gave all their students tags to wear with ’433MHz compatible’ chips. These tags not only enabled students to use facilities as they were told but, with sensors around the school, let teaching staff and others track students around the campus as moving blobs on a video screen.
In February 2013, on the same day that a national newspaper telephoned West Cheshire’s head teacher to ask about it, Zebra and West Cheshire College pulled the RFID sensors, tags and other equipment out of the college immediately. Reportedly deploying them soon after to track a large herd of cattle.
Zebra’s jumpy response is less extraordinary though when you consider evidence that the tags the children were told to wear were not just trackable by Zebra and West Cheshire College, but also by the military. NATO have a secretive RFID system called ‘In Transit Visibility Network’ with 433MHz sensors all over North America and Western Europe designed to keep an eye on its munitions, tanks and other equipment as they move about.’
Read more: Why is NATO stalking our schoolchildren?
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Thursday 17 October, 2013
Air pollution leading cause of cancer, WHO finds
Sixty years after they spun their great lie about smoking, the lying shits of the science community (science was ever fascism's whore) are hoist by their own petard again. After persuading governments to spend $£€billions on anti smoking campaigns that warned smoking causes lung cancer, while more level heads, informed by common sense were arguing that air pollution was the greater cause of lung cancer, the scientific lie that was told to justify the imposition of punitive taxes on one of the few pleasures available to poor people, has at last been exposed by research just published under the banner of The World Health Organization (WHO)
Don't get the wrong idea here, this does not suddenly make smoking OK, it is related to all sorts of problems just as bad as cancer, blocked arteries, diabetes, emphysema, bronchitis and more. Armed with that information you must decide for yourself whether the pleasure smoking affords is worth the increased risk of developing those problems.
What we are interested in is the lies of the government propagandists, and the slimy scum sucking shits who fabricate 'scientific evidence' for them.
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The Death Of Hope In The Land Of Emperor Obama
Two years ago we had the Super Committee in the Congress. Twelve people who were to have absorbed all the functions of the congress into just twelve people. That meant that the public was totally blocked from any voice in whatever the hell they were supposedly doing. However it failed. That was followed by the Gang of Eight. Same problem, same outcome zero.
Then came some lame but much more hazy group that was tasked with what the two previous illegal gatherings had failed to accomplish. Part of that broken effort survived and managed to drag the rest of the congress into the last two weeks of childish stalling that only succeeded so far in getting the U.S. Credit rating reduced even further—and in pissing off everyone both in the country and beyond.
Then today comes this breakthrough announcement, that if enacted, will kill the Republic outright—because there is no longer any representation of the people, nor is there any government of, by or for the people: There is only the Dictatorship being administered by the ...
Congressional Super Dictatorship!
“Senate announces deal to end government shutdown, lift debt ceiling 16 Oct 2013 With hours left for Congress to finalize and pass legislation before the United States' borrowing authority expires, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., formally unveiled a plan Wednesday that will fund the government through Jan. 15 and lift the debt limit through Feb. 7. The pair started negotiating earlier this week after attempted talks between President Obama and House Republicans failed to come together. After coming close to a deal on Monday evening, they stepped aside Tuesday to allow the House to attempt to negotiate a solution. When the GOP leadership failed to craft a plan that could win sufficient Republican support, Reid and McConnell were back in the spotlight.
The legislation will instruct Congressional leaders to name negotiators to a group a new 'Super Dictatorship,' led by Sen. Patty Murray, D-Was., and Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., that will craft a larger budget deal [to quietly slash Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid] due in December. [Right, and during a colossal White House Holiday Eve Bad News Dump, this new Super Dictatorship will announce Obama's deal to slash 'entitlements,' with nary a report or whimper from the lame-stream media.
Read more on how The Emperor Obama abolished democracy
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Wednesday 16 October, 2013
Hungry Nation: Brirain's Use Of Food Banks Triples
Few would argue that The Coalition government has failed. One of the main reasons they have failed however is not related to their political shortcomings but to the fact that Labour Prime Minister from 1997 to 2010, The traitor and war criminal Tony Blair and the moronic bully Gordon Brown were so addicted to debt, so obesessed with kissing the American President's arse and sucking up to the Euronazis of Brussels rather than governing in the interests of the British people they created a dysfunctional sytem.
It was not just the Labour politicians of course, it was the overwhelming majority of public service profested asionals, the civil servants and bureaucrats, schoolteacher and academics, doctors and health workers, all avid supporters of ever bigger government who created a culture of dependency and destroyed the work ethic.
And now we read crap like this and still people cry "It will be fine when Labour are back in power.
From The Independent:
‘The number of people resorting to food banks for emergency help to feed their families has more than tripled following the squeeze on benefits which intensified in April.
David Cameron’s own poverty tsar warned last night of the danger of food banks becoming an “institutional part” of the welfare state – and urged the Prime Minister to set up an inquiry into the issue. Frank Field, a welfare minister under Labour, told The Independent he was shocked by the steep increase in their use and added: “Something very serious is happening to people at the bottom of society.”’
Read more:
Food Bank Britain: Life below the line - The Guardian
Tucked away on the New King's Road in Fulham, west London, there is a delicatessen called Bayley & Sage. It's the stuff of foodie fantasy: heaps of purple artichokes spill over piles of grooved and polished heritage tomatoes the colour of a newly painted post box. It suits the neighbourhood, with its infestation of four-by-four baby buggies, macchiato-sipping au pairs and tree-lined streets of neatly appointed red brick villas. This is not a place of want. Surely nobody here can be in need?
Then again, this is 21st-century Britain, and here plenty and hunger sit far too comfortably side by side. Just a few minutes' walk away ...
Read more on Food Bank Britain:
Britain on the breadline as thousands face food poverty
The impact of Britain'seconomic downturn is forcing tens of thousands of ordinary families to queue upfor food handouts.
One charity said todaythe number of people going to foodbanks has doubled in the last year.
Our Social AffairsEditor Penny Marshall has been to one in Coventry, which is among the fastestgrowing in the country (
see video from ITV News):]
There is more to this that economic failure and the domination of economic, immigration, education and employment policy making by the hand wringing and bleating politically correct brigade. Science and technology must take a lot of the blame too. By exporting jobs to the east as fast as we were importuning unskilled labour from there, we created a huge problem. By encouraging science and technology to kills jobs for humans by creating robots and computer software to fulfill those functions we created another.
And by telling blatant lies about the threat of climate change and the ability of wind and solar energy to replace fossil fuels in meeting the energy needs of a modern society rather than admitting "sustainables" are only capable of producing power intermittently and are hugely expensive because the conventional generators must keep running to plug the gaps when the sun does not shine and the wind does not blow, they have caused massive stealth taxes to be levied on our energy consumption (the green energy levy on your utilities bill) and thus driven many families into poverty.
Let the blame for this fuck up be placed where it belongs. Don't vote for any of the main parties and do all you can to oppose the research grant industry which provides a feather bedded existence for so many academics while far more effective, more productive people languish on the dole.
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Tuesday 15 October, 2013
Monday 14 October, 2013
Wind farms are ‘value for money’, Energy Minister Ed Davey says
The Coalition government's Liberal Democrat Energy Minister Davey defended wind farms after it emerged that the number of turbine projects granted planning permission has more than doubled over the last two years despite serios doubts that wind energy can ever significantly contribute to Britain's energy needs.
Critics of wind farms say they are inefficient and reliant on public subsidies and it has been admitted that a fifteen per cent charge has been levied on consumer energy bills to fund subsidies to wind farm ownders.
Interviewed on the BBC’s Andrew Marr show, Mr Davey was asked if onshore wind turbines provide value for money. He replied: “Absolutely. They only get paid when they are generating electricity.”‘ Read More
Is that so? Or is Ed Davy just another pompous, self righteous, arse licking, lying twat who is only concerned with keeping his piggh snout in the trough of taxpayers money. Decide for yourselves ...
Wind farms paid £30 million a year to stand idle because the grid can't cope with all the energy they produce
‘Wind farms are being given around £30million a year in compensation to switch off or slow down their turbines because up to half the electricity they make is not needed.
The cash, which comes from household bills, is paid when the National Grid is unable to cope with the extra power produced during high winds or periods of low demand.
Known as ‘balancing’, the arrangement is intended to compensate firms for energy they are unable to sell.’
Now it is easy to miss the point here. If wind farms can't produce enough energy to meed our needs how come they produce too much for the grid to cope with, you might well ask.
The big problem with wind is the turbine's energy input (the wind) is intermittent. Now with a gas, coal or nuclear power station you can't switch them on and off like a torch. It takes a few hours to get a gas power station up to operating temperature, a few days with a coasl plant and a few weeks for a nuke. But because the wind can change in a matter of minutes there has to be a means of levelling out the supply. Conventional power stations have to be kept running.
The ideas the thicko science tits sold to the even thicker politicians was, "Well our priority must be to switch to green power, so we will run the gas and coal plants and let the energy go to waste until we need to tap into it. That way we will meet our EU target to get X per cent of our energy from clean green sources.
Trouble is the power stations feed into the grid, so we need the current grid to carry the powrr from conventional sources and another to cope with the surges from wind turbines. And we can't afford a spare grid. So the wind turbines have to be turned off. But even though they are not generating the operators still get paid. Well it makes sense to government accountants and science tits because the former are troughers and tax eaters and the latter are idiots.
And if Ed Daley claims he does not know what is going on he is a lying shit. Let's get him out of Parliament as soon as possible.
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Saturday 12 October, 2013
Battle between Federal Government and the States imminent.
Love America or hate it, surely we can all agree that if the American Federal Republic collapsed chaos would ensue throught the rest of the world.
Which makes a story from EU Times via The Tap all the more worrying.
Pentagon Warns To America Expect “Radical” Change In US Government Soon
Posted by EU Times on Oct 5th, 2013
A highly troubling “urgent bulletin” issued earlier today by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) states that it has received information from the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) warning to expect a “radical change” in the government of the United States, possibly within the next fortnight, based on information they have received from “highly placed” sources within the Pentagon.
According to this MoFA bulletin, GRU intelligence assests were notified by their Pentagon counterparts this past week that President Barack Obama is preparing to invoke the powers given to him under 50 USC Chapter 13 to hold that various American States are now in a “state of insurrection” thus allowing him to invoke the National Emergencies Act under 50 USC § 1621 and invoke the highly controversial “continuity of government” plan for the United States allowing him, in essence, to rule with supreme powers.
Specifically, this bulletin says, Obama will invoke 50 USC § 212 that states: “ the President shall have declared by proclamation that the laws of the United States are opposed, and the execution thereof obstructed, by combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings”.
The specific laws being opposed by these “combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings,” that Obama will outline in his reasoning’s for declaring a state of emergency, this bulletin continues, are the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), otherwise known as Obamacare.
Read more at The Tap
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Friday 11 October, 2013
Despite The Science Being Discredited Mainsteam Media Still Plugs Climate Scare
Just take a look at this great, steaming heap of bullshit from CNN and ask yourself why anyone watches a channel owned by a billionaire elitist who has openly said he thinks the global population should be reduced from 7 billion to 350 million. It's a no brainer that the output from any news channel owned by a Nazi shit like Ted Turner is not going to report real news but pump out propaganda designed to brainwash you.
See below what I mean:
(CNN) -- Average annual temperatures will start to consistently exceed the highest levels previously recorded in as little as seven years in tropical hotspots and within four decades for the majority of the globe if nothing is done to stop climate change, according to a new study published Thursday in the journal Nature.
And by the end of the century, monthly average temperatures will be higher than at any time since at least 1860, according to the study, led by University of Hawaii geographer Camilo Mora.
The effects will be felt first in tropical climates, with the annual temperature range rising beyond the historical range in Manokwari, Indonesia, in 2020, according to a map that accompanies the study on the University of Hawaii website.
Mexico City's date is 2031. It's 2046 in Orlando, and a year later in Washington and New York, according to the group. Anchorage, Alaska, doesn't climb on board until 2071.
"The results shocked us. Regardless of the scenario, changes will be coming soon," Mora said in a statement posted by the university. "Within my generation, whatever climate we were used to will be a thing of the past."
Read full story from CNN if your reading of choice is fairy tales.
But if you could not be arsed reading the pseudo - scientific bullshit in the CNN item, just take a look at one statement in there that shows what a pack of scaremongering lies this is.
monthly average temperatures will be higher than at any time since at least 1860
So these pseudo scientists, these research grant troughers are so determined to keep their piggy snouts in the swill they make up an idiotic and blatant lie to support their scaremongering. Hotter than any time since 1860? It is conveniently just before meaningful temperature records began to be kept but if we look at the history books or newspaper archives for 1860 there are no reports of mass extinction, of millions of people starving because crops had withered in parched fields. In fact the average temperature since records began (around 150 years ago)shows a statistical increase of 0.4 of a degree.
Four tenths of a degree in 150 years. At that rate it will be six hundred years before we hit that two degree increase that scientists(but nobody else)thinks is so critical. Surely if these scientists are as clever as they would like us to think, they can devise a faster way to wipe out humanity.
And why would they want to wipe out humanity, you might well ask. Because they can of course, they're scientists so that's the only reason they ever need to inflict harm on their fellow humans.
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Thursday 10 October, 2013
Annie Lennox condemns ‘pornographic’ music videos
‘Annie Lennox has attacked the sexual imagery of music videos, saying many are now “pornographic”. Talking to BBC Radio 5 Live, the former Eurythmics singer said: “I’m all for freedom of expression, but this is clearly one step beyond, and it’s clearly into the realm of porn.”
Lennox first spoke out on the subject on Saturday, when she posted a critique of the current style of pop videos on her Facebook page. “I have to say that I’m disturbed and dismayed by the recent spate of overtly sexualised performances and videos,” she wrote. “You know the ones I’m talking about. It seems obvious that certain record companies are peddling highly styled pornography with musical accompaniment …’
Read more about Annie Lennox attack on 'pornographic' music videos
Corruption Of The Music Industry
Have you ever wondered where it all went wrong for the music industry, how popular music became dominated by the tribalism, misogyny, violence and hate of gangsta rap, hip hop, drum and bass and all the other sub genres? You will find out below ...
Lauryn Hill's Real Crime? She Broadcast A Conspiracy Theory
Award winning singer Lauryn Hill was officially sent to prison for non payment of tax. But what was her real crime? At her sentencing hearing the judge ordered that she undergo psychological counselling because she repeated a "Coinspiracy Theory" in posting on her blog that the music industry suppresses real talent.
Slaves To The Machine
Some say technology is the new magic and are willing to believe every new gadget launched improves beyond recognition the lives of those who own one. Others say we are becoming slaves to our machines and losing the ability to think for ourselves...
When Insiders Expose The Ugly Side Of The Entertainment Industry
“Selling one’s soul” can be defined as allowing one’s integrity, values and moral code to be defiled in order to obtain riches and success. Considering the occult aspect of the industry, “selling one’s soul” can take a more literal meaning, as there exist actual ritualistic initiations and obscure secret societies working ...
The Illuminati Of The Music Industry - Talk by Mark Devlin, You Tube
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Ireland’s Health Service Executive gags surgeon after cholesterol drug claims
‘A leading vascular surgeon, whose research review concluded cholesterol-lowering medicines may do more harm than good for many otherwise healthy people, has been gagged by the Health Service Executive.
Sherif Sultan, a senior medic at University College Hospital, Galway, reviewed a range of studies of statins and found a lack of evidence to show they should be given as a means of prevention to healthy people with high cholesterol but no heart disease.
Mr Sultan and his surgeon colleague Niamh Hynes said lifestyle changes to reduce cholesterol were better because this allowed people to avoid the risk of statins’ side effects.’
Read more: Ireland's Health Service Executive gags surgeon after cholesterol drug claims
The Misery PillObesity, Depression and Arse Dribble - all your worst fears in a single daily pill
Banning Words Like "Fatty" Is Not Being Caring And Nice, It's Fascism By StealthThe more desperate the Thought Police get because they see the tide in society not just tuining against their stupid, politically correct agenda but becoming a torrent, the more loony their ideas get. The latest Loonytoons notion is to ban the use of terms like fatty and speccy-four-eyes and introduce body image and self esteem classes in schools. Pupils who offend can then join the 80,000 kids, some as young as four, who are on the racism register for crimes as serious as calling a black child velcro - head.
Bansturbators Hidden Agenda - Abolish Meat To Make Way For Grey Goo.The bansturbators of Nanny State and the neo-Fascists of the New World Order are set on devivering us into the Brave New World promised a hured years ago by those who decided democracy would have to be superseded by a scientific dictatorship. Replacing natural meat in our diets with stuff made from grey goo grown in laboratories is the latest item on their agenda to go public.
Pasty Wars: Osborne's War On Pies Is War On The NorthThere is a growing cultural gap in Britain. When hapless Cancellor George Osborne delivered his budget for 2012 the effete southern media tried to stip up a controversty about the so called ganny tax. But here in the nothern heartlands, the true England, what pissed us off was Osborne's attempt to tax our hot pies.
Scientists And Politicians Attack The Food We Love, But Is It Science Or Just Control FreakeryA sustained campaign of misinformation by politicians, scientists, bureaucrats and the media have tried to brand fat and salt as the twin demons of the modern diet. Both however are essential to our wellbeing. So what are the bureaucrats, government and science lobby up to. What is the politics of food fascism. Are they just behaving as control freaks must or are they softening us up for extra taxes and government regulation of our dinner plates and the food we eat.
Acohol Abuse Will Kill 250,000 A Year Unless Governmnt Acts say Control Freak DoctorsThe Health fascists have been out in force this week. With reports on the dangers of alcohol, meat, salt and obesity published our resistance is being tested. The Daily Stirrer is on your side whether you like a drink, a bit of meat, a sprinking of salt on your food or you are a shade overweight. We are always happy to expose the dodgy scence and rigged evidence behind theses control freak fear and panic exercises.
Face It: Eating Shite Makes You Fat And IllGovernments are worried that we as a nation are getting too fat. Bigger ambulances and bigger prison cells are needed. They blame the public for lack of self control. But we are being brainwashed by advertisinf and the food industry into eating toxic chemicals that make us gain weight. Hilreious comedy rant.
Uptight - The Blood Donor ExperienceOnce upon a time giving blood was easy, the atmosphere relaxed and people were encouraged to feel as is they were doing something good and worthwhile. Now, acording to fatsally's latest experience, a visit to the blood bank to offer a life saving armful is like The Prisoner meets Orwell's Big Brother. Bureaucracy has taken over and nobody is allowed to feel relaxed. Rules are rules.
by fatsally
Your Shit Is Unique: More Shit Science From The No Shit Sherlock School Of ScienceScience is always looking for new worlds to explore, final frontiers to cross. We have reported on many branches of sciene, mouse, hockey stick, crocoldile and other but none more unappealing thaty the universe that exists up you arse. Now science has taken a great leap up the arse of humankind to explore the life of the shit uinverse and its many unique and individual life forms...
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UK government threatens to cut funding to hospitals that refuse to force vaccines on staff
The fascistic promotion of vaccination has broken new ground in the U K, where government officials are now threatening to cut funding to hospitals that refuse to compel staff members to accept flu vaccinations. As reported by the UK’s MK News, struggling government-run hospitals all across the country are being incentivized to force all staff to be flu jabbed in exchange for much-needed funding. The political parties in government and opposition all receive generous donations from the Big Pharma vaccine manufacturers so we can guess what pressures are being brought to bear to enrol elected representatives as part of an evil blackmailing scheme that both politicizes and jeopardizes public health for corporate gain.
UK authorities are basically demanding that hospitals achieve at least a 75 percent compliance rate for the seasonal flu shot in order to obtain operating funds. If hospitals fail to achieve this rate, they face not receiving funding both this year and next, which will put taxpaying patients at risk of not being able to receive needed services and care.
Read more on this Vaccine Fascism story.
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Wednesday 9 October, 2013
World Food Prize Awarded For Breakthroughs In Population Control goes To Monsanto
from The Organic Prepper
Monsanto and Sygenta have won the prestigious World Food Prize.
Apparently, tampering with the genetic make-up of food and turning something that used to be healthy into poison, tainting the soil, air and water with chemical drift from pesticides like Roundup, killing the bee population of entire continents, and driving small farmers out of business through gratuitous lawsuits and unethical practices, pays big public relations dividends. The World Food Prize is said to be the equivalent of the Nobel Prize for agriculture.
Keep in mind we live in a world where President Barack ‘Drone-the-Children’ Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize and where Hillary Clinton, the woman behind the lack of response during the Benghazi massacre, won the American Patriot Award for her “defense of the nation.”
Lest you ask, no this article is not satire, even though the premise is so astoundingly ridiculous that it belies all reason.
Read more on Monsanto's use of human lab rats:
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Tuesday 8 October, 2013
Monday 7 October 2013
This news proves the collpse of the mighty American economy is complete
American has always dominated the commercial aviation business. Time was when British and European plane makers could compete in terms of military aircraft, but we were always playing catch up on passenger airliners. Business news out today however reveals that America, it's businesses bogged down by political correctness, restrictive practices and a President determined to do all he can to help foreign competitors beat U.S. based firms, is no longer dominant.
Airbus's announcement of a deal with Japan Airlines (JAL) may be a surprise to many but numerous factors combined to make the resukt almost a foregone conclusion. The only real surprise is that Airbus did not even want to build the A350 plane in the first place. It was Boeing's plans to build the Dreamliner that prompted the Anglo - French - German - Italian firm to alter its course.
And now, years later, it is the same plane that has helped it knock down Boeing's near monopoly of the Japanese market.
Airbus has agreed to sell 31 of its A350 planes, in a deal worth nearly $9.5bn (£5.9bn) at list prices."This is a big win for Airbus," says Chris de Lavigne, an aviation analyst with consulting firm Frost and Sullivan. "This was the final frontier for them and they have conquered it."
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Saturday 5 October, 2013
Another Lie exposed, TV Detector Vans Were Fake
I worked in computers, computer communications to be exact, when the government propaganda campaigns to enforce that fraudulent tax, the Television Licence, was at it's height. My colleagues and I, armed with considerably more knowledge than the average punter, were sure the technology these vans allegedly contained, that could "see" what channel we were watching on TV, did not actually exist.
We were right, but the scam has always been denied by government until now, with the blatant political bias of those rabid lefties at the BBC, and the blatant politicisation of general entertainment content making the licence fee more unpopular than ever.
"Detector vans are a myth," the UKIP MEP Gerard Batten, a long-time campaigner against the licence fee, told me this week.
‘Prosecution [for not having a TV licence] depends on the accused being caught in the act of watching live broadcasts, or admitting to it. The non-existent threat of Detector Van evidence is just a means of getting suspects to incriminate themselves.’
Sceptics such as Batten point out there isn’t a single documented case in British legal history in which so-called ‘detection evidence’ from vans has been used to prosecute a licence fee evader.
This was, sheepishly, confirmed by the BBC in 2011 in response to a (hitherto unreported) Freedom of Information request.’
Read more:
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Friday 4 October, 2013
The Violent Side Effects Of anti Depressants
You have been told many times before that your doctor and the specialists some people see from time to time are not working for you, they are pushers for Big Pharma corporations who are paid to sell precription drugs not matter how unnecessary or downright harmful to the patient those drugs may be.
But at risk of boring you here's the latest from Dr. Mercola on the damage being done to patients' long term health by the drus their doctors prescribe.
‘In light of a long list of mass shootings over the past several years, the causative role of psychiatric drugs in violent events will undoubtedly have to be evaluated and addressed at some point. Personally, I’d vote for sooner, rather than later.
Antidepressants in particular have a well-established history of causing violent side effects, including suicide and homicide. In a recent Scientific American1 article, the author states:
“Once again, antidepressants have been linked to an episode of horrific violence. The New York Times2 reports that Aaron Alexis, who allegedly shot 12 people to death at a Navy facility in Washington, DC, earlier this week, received a prescription for the antidepressant trazodone3 in August.”
Read more: The Violent Side Effects of Antidepressants that Many Ignore
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Thursday 3 October, 2013
EU Virtual borders’ scheme will use biometrics to track every non-EU citizen
The European Commission wants to fingerprint anyone who enters the EU under its "smart borders" proposal, but critics say it is too costly, disproportionate, and risks violating numerous privacy rights.
The commission says the system is necessary to update border control checks, reduce waiting times, and help border guards better implement EU border rules by pooling the personal details of any non-EU citizen over the age of 12 into a database.
All 10 finger prints would be scanned to ensure that anyone who tosses their ID can still be identified if necessary.
The package includes the Entry/Exit system and the Registered Travellers Programme (RTP). RTP is reserved for a more privileged frequent visitor to the EU, such as business people or researchers.
People in the RTP would pay a €20 registration fee, get their fingers print scanned, and then, in theory, quickly cross the EU border with a special token valid for one year.
EES, the more controversial of the two systems, is for everyone else.
It seems in the Brave New World being created by the international marxists Barosso, Von Rumpy Pumpy and Co. (with the complicity of our political and business elite) everything is for profit.
Read full post:
More On This
Security industry is shaping EU legislation ... Private security firms cash in on guarding EU border ... Private firms put price tag on migrant suicides
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Wednesday 2 October, 2013
US Treasury Wriggles To Buy Time And Avoid Debt Default
The US Treasury Department is engaged in some very creative (and it has to be said, desperate) accounting manoeuvres in an attempt to enable the government to keep paying its bills until. both houses of Congress vote to raise the ceiling on government debt and allow the government of the world's most powerful economy to borrow cash in order to pay its debts and obligations Treasury Secretary Jack Lew informed congressional leaders of the situation on Tuesday night.
Lew reiterated previous warning that if the debt ceiling is not raised by Oct. 17 the government will not be able to meet its financial commitments, which include interest payments to U.S. debt holders, monies owing to government contractors for work done, wages and salaries of civil and military servants and payments to pensioners, the unemployed and those on social security.
"If we have insufficient cash on hand, it would be impossible for the United States of America to meet all of its obligations for the first time in our history," he said in the text, "For this reason, I respectfully urge Congress to act immediately to meet its responsibility by extending the nation’s borrowing authority."
Predident Obama has said his administration will not negotiate over the debt ceiling and claims Congress must act because the issue isn’t whether to approve new spending but whether the government should pay the bills it has already racked up.
But Republicans have made clear they will expect some sort of concession in exchange for voting to raise the debt ceiling. This would probably involve delaying the implementatioon of the notorious healthcare law dubbed Obamacare.
Read more at Politico:
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Tuesday 1 October, 2013
Monday 30 September, 2013
Climate change: this is not science – it’s mumbo jumbo
(from The Daily Telegraph)
‘The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is a titally discredited organisation yet it continues to swallow huge amounts of our money. The first version of the latest report IPCC report on climate change was published last Friday, is a deeply discredited organisation. Presenting itself as representing the consensus of scientific opinion on this important issue, the IPCC has shown itself to be a politically motivated lobby group that brings the business of scienctific research into disrepute.
Its previous report, in 2007, was so grotesquely flawed that the leading scientific body in the United States, the InterAcademy Council, decided that an investigation was warranted. The IAC duly reported in 2010, and concluded that there were “significant shortcomings in each major step of [the] IPCC’s assessment process”, and that “significant improvements” were needed. It also chastised the IPCC for claiming to have “high confidence in some statements for which there is little hard evidence”.
Since then, little seems to have changed, and the latest report is flawed like its predecessor.’
Read all This Is Not Science It's Mumbo Jumbo at The Daily Telegraph
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Global Impact of Devastating Consequences Of Genetically Modified Organisms & Glyphosate.
Some strong views from a Dily Stirrer staffer on GM crops and the dishonest propaganda being used to push them followed by an embedded paged from farm Wars about the way GM Corps are being sold as a solution to world hunger when really all they do is increase the power and profits of big corporations.
Global Impact of Devastating Consequences Of Genetically Modified Organisms & Glyphosate.
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Saturday 28 September
Evil Google Bastards Took Us Offline
Oo -er, technical problems kept us offline this week. Well never miss a chance to highlight what an evil bunch of skunk felching scumbags Google are, that's my motto, so ...
Sometime last weekend while I was having a couple of days off, Google Chrome installed itself on our office server (The Daily Stirrer doe not have an office but I run the website from my business office. The person keeping an eye on things did not notice any warnings, any requests from Chrome for permission to install itself or any warnings that if we did not allow Google to take over our computer system they would trash our business. It was therefore a clandestine operation.
On returning I noticed Chrome was insisting I make it my default browser. Like any sensible user I do not want those privacy pirates Google anywhere near our systems. So I uninstalled Chrome. And it took our IP stack with it. Evil bastards.
So I've had a jolly week backing up and restoring. Take my advice, bing are no angels but are not as bad as Google but if you want a search engine that behaves ethically regarding your privacy and consumer rights and does not filter results on the basis of which links will bring in most revenue but on which sites are most revelant, use
Boycott Google, they are evil Nazi bastards.
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"I Pledge To Serve The Emperor Obama", pupils urged to recite
A Wisconsin school district is apologizing after middle school students were shown a video that featured Hollywood celebrities pledging to be a servant to President Obama.
“I pledge to be a servant to our president,” Demi Moore said in the “I Pledge,” video shown at Hudson Middle School.
The video was part of a number of Peace One Day activities, an international event to build peace awareness. The students were also invited to make their own pledges after viewing the video. You have to be astounded by the insensitivity of Obama's poodles for their attaching peace day activities to pledges of support for the world's greatest mass murderer and war criminal. Or perhaps not, it could just be more proof of how stupid, insensitive and detached from reality they are.
But there was a big problem – the video conveyed the idea that Americans should serve the presidency instead of our elected officials serving the citizens, Fox9 News in Minneapolis reported.
“I pledge to be of service to Barack Obama,” Red Hot Chili Peppers singer Anthony Kiedis said. Well so much for his reputation as an anti establishment rebel, the effing Nazi arse kisser.
The celebrity statements included in the video led the middle school and the Hudson School District to issue apologies.
“We apologize for any part of the video that was offensive to students, their families and staff,” Principal Dan Koch said in a prepared statement. “We respect the Office of the President of the United States but like all of our other elected officials – that office serves each of us as well.”
The principal also made an announcement to students explaining why the video was inappropriate.
Local residents expressed their outrage over the video on social networking websites.
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Saturday 21 September, 2013
Obama to continue proxy in Syria even after Russia’s ‘diplomatic solution’
As the public’s attention is firmly placed on an estranged Navy Yard shooter, Obama moves forward with the West’s proxy destabilization campaign in Syria, continuing to arm rebel-terror groups despite Russia’s diplomacy.
The United States president has waived the federal law prohibiting the supply of weapons to known terrorist organizations, citing the Arms Export Control Act. The act gives the president the right to waive congressional oversight during a state of emergency. However, the act also stipulates that arms export transactions be handled by government entities, not international terror groups.
This comes after resounding public disapproval over a planned military strike in Syria, exposing the West’s “designer democracy” and “Arc of Crisis” pursuits planned for Syria as well as Iran.
While no one can argue that there is a crisis of terrorism and Islamic extremism running rampant in Syria, what kind of state of emergency is it for United States interests, now that Russia has crafted a diplomatic solution that seems sensible to avoid a larger conflict?
Read full arAs the public’s attention is firmly placed on an estranged Navy Yard shooter, Obama moves forward with the West’s proxy destabilization campaign in Syria, continuing to arm rebel-terror groups despite Russia’s diplomacy.
The United States president has waived the federal law prohibiting the supply of weapons to known terrorist organizations, citing the Arms Export Control Act. The act gives the president the right to waive congressional oversight during a state of emergency. However, the act also stipulates that arms export transactions be handled by government entities, not international terror groups.
This comes after resounding public disapproval over a planned military strike in Syria, exposing the West’s “designer democracy” and “Arc of Crisis” pursuits planned for Syria as well as Iran.
While no one can argue that there is a crisis of terrorism and Islamic extremism running rampant in Syria, what kind of state of emergency is it for United States interests, now that Russia has crafted a diplomatic solution that seems sensible to avoid a larger conflict?
Read Full Article in 21st Century Wire
Blitzkrieg in Syria: Obama - backed Islamic Jihadists wiping out moderate rebels
‘Al-Qaeda-linked jihadists in Syria have begun an offensive against former allies, wrestling moderate FSA rebels out of the controlled areas. With the US assault on Syria postponed, radical Islamists are seeking ultimate authority to fight Assad.
The latest news coming from the north of Syria suggests that a series of clashes between the former allies have already left a number of casualties and a change of the operational situation in the Syrian civil war.
The FSA leaders have recently acknowledged that clashes between their brigades and Islamist rivals have reached boiling point.’
Read full article at
Pentagon proposes plan to equip and train ‘moderate’ Syrian rebels
‘The Pentagon has put together a plan to equip and train “moderate” Syrian rebel forces. The move would mark the first instance of the American military having direct contact with the opposition.
Information regarding the new plan was relayed by two Obama administration officials to CNN. The idea has allegedly been under consideration since the first evidence emerged of a massive chemical weapons attack outside Damascus on August 21. The US maintains the attack was carried out by Assad’s government.
Though the two officials did not cite many specifics on the proposal, the effort would involve training that would take place in a country near Syria. However, weapons would not be directly supplied as the Pentagon has no authority to do so.’
Read all:
But In Syria There Are No Moderates
‘Latest Western fabrication attempts to portray “moderate rebels” locked in combat with hordes of Al Qaeda militants as ploy to justify further arming of terrorists and even direct intervention along Syria’s borders.
Stopped short of direct military intervention by Syrian-Russian geopolitical maneuvering, the West has attempted to retrench their agenda of subverting Syria in a variety of ways. It was reported that the US is now officially arming terrorists inside of Syria after years of semi-covertly passing them thousands of tons of weapons at a time and billions in cash directly and indirectly through Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan, and Qatar. The goal, in part, is to sabotage any attempted UN incursion into Syria to verify and disarm Syria’s chemical weapons, then use the UN’s failure as justification for direct military intervention.’
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Friday 20 September, 2013
News From World War Three - 20 September
World War 'O' : If Obama Strikes Syria, Iraq Will Explode
‘If the Obama Administration orders the US military to attack Syria, Iraq will burst into flames overnight. Several Iraqi groups have declared that they would attack US interests inside Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East in retaliation.
Violence in Iraq has intensified as a result of the US-led covert war on Syria. This has made the Iraqi government very eager to see an end to the fighting in the neighboring country. When it comes to its position on the Syrian conflict, Iraq is in the same camp as Russia, Iran, and China. Baghdad firmly supports Russian, Iranian, and Chinese calls for a negotiated settlement, and is opposed to any ideas of a US attack on Syria.’
Read full post:
Syrian government says war has reached stalemate
The Syrian conflict has reached a stalemate and President Bashar al-Assad's government will call for a ceasefire at a long-delayed conference in Geneva on the state's future, the country's deputy prime minister has said in an interview with the Guardian.
Qadri Jamil said that neither side was strong enough to win the conflict, which has lasted two years and caused the death of more than 100,000 people. Jamil, who is in charge of country's finances, also said that the Syrian economy had suffered catastrophic losses.
"Neither the armed opposition nor the regime is capable of defeating the other side," he said. "This zero balance of forces will not change for a while."
Meanwhile, he said, the Syrian economy had lost about $100bn (£62bn), equivalent to two years of normal production, during the war.
Read full post in The Guardian
Read full post:
Syria meets deadline to submit chemical weapons list
The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) said Syria had crossed the first hurdle set down in an agreement between Russia and the United States intended to ward off a punitive western bombing campaign.
“We have received an initial disclosure from Syria of its chemical weapons programme,” a statement said. “It’s now being examined by the Technical Secretariat.”
The decision by President Bashar al-Assad to abandon decades of secrecy over his chemical weapons arsenal, said to be the biggest in the Middle East, and join treaties controlling their use, was initially met with scepticism. Critics portrayed it as a delaying tactic.
Read full post:
In Syria There Are No Moderates
Latest Western fabrication attempts to portray "moderate rebels" locked in combat with hordes of Al Qaeda militants as ploy to justify further arming of terrorists and even direct intervention along Syria's borders.
Stopped short of direct military intervention by Syrian-Russian geopolitical maneuvering, the West has attempted to retrench their agenda of subverting Syria in a variety of ways. It was reported that the US is now officially arming terrorists inside of Syria after years of semi-covertly passing them thousands of tons of weapons at a time and billions in cash directly and indirectly through Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan, and Qatar. The goal, in part, is to sabotage any attempted UN incursion into Syria to verify and disarm Syria's chemical weapons, then use the UN's failure as justification for direct military intervention.
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Thursday 19 September, 2013
News From World War Three - 19 September
Now Syria's rebels are fighting each other
I would strongly recommend that William Hague – and any other member of the Government who still believes it is a good idea to arm the Syrian rebels – takes a close look at today's article in the Wall Street Journal. It reports that Islamist militants linked to al-Qaeda have now launched a campaign dubbed "expunging filth" which is aimed destroying the Syrian Free Army (SFA), its main rival in the rebel movement.
Mr Hague and Laurent Fabius, his French counterpart, argue that it is essential to continue arming the rebels to increase the pressure on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to end the civil war, destroy his chemical weapons arsenal and enter peace talks.
But as I have argued consistently since the outbreak of the Syrian conflict more than two years ago, there's no point getting rid of the detestable Assad regime only to have it replaced by an even more unpalatable government, one that openly supports al-Qaeda's nihilistic ideology.
As my colleague Ben Farmer reported in the Telegraph earlier this week ...
Read full report: Now Syrian Rebels Are Fighting Each Other by Con Coughlin, The Daily Telegraph
Kerry Backslides On US / Russia Deal Over Chemical Weapons
Observers of John F Kerry’s more than 40-year career as a successful politician on Capitol Hill note a consummate chameleonic quality in his wheeling and dealing. This dubious quality has helped him ascend from a callow anti-Vietnam war spokesman in the early 1970s to become America’s most senior diplomat who has distinguished himself in recent weeks as one of the most strident voices calling for military attacks on Syria.
According to critics, Kerry’s shameless careerism saw him marry into “old money” in order to promote his political ambitions in the US senate to his present pinnacle of American Secretary of State. A former Democratic presidential candidate, it is a fair bet that the talented Mr Kerry still has an eye on occupying the White House sometime in the future. This oleaginous operator proved his talents within hours of shaking hands with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov in Geneva, when the pair appeared to come up with a ground-breaking formula to avert a military clash over Syria.
Last weekend – after three days of intense negotiations – Lavrov and Kerry emerged to announce that they had brokered a deal to eliminate chemical weapons held by the Syrian government. To the relief of many around the world, the apparent accord staved off what only days before that were threats of an imminent military strike on Syria by US naval and air forces. With at least five US warships off Syria toting more than 200 Tomahawk cruise missiles, US President Barack Obama sounded more than a little unhinged when he declared menacingly: “The United States of America doesn’t do pinpricks”.
Read full report: Kerry Backslies On Syria Deal at My Catbird Seat
Media Disinformation and Coverup of Atrocities Committed by US Sponsored Syria Rebels
There is a new disinformation offensive over the Syrian al-Bayda massacre, an event I and the ACLOS (A Closer Look On Syria) research community recently studied intensively. Since being reported in the coastal Tartous province on May 2, the outside world is supposedly ignoring the massacre. But mainly, as explained partially below, they have been ignoring key details that implicate the multinational rebel forces, not the governemtn and its allies, in the crimes there.
This pattern of avoidance continues with a nauseatingly slick new propaganda piece by Channel 4 news: Al-Bayda: Anatomy of a War Crime (filmed, Produced and Directed by James Brabazon). [1] This uses Human Rights Watch Middle East director Nadim Houry, and fancy satellite effects ...
Read full report: Media Disinformation and Coverup of Atrocities Committed by US Sponsored Syria Rebels at Global Research
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Wednesday 18 September, 2013
News From World War Three - 18 September
Obomber and Kerry Reiterate Threats of Attacking Iran
UNSC resolution on Syria won’t be under Chapter 7 allowing use of force - Lavrov
The resolution that the UN Security Council is to adopt in support of the plan to destroy Syria’s chemical weapons won’t refer to Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, regulating the use of military force on behalf of the council, Sergey Lavrov says.
The foreign minister explained Russia’s position on the future document after meeting his French counterpart Laurent Fabius in Moscow.
The resolution, Lavrov stressed, is meant only to affirm the support of the UNSC to the roadmap for destruction of the chemical weapons stockpile, which will be penned by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).
It will also outline measures which fall outside of the OPCW authority, particularly providing security for the organization’s inspectors, who would oversee the process on the ground in Syria. But the resolution would not include any references to Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, which grants the Security Council a right to use military force to restore peace, Lavrov stressed.
“The resolution of the Security Council, which will approve the decision of the OPCW executive council, will not be over Chapter 7. We said it distinctly in Geneva and the document that we agreed on says no single word about it,” Lavrov said.
Read full report from Russia Today
The Chemical Attacks in East Ghouta Used to Justify a Military Intervention in Syria
By Mother Agnes Mariam,
Read this report very carefully. It reveals how the lives of innocent children were used as part of a criminal staged event, which was subsequently used to justify a military agenda on humanitarian grounds.
The preliminary report of The International Support Team for Mussalaha in Syria under the helm of Mother Agnes Mariam can be accessed in pdf (GR Editor, MCh)
To read the full report in pdf click here (large pdf slow download)
Excerpt from the Forward of the Study:
“From the moment when some families of abducted children contacted us to inform us that they recognized the children among those who are presented in the videos as victims of the Chemical Attacks of East Ghouta, we decided to examine the videos thoroughly. …
Our first concern was the fate of the children we see in the footages. Those angels are always alone in the hands of adult males that seem to be elements of armed gangs ...
Read full story - Global Research
5 Lies Invented to Spin UN Report on Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack
September 17, 2013 (Tony Cartalucci) - As predicted days before the UN's Syrian chemical weapons report was made public, the West has begun spinning the findings to bolster their faltering narrative regarding alleged chemical weapon attacks on August 21, 2013 in eastern Damascus, Syria. The goal of course, is to continue demonizing the Syrian government while simultaneously sabotaging a recent Syrian-Russian deal to have Syria's chemical weapon stockpiles verified and disarmed by independent observers.
The BBC's article, "US and UK insist UN chemicals report 'blames Syria'," again states unequivocally, [emphasis added]:
The UN report did not attribute blame for the attack, as that was not part of its remit.
However, that did not stop UK Foreign Secretary William Hague who claimed:
From the wealth of technical detail in the report - including on the scale of the attack, the consistency of sample test results from separate laboratories, witness statements, and information on the munitions used and their trajectories - it is abundantly clear that the Syrian regime is the only party that could have been responsible.
And US ambassador to the UN Samantha Power who stated: ...
Read Full Report from The Tap
Russian Mediterranean fleet to be expanded to 11 warships
The Russian naval presence in the Mediterranean Sea will be boosted by another military vessel till the end of September, according to the country’s Black Sea Fleet command.
The large landing ship, Yamal, is set to depart from the port of Sevastopol, Ukraine by the end of the month to join the 10 vessels Russia already has in Mediterranean waters.
“The Yamal’s crew has completed preparations for relocation to the Mediterranean Sea,” Captain Vyacheslav Trukhachev, the Black Sea Fleet information chief told ITAR-TASS news agency. “As part of the preparatory period, the ship has performed several drive outs, which included target practice on sea and land.”
The Yamal will represent the country at the annual ‘Russian Weeks’ forum in Greece, which this year will be hosted by the Ionian Islands.
The large landing ship – commanded by Captain Sergey Gritsay – is also expected to be called to the Greek port of Pylos and to visit Montenegro, Trukhachev added.
The Yamal vessel, which has been in service since 1988, is designed for landing operations and the transportation of military personnel and cargo. It’s able to carry up to 250 troops and 10 tanks.
Read more - Russia Today:
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News from World War Three - 17 September 2013
Obama and Kerry Reiterate Threats To Attack Iran
‘Dragged kicking and screaming into a diplomatic deal with Syria, the Obama Administration is loudly insisting that the fact that reason prevailed in that nation is no reason to expect the same in Syria.
President Obama insisted in an interview with ABC that Iran’s civilian nuclear program is a “far larger issue” than Syria’s chemical weapons, arguing that the completely civilian program is a greater threat to Israel and therefore important to the US.
Obama went on to say that Iran should take no comfort in the Syrian deal, sticking with the idea that the Russia-brokered deal was only possible because the US keep threatening to attack.’
Read full report -
Forget Syria; US Senator Graham wants to go straight for Iran
The Republican Senator from South Carolina announced on Saturday that he is going to officially approach Congress to seek military authorization for a strike on Iran to destroy the nation’s nuclear program.
Speaking on Gov. Mike Huckabee’s Fox News program, said the move will work to make sure we send ‘a clear signal that this debacle called Syria doesn’t mean we’re confused about Iran.’”
Is this a signal that Iran was the goal of Syrian intervention all along? Senator Graham has been warning that if we don’t bomb Syria, it will lead to war with Iran within six months.
Graham has a long history of warmongering, especially when it comes to Iran. Back in 2010 at an AIPAC meeting, the Senator told the pro-Israel lobby that, “The Congress has your back” and Israel is “our best friend in the world.” He went on to say “all options must be on the table” and “you know exactly what I’m talking about” when it comes to potentially bombing Iran.
Read full story - Truth Stream:
Syrian chemical attack used sarin and was worst in 25 years, says UN
The UN has confirmed that the worst chemical weapons attack in 25 years took place in eastern Damascus last month, involving specially designed rockets that spread sarin nerve agent over rebel-held suburbs of the Syrian capital.
The report did not assign blame for the attack but the US, Britain and France said the details on the sarin, the rockets used and their trajectories all proved that Bashar al-Assad's regime was responsible.
However, Russia argued that the western powers had "jumped to conclusions" and said claims of rebel use against their own supporters to provoke foreign intervention "should not be shrugged off".
There was also sharp disagreement about what kind of UN resolution was needed to implement the agreement struck by the US and Russia on Saturday in Geneva on dismantling the Assad regime's chemical weapons programme.
Read Full Story (The Guardian):
Did The Rebels Use Chemical Weapons: See The UN Report and Evidence For Yourself
‘The long-awaited UN report on the usage of chemical weapons in Syria has been released. While the White House and the New York Times have already taken the report and argued that it helps their argument that Assad used chemical weapons, it may be more prudent to look at what the UN report states and how the possibility remains that the Syrian rebels could have used chemical weapons.
In the report, the UN stated the following: “Information about the delivery systems used was essential for the investigation. Indeed, several surface to surface rockets capable of delivering significant chemical payloads were identified and recorded at the investigated sites.”’
Read full article - Activist Post:
Syria: Britain willing to send experts to rid Assad regime of chemical weapons
Britain is willing to send experts to Syria to assist international efforts to rid the Assad regime of chemical weapons, Foreign Secretary William Hague has said.
But Mr Hague ruled out UK troops being deployed to provide them with security, adding that such action might create strong feelings within Syria and alternative arrangements would be looked at.
Under an agreement between the United States and Russia, Syrian president Bashar al-Assad's regime is required to submit a full inventory of its chemical stockpile by the end of the week, allow international inspectors into the country by November and complete the surrender of its arsenal by mid-2014.
Mr Hague said he hopes a UN security resolution enshrining the Syrian regime's responsibility to hand over its chemical weapons stocks will be drawn up over the weekend.
Asked if British troops could be deployed to Syria, Mr Hague told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "No. We will not be sending British troops into Syria. Not for these or any other circumstances.
Read full report - The Daily Telegraph:
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Monday 16 September, 2013
News From World War 3 - September 16
Syria: nearly half rebel fighters are jihadists or hardline Islamists,
Opposition forces battling Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria now number around 100,000 fighters, but after more than two years of fighting they are fragmented into as many as 1,000 bands, reports a defence consultancy firm.
The new study by IHS Jane’s, estimates there are around 10,000 jihadists – who would include foreign fighters – fighting for powerful factions linked to al-Qaeda.
Another 30,000 to 35,000 are hardline Islamists who share much of the outlook of the jihadists, but are focused purely on the Syrian war rather than a wider international struggle.
Read full report in The Daily Telegraph
Warmongering US Senators McCain and Graham say US-Russia agreement on Syria ‘meaningless,’ rebels need more weapons
Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham slammed the U.S.-Russia agreement on Syria’s chemical weapons on Saturday, calling it “meaningless” while also saying that the U.S. should be sending more weapons to Syrian rebels.
This comes soon after it was yet again reported that the U.S. is sending weapons, vehicles and other critical equipment to opposition fighters in Syria.
While McCain and Graham think the agreement gives Syrian President Bashar al-Assad too much leeway, President Barack Obama himself said that the military option will be taken if diplomatic efforts fail.
In their joint statement issued Saturday, McCain and Graham draw some quite interesting conclusions from the U.S.-Russian agreement, including the claim that it sends the wrong signal to Iran.
Read full report at Activist Post:
Russian FM Lavrov says China sending its fleet to the Med
(AGI) Moscow, Sept 15 - Russia's Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, announced that China will also be sending its naval forces to the Mediterranean. Minister Lavrov believes it is a 'comprehensible' move.
There are already U.S. French, Russian and British warships off Syrian shores.
Source: The Tap
Cracks appear between US and Russia over Syrian chemical weapons deal
The first divisions have appeared in the Geneva agreement on Syrian chemical disarmament as Russia dismissed calls for a swift UN resolution threatening punitive measures against Damascus.
The spat focused on the timing of a resolution under chapter 7 of the UN charter, which includes enforcement measures such as the possible use of military action to bolster a security council decision.
The Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, said calls for an immediate chapter 7 resolution showed a "lack of understanding" of Saturday's Geneva agreement with the US about the process of declaring, inspecting and dismantling Syria's chemical weapons.
Any resolution this week cannot include chapter 7, Lavrov insisted. "I am certain that despite the statements we are hearing from certain European capitals, the American side will firmly adhere to what was agreed," the Russian foreign minister said.
Read full report at The Guardian
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Saturday 14 September, 2013
News From World War Three - 14 September
The Force That Drives America To War
(scroll past top item which is a plug for a print magazine)
The People Against the 800 Pound Gorilla
The past ten days have seen what could be the start of an historic turning point away from endless war in the Middle East. Public opinion in the United States, in harmony with the majority of people in the world, has clearly rejected U.S. military intervention in Syria.
But for this turn away from war to be complete and lasting, greater awareness is needed of the forces that have been pushing the United States into these wars, and will surely continue to do so until they are clearly and openly rejected.
An American friend who knows Washington well recently told us that “everybody” there knows that, as far as the drive to war with Syria is concerned, it is Israel that directs U.S. policy. Why then, we replied, don’t opponents of war say it out loud, since, if the American public knew that, support for the war would collapse? Of course, we knew the answer to that question. They are afraid to say all they know, because if you blame the pro-Israel lobby, you are branded an anti-Semite in the media and your career is destroyed.
One who had that experience is James Abourezk, former Senator from South Dakota, who has testified: “I can tell you from personal experience that, at least in the Congress, the support Israel has in that body is based completely on political fear – fear of ...
Read full article:
Kerry Slams Syria Deal, Pushes Idea of Attacking Assad
‘Syria has ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and promised to move forward with a plan within 30 days on the destruction of its chemical arsenal, which will be placed under international control for the duration of its (likely long) process of dismantling them.
Instead of treating the deal as a movie-style happy ending, Secretary of State John Kerry is grousing about the war it has apparently foiled, lashing the deal as “not enough” while pushing the idea that the US might still attack Syria unilaterally in spite of the deal, seemingly just for the heck of it.’
Read full report:
Syria: Assad Supporters Beheaded In Public By Obama's Al Qaeda Allies.
Some of Assad's soldiers, who we can believe are no angels, have been publicly executed and butchered like animals in some of the most brutal scenes to emerge from Syria's civil war according to reports emerging from Syaria of some on the worst atrocities yet committed by the Al Qaeda and Obama administration sponsored groups fighting to overthrow the Assad government.
Warning: Explicit photos of violent executions shown at linked page.
Read full report:
Friday 13 September, 2013
NewsFrom World War Three - 13 September
Assad: Syria to hand over chem arms in 1 month, only if US drops strike plans
Syria will start handing over information on its chemical weapons to international groups a month after it signs the Chemical Weapons Convention, President Bashar Assad has told a Russian TV channel.
Damascus has agreed to a Russia proposal to put its chemical weapons stockpiles under international control.
“Syria is handing over its chemical weapons under international supervision because of Russia,” Assad said in an interview with state-run news channel Rossiya-24. “The US threats did not influence the decision.”
Within days Damascus promises to submit to the United Nations all documents required for joining the chemical weapons ban treaty. A month after Syria signs the Chemical Weapons Convention it will start handing over information on chemical weapons to international organizations.
“I believe the agreement will come into force a month after the signing and Syria will start submitting data on its chemical weapons stockpile to international organizations. These are standard procedures and we are going to stick to them,” he said.
Meanwhile, the UN says that it has received a letter from Syria on the country’s intention to join the treaty banning the production of chemical arms, their stockpiling and use. The Syrian government’s letter of accession is being translated, AP cited UN associate spokesman Farhan Haq as saying Thursday. Signing the letter accession begins the process for a country to become party to the international agreement, the official said.
Read more:
Is This Why Obomber is So Desperate for a Nice Little War?
‘The president and his coterie of humanitarian interventionist laptop bombers have been so desperate to push the US into another war in the Middle East they have resorted to cooking the US Intelligence Community books and cherry picking second-hand intercepts and other intelligence to a degree that would even have made President George W. Bush blush.
The “evidence” provided was nothing more than unsupported assertions masked by manufactured outrage and the suggestion that anyone who did not believe them was devoid of a moral compass and quite probably a supporter of Hitler
So why all the drama? Why the desperation to focus our attention externally, to monsters abroad in need of slaying?’
Read more: Is This Why Obomber is So Desperate for a Nice Little War?
Thursday 12 September, 2013
News From World War Three
Obama Says Al Qaeda Are Freedom Loving Pacifists
‘President Barack Obama suggested yesterday that the Syrian opposition, dominated by al-Qaeda militants including those who killed American troops in Iraq, “just want to live in peace with dignity and freedom.”
During his Sept. 10 speech from the White House on Syria, Obama pressed his case for the U.S. to enter the Syrian civil war on the side of the rebels, who are being led by Jabhat al-Nusra, the direct offshoot of Al-Qaeda in Iraq now described as the “most effective fighting force in Syria.”
“The majority of the Syrian people — and the Syrian opposition we work with — just want to live in peace, with dignity and freedom,” he said.’
So the war - monger in chief admits he has been collaborating with America's enemies?
Read more on this:
UN team finds no proof on chemical weapons
‘United Nations investigators have listed a wide range of crimes against humanity and war crimes committed in Syria, but provided no conclusion on the issue of chemical weapons use.
“On the evidence currently available, it was not possible to reach a finding about the chemical agents used, their delivery systems or the perpetrators,” the team probing human rights violations in Syria said in its latest report on Wednesday.’
Read more:
US Military Admits Rebels Had Sarin
‘As part of the Obama administration’s repeated insistence – though without offering proof – that the recent sarin gas attack near Damascus was the work of the Assad regime, the administration has downplayed or denied the possibility that al-Qaida-linked Syrian rebels could produce deadly chemical weapons.
However, in a classified document just obtained by WND, the U.S. military confirms that sarin was confiscated earlier this year from members of the Jabhat al-Nusra Front, the most influential of the rebel Islamists fighting in Syria.’
Read more …
Ex-UK Envoy: US Deceived by Mossad’s Fabricated Intelligence on Syria
A former British ambassador underlined that Britain has not had access to any conversation or document showing that the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government has used chemical weapons against its citizens, and said that the US has been deceived by the Israeli spy agency Mossad’s fabricated documents. Read more
Wednesday 11 Sptember, 2013
News From World War Three - 11 September
Or is the plan to relinquish chemical weapons a geopolitical master stroke?
‘As Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain – both aggressive supporters of military intervention – have indicated, Congress could now be made to vote for air strikes not on the dubious basis of last month’s alleged chemical weapons attack, a justification that has failed to convince the vast majority of representatives, but on the basis of a complex set of terms that would mandate Syria disarm or face US attack.
With lawmakers seemingly confident that Syria would agree to disarm now that ...
Read more:
Syria crisis: Obomber vows to keep pressure on Assad (yeah, yeah, yeah)
‘President Obama says he will pursue diplomatic efforts to remove Syria’s chemical weapons but has ordered the US military to “be in a position to respond” if such measures fail.
In a televised address, he said he had asked Congress to postpone a vote authorising the use of force.
The US has threatened ...
Read more:
The Geopolitical Realities of the Syrian War (video)
US Supreme Court In the Pocket of Big Business Says Firebrand Senator
‘The firebrand progressive Elizabeth Warren, a Senator from Massachusetts, went on the offensive against the Supreme Court at a labor convention Sunday. Warren told attendees at the AFL-CIO convention that the Supreme Court was too close to big business and warned of a “corporate capture of the federal courts,” Politico reported.
“You follow this pro-corporate trend to its logical conclusion, and sooner or later you’ll end up with a Supreme Court that functions as a wholly owned subsidiary of Big Business,” said Warren.’
Read More: Elizabeth Warren On Corporate Takeover Of Courts
Chemtrails - At last elected representatives are asking questions
At risk of being dubbed a crazy conspiracy theorist, a US Congressman has called for an investigation of 'chemtrails', the trails of chemical dust allegedly sprayed from aircraft that do not quickly disperse in the way the familiar condensation trails do. So what's going on, a geo engineering peoject or something related to social engineering.
Chemtrails - At last elected representatives are asking questions
Tuesday 10 September, 2013
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News From World War Three
Kerry gives Syria week to hand over chemical weapons or face attack but doesn't expect them to.
Shock, horror! Syria responds by agreeing to hand over illegal weapons.
‘The US Secretary of State John (Lurch) Kerry has said that President Bashar al-Assad has one week to hand over his entire stock of chemical weapons to avoid a military attack. But John Kerry added that he had no expectation that the Syrian leader would comply …
… The US Senate is due to vote this week on whether to approve an attack and Kerry was ambivalent over whether Barack Obama would use his powers to ignore the legislative chamber, if it were to reject an attack.’
Is this bluster? Or is he offering himself and Obama a way out of the battle for Congressional support that they now think they can’t win? The next few days will bring the answer.
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Syria agrees to Russian request put its chemical weapons under international control (Stymies Obama's Push For War)
Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem said late yesterday:
‘Damascus welcomes Russia’s call to hand control over its chemical weapons to the international community, the Syrian Foreign Minister said responding to Sergey Lavrov’s statement after the two met in the Russian capital. “Syrian Arab Republic welcomes Russia’s initiative, based on the Syrian’s government care about the lives of our people and security of our country,” Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem said in response to the statement by his Russian counterpart.
“We are calling on the Syrian authorities not only agree on putting chemical weapons storages under international control, but also for its further destruction and then joining the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons,” Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said earlier. The UN chief has called for measures to provide for the safe storage and destruction of the Syrian chemical weapons arsenal.’
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Show Us The Evidence Says Assad (video)
Bashar al Assad's interview with Charie Rose of CBS News in which the Syrian President says "show us the evidence," and accuses Obama of running a sovial networking government, a reference to the fact that all US Intelligence have produced as evidence of the Syrian government's incolvement in gas attacks is You Tube videos.
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China snatched away the Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India pipeline from USA
It was an American spin doctor although I can't remember which President he worked for, who said "Never let a good crisis go to waste and British Prime Minister Tony Blair who echoed the sentiment by describing september 11, 2001 as "a good day to buty bad news"
While the jug eared Jihadist currently occupying The White House has allowed himself to be totally distracted by the distraction he created in the middle east to take attention away from domestic problems, the Chinese have heeded the good, if amoral, advice and exploited the crisis to snatch away from the USA the economic benefit they hoped to gain from twelve years conflict in Afghanistan.
With a subtle motion of the hand” China took away the Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India (TAPI) pipeline project from USA and became yesterday the chief controller of gas resources in Central and South Asia.
Somebody else’s ideas and plans have been expropriated by means of contract for sale of 25 bn cu m of gas per year concluded between State Concern Turkmengas and Chinese Company CNPC. The deal will increase the total volume of Turkmen gas supplied to China up to 65 bn cu m. At the same time the agreement is achieved on the planned new direction of Turkmenistan – China pipeline (D direction) for additional supplies.
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MK Ultra, Mind Control And The Micromanagement Of Society
To be able to control the minds of the population has been a goal of governments from Nazi Germant and Stalinist Russia to leaders of the irnically described 'free world' today. Here is information on one of the social engineering programs governments are using, MK Ultra.
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Monday 9 September, 2013
News From World War Three
U.S. Congress Members Who Have Seen Classified Evidence About Syria Say It Fails to Prove Anything
The administration’s public case for chemical weapons use by the Syrian government is extremely weak, and former high-level intelligence officers say that publicly-available information proves that the Syrian government likely did not carry out the chemical weapons attacks.
The Obama administration claims that classified intelligence proves that it was the Assad government which carried out the attacks.
But numerous congressional members who have seen the classified intelligence information say that it is no better than the public war brief … and doesn’t prove anything.
Congressman Justin Amash said last week:
What I heard in Obama admn briefing actually makes me more skeptical of certain significant aspects of Pres’s case for attacking
He noted yesterday, after attending another classified briefing and reviewing more classified materials:
Attended another classified briefing on #Syria & reviewed add’l materials. Now more skeptical than ever. Can’t believe Pres is pushing war.
And today, Amash wrote: ... read full story at Washingtons Blog
" ... irrespective of intelligence" says it all
Syria Nerve gas investigation points to Obama backed jihadists as White House Chief of Staff Admits they don't have evidence Assad carried it out.
Obama's Chief of Staff White House Denis McDonough admitted today on the five Sunday shows, "All of that leads to, as I say, a quite strong common sense test, irrespective of the intelligence, that suggests that the regime carried this out," McDonough said.
He then reframed the question this way: "Do we have a picture or do we have irrefutable, beyond a reasonable doubt evidence?" McDonough said. "This is not a court of law. And intelligence does not work that way," he said, answering his own question.
Read full story:
Or fire up your built in bullshit detector and then watch this video of an obama administration official lying through his shit eating teeth.:
Obama Administration Denies AssociaObama Administration Denies AP Requests For Syria Evidenceted Press Requests For Syria Evidence
The Associated Press ran a skeptical piece Sunday about the Obama administration's public case for military intervention in Syr
ia in response to a reported Aug. 21 chemical attack.
The AP's Zeina Karam and Kimberly Dozier wrote that "the U.S. government insists it has the intelligence to prove it, but the public has yet to see a single piece of concrete evidence produced by U.S. intelligence -- no satellite imagery, no transcripts of Syrian military communications -- connecting the government of President Bashar Assad to the alleged chemical weapons attack last month that killed hundreds of people."
The Obama administration has released videos to make its case, but the AP noted that it's requests for additional evidence the government claims to possess have been denied: Read all:
US Congress Members Denied Access To Syria Gas Evidence Too,
(Make one wonder what Mr. Hopey Changey and his cronies are trying to hide)
While seeking authority for a limited war with Syria, the Obama administration withheld from the American people the US intelligence on the alleged chemical weapons attack of August 21, amid assurances that Congress got all the secret details. But that doesn’t appear to be true, reports Robert Parry.
A U.S. congressman who has read the Obama administration’s classified version of intelligence on the alleged Syrian poison gas attack says the report is only 12 pages – just three times longer than the sketchy unclassified public version – and is supported by no additional hard evidence.
Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Florida, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, also said the House Intelligence Committee had to make a formal request to the administration for “the underlying intelligence reports” and he is unaware if those details have been forthcoming, suggesting that the classified report – like the unclassified version – is more a set of assertions than a presentation of evidence.
“We have reached the point where the classified information system prevents even trusted members of Congress, who have security clearances, from learning essential facts, and then inhibits them from discussing and debating what they do know,” Grayson wrote in an op-ed for the New York Times on Saturday.
“And this extends to matters of war and peace, money and blood. The ‘security state’ is drowning in its own phlegm. My position is simple: if the administration wants me to vote for war, on this occasion or on any other, then I need to know all the facts. And I’m not the only one who feels that way.”
Read full story at Truth Out
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Sunday 8 September, 2013
Obama's Case For War With Syria Based On Lies Of His Own Invention
High-Level U.S. Intelligence Officers Say Assad Government Didn’t Launch Chemical Weapons
Numerous intelligence officials are now questioning the Obama administration’s claims that the poison gas attacks being used to justify US air strikes and a possible invasion of Syria were not in fact the work of the Assad government.
Without doubt, intelligence is being manipulated to justify war against Syria. See the evidence Here ... here ... here ... here and here. Let's hope that is enough evidence for The Obamessiah's few remaining loyalists in the US Congress.
It is beyond doubt, the Syrian rebels had access to chemical weapons … and have apparently used them in the recent past.
Associated Press reported last week:
An intercept of Syrian military officials discussing the strike was among low-level staff, with no direct evidence tying the attack back to an Assad insider or even a senior Syrian commander, the officials said.
So while Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday that links between the attack and the Assad government are “undeniable,” U.S. intelligence officials are not so certain that the suspected chemical attack was carried out on Assad’s orders, or even completely sure it was carried out by government forces, the officials said.
Read full report at Global Research
Likely Consequences From Potential Syrian Attack Look Unsustainable For USA
Following an informal meeting on Thursday between President Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin, Putin made clear that he would continue to provide all manner of military aid to Syria’s President Assad.

S-300 similar to ones given to Assad by Russia. (Picture credit: Wikimedia Commons
Such aid would include completing delivery of the S-300 defense missiles ordered by Syria but temporarily delayed over payment issues. The S-300 radar system can simultaneously track up to 100 different targets and deploy as many as 12 missiles in retaliation inside five minutes.
Rep. George Holding (R-N.C.) quizzed General Martin Dempsey, chairman of Obama’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, about the dangers of such an action: “We can certainly say that Russia would have options to strike us in that theater in retaliation for us striking their ally.… [What would the United States do] if Russia decided to strike at us…?” Dempsey demurred, saying only that “it wouldn’t be helpful in this setting to speculate about that.” But a retaliatory action of some sort by Russia is one possible consequence of a U.S. attack on Syria.
Read full report:
Busted: UK-US Backed Terrorist Doubles as Rebel Fighter AND fake Sarin Gas Attack Victim
US- and UK-supported and supplied terrorists hired both to murder people, including slaughtering them with poison gas, but also to act as crisis actors in order to create the justification for US and UK interventionism on behalf of the Zionist regime.
Countless hundreds of hired terrorist moles, Arab-Muslim in appearance, are acting on behalf of the US-UK-Israeli axis as crisis actors, which is a major revelation and which, therefore, proves that the entire claim by Obama of the need for a humanitarian strike against Syria is a categorical fraud.
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Obama's allies, the US Backed Syrian Rebels Gang Raped, Executed 15-Year Old Christian Girl
Once again, the corporate media is working for the state and is pretending certain things didn’t happen. They are making it all too evident who they work for by ignoring stories that would get them a lot of views and business such as this one.
The ‘Syrian Rebels’, are murdering, raping terrorists and have been given much support and many deadly weaponry by the US government. And now they’ve now been caught gang raping and executing a 15-year old girl, possibly because she was Christian. Read full story:
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Saturday 7 September, 2013
Friday, 6 September, 2013
Desperate To Sew Up Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations At Any Cost, Politicians Agree All Future Meetings Will Be Completely Secret
The Trans Pacific Partnership is a nasty little secret several US Presidents have kept quiet. The trtaitor and war criminalk Barack Hussein Obama however sees it as his best chance to stab the american people in the back.
Desperate To Sew Up TPP Negotiations At Any Cost, Politicians Agree All Future Meetings Will Be Completely Secret
from the slap-in-the-public's-face dept
We've been reporting for several years about the extraordinary levels of secrecy surrounding the TPP negotiations, where little information was released about what was going on, and there were few opportunities for representatives of civic and other groups to meet with negotiators to present their point of view. More recently, there have been some indications that this lack of transparency is fuelling increasing discontent among some of the participating nations.
In order to get the trade deal sewn up by the end of this year, and before resistance spreads further, the negotiators have decided to hold 'inter-sessional' meetings for the remaining
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Thrursday 5 September
US and Britain Had Foreknowledge of Aug 21 False Flag ‘Chemical Attack’ in Syria
Time for The Daily Stirrer to say, "We told you so," again as Obamagets an erection like a cocktail stick at the though of the joint American / Israeli genocide machine revs up for mass exterminations in Syria.
from 21st Century Wire:
As we predicted, there has been an onslaught of lies and an orgy of government and media-driven propaganda designed to sway public opinion towards a new war in Syria. Here’s what you need to know…
It appears now that the US, Britain and its allies have been lying to the public about recent events in Syria. More evidence of both American and British involvement in the coordination and the timing of the August 21, 2013 alleged ‘chemical attacke’ is now surfacing, and will continue to surface long after this US-Israeli centered military operation is underway. Of course, there is no case for war based on the false premises which are presently being stuffed down the throats of a public who overwhelmingly do not want to see another war waged by the United States-led axis powers.
Here’s one item which our readers might consider sharing far and wide, written this week by Yossef Bodansky, the Director of Research at the International Strategic Studies Association (ISSA) and Senior Editor of Defense & Foreign Affairs publications (including the Global Information System: GIS), was, for more than a decade, the Director of the US House of Representatives Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare.
Readers might also consider inquiring about which British MPs and US Congressman, or Senators were present at, or around the period mentioned below, meeting with the rebel Free Syrian Army command, and ask if they have in fact violated the law, or their legal role as your elected representatives. It seems that we are being lied to…
Read full story.
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China warns of economic consequences if the United States attacks Syria
John , Tavern Keepers
September 5, 2013
On Thursday before the start of the G20 leaders talk, Russia and China affirmed their increasingly positive relations. President Putin told the Chinese Vice Finance Minister:
"Relations between our countries are developing in good pace. We remain in constant contact personally and our colleagues keep in touch regularly.”
He also stated that the Russian-Chinese relations had ‘significant intrinsic value.’
Chinese Vice Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao went on to speak at a briefing before the G20 leaders officially began their meeting. He warned that an American attack on Syria would hurt the world economy and push up oil prices. According to Guangyao:
"Military action would have a negative impact on the global economy, especially on the oil price – it will cause a hike in the oil price.”
He also joined with Russia to warn the United States Federal Reserve that ending the quantitative easing program would also be bad on the world economy. Guangyao urged the Fed to be:
"mindful of the spillover effects and work to contribute to the stability of the global financial markets and the steady recovery of the global economy.”
So, Russia and China are growing increasingly close, in part over their united opposition to Western involvement in Syria. I think its also obvious that they want us to destroy our currency so that ... Read all
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Wednesday 4 September 2013
News From Hell, Obama Plans 90 Day Blitz Of Syria
Yes you read that right, the clinical strike U.S. Lying-Shit-In-Chief Barack Hussein Obama and his spooky sidekick Beanz-Meanz-Kerry have spoken of in their attempts to win international support for their desire to murder Syrians is not a one off hit with Cruise missiles, a shot across the bow as the Jug-Eared-Jihadist in one of his most hypocritical speeches yet spoke of to the American people.
What they plan is a 90 day bombing blitz which will effectively destroy what's left of Syria's national infrastructure and allow Obama's Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood terrorist allies to take over the stricken nation.
Read this from The Guardian:
'US senators will begin a series of votes on Wednesday to authorise a 90-day window for US military action against Syria, as the Obama administration's campaign to win over sceptics in Congress gained momentum ...
... In the evening, details emerged of the committee's revisions to a the White House's proposals for a military authorisation. They set a window limited to 60 days for military action – during which Obama could order the limited, tailored strikes he has foreshadowed – while allowing for a single 30-day extension subject to conditions. Democrat committee chairman Bob Menendez and his Republican counterpart Bob Corker also added a provision banning any use of US armed forces on the ground in Syria.'
In 60 days, let alone 90, US missile strikes could have destroyed Assad's military capability to such an extent that the US-funded-and-armed Al-Qaeda 'rebels', who have chopped up their victims and eaten their body parts, would be able to conquer the country.
This is the real reason why they are so desperate to attack Syria and the 'chemical weapons' lie is just the excuse.
As for a ban on 'troops on the ground', US military personnel have been in the region since long before the civil war began covertly training their 'Al-Qaeda' puppets for the assault on the Assad regime and you don't need thousands of troops in Syria to destroy its defence systems - just a barrage of missile strikes which is exactly what they plan to do.
Read full story
On Tuesday, a day ahead of the vote a flurry of pork barrel politics in Washington swung some key figures in the US Congress (and paid employees of the military / industrial complex behind Obama's relentless drive for World War Three. Despite the main justification for the attack, the alleged gas attack by Assad's forces, having been exposed as a hoax probably orchestrated by American and Israeli agents, bribery, bullying, lies and relentless propaganda have swung opinion in Washington towards war although among the American people opinion is hardening against war.
With the chances of a vote in Congress next week approving the genocide of the Syrian Alawi people and other minorities such as the Syriac Christians looking stronger, Obama will now head to Europe in the hope of persuading more world leaders to back his strategy.
President François Hollande, the cheese eating Crapaud surrender money in charge of France called on Europe's leaders to unite in supporting the destruction of Syria and the murder of millions of its people, public opinion in France is as strongly opposed to war is in America and Britain. Hopes in Washington that Britain might hold a fresh parliamentary vote over joining military action were dashed on Monday, when prime minister David Cameron ruled out such a move.
The White House first announced that it would provide limited military support to Syrian rebel groups in June, but it has been criticised for dragging its heels over fears that arms might fall into the wrong hands. Now Obama is determined to convince the world that he hands of his Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood terrorist allies are exactly the right one to put weapons that can kill thousands of us in the west into.
As FUKUS axis of evil prepares to attack Syria, Russia and China put on war alert
Another world shaking story that the free world's mainstream media chose not to tell us about even though it should have dominated newspaper headlines and broadcast news bulletins for months. It tells of how Russia and China knew of Military / Industrial / Banking New World Order office boy Obama's plans to start World War Three back in 2011. Everything their intelligence predicted has happened
Scalar Waves: Nicola Tesla's Forgotten Discovery, Devastating weapons And A Source Of Clean, Cost Free Energy
A infinite supply of cost free, clean electricity that has been know to the world for over a hundred years but never exploited? Is Ian talking about a science fiction story? you might well ask. Well no, I'm not. Scalar Waves, discovered by Nikola Tesler have that potential along with the potential to put the energy companies outr of business.
The Most Secretive And Oppressive regime In The Modern World.
When talk turns to the suppression of free speech by totalitarian regimes, we think of Soviet Russia, Maoist China, Nazi Germany, the theocratic dictorships of the middle east and the regimes of bemedalled buffoons with a taste for killing their country's citizens. but increasingly it is governments in the west that are suppressing freee speech.
Obama's Lust For War Could Turn Out Very Badly For The West
For two years the great peacemaker and joybringer, Mr. Hopey Changey Man himself, Brack Hussein Obama has been trying to find a way to intervene in the Syrian civil war on the side of the anti Assad rebels and fanatical Islamic Jihadists without pissing off Russia and China too much.
Poison Gas Used In Syria Sparks Calls For Western Military Invasion
Claims circulating in Washington, London and Brussels that chemical weapons have been used in the Syrian conflict have prompted less conspiracy theories and more intelligent discussion that we might expect. Even so commentators in mainstream media have divided into two opposing camps – those who believe that President Obama's failure to ...
Syria's Dirty War Looks Set To Get Dirtier
'From unobtrusive, anonymous offices scattered around the middle east, in Qatar, Jordan, Turkey and Croatia, CIA officers have acted as brokers and overseers of a programme of massive arms shipment to Syria's rebels. The western powers operation to support those trying to overthrow the Assad regime is officially denied and ...
Islamic Cleric Announces Fatwah Allowing The Legal Rape Of Syrian Women By Anti Assad Rebels
An Islamic cleric has pronounced a fatwa that permits US-backed FSA rebels to rape non-Sunni women in Syria as part of a "sexual jihad" that has so far involved girls as young as 14 being transported to remote areas of the country to service the needs of ...
France sends more troops to Mali as UN backs intervention
A contingent of 750 French troops has joined the offensive against Islamist rebels in Mali, French president Francois Hollande said in Abu Dhabi on Tuesday after France secured fresh UN backing for its military action
Aristotle, Obama and the death of Mainstream Media
The murder of four American's by Islamic Jihadists at Benghazi the inaction of the Obama administration during the attack and the lies put out by The White House in the aftermath should have triggered a scandal a million times bigger than Watergate. So why have mainstream news organizations hardly touched it. ...
Egypt Heads Back To Dictatorship As Muslim Brotherhood Leader grants himself Absolute Power
The ghosts of dictators like Nasser and Mubarak returned to haunt Egypt as Muslim Brotherhood leader and recently elected President Mohammed Morsi granted himself absolute power over the secular and military sectors of Egyptian government ...
Assad Speak Out On West's Syria Invasion
by Egbert nobakon
President Bashar al-Assad has said a Western invasion of Syria would have "global consequences" warned that the cost of such action would be unbearable. The Sayrian Dictator also rejected calls from David Cameron and others that he seek a safe
Middle East
Science and Technology
Daily Stirrer - September 2013
Tuesday 3 September, 2013
War Lover Obama May Have Underestimated Syria
by Arthur Foxake
Russia has supplied its ally Syria with highly advanced missile launchers, anti-aircraft missiles and anti-ship missiles. In fact, the P-800 Yakhont anti-ship missiles that Russia has equipped Syria with are the most advanced anti-ship missiles that Russia has and probably more than equal to anything in the U.s. armoury.
When the United States strikes Syria, as it surely will because Obama has announced he will order the attack even if Congress votes against it, the Americans might be quite surprised at how hard Syria can hit back. The Syrian military is the most formidable adversary that the U.S. military has tangled with in the Middle East by far. From Syria, P-800 Yakhont anti-ship missiles can cover much of the eastern Mediterranean and can even reach air bases in Cyprus. If the U.S. Navy is not very careful to stay out of range, news reports could be carrying pictures of wreched American Navy ships sinking into the Mediterranean Sea. And once the American people see such footage, it will be impossible to stop a full-blown war between the United States and Syria which would certainly bring in Russia and Iran and possibly China on the side of Syria .
Syria possesses the kind of highly advanced weapons systems that Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya did not have. Anyone who thinks a Syrian war is just a question of hitting them with a few cruise milssiles is extremely naive. Syria has weapons Russian leader Vfladimir Putin describes as " never before been seen" in the Middle East.
The following is from a recent article by Mac Slavo...
According to the report from Syrian-based
Dam Press and the Dyar Newspaper, the Russians aren’t backing off their Syria policy and they are getting ready to double down by supplying Assad’s military with weapons the have never before been seen in the middle east.
If and when Western forces engage the Syrian army you can be assured that it will be nothing like the 1991 conflict in Iraq when a hundred thousand of Saddam Hussein’s soldiers surrendered without firing a shot. Nor will it be a no-fly zone free-for-all where air forces will be able to target military assets as they did in Libya without being challenged. No, this time will be different.
Posted below are some excerpts from a translation of the article from theDam Press story mentioned by Mac Slavo...
The Patriot Missiles will be hit and repealed with S300 SAM [already installed in Syria]. Putin also threatened to deliver the more advanced S400 anti-aircraft missiles ----- He added that Russia will also supply Syria with state-of-the-art 24-Barrell rocket launchers which have a range of 60 km ranked as the most developed artillery weapon of its kind. ----- Putin clearly stated that the Middle East is going to witness a significant change.
Syria will be armed with weapons that have never been seen before [in the Middle East] including computer guided smart missiles that never miss their target. He also added that Russia will supply Syria with Skean 5 ground-to-sea missiles that are capable of hitting and sinking any target up to 250 km off the Syrian coast.
The weapons systems mentioned in that article are very powerful. For instance, the video posted below contains footage of the rocket launchers mentioned in the article...
Of greatest concern for the U.S. military however are the anti-ship missiles which Syria has recently taken delivery of. According to the New York Times, the P-800 Yakhont anti-ship missiles that Russia has sent to Syria are equipped with highly advanced radar capabilities, a move that illustrates the depth of its support for the Syrian government led by President Bashar al-Assad, American officials said Thursday.
Russia has previously provided a version of the missiles, called Yakhonts, to Syria. But those delivered recently are outfitted with an advanced radar that makes them more effective, according to American officials who are familiar with classified intelligence reports and would only discuss the shipment on the basis of anonymity. These missiles have a range of approximately 180 miles, and they can do an extraordinary amount of damage... The missiles are about 22 feet long, carry either a high-explosive or armor-piercing warhead, and have a range of about 180 miles, according to Jane’s weapons, the definitive technical publication for military equipment. They can be steered to a target’s general location by longer-range radars, but each missile has its own radar to help evade a ship’s defenses as it approaches its target.
Two senior American officials said that the most recent shipment contained missiles with a more advanced guidance system than earlier shipments. Posted below is video footage of a test firing of a P-800 Yakhont anti-ship missile...
These missiles have the range that makes them capable of hitting targets in Cyprus. Perhaps someone should tell U.S. military planners that it is probably not a good idea to be parking so much air power at bases there. It also looks like the Syrians are going to have plenty of naval targets to shoot at as well. According to Reuters, a U.S. carrier group will soon be joining the five U.S. destroyers that are already parked in the eastern Mediterranean.
As FUKUS axis of evil prepares to attack Syria, Russia and China put on war alert
Another world shaking story that the free world's mainstream media chose not to tell us about even though it should have dominated newspaper headlines and broadcast news bulletins for months. It tells of how Russia and China knew of Military / Industrial / Banking New World Order office boy Obama's plans to start World War Three back in 2011. Everything their intelligence predicted has happened
Scalar Waves: Nicola Tesla's Forgotten Discovery, Devastating weapons And A Source Of Clean, Cost Free EnergyA infinite supply of cost free, clean electricity that has been know to the world for over a hundred years but never exploited? Is Ian talking about a science fiction story? you might well ask. Well no, I'm not. Scalar Waves, discovered by Nikola Tesler have that potential along with the potential to put the energy companies outr of business.
The Most Secretive And Oppressive regime In The Modern World.
When talk turns to the suppression of free speech by totalitarian regimes, we think of Soviet Russia, Maoist China, Nazi Germany, the theocratic dictorships of the middle east and the regimes of bemedalled buffoons with a taste for killing their country's citizens. but increasingly it is governments in the west that are suppressing freee speech.
Obama's Lust For War Could Turn Out Very Badly For The West
For two years the great peacemaker and joybringer, Mr. Hopey Changey Man himself, Brack Hussein Obama has been trying to find a way to intervene in the Syrian civil war on the side of the anti Assad rebels and fanatical Islamic Jihadists without pissing off Russia and China too much.
Poison Gas Used In Syria Sparks Calls For Western Military Invasion
Claims circulating in Washington, London and Brussels that chemical weapons have been used in the Syrian conflict have prompted less conspiracy theories and more intelligent discussion that we might expect. Even so commentators in mainstream media have divided into two opposing camps – those who believe that President Obama's failure to ...
Syria's Dirty War Looks Set To Get Dirtier
'From unobtrusive, anonymous offices scattered around the middle east, in Qatar, Jordan, Turkey and Croatia, CIA officers have acted as brokers and overseers of a programme of massive arms shipment to Syria's rebels. The western powers operation to support those trying to overthrow the Assad regime is officially denied and ...
Islamic Cleric Announces Fatwah Allowing The Legal Rape Of Syrian Women By Anti Assad Rebels
An Islamic cleric has pronounced a fatwa that permits US-backed FSA rebels to rape non-Sunni women in Syria as part of a "sexual jihad" that has so far involved girls as young as 14 being transported to remote areas of the country to service the needs of ...
France sends more troops to Mali as UN backs intervention
A contingent of 750 French troops has joined the offensive against Islamist rebels in Mali, French president Francois Hollande said in Abu Dhabi on Tuesday after France secured fresh UN backing for its military action
Aristotle, Obama and the death of Mainstream Media
The murder of four American's by Islamic Jihadists at Benghazi the inaction of the Obama administration during the attack and the lies put out by The White House in the aftermath should have triggered a scandal a million times bigger than Watergate. So why have mainstream news organizations hardly touched it. ...
Egypt Heads Back To Dictatorship As Muslim Brotherhood Leader grants himself Absolute Power
The ghosts of dictators like Nasser and Mubarak returned to haunt Egypt as Muslim Brotherhood leader and recently elected President Mohammed Morsi granted himself absolute power over the secular and military sectors of Egyptian government ...
Assad Speak Out On West's Syria Invasion
by Egbert nobakon
President Bashar al-Assad has said a Western invasion of Syria would have "global consequences" warned that the cost of such action would be unbearable. The Sayrian Dictator also rejected calls from David Cameron and others that he seek a safe
Middle East
Science and Technology
Monday 2 Spetember, 2013
Why has study saying GM crops can kill been ignored?
'A scientific study suggesting genetically modified food killed rats has been suppressed because of lobbying by multinational biotech corporations, environmental campaigners claim.
The study by researchers under Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini at the University of Caen in northern France ran into an immediate barrage of condemnation when it was published. As a result, it has been largely ignored by the media, and is mostly unknown in the UK.
But campaign groups are now seeking to change that in a series of public meetings across the UK starring Seralini. He is a molecular biologist and president of the scientific board of the Committee of Independent Research and Information on Genetic Engineering.'
British nurses consider quitting their jobs over incompetent managment
'A Royal College of Nursing (RCN) survey of 10,000 staff members show that 62 percent of nurses have considered leaving their jobs over the last year as they felt overburdened by working more unpaid hours.
More than 60 percent of nurses say they could not give patients the care they would want to as they were extremely busy during work hours. Over 80 percent also believed their workload had increased in the last 12 months.
“Salaries have remained static while household bills are rising, and people are finding it really hard” said Rachael McIlroy, from the RCN.'
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